The thoughts of the fairy tail follow your heart

Chapter 225: The road meets the scumbag!

It has been several days since Jason Chaocool’s interview. Although in the end Eleven was beaten by reporters, but the dedicated Jason didn’t account for such trivial matters. The report he wrote was still relevant to Eleven. It's amazing, super cool!

Eleven also won the title of "Fairy Demon King" as he wished.Although he said that he was not in line with his temperament, he was happy in his heart and couldn't help but go to Laxus for a while.

This is the official "devil"!Much better than his self-styled "Thor"!

In addition, Eleven felt that he had gradually adapted to the identity of the popular male god.

After being taught how to treat girls by Mila, Eleven succeeded in eliminating all the girls who greeted him and became alone again.

After all, there are few girls who can accept a sand sculpture who treats him as a teacher all night, no matter how handsome they are.

But Eleven didn't think there was anything wrong with this, because Mira told him that these girls were just shy, so he didn't care too much.

Eleven was happy, facing the setting sun, walking on the streets of Magnolia, feeling that his youth was full of regrets.

"Yo! You look so cute~ Miss sister, can you meet me?"

Eleven, who was enjoying a bright future, suddenly discovered that a man and a woman were standing at the door of his home, blocking his way home.

The girl among them was really good-looking, with a blushing face, and she seemed a little unaware.But he was an ordinary person, and seemed to be a resident of Magnolia.

The man who slammed his sister on the door of Eleven's house was also handsome, but he looked a little frivolous in his dress, with yellow hair, he knew he was a scumbag.

Moreover, the way this man treats girls is a bit too rude. He even pressed them directly on the wall, which is too much!

Mira told Eleven that as a handsome guy, you must have a gentleman's demeanor, and you must always keep a safe distance of more than five meters with unfamiliar girls, otherwise it will scare others!

Oh, this scumbag doesn't understand women!

Eleven naturally didn't have any interest in standing in front of his house watching the gangster molesting the little girl. He stepped forward and slapped the frivolous man on the shoulder.

"Hey! You are blocking my door!"

The frivolous man was startled by Eleven's shot, and quickly turned around and looked over.And the young lady in his arms who was shy and unable to close her legs even seized the opportunity to hide her face and fled.

"Ah! Miss sister, don't go! I don't know your name yet!"

The frivolous man found that the prey in his arms had escaped, and shouted with a sad expression on his face, and received no response.But he didn't seem to care very much either, turning around and looking at Eleven with interest.

Eleven got goosebumps when this frivolous man looked at him. I don't know why this scumbag looks at him!After subconsciously stepping back two steps, Maria said that handsome boys must protect themselves outside.

"My buddy, you just caused me to break in love, do you know?" The frivolous man pushed his light-colored sunglasses, putting on a sad expression.

Eleven groaned for two seconds, showing a sympathetic expression: "Don't be sad, it's not your fault to be ugly."

Frivolous man: (??_??)?......

Eleven didn't bother to chat with a scumbag at the door of his house, and casually pulled the somewhat dazed frivolous man aside, and took out the key to open the door.

(°Д°): "Hey! Wait! You've caused me to fall apart. Is that just this sentence? And I'm not ugly at all, OK? You stop and speak clearly!"

The frivolous man suddenly came back to his senses, and grabbed Eleven from behind.Because he was so excited, he even used a trace of magic.

Knowing this time, Eleven officially took a look at the frivolous man. Although he was a bit ugly, he was a scumbag, but he did not expect to be a magician.

Eleven felt a peculiar power from him, which seemed to be different from ordinary magical powers, and had never felt it before.

However, Eleven was just surprised and stopped paying attention.Eleven has seen too many wizards, and this frivolous man is not very strong in his perception, probably only the average level of the guild.

(??_??): "You are a broken love, you don't even know his name, are you in love with Lonely?"

