"Okay, let's go back as soon as possible. I am a little worried about Magnolia's situation." After the frolic, Eleven quickly calmed down and told everyone his thoughts.

Although Eleven saw Kildas as if he had come back before and solved a lot of people, he was still a little worried.

After all, it was Kildas. Although it was very strong, it was not very reliable. Maybe Magnolia was destroyed by him before being destroyed by the enemy.

Naturally, Naz and the others have no opinion. Although they are hungry, they also know that Magnolia's matter is more important, and this is the plan proposed by Eleven. How can they be disobedient.

"What do you plan to do with these six demon generals?" Gray glanced at the three people lying on the side and asked.

Eleven said indifferently: "Tie up and take it home. Someone will punish them for us..."


However, Eleven hadn't finished speaking, an amazing magic power suddenly rose behind them, and the powerful and thick magic fluctuations just released, almost stunned Eleven and the others.


A drop of cold sweat fell down his forehead...

With an incredible look in Eleven's eyes, he instantly turned his head and looked at the place where Brian had fallen.

There, Brian, who should have become an idiot, opened his eyes at this time, and stared at Eleven and the others.Those eyes didn't look like human eyes at all, they were blood-red, completely without white eyes, full of endless tyranny and destruction.

"How is it possible? How could Brian still...No, you are not Brian at all! What are you?"

Originally, Eleven thought it was because of his failure to cast his magic that Brian did not die completely. However, when he carefully felt the mental fluctuations of Brian at this time, his face suddenly changed, and Brian before him looked like a different person. ..... No, it should be said, just a different person!

Although it was still Brian's physical appearance, Eleven could be sure that this person was definitely not the Brian he had faced before, and his soul aura was completely different.

Eleven and the others are like enemies, but Brian is calm.With a brush of his body, he stood up straight, and his scarlet eyes scanned the surrounding messy battlefield. He saw the other two comatose Six Demons and Eric standing on Eleven's side, and the corners of his mouth were smiling.

"Hehe, it's a lot of fun. Even the dark night was defeated? Kebra didn't snatch it back. What the hell is that guy Brian doing?"


"Brian disappeared?"

Brian looked a little confused, clutching his head and thinking.But he obviously didn't look very clever, and after thinking about it for a while, he didn't figure it out, so he just gave up.

"Forget it, disappear and disappear! Okay, this body will be mine alone from now on."


Brian breathed the air with a face of comfort and enjoyment, completely ignoring the existence of Eleven and the others.

"Ah~ My body hurts. But it's been a long time since I felt this way."

"This familiar body, voice, and magic..."

The magic power on Brian's body skyrocketed again, and the magic power of Brian's dark green turned into a dazzling emerald green in an instant, which looked even more dangerous.The injury of that body was repaired by this magical power, and he instantly recovered seven or eighty-eight. Even the original tattered clothes on his body changed their appearance and turned into a green uniform.

Even Eleven, who was standing far away, even needed to use a mind shield for Naz and the others to prevent them from being blown out by this terrifying magic.

Eleven couldn't understand why Brian suddenly possessed such a powerful magic power. The level of this magic power was even comparable to that of the great wizard named Brunos that he and Laxus met on the Dark Guild battlefield before. Taxi,

"You, not Brian! Who the hell are you?" Even Elisa and Mira found out about Brian at this time and couldn't help but ask.

After being disconnected for a long time,'Brian' finally turned his attention back to Eleven and the others, and licked his lips.

"Oh, my name is'Zero'! It was you guys who killed Brian, right?"

Eleven: (°Д°)!!!

The words'zero' surprised Eleven, this person is really not Brian!

At this moment, a word suddenly flashed in Eleven's mind, "dual personality"!

Hearing that dual personality has always been a controversial topic in the magic world, because in this world where the soul can be observed, it is difficult to define whether a person with dual personality is one person or two people.

After all, sometimes, when the personality of these people changes, not only the personality changes, but even the skills, powers, and magic that need to be trained and learned will change. The end is very magical and also very people. Feel incomprehensible.

Therefore, people still haven't understood what dual personality is all about, and can only treat it as a talent or a curse.

Eleven really did not expect that this kind of dual personality, which would not appear in tens of thousands of people, would appear on such a scheming villain like Brian!

The current situation seems to be that Eleven killed Brian's insidious and cunning superficial personality, and then this tyrannical "zero" personality ran out, and it was even stronger!

Knowing that this would happen, Eleven would not pretend to use an attack such as annihilation as a killer!This is too bad luck!

Eleven had many thoughts in his mind, and he wanted to cry without tears.

Seeing that Eleven hadn't paid any attention to herself, she was a little boring, so she started talking about herself.

"Um...Although Brian's disappearance made me forget many things, since you little ghosts are here, it seems that what happened here is inseparable from you!"

"Hehe, I have tossed my guild into this tragic situation. As the president, I have to settle it with you."


At this moment, Ling Cai really gathered his scattered terrifying magic power and pointed to the position where Eleven and the others stood.The earth screamed because of this magical power, and trembled constantly.The tiny rubble was dragged by the magic force as if it had escaped gravity, slowly floated up, and then collided with countless dark particles in the sky, turning into nothingness.

Facing the magical pressure like a huge wave, Eleven did not hesitate, stepping forward, blocking his partners behind him, and taking most of the damage for them.

Eleven had never felt such a disgusting magic power before, and that strong killing intent made him feel a layer of goose bumps all over his body, and his pounding heartbeat was unprecedentedly violent.

But for some reason, even in such a situation, Eleven could hardly contain the excitement smile from the corner of his mouth.

This guy...so strong!!

"Eleven, we are no longer those brats who need your protection!"

Suddenly a soft drink came into Eleven’s ears, Mila, Elsa, Naz, Gray, and even Hobbit, stepping forward at the same time, stood beside Eleven, taking it with Eleven. It was a magic wash.

Eleven looked at his left and right partners, his eyes gleaming, and couldn't help but laughed: "Oh, idiots, are you burning up too?"

"Oh!! I can't burn it! The roar of the fire dragon!!" Naz suddenly burst into a dragon flame, shouted loudly, and didn't mind Eleven calling himself an idiot.

"Dressing—Armor of Heaven!"

"Asshole look at tricks, soul ripper!"

"The shape of ice-Lancer!"

A few people didn't communicate at all, almost at the same time that Naz screamed, they all shot.For a moment, the sharp blade, black light, and ice cone entangled with the sturdy dragon flame, forming a powerful attack.

The opposite zero also laughed wildly. Facing such an attack, not only did not evade, but also raised his hand to release the magic power, intending to be strong.

"Hahahaha, little ghosts, let me completely destroy you to ashes!!"

Eleven smiled and looked at the partner who was still working together to launch an offensive even in the face of a strong enemy. He felt so satisfied for some reason. Sure enough, this is our fairy tail wizard!

With a group of such partners standing by our side, is there any enemy that can stop us from moving forward?

Ah!No one can stop it!!

Eleven raised his head and looked at Zero who was trying to resist the attack by actual combat magic. The dark light in her eyes flickered, and he sneered: "Whether you are Zero or Brian, I will make you regret being an enemy of Fairy Tail!"

()~*: "Look at the move-vomiting!"




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