The thoughts of the fairy tail follow your heart

Chapter 221: One Night-The Most Handsome Man


The towers in the sky collapsed suddenly, countless rubble fell from the sky, and the smoke and dust raised were dozens of meters high.


Eleven was the first to hit the ground, but before he could see the surroundings clearly, a gust of wind blew around him, and a large area of ​​flying dust was instantly emptied.

The open wings of the giant dragon covered the sky and the moon. A huge dragon's mouth tore the air and bit it down with its big mouth open.

"Human! I will break your corpse into pieces! Roar!!!" The shattering of Dragon Cry completely made Animus lose all his sanity.

400 years ago, Animus was defeated by a powerful dragon slayer and nearly died.In desperation, he could only sign a symbiosis agreement with a little human girl who was originally used as food, and it has been lingering until today.

No matter who it is, it is an unbearable suffering to live with one's own food for 400 years, let alone a proud dragon.

Animus has been using the body of food for 400 years, pretending to be food, doing what food should do, and even commanding a large group of food...

God knows how greedy he is... No, God knows how painful he is!!

It was not long ago that the appearance of Long Cry allowed him to rediscover the dawn of freedom!

Dragon Cry contains the power that can dissolve the symbiosis agreement, and a large amount of dragon soul resentment can help him restore his peak state and completely get rid of the shackles of this human body.

but!The human in front of them ruined the dragon cry!


This human has ruined his last hope!

Let him be imprisoned in this incomplete body from now on!Let him no longer have the fighting power that a giant dragon should have!

The sin deserves death!Unforgivable!

"Roar!! Die! Die! Go to die!!!"

The eyes of Animus are red, and the whole body emits a scarlet light, like a shooting star, facing the ground, in a posture to die with Eleven!

Eleven didn't even have time to look up, his hair exploded, and his strong sense of crisis pushed his potential to the limit.

The faint blue color in the eyes drew two streams of light, and the thought force slapped on the ground. The next moment the whole person drew a semicircular arc in the air, passing by the fast-falling dragon.

"The power of thinking!"

The moment the Animus touched the ground, Eleven had already circled above him, and his majestic thought power instantly fell, slamming him to the ground fiercely.

The Animus was already crazy, no matter whether he hit Eleven or if anyone hit him from behind, there was no sign of regaining strength, and he slammed into the ground.


Tonight is destined to be a sleepless night for the Kingdom of Stella. First, the tallest sacrificial tower in the city suddenly collapsed, and then a giant dragon madly attacked the earth, instantly turning the tower into a deep pit.

The boulder debris that had been scattered in all directions was once again blasted away, and this time it fell farther, and the entire Altaïr city was turned into ruins in a blink of an eye.

The citizens cried and ran away, and the fire rose into the sky. The originally quiet night sky was dyed red by the fire, like the door of hell.

Of course, Eleven, who was closest to the explosion center, was not immune to it. He was blown and rolled in the air by the violent air wave, and was blown out for thousands of meters before he could stabilize his figure.

But when Eleven looked back at the big pit, he was horrified to find that the culprit dragon had crawled out, and the terrifying impact just now did not cause him any harm.

With his breath locked on Eleven in the air, Animus roared and slammed the ground with one foot, and then came out. The target was directed at Eleven, with murderous intent in his scarlet eyes.

"Big hit·Multiple rain!"

As soon as the Animus rushed out, countless huge rock pillars rose from the ground and slammed on his chin from the bottom up. The powerful force even directly raised the dragon's body instantly. , Directly rumbling to the ground.

"Mr. Jura!" Eleven exclaimed in surprise.

Jura didn't pay attention to Eleven, but stood directly in front of the dragon, with his palms folded in front of his chest, and a terrifying magic power rose into the sky.


At this moment, the world changed color, lightning and thunder, the magic power of the tenth level of Saint, shaking the world!

Jura can see clearly that no one can live without stopping the dragon.

It's desperately time!


The Animus felt the powerful wave of magic power in front of him, four claws lying on the ground, roaring and roaring, the terrifying wave of air could even blow the boulder away, and a more terrifying wave of magic power also rose into the sky, similar to the magic of Jura. Bumped together.

Tiny humans dare to compete with the dragon!

Jura ignored the stinky breath of Animus, and slapped her palms toward the ground fiercely.

"Ouyi·Rock Iron Giant Buddha!"


The earth trembled, and a hill-like statue of a demon god rose from the ground. The huge body was no less inferior to the giant dragon in front of him, and his fists collided with great power.

"Rock Mountain!!!" Jura yelled, standing behind the stone statue, and his magic burst out.