Eleven glanced at the frivolous man in front of him with contempt, and even thought he was a bit pitiful. I'm afraid this child is crazy because he wants to find someone!

The frivolous man pushed his sunglasses, not embarrassed, and said calmly: "You don’t understand, if you didn’t bother us, a wonderful relationship would happen to us immediately! You let me lose what should have come. Love, don’t you say that you have caused me to break in love?"

"Um...Is that so?"

Eleven squeezed it down and thought for a while, feeling that what the frivolous man said seemed to make sense.

It feels as if the reward for the task he should have received was suddenly taken away by the House of Representatives.Although I have never received any money, I did lose money.

Σ(??д??lll) Fuck!Thinking of this, I suddenly feel so disgusting!

At this moment, Eleven suddenly felt very self-blaming, and punched his chest in pain!How can I do the same ethical things as the Senate?

(Д)??????: "Woo~ I'm sorry! I was wrong! Uh...I will be responsible for your lost love! That...go to my house Sit down?"

Frivolous man: ∑(O_O;)???

"Wait! Wait! What are you doing! Don't pull me! I'm not going to your house! I'm not interested in men! Let go of me! Help!!!"

The frivolous man clings to the door frame, struggling frantically!At this moment, he even felt like a beeping dog. He didn't understand at all. He just chatted a few words casually. Why would he face the risk of not protecting the chrysanthemum?

The point is that he can't resist!

Eleven found that the frivolous man was actually quite strong, so he hurried to use his mind to control him, and at the same time signaled him to speak quietly so as not to disturb the neighbors.

(-): "Hush! Don't shout, it won't be good for others to see it! I just want to make up for your lost love. What are you shouting?"

(??Д??): "No need! I don't need you to make up for it! Let go of me, boss, I was wrong!"

(????`ω????): "That won't work! I absolutely have to make up for you! Otherwise, what is the difference between me and those guys in the Senate?"

Frivolous man:???

Oh my God!What does this have to do with the Senate!What kind of blood mold did I fall to meet such a guy today?

(;??Д): "That, big man! Can we compensate by another way?"

Eleven felt fresh, and it was so difficult to pull this man into the house and count a little money to compensate him!However, looking at his resistance, it might be because of the curse of not being able to enter other people's homes. Elevating suddenly felt that he was more pitiful, so he chose to compromise.

(_): "Well, I will do whatever you want. Then tell me what kind of compensation you want."

The frivolous man got goose bumps all over by Eleven's sympathetic eyes. After feeling Eleven let go, he immediately jumped back and widened the distance between himself and the door of Eleven's house.

Although the frivolous man wanted to escape at this time, he felt the weird energy that was constantly wandering around him, as well as the eyes of Eleven who looked at him intently. In the end, he didn't dare to try.

"Well, big man, if you can, can you be my provocative? Then I can find new love soon, and big man, you don't have to make up for me anymore!" The frivolous man looked helpless. Said this paragraph.

In fact, this was his first thought.After he found that Eleven was handsome, he had the idea of ​​making friends with Eleven and going out to pick up girls together.Those trash talks before were just jokes to open up the situation, who knew that things would develop into this...

[??_???]: "Shooting? What do you do? Do you want me to take you off?"

Σ(°Д°;): "No, no, no!" The frivolous man waved his hand frantically, for fear that he would really fly up in the next second, "Shooting is to be my assistant. Give me some help, help me create an atmosphere, etc..."

Speaking of the frivolous man here, he still doesn't want to go on. Let a person who doesn't even understand what a flirt is a flirt. Is there anything more desperate in this world than this?

However, the Eleven in front of him is a bright spot!Hey!Isn't it just picking up girls?I will!Mira taught me a lot!

"Hey~ okay, okay, let's get rough hair now!" Eleven re-locked the door, gearing up, looking eager to try.

(T▽): "Okay, thick hair... By the way, my name is Loki, please advise."

(▽)/: "Oh! My name is Eleven, I am glad to meet you!"


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