The thoughts of the fairy tail follow your heart

Chapter 222: The Devil's Birthday


Just when the dragon and the rock giant were entangled together, a strong muscled man suddenly broke into the battlefield and flew a punch to the dragon's nose.

Of course, this punch didn't have any effect at all. On the contrary, the muscular man himself was blown off and hit the ground several times.However, the muscular man was not embarrassed at all. Instead, he quickly stood up and dented his handsome look in front of the dragon.

"MAN! Sniff! Sniff! As expected of a giant dragon, there is an unpleasant fragrance all over the body! MAN!"


Animus was annoyed by this little bug in front of him, and shouted at the night.

He didn't care all night, he still stood in front of Animus, and even deliberately asked about the dragon's bad breath, comparing it with the fragrance of his armpit.

The sudden appearance overnight gave Jura a chance to breathe, and he hurriedly took the opportunity to mend the rock giant and adjust the magic.Although I don't know why I ran to die overnight, but I was also an S-rank magician, so it would be meaningful to do so.

However, Jura did not take long to rest. The irrational Animus didn't care to watch a night of muscle show. For him at this time, one night was just a food that came to his mouth.


The blood basin was bitten directly, and he didn't evade all night, until he was completely swallowed, he was still handsome.

"One night!!" At this moment, Jura cracked his teeth and frantically urged the rock giant to save the night, but it was too late.

My companion was swallowed by a dragon in front of my own eyes!

Jura's eyes were red, and the magic in his body skyrocketed by three points again. The boulders on the ground rolled, all converging towards the rock giant.In the blink of an eye, the entire rock giant swelled in a circle and became even bigger and stronger.

Animus also raised his head, roared loudly, and launched a charge towards the rock giant.But at this moment, the sound of the whole night came from the belly of Animus.

"The fragrance is enhanced!"

"Loss of warfare fragrance!"

"Pain and fragrant!"

"The concentration MAX is released in the body!"



At this moment, a large amount of red and yellow smoke erupted from every hole in the dragon's body.

Annimston, who was rushing forward, staggered and fell directly to the ground.The severe pain made him twitch all over.The unspeakable smell filled his whole body even more, and he even felt his blood stinks.

Even if the Animus had lost his sanity, he couldn't help but wailed and struggled.Even if I cover my nose, the smell still rushes to my brain, even if I twist my body, the pain in my body cannot be relieved at all.

Animus' feeling at this time is just one word, sour!

Jura looked at the state of the Animus in surprise, thinking it was an excellent time to attack.But when he thought that this opportunity was actually exchanged for his partner's life, he was not happy again.

Gritting his teeth and controlling the giant rock, he wanted to beat the dog in water.

But the next second, Jura was stunned again, because he found that his rock giant was out of control!

"Wow ha ha ha ha ha! Jura, let me play with your stone man! Ha ha ha ha ha ha!" There was a burst of crazy laughter in the ear.

Looking along the voice, Jura found that there was a person standing on top of his rock giant.This person's spirit is extremely excited, his eyes are shining, his hair is flying, his face is crazy.

Moreover, he is still laughing wildly!

Eleven!What are you going to do again?

Jura felt like he was going crazy. He gave away his head in front of him one second and night, and the next second Yiwen took away the control of his magic. What the hell is this!

Eleven didn't care about Jura's depression at this time, and smoked two pounds of mustard...oh no, he smoked him with a super refreshing fragrance, so hi!

Pressing his hands on the rock giant's head, the blue light in his eyes flickered crazily, and the power of thought gushed out like a tsunami, completely wrapping it along the rock giant's body, forming a milky white transparent light film.

"Haha~haha! The Giant of Mind Power-Giant Armor Mode! Hahahahaha~ the dragon is going to die!"

Unlike Jura who uses magic to control the rock giant, Eleven is abruptly using his mind to break the stone man into action. The power of terror even surpasses the power of Jura's manipulation.

As for why I have to rob Jura's Stoneman...Who knows, Eleven's spirit is a bit abnormal anyway.

Isn't the Animus already crazy?Then everyone goes crazy together!

A madman fights a madman and see who can kill who!


The rock giant exuding milky white light hit a beautiful left uppercut, which slammed Animus's head firmly.

Eleven's thought power, coupled with the power of the rock giant, plus the weakening buff created overnight, this blow directly defeated the Animus.

Attacks with additional thought power, and ordinary magic attacks, have a completely different effect on the dragon.Without the protection of magic resistance, every hit would be real damage.

Boom boom boom...


Eleven laughed wildly, while constantly firing a frenzied blow at the Animus.Animus was in the hands of the Rock Giant of Mind Power, and was unable to fight back like a dead dog, even a little pitiful.

Coupled with Eleven's terrifying laughter, it was almost impossible to tell who was the villain.

I saw the Nianli Rock Giant carrying the dragon’s tail, and turning around was a set of standard Hulk throws. After that, he stomped directly on the dragon’s head. The ground broke and the mud splashed dozens of meters. .

This series of uninterrupted beatings made the Animus no longer go crazy, the blood red in his eyes gradually faded, and he was clearly awakened by the beating.

"Damn human, you give me enough! Roar!"

The Animus, who had recovered his sanity, wanted to get out of Eleven's control for the first time, suddenly turned the dragon's head around, and made a huge roar at Eleven!

"Hahahahahaha~ can't fight! Hahahaha!"

In the wild laughter, the giant suddenly squatted and avoided the roar directly, and then slammed his shoulder against Animus, his thick arms directly encircled the dragon's neck.


The huge power directly interrupted the Animus' roar, no matter how hard he struggled, the rock giant of thought force still strangled his neck, and did not let go.

Feeling the special energy that imprisoned his body, Animus' eyes widened, his face was full of horror, and he roared loudly.

"You, you are the Spirit Dragon! No! You are Eleven! Impossible! You, how could you be alive!"


However, the response to the Animus was a series of crazy laughs. Eleven didn’t care what he said, and even thought that his voice was too noisy, so he stuck out his two giant hands and grabbed the Animus. The open dragon mouth.



The blood spattered wildly, and Animus' jaw was abruptly torn apart.A cry of sorrow resounded throughout the world.Animus is really scared at this moment!

Unexpectedly, he would provoke this powerful existence.

However, it is impossible to run at this time!

Amidst the wild laughter, I saw Eleven rise into the air, his thought power covering his whole body, and then rushed into Animus' mouth with a flutter.

The blood mist of the canopy blasted down Animus' esophagus all the way down.There was a pause for two seconds until it reached the stomach, and then it exploded. Two figures burst out of their flesh, and bright red dragon blood sprayed out like rain.

A touch of white belly appeared in the east, and the dazzling sunlight reflected scarlet light on the blood drops.

I saw Eleven, holding a tattered night in his hand, bathed in dragon blood, his eyes flickered, grinning licked the blood on the corner of his mouth, and rose into the sky.

Turn your back to the sun and step on the blood spring.

At this moment, it is like the birth of a devil!


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