The thoughts of the fairy tail follow your heart

Chapter 237: The Devil's Terror Castle

Magnolia's huge movement can be heard clearly even in Polusica's cabin, but at this time the few people here have no intention of paying attention to the situation of other people, and they may not be able to protect themselves.

After a conversation with Angel, Loki fell into a trance state. The whole person was trembling, and he didn't know what he was muttering.

On the contrary, Kana alone provoked the main beam, almost relying on her own strength to fight against a general of the Six Demons.

"The sun's burst!"


He flung out a card and exploded a huge ball of fire, igniting the pink wool released by Aries Aries, and immediately plunged the neighborhood into a sea of ​​flames, and the hot Aries screamed.

On the other hand, Gemini's Gemini once again transformed into Kana's appearance, smiled weirdly, and also drew out a few cards, raised his hand and threw it towards Kana.

"I will use your own magic to defeat you~ The Emperor's Wind Blade!"

Kana's reaction was also extremely quick, where there was still a half-drinking girl, without even turning her head, she threw a large number of cards into the air.

"Let's look down on people! Reaper's icicles!"

Kana's strength is actually not weak. After all, Makarov personally named the wizard to participate in the S-level assessment. The overall strength is definitely much stronger than the average wizard.

But this kind of strength was not enough when facing the six demon generals, especially when the opponent was still a celestial wizard who could open two doors, the difference in magic power was immediately reflected.

The icicles released by Kana were shredded as soon as they touched the wind blade, and did not play a role at all. They were transformed into large cards and scattered all over the place.

Although Protoss like Jemini can't be used to deal with opponents stronger than himself, for opponents who are of the same level or weaker than himself, it is almost insoluble.

I turned into you. Under the same conditions, I am stronger than you, cast faster, and even know your own magic better than you. Unless I encounter a threat, I don't know how to lose.

Kana rolled on the ground a few times, avoiding the sky full of wind blades, even though the scars on her body continued to increase, but the girl's eyes were surprisingly calm, staring at the opposite Gemini.

Behind Jemini, Angel had already summoned Aliyes back to her side, kicked Aliyes with pointed high heels, cursing this stupid sheep was of no use, and had no intention of intervening in Jemini's fight.

She has absolute self-confidence against an opponent of Kana's level. It is impossible for Jemini to lose, and she doesn't know how to lose.

"Fountain of Prayer!"

Karna seized the opportunity in the dodge gap and slapped a blue card to the ground with a slap. An instant blue magic circle appeared, and countless water whips were like water dragons, spreading out radioactively with the card as the center point. Attack, smash all the wind blades in the sky, and then all rush towards Gemini.

"Hey~ It's useless, I can do what you know~ The fountain of prayer!"

Jemini laughed, and also threw out a blue card, also a water dragon flying in the sky.

In an instant, the two springs collided in the air, setting off a huge wave, and shrouded both of them in the sky full of water.


Gemini stepped on the pond, his body wet.Although she has become Kana at this time, she is wearing very cool clothes, even if she is wet, she can't see anything, but being wet still makes her feel very unhappy. An opponent like this has made herself like this, as if Some are too embarrassed.

It's better to solve it quickly, don't let Master Angel wait too long.

Thinking about this, Jemini decisively rushed out of the water curtain and killed Kana, but to her surprise, it was empty behind the water curtain, where there was Kana's shadow.


A crisp sound came from the air, and Jemini hurriedly looked up, only to see Kana floating in the air stepping on two cards. At this time, she was smiling at herself.

"The fate of Zhao Lei!"


A faint blue electric arc was suddenly drawn across the thin layer of water under his feet. In shock, Jemini tried to escape but it was too late. The next moment, the thunder exploded, and the blue lightning flashed across the water. Jemini was completely immediately.


The violent electric current detonated the air and produced an ear-splitting blast.Kana floated out of the water, looking at the cards floating above the water and releasing thunder and lightning, she couldn't help but smile.

"Hehe, I want to use cards to beat my sister, you are very early, strong magic is not a panacea!"

Since the first shot, Kana has been in the layout. From time to time, she will throw out a few cards with lightning arrays to mix in the attack. It is difficult to find enemies in the battlefield where the cards are flying around. Even the last fountain is a preparation for guiding the thunder and lightning.

Layers of layout, layers of guidance, what you need to play cards is not powerful magic, but dark heart...oh no, it's wisdom!!

Kana also knows that lack of attack power has always been a major weakness of her, so she can only make up for it in other ways.She was able to participate in the S-level assessment at the same time as Mila Elisa, not by being hard-headed with the two female Tyrannosaurus, but by creating various opportunities for dealing with her through her various attack modes.

Just like a cunning hunter facing a terrifying giant bear, although the power gap is huge, it is not without the chance of winning.


The thunder and lightning dissipated, and Gemini on the opposite side was a little embarrassed by the electricity, and his hair was erected by the roots of the electricity, and his face was ashamed.Obviously holding the same face as Kana, but Kana didn't mean to show mercy when she shot, but it was not enough!

Although Jemini looked embarrassed and her body was shaking uncontrollably due to paralysis, she actually received no actual damage at all. The huge magic power protected her body. Once she recovered from the paralysis, her combat effectiveness would not be Have the slightest impact.

Kana's attack power is too low.

Kana herself knew that this would be the result. There was no accident. She calmly drew out a brand-new card shining brightly from the gap in her chest, and closed her eyes while Demini was paralyzed. The whole spirit condenses and starts to urge this card.

Kana had so much trouble before scrapping, in fact, all of them are serving this card and creating opportunities for stimulating this card.

When Jemini saw Kana take out this card, his face changed drastically, and he couldn't care about the physical discomfort. He forcibly touched his chest and hurriedly moved.In Kana's memory, this card is very strong and terrifying. I am afraid that only the same cards can be used to resist each other.

"Let you see the power of Fairy Tail! Appear, the horror castle of the demon king!!"


At this moment, time seemed to freeze, and the sky was instantly red as dripping blood. Two ancient and deep black castles came to the world, falling behind Kana and Demini.

A huge golden throne hovered above the castle, and a gray-haired young man sat on the throne with his legs on his back, with an evil smile across his mouth.


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