
Zero dreaming never expected that when facing the enemy's overwhelming attack, he would suddenly vomit and vomit.Although he adjusted quickly, the magic power he worked so hard before was dissipated at this moment...

Originally, both Zero and Brian belonged to the technical players, who liked the confident operation of the extreme anti-kill type, and the control of time was extremely accurate, and no time was wasted.

This also leads to any mistakes in the magic release stage, which may be fatal.


All the attacks accurately hit Zero's body, causing 100% of the total damage.

Looking at Zero who stood in place like a fool, even Naz and others were blinded.Although their fighting spirit is full of enthusiasm, they have never thought that they can solve the battle in one round?

Why is this enemy not as strong as he imagined?It feels silly and disappointing!

At this time, Eleven smiled slightly, hiding his merit and fame.

However, it was clear that the powerful Zero would not be taken away by Naz and the others as soon as they made a combined attack. The next moment, his thick and terrifying magic power bloomed again, laughing wildly and jumping up from the smoke and dust of the explosion.

"Hahahahaha, very good, very good, so that you will be more worthy of being destroyed by me! I want...poof!"

Zero patron who jumped up and laughed wildly, completely unaware of an invisible big hand in the void behind him quietly waiting for his arrival.

Before he could finish his poor words, he was suddenly grabbed, and then slapped back to the ground fiercely, so that he almost didn't bite his tongue.

"It's now, attack!!"

Eleven yelled violently, and then the endless thought power attack poured down, all bombarding the space where Zero was located, and the hitting ground broke and the space was distorted.

Isn’t it a very mischievous “emetic technique” to interrupt the attack.

Mila, Elisa, Naz, and Gray around him couldn’t even keep up with Eleven’s rhythm. They stupidly stayed for two or three seconds before reacting. They all exclaimed, hurriedly attacked and started happily. I beat the dog!

At the same time, several people were still amazed by the way Eleven fights!

It is indeed the handle of the new generation of Fairy Tail!

Compared with Eleven, he and others are far behind both in strength and IQ!

Sure enough, only by learning to be shameless can you become as strong and happy as Eleven!

At this moment, Elisa, Mira, Naz, Gray, and even Hobbit, all felt that they had benefited a lot and they had realized many things.

Different from Fairy Tail's few little ghosts who are getting more and more reluctant, Zero now feels more complicated and depressed to the extreme.

Although his powerful strength prevented him from being killed in seconds by the attacks of Eleven and others, he had been beaten like this, even if it was made of iron!

This plot is wrong!

Shouldn't it be his handsome and domineering destroying the combined attacks of the little ghosts, and then destroying them one by one?

Why is he being beaten now?

Zero's mind was not very good at first, but now it is even more ineffective after being beaten.

If Brian was still there, he might be able to advise him in his mind, but unfortunately Brian was cold, and his smart IQ would no longer be able to occupy the high ground.

Zero is good at destroying, destroying and fighting!However, when he can't do this, Goose really can't do anything...

Gradually, Zero's physical strength began to run out, and she completely lost the power to resist.Although his power is stronger than everyone present, he can't escape the fate of being beaten by these five people at all.

Maybe a big magician with a normal brain came over, and he might have escaped in minutes, but Zero's brain was really bad. All he could think of was a hard anus, a hard anus, and he was repeatedly induced to vomit by Eleven. ..... As a result, one hundred percent of the strength even became cold without showing up.

Eleven had been observing the state of Zero, and when he confirmed that he was really dysfunctional, he decisively chose to launch a fatal blow. Such an opponent must not leave him any chance, otherwise he might be killed at any time.

The power of thought condenses in the void, and this time Eleven will not play any more fantasy personality, and God knows if there is another personality after zero.This time, Eleven wants to physically destroy Brian and Zero physically.

Mental power and magic power merged and compressed in the air, and gradually condensed into a huge ball of thought power.It's not that Eleven doesn't want to pinch some other shapes, but this blow really condenses almost all of his strength, which is really difficult to control. Instead of wasting effort to pinch the shape, it is better to be more solid.

"Go! Nian Li... Uh... Ball of Nian Li!"

A huge ball of light fell from the sky, and the space of terrifying power even torn apart, tearing apart small, dark space cracks around it.This kind of power, Eleven firmly believes that even a powerful wizard like Zero can never bear it.

However, at this moment, I didn't know where there was a clear and loud hit of the gong, accompanied by a sharp drink.

"The Senate enforces the law, all staff stop!"


The sound of the gong passed, and the magic in this small space appeared blank for a moment!For a moment, the magic power was completely emptied, and even the magic that was still flying in the air disappeared.

Eleven's big ball of thought power has not disappeared, but it has also become smaller for several laps, and its power has been greatly reduced.Without the support of magic, a simple mind attack would not have the power to destroy the world.


A basketball's big thought force compression ball smashed into Zero's head with extremely accurate precision, and his skin was ripped apart, his eyes turned over, and he fainted.

However, it did not die, which is a pity~

"Bold! Hearing the sound of the gong of the House of Councilors, it turned out to be violent and wounded! Come, take it for me!

A field worker with a frog-headed House of Representatives did not know where it came from, with his nostrils turned into the sky, and with a pretentious look, Yin and Yang gave orders to capture Eleven strangely.

Eleven looked at the congresses who came to him to handcuff him to enforce the law with a bit of awkwardness. There was a sentence in his heart that Mom didn't know what to say.

Get sick!

Could it be that the people who fought the Dark Guild were also at fault?

Didn't you see how many members of the Six Demon Generals lay there?Why do you need to transfer me first when you come up?

These members of the Senate are not fake, are they?

Hmm... it may be the subordinates of General Six Demon who are pretending to be!

Why don't you beat them up and try the truth?

Thinking of this, Eleven's eyes immediately became dangerous when looking at the law enforcement team members, and the few people who watched couldn't help but shiver.

However, before Eleven did it, the Naz people were the first to blow up their hair. They didn't have as many sorrowful thoughts as Eleven, but they just couldn't stand someone to handcuff their partner.

"Wow! Let go of Eleven! Fire dragon's iron fist!"


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