The thoughts of the fairy tail follow your heart

Chapter 235: The Return of the Thunder Gods

Back in time, just a few minutes before Laxus returned, Magnolia was in another direction.

A group of menacingly demon-tailed wizards surrounded a giant man dressed like a noble master in the center, and the giant man looked around the crowd and smiled slightly.

"You are the wizards of Fairy Tail? That's right!"

"That's right!" Macao and Wakaba separated the crowd with a serious face and walked out, looking straight into the eyes of the giant man, "You are from the General of the Six Demons? Why do you want to do damage in Magnolia?"

The giant man didn't answer Macao's words, but looked around at the wizards around him, and lightly stamped his toes on the ground.


In an instant, the main piece of land rolled up like a sudden liquefaction, and a huge wave formed by the soil rose to the sky and overturned. All the magicians who could not react were instantly buried.


The streets were completely destroyed, countless houses collapsed, and a corner of the city of Magnolia was directly displaced to the ground at this moment.

Cough cough cough~

In the soot, several quick-reacting figures stood up embarrassedly, coughing unceasingly.

"As expected to be the wizard of Fairy Tail, there are still active people, right?" The giant man looked at the strong people and couldn't help but praise.

The old brothers Macao and Wakaba supported each other tremblingly to remove the dust, and looked at the giant man in the field: "Heteai of the Six Demon Generals, I heard that he has the magic to soften the soil... ...Cough cough cough... I didn't expect it to be so strong."

"Ah! Man!! Lisana, are you okay?" The tower-like Elfman also screamed out suddenly, and just pulled out half of his body from the soil and began to look for his sister.

"Ahem, I'm fine, brother Elfman."

Lisana's crisp voice came from the sky, although she was also embarrassed, but she actually looked better than Elfman.At the moment when the earth was overturned, the girl decisively transformed into a big bird, flew into the air, and, by the way, rescued Ginana who was standing next to her.

After that, many people stood up one after another, but everyone seemed very embarrassed, gray-headed, and depressed.

Just a magical attack wiped out most of their Fairy Tail group. How terrifying is this strength?

Even if Laxus or Eleven come, they may not be able to play, right?After all, this is the strength that can almost destroy them in one move!Even Eleven and Laxus can't do it, probably...

The atmosphere became more and more depressing, and everyone in Fairy Tail began to shrink as they watched Heteai's smile, and some had even begun to back away.

Can such an enemy really be dealt with?

At this moment, a loud roar resounded throughout the world, blowing away all the solemnity in the air instantly: "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!

Elfman's loud voice shocked everyone, and even Hotai couldn't help but look at him.I saw this tower-like man taking a step forward and looking straight into Hotai's eyes.

"There is never a word of retreat in a man's dictionary! You dare to destroy the streets of Magnolia and hurt my partner. As the wizard of Fairy Tail, I will never forgive you!! Ah, man!"

While roaring, one of Elfman's arms directly changed into a sturdy beast arm, and with heavy and loud steps, he rushed towards Hotai.

Others were also awakened by Elfman's shouts and restored their confidence.They are the wizards of Fairy Tail, how could they be knocked down so easily!

Suddenly, purple fire, white smoke, venom, cat's claw, and other magical followers, Elfman's steps, all shot towards Hotai.

However, Heteai looked at the energetic group of people, but still kept a smile because of how much he was reacted.

"Do you think that you can defeat me with faith? That's right! But I want to tell you that all the people who win in the end are rich! What do you think?"

"Event Plaza!"

The earth-shaking scene repeated itself again, the earth rolled up like quicksand, and all those who stepped on it began to sink.

Part of the quicksand soared into the sky, blocking all magical attacks, and no attack could get close to Hotai's body.

Elfman rushed to the front with a roar and slammed his punch to the ground. The strong impact made him jump high and successfully escaped the entanglement of quicksand.He fell from the sky, tightened his fist, and smashed towards Hotai.

However, there was a flash of red light in Hotai's eyes, and then he smiled and looked up at Elfman who had fallen from the sky.

Heteai can be called "hot eye" among the Six Demons. Obviously, it is not a random name.In addition to the magic that softens the soil, he also has a pair of "sky eyes" that can see everything.

"A close attack is impossible! What do you think?"


A drag of soft soil suddenly rose from the ground and turned into a big hand, instantly pinching Elfman in it.Hearing a pop, the blood splattered, and Elfman's body was squeezed and transformed.

Then with a random throw of the big hand, the broken Elfman was thrown away.

"Brother Elfman!!" Lisana yelled heartbreakingly, struggling desperately to catch Elfman, but it was a pity that one of her legs was entangled in the mud and couldn't move at all.

At this moment, a turquoise shadow swish across the sky, and caught the seriously injured Elfman dangerously and dangerously.At the same time, two more figures appeared next to Heteai one after another.

"Quick battle! Dark text-death!"

"Hey ha! Babies! It's our show time again!"

At this moment, Heteai could no longer keep smiling. The arrival of these two people was too sudden. Even with the exploration of the sky-eye magic, he also did not react, and could only make the most urgent countermeasures.

I saw Heteai quickly manipulating the soft soil, heading towards the dark text covering that flew towards him.The laser shot by the six dolls was ignored by him, and he chose to resist.

The weight of the power is the least. Although it hurts to be hit by the doll's laser, it can't die. On the contrary, the black text in front of him makes Heteai feel the breath of death.


All of Piguslo's puppet attacks hit, causing a violent explosion, and Heteai's entire body was flooded in by the explosion.

"Have you succeeded?" Felid and Piguszro fell back to the ground at this time and looked towards the center of the hug.

In the rear, Iba Greene put the blood-covered Elfman on the ground with a bit of disgust. At the same time, she did not forget to complain: "Really, my beautiful clothes are stained by you. It's not because you can't win. It's so stupid to make people laugh to rush up."

Elfman shook his head. Alba Green's mouth was too quick. He didn't hear what she said. He smiled slyly, "Thank you for saving me, you are such a man!"


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