The rock giant opened his arms and slapped his palms directly at the dragon's head.

However, the Animus was not afraid of this kind of earth-shaking attack, and the huge dragon claw directly greeted him.Not to mention that he is irrational now, even if he does, he will not evade at all.

The skin of giant dragons has natural resistance to human magic, as if human magic is inherently weaker than that of giant dragons by three points.Regardless of the nature of the dragon, when facing humans, it will choose to be frontal and tough!

But only magic is weak, and mental power is no longer in this category!

"The power of thinking!"

The moment Animus confronted the rock giant, a huge pressure directly hit his dragon head, making his entire dragon pause, and he was slapped hard by the rock giant.

One blow worked, and Eleven's eyes were cold, and his mental power was released, and the attacks of thought power suddenly fell like rain, one after another.Jura's rock giant also cooperated and thumped his arms.

However, after the initial panic, the dragon Animus slowly stood up in the attack of Eleven and Jura.

The attack worked, but the power is still too weak!


A crystal roar of dragon's breath directly disrupted the rhythm of the attacks of Eleven and Jura, and the rock giant's chest was instantly opened out of a huge hollow.

The Animus shook his huge body and slammed into the giant rock, knocking the giant hill-like into flight.

At the same time, the dragon's tail behind him swung unexpectedly, and he drew it directly into the air, who was still paying attention to the rock giant.


The Mind Power Shield was instantly covered with cracks, and Eleven's body slammed into the ground like a kite with a broken line.If this happens, Eleven will lose the ability to fight if he is not dead.

This is the dragon!Even if it is just a random action, the weak human beings simply cannot bear it.

However, Eleven did not usher in the shock he expected, instead he was embraced by a strong figure just before he hit the ground.

"MAN! Lord Eleven, the night born for you will save you!"

Even though the muscular man only wore a pair of braced and tattered shorts, his appearance was still shining.

"Cough! Cough!"

Eleven coughed out two mouthfuls of blood foam, looked at it with some gratitude all night, and looked at the struggling rock giant again. Eleven was struggling to return to the battlefield, but he suddenly realized that his whole body was in pain. , It was so painful that it was extremely difficult for him to move.

"MAN! Mr. Eleven, don't move around. Look at me, it relieves pain and fragrance!"

I didn’t know where I took out a small green test tube overnight, and released a green aroma. This time it was really aroma, or it was the kind that made people smell very comfortable, which made Eleven feel the pain in his body. Alleviated.

"Ahem, Mr. Yiye, don't care about me, go help Jura, he can't last long by himself." Eleven supported the ground and pushed away the perfume that had been spent all night, looking anxious.

All night, he looked at the ruining battlefield on the other side with a serious face. To tell the truth, his magic didn't help him at all in this kind of battle, and the root of the aroma could not float on the dragon.

However, it was only a serious one night, and then put on a cool expression to Eleven, and gave a thumbs up: "MAN! Then leave this dragon to me to solve it!"

Eleven stared blankly at the glittering night. At this moment, he suddenly felt something. He subconsciously stretched out his small pants for the whole night, causing the handsomely left night to pounce on the ground, even showing a half-pull. Ass.

"Mr. Yiye, what are you going to do? Why...why do I feel you want to..." Eleven looked at Yiye in disbelief.

One night a Gulu got up from the ground, first put on a handsome look, then said: "Mr. Eleven, the responsibility of a handsome guy is very heavy!"

"Wait! Wait! No need to do this! You don't need to die! We must have other ways! Ahem~"

Eleven did not pay attention to his handsome speech all night, UU reading www.uukanshu.Instead, he shouted hoarsely.Had it not been for his weakness now, he might have been on his body overnight.

"Mr. Eleven! Some things must be done by someone. MAN! If my scent can explode in the dragon's body, it will definitely have a not weak effect. Then you and Jura will combine it It's fine to avenge me by defeating! MAN!" He changed into a handsome look overnight and said calmly.

"No, don't do this, there must be..."


Just when Eleven wanted to say something to stop the night, suddenly two test tubes were inserted into his nostrils.A super refreshing breath even rushed straight into the brain from the nose, like squeezing two catties of mustard into the nose, shocking the brain!

"Zero-distance inhalation-super strong and refreshing fragrance! MAN!" The two test tubes were pulled out of Eleven's nostrils overnight in a very handsome posture.

Seeing Eleven who had fainted because he was refreshing in the past, he once again assumed the pose of the last handsome guy overnight, and said in a deep voice.

"Eleven, I'll take care of you next."


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