Alba Green: (#`Д??)?????

Who is a man!!!You are a man!! old lady is not a man anyway!!

With this "manly" voice, Eba Green almost broke her high-heeled shoes, wishing to turn Elfman into a stone statue, and then tortured him severely.But looking at his miserable appearance, he finally chose to forgive wisely.

After all, this guy's brain is likely to be stunned by the enemy, not necessarily his fault.

With a cold snort, Alba Green didn't want to pay attention to the idiot Elfman again, turned her head and wanted to fly away, but Elfman's big hand grabbed her arm.

Elfman looked firm: "Ahem, I want to go together!"

Eba Greene was a little surprised: "Huh? You are so hurt to add to the chaos?"

"As a man, you can't fall down here! Ahhhhhhhhh! Ahhhh!!! Ahhhh!!!"

Alba Green: (??д??;)???


On the other side, Felid and Bigus fought with Hotai again. Although Hotai was successfully attacked, he didn't suffer any serious damage. It just became a little embarrassed.

The generals of the Six Devils, these dark wizards, are truly fighting on the edge of life and death. Their training method is completely different from that of Fairy Tail fools. They know how to get hurt better than ordinary people.

Although he was successfully attacked by two people before, but after this, Heteai can still be equal to the two of Philip, and even have the upper hand. The injuries on his body will not affect him to use any magic.

"That won't work, Pigusrow looks for a chance to use modeling eyes!"

After a collision with Hotai, Felid flew back to Pigusro.At this time, Philip had already turned into an armored warrior in the shape of a demon. This was the effect of the dark text he wrote on himself-Jueying.

Pigusro also looked a little dignified, spitting his tongue out and dressed coarsely while eating and eating, and the wooden sculptures around him were more or less broken.

In fact, without Felid reminding him, Pigusrow also wanted to use his own modeling eye magic, which is a powerful magic that can manipulate the souls of others.

However, Hotai's eyes were not ordinary eyes. The light released by those sky eyes had a great impact on Pigusello, making him completely unable to play the role of modeling eyes.

At this moment, a lot of golden powder suddenly appeared beside Heteai, drifting in the wind, and it turned out to be very smart and beautiful.But Heteai, who was in the center, was unintentionally admiring it. A red light flashed in his eyes, and he hurriedly used the power of sand to wrap himself up.

"Oh ha ha ha~~ Fairy Bomb·Little Fairy~" a high-pitched girl came from the sky.

I saw Alba Green waving the fan in her hand, dancing in the air like a fairy, sprinkling countless golden powders like scales.

These golden scales looked beautiful, but they were full of magic like explosive bombs. When they approached Hotai's side, they exploded violently one after another.

The roar of the explosion coupled with the sharp laughter of the woman made Eba Greene in the sky not look like a cute fairy at all, but more like a perverted devil.

"Good job, Alba!"

At the bottom, Philip didn't pay attention to the horrible laughter of Eba Gelin, he was used to it as a teammate.When he arrived, he caught the gap created by Eba Gelin and quickly shot, the Western sword flew, and a dozen dark words were blown into the explosion by him.

Philip was suffocated. Heteai had been targeting him before, so that he had no chance to write.Now it is not easy for Aba Green to create an opportunity, of course he is doing his best.

At the same time, Big Siluo and Aba Gelin in the sky also took off the mask and eyes that shielded their eyes, stared at the two big eyes, and looked at Hotai together.

At this moment, Hotai not only endured the curse of various dark texts, but also petrified his body, and even his soul was still being torn apart, feeling abnormally painful.

The three of the Thor people are not social people, so they can mix together, definitely not because of their personality.The magical fit is the most critical reason. If these three people work together to deal with one person, it will definitely make life worse than death.

Even Hotai, one of the Six Devils, could not bear this kind of pain. In order to reduce the pressure, he decisively chose to close his eyes at the first time, isolating the eyes of Aba Gelin Petrified from the eyes of Pigusrow. hurt.

But even so, Hotai still has the power to fight, and his strong name of magic power is second to none even among the Six Demons. Such pain is not enough to interrupt his magic.

"The ground moves!"

In the next second, Hotai's body melted into the soft ground, and as the ground squirmed, he appeared 100 meters away in a blink of an eye, and instantly escaped from the surrounding of the three Felid.

"Generals of the Six Demons are not so easy to be defeated! That's right! I want you to... uh..."

Heteai, who flashed and ran out of the battle circle, opened his eyes, and just about to say something taunting, he saw a huge steel fist enlarging rapidly.

"Ohhhhhhh! Beast's Wrist·Iron Bull! Man hit hard!!"


Huteai accidentally moved his face directly under Elfman’s fist, and was slammed into the ground with a punch before he finished speaking. Even the softness of the land under his magical power was also With a punch, the thrown mud flew up several meters high.A huge pit was formed with Hotai's big face as the center.

Elfman, a man, unparalleled!

Philip and the others were also shocked by the sudden release of Elfman, but he didn't expect him to have this kind of power.

Several people quickly came to Elfman, Philip was responsible for checking the enemy's specific situation, Pigusello was responsible for complimenting Elfman with a surprise, and Eba Greene was in charge of being proud.

Elfman was in a very poor state at this time. This super-level explosion also smashed his entire arm, hanging around him like a rag bag. Seeing his partner approaching, he finally lost his energy. , Fell down.

Abaglin, who was arrogant by the side, reacted faster, caught Elfman, and gently placed him on the ground.Although she didn't say anything, Eba Green still admired Elfman's backbone at this time.

Elfman opened his eyes weakly, saw Aba Greenen beside him, grinned, "Oh, thank you! are...eah!!"

The Thunder Gods rarely show up in Fairy Tail, and even if they come back, they don't talk to people very much.People like Elfman with muscular brains can't even remember a name, so even though I saw Aba Gelin in front of me, she knew her, but she couldn't remember her name... Embarrassment... Anyway, praise her as a man!

Alba Green: (╬◣д◢)

You are a fucking man!!My mother... My mother... Gan!!

By the way, this bastard doesn't even know the name of the old lady!My mother saved him twice, but he didn't even know the names of the two old mothers!!

Granny me*


Later, when Lisana found Elfman, poor Elfman had only one last breath. In addition to the wounds caused by the enemy, I don’t know why, there are countless high-heeled shoes all over her body. The scars are simply inexplicable.


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