The thoughts of the fairy tail follow your heart

Chapter 223: There are always people who want to harm me

Falling from the sky.

Wiping a handful of blood stains on his face, Eleven stepped on Animus’s big face with his foot all night, then snapped the Animus’ eyelids that were about to close, and forced him again. His eyes opened.

"Ha! Who allowed you to sleep with your eyes closed!" Eleven put his face in front of Animus's big eyeballs, vomiting and arrogant, obviously his medicine hadn't worked yet.

Animus had to stare at the crazy Eleven. At this time, he was on the verge of death. On the contrary, he calmed down a lot, and even felt extraordinarily relaxed. After 400 years, he was finally free.

"You have won, is there anything else?"

Animus stared at Eleven neither humble nor arrogant. Although the human power in front of him made him feel terrified, the pride of the dragon did not allow him to be softened. Anyway, he was about to die. Naturally, he should keep the dragon’s force until the end. A moment.


"Hahaha, it's okay, it's okay, I just don't want you to fall asleep! Ha, get up and keep going!"

Eleven giggled nervously, slapped Animus's big eyeballs, and rolled his eyes.

This human being is sick!I'm going to die, and I'm still praising your mother!Can people be happily pretending to be forced!

Animus looked at Eleven who was still smiling, and didn't want to pay him any more. He slowly closed his eyes, but in the next second, his eyelids were torn apart by this bastard again!


"Oh, by the way, the dragon, don't sleep, ask you something!" Eleven half laughed, and suddenly remembered something. Once again, he nervously pressed Animus' eyelids and leaned forward to ask. Tao.

"Since you are a dragon, do you know a fire dragon named Ignatius and a Celestial dragon named Grantine? Do you know where they are?"

"Ignilu...the king of fire dragons that burns all things, Ignilu...hey, I didn't expect to hear someone call this name."

The Animus suddenly felt a little bit more energetic when he heard the name Ignilu, and began to babble with nostalgia, and seemed to know a lot about Ignilu.

Eleven was a little impatient at hearing, slapped Animus's big eyeballs, and said annoyedly: "Yes, yes, Ignilu, do you know he is there?"

The eyeballs of Animus were hurting and he tried desperately to blink, but Eleven pressed his eyelids so hard that he could only roll his eyes.

"I don't know. The Fire Dragon King disappeared more than four hundred years ago. It's probably hidden."


"Do you know Grantine?"

"I don't know, I haven't heard of it."


There was another slap on the eyeball, and the Animus wanted to cry without tears, and really didn't know what kind of evil he had done.

"Your Majesty Animus..."

Just when Eleven wanted to draw a few more eyeballs to relieve his breath, a soft and weak call suddenly sounded behind him, and saw a blonde-haired girl stumbled over the rubble and ran over.

Animus, who was still staring at Eleven with his eyes, also calmed down when he saw the girl, a trace of complicated emotion flashed through his big eyes.


The girl stood in front of Animus pretty, her expression looking at him was quite complicated, with hatred, anger, sadness, reluctance, and relief, but in the end it all turned into a warm Smile.

"Your Majesty, thank you for your long-term care, thank you for raising me up..."

400 years of coexistence, they have experienced too much together.Even if they know that they are just using each other, even if they know that humans and dragons are natural enemies, there has been an inseparable bond between this person and dragon.

Eleven was not nervous at this time either, took a deep look at Sonya, let go of Animus' eyelids, jumped off the dragon's head, and left the last time to this dragon.

Animus glanced at Sonya’s smile for the last time, and finally closed his eyes as he wished, and said gently: "Sonia, this is the first time I saw your smile."

A drop of crystal-like tears moisturized the dry eyeballs, and slid down the corner of Animus's eyes, and his body began to turn into stars, gradually disappearing.

Sonia looked at the disappearing Animus with tears in the corners of her eyes, and responded softly: "This is the first time I have seen dragon tears..."


Although the dragon was killed by Eleven, Eleven did not feel sad at all in the super-high state.Throwing aside the tearful man and dragon, and ran to find Jura with a pitiful night.

At this moment, Jura hadn't recovered from the shocked state, looked at Eleven in front of him with an incredible face, his mouth opened and closed for a long time, and he didn't hold a word.

I thought it would be a fierce battle in which I was the main force, but I didn't expect it to become a crowd eating melon.

Who is this kid Eleven?What kind of magic is he using?Why can he take away his control of the Golem?Why can it easily break the dragon's defense?

Jura was full of question marks now, but he didn't know how to ask, it was people's privacy after all.

"Uh... really amazing!" Even though there were a thousand words in his heart, the uneducated Jura just silently gave Eleven a compliment in the end.

