The next morning...

Eleven walked out of Magnolia's largest nightclub and looked up to the sky.


What a white sun...oh no, what a big cloud...

Behind him, Loki was saying goodbye to the two young ladies Yiyi in his arms, and several young ladies cast a wink at Eleven's back. Unfortunately, Eleven was in a daze and didn't see it.

Last night, after spending some time with Eleven, Loki discovered that if he could ignore Eleven's detached thinking, he was actually a very interesting person.

And Eleven's face value is really very high, if you just sit there and smile without talking, then it is a girl killer, and I don't know how many girls' attention can be attracted by taking it out.

So Loki took Eleven to the most lively magic special effects nightclub in Magnolia at night.

Then, Eleven was dumbfounded...

Although Eleven was entangled by the little fans all day long, at that time everyone would maintain a gentleman distance of more than five meters, which is very safe!

However, a place like a nightclub, how can I say it, is quite unsafe!

The little sisters are more sturdy than one, and Eleven feels that he has been licked all over his body this night, even if he hides in the corner, someone will stick to him.

Fortunately, Loki, who was talking about loyalty, shared a lot of pressure for him, and finally allowed Eleven to keep his innocence, otherwise it is estimated that he will be gnawed so that there is no dregs left.

"Hey, buddy, how did it feel to come out to play for the first time?" Loki bid farewell to the young ladies, and put his arms around Eleven's shoulders with a smirk, like a senior in life.

(??????): "Oh~ ah?"

Eleven is still a little sluggish, and there are always some white pictures flashing in his mind, which makes people drool.

"Puff~" Loki looked at the appearance of Eleven who had never seen the world before, couldn't help but chuckle, put his arm around Eleven's neck trivially, and began to seduce him.

"Brother Eleven, you can't do this like this. The rare good conditions are wasted. Hey~ I'll just mix with my brother in the future. Picking up sisters is a science, I teach you!"

Eleven stared at the wretched Loki in a daze, and suddenly thought that Loki had turned the audience upside down last night, and he could only tremble in the corner, suddenly admiring Loki.

This is a talent!It feels like Rocky is much more reliable than Mira!What should I do if I really want to worship him as a teacher?

"Rocky, are you going to join our Fairy Tail Guild?" Eleven asked suddenly and without end.

Rocky: [??_?????]

"Our guild has a lot of beautiful women, and there will be a beauty contest every year!"

(▽)~*: "Okay, okay, then let's go!" Rocky smiled brightly.

Rocky laughed sexually, and Eleven was also very happy.The two people walked towards Fairy Tail with their backs on their shoulders, their smiles gradually becoming wretched.

Along the way, Loki couldn't wait to teach Eleven his tips on picking up girls, which made Eleven benefited a lot. At the same time, he secretly despised what Mira had taught before.

The guild is still lively today, and the fighting inside can already be heard before it gets closer.

As soon as the two of them opened the door of the guild, a figure was shot out and plunged into Eleven's arms.

(╬◣д◢): "Oh, Eleven, let me go, I'm going to teach that damn Elisa!"

Eleven took a closer look and found that it was Mira girl who had flown out. She was being held in her arms by Princess Eleven, kicking her legs vigorously, eagerly trying to break free and continue fighting.

Yilai Wenlai was speechless and planned to let go, but suddenly thought of Loki's teaching on the road. He couldn't help but play a big victory. He tightened his arms and leaned forward, a big face directly in front of Mila's eyes.

"You will be hurt like this, my cute little wild cat~"

??(????????ω????????)??: "Huh?"

Mila, who was originally irritable, blushed at once.In fact, she didn't hear what Eleven had just said, she just looked at Eleven's close eyes and felt the breath that almost touched her face, which made her limp.

Eh?what's the situation?What is Eleven doing?

Eh?Could it be that this is teasing me?

Ah, so shy~

Should I close my eyes?right!Shouldn't a weak girl close her eyes at this time?

So Mira closed her eyes tightly under Ileven's strange gaze, as if she was afraid of seeing something terrible.


Eleven: (-)???

Seeing Mira suddenly closed her eyes as if she was dead, Eleven suddenly didn't know how to proceed.

Did Loki just teach how to attack the dead?

Eleven thought for a long time without knowing what to do next, so he had to look at Loki for help. However, at this time, Loki didn’t have the time to pay attention to Eleven, and his attention was completely absorbed by the guild. The beauties of all sizes are attracted.

There are really a lot of female wizards in the guild, except for the new generation like Elisa, the older generation sisters are also charming.

The existence of magic power can continuously nourish the body of the wizard and improve the physique, so there are really few women who can make a living by magic that look ugly, and the average quality is much higher than that of ordinary ladies on the street. .

Although the Mira in Eleven's arms is also super cute, but there are fat sheep here, and Loki will naturally not compete with his good brother.

"Mira! Don't run, our battle is not over yet!"

At this moment, Elisa pushed away from the crowd angrily and chased her out of the guild. It was she who had just shot Mila flying.

The long red hair and the sassy and heroic appearance immediately attracted Loki's eyeballs like a magnet.


"Mira, what are you doing with Eleven? Come over and let me continue...Uh...Who are you?"

"Ah, Elisa Shucaretto, what a beautiful ruby! If it weren't for sunglasses, I think my eyes would be burned by you. My name is Loki, it's really an honor to be Know you."

Elisa just wanted to go, Mila, who was lying in Eleven's arms and springing up, woke up, when her hand was suddenly picked up by a frivolous man.

Then the man turned her on the pillar at the entrance of the guild with such affectionate expression, and the sunglasses slipped down, looking at her affectionately, as if he wanted to speak with his eyes.

Loki obviously knows all the beauties of various guilds. He naturally heard Elisa's fame, but the real person made him feel even more amazing, so he couldn't help but lift it up.

Elisa was also taken aback by Loki’s sudden offensive. She has never been slammed against her... Or, no one has dared to slam her...

"Beautiful Miss Elisa, let me buy you a drink..."


Elisa (╬): "Go away! Don't get in the way! Are you provoking me?"

Then he saw Loki flying back from the guild gate just like that, and fell severely on the street of Magnolia.

Eleven looked at the miserable Loki, then looked at Mila who was secretly squinting at her in her arms, and decided to let go directly...

"Ouch! What are you doing Eleven..."

Eleven looked at Mila who was sitting on the ground rubbing her ass, and suddenly realized that Mila was right. Sure enough, when she met an unfamiliar girl, it was safe to keep a distance of more than five meters.

Don't continue to study with Loki, or the person who will be beaten up in the future may be yourself.

Seeing Loki flying out, Eleven couldn't help cursing in his heart.



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