After receiving the praise from Jura, Eleven immediately became proud, threw the whole night to the ground, and laughed proudly.

"Wow hahaha! Really? Really, I think I am very good too! Wow hahahahaha...Uh..."

However, the laughter stopped abruptly when he was halfway through his laughter, and then I saw Eleven with his hands on his hips, rolling his eyes, and slamming his head on the ground, before passing out.

Eleven, I'm finally overwhelmed...

Jura hurried forward to check Eleven's condition. Fortunately, it seemed that it was just a coma caused by excessive consumption, and the condition was not very serious.The night next to him didn't suffer any serious injuries, the dragon swam around in his stomach, and his complexion looked good.

A night when the world broke apart was passed without risk.

After the sky was bright, the other two members of the team also wandered out of the woods.

Alia clutched her head, her face was confused, desperately thinking about what happened to her last night.

Pakas was carrying his pants and looked like a sage. God knows what Eleven was doing when they were desperately slaying the dragon.

After the several people converged, they agreed to run back to the Fiore Kingdom as soon as possible.Although Pacas and Alia didn't know what happened last night, when they saw this tragic look in Altaïr, they also knew that they were in big trouble!

The Kingdom of Stella is a small island country. Basically, Altaïr is the only big city on the island.

So, it can be said that in the battle last night, they directly destroyed a country...

Well, that's great!

Eleven's record of destruction has reached a new level!

Oh, by the way, the quest items were also broken by him, very good!

When the old King Fiore learned the news, it was a long time before he could speak.On the one hand, I feel a little proud that my country has only sent out five people to blow up other countries.

On the other hand, I feel painful about how to solve international diplomatic issues. After all, he did not hesitate to say so much in his own bold words.

The only good news is that these five people have barely completed the task and solved the threat of Long Cry.As for the destruction of Long Cry, in fact, the old king didn't care very much. He also believed that such a dangerous thing should not exist in the world.


At the same time, the Senate.

"Master Chikerrain, this is the mission report of the Dragon Cry Incident." A beautiful black-haired girl charmingly handed a stack of documents to the blue-haired boy in the seat.

"Thank you, Urutia."

After receiving the report, Qi Klein looked expectantly.But when he saw Elevenquila and the three of them work together to kill the dragon overnight, the smile on his face instantly became a little stiff.

Taking a deep breath, Zickrein closed the report and put it aside, as if he was just dealing with his usual work.

"Master Chikerrain, it seems that we have underestimated this Eleven." Uludia saw Chikerrain's depressed look and secretly laughed.

"Yeah, it was my mistake this time too. I was too impatient." Chi Klein shook his head and said nothing.

"Then, shall we continue to find any interesting tasks for this Eleven?"

"No, don't worry about him anymore. Urrutia, don't forget our original purpose." Chicrein waved his hand and taught with a serious face.

Urrutia curled her lips secretly when she watched. She also paid attention to Eleven to play with this guy. She didn't expect to be taught a lesson in reverse, which was really exciting.

Zicrein didn’t pay attention to Urrutia’s careful thoughts, and began to pretend to be self-conscious, and walked to the window with his hands on his back, leaving Urrutia a back of his head. After a long time, he said calmly. .

"Besides, an old friend who hasn't contacted me for a long time just contacted me. Haha, this time without our intervention, that guy is also in a lot of trouble. Um...maybe the entire fairy tail may disappear completely because of him. Got it."

Speaking of this, Qi Kelei suddenly laughed strangely and turned around to look at Urutia.

"Urutia, we have been in the Senate for long enough. It's time to strive for some big achievements and prepare for the promotion of members."

"Hehe, do you think General Six Demon is qualified?"

Urrutia was stunned when he heard what Zicrein said, but quickly smiled again.

"It's all about Master Chicrein's arrangement."


Thank you for the 5000 rewards from Wan Tuo's last words!(The name "Big Brother" is really a hidden mystery! Unliterate, I checked for a long time before I found out what the first two words were saying~)

Thank you for the 1200 reward for unspecified users!(The boss knows that he is a mysterious and handsome person as soon as he hears his name.)

Thank you for your 300 rewards!Thank you Koonshun for his 100 rewards!

In addition, I have not had time to thank many big guys for their rewards. I'm really sorry!Sometimes I forget when I finish writing, and sometimes it's because I don't dare to be a home assistant.

(ó﹏ò??) I'm afraid you will ask me to remind you...

In fact, I just typed more than 500 words of touching words here, but they were all deleted by me.

I'm not over yet, what's the passion!

In short, thank you all for your continued support!Rewards, recommendation tickets, monthly tickets, book reviews, I don't dislike anything!(It's so shameless!)


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