The thoughts of the fairy tail follow your heart

Chapter 246: Tears from behind bars

In X781, a few months after the dragon slaying time, another news detonated the magic circle.

The Dark Alliance-one of the three giants of the Balam Alliance, the "Six Demon Generals" suddenly collapsed overnight.The strength of the dark guild under its banner collapsed and was either suppressed or absorbed by other big guilds.

The Baram Alliance, which was in the limelight, received a fatal blow. The Iron Triangle model was missing a corner, and it suddenly became shaky, and it no longer had its original huge deterrent.

According to reports, the operation to destroy the Six Demon Generals was led by two young rookies in the Senate.

On this day, the names of Chicrein and Urutia entered people's field of vision for the first time.Only then did people know that the Senate had such an extraordinary genius.

Can't help feeling that it is indeed a powerful force governing the entire continent, and the background is really terrifying!

As for the fairy tail that assisted the council in the report corner, not many people care about it. I heard that this guild not only didn’t help, but it also messed up Magnolia and was ruined. A large piece.

Coupled with Fairy Tail's usual wind reviews, it is not very healthy. Nowadays, the wave of public opinion has been stirred up again, and it has attracted a lot of infamy, and the wind reviews once fell to the bottom.

However, the people who eat melons are chatting enthusiastically. The fairy tail at the center of public opinion does not seem to take this matter to heart. You should eat and drink, and will actively help the residents of Magnolia to rebuild once they have the time. Homeland, the small days are very leisurely, as if these people don't read the newspaper at all.

And the real protagonists of this incident, the heroes who defeated "Zero", the chairman of the Six Demon Generals Guild, were completely ignorant of this matter. They had another headache.

"Damn it! Let us go out! Ooh! The armored man over there is waiting. When I get out, I must beat you!"

"Naz~ You say that, people will definitely not let us out again~"

"Yeah, Hobby, you are so smart! Hey, in armor, let me out, I promise not to beat you!"


(▼▼#): "Shut up Naz! You are so noisy!"



These days, the cold and dead loneliness of the Senate House Prison has been broken and it has become very lively because of a few live treasures.

A few days ago, Eleven was arrested because he was suspected of being a wanted criminal Elizabeth. During this period, Eleven was too guilty to resist at all, and honestly followed.

But Naz and the others would naturally not watch the Senate arrest Ileven and immediately decided to rob the prison, so they fought the Senate on the spot.

Then, a few people came in...


In a small cell, Eleven, Mila, Elsa, Eric, Naz, Gray, Hobbi, six people and cats huddled together for several days.

Several people had their hands and feet fixed by the Demon Sealing Stones, all weak, even the most irritable Mila was weakly leaning against Eleven at this time and did not want to move.

However, the two of Naz and Elisa are very energetic, and it seems that the lack of magic cannot affect their actions.Every day Naz still had the strength to hit the iron fence in an attempt to break through the wall.

And the only person who can stop Naz is Elisa. Even if the magic is sealed, Elisa's iron fist has not diminished at all, and it is guaranteed that Naz will be quiet for hours.

"Well...Elisa, why are you hitting me? If we don't escape quickly, they will execute Eleven!" Naz said weakly, holding the big bag on his head. .

Elisa did not call Linaz, but looked at Eleven who was sitting there with her eyes closed and rested.

The fact that Eleven was also Elizabeth Elsa actually knew it, and Mira knew it too. When they had a conversation with Brian Projection,

At that time, Mila even worshiped Eleven and was wanted by the House of Representatives across the continent. This is a very awesome thing!

Soon Elisa also wanted to understand that when she was a child, the Elizabeth she met was actually Eleven.Although a little angry, Eleven teased himself, but what Eleven said at the time was very reasonable and touching, and he forgave Eleven with difficulty.

However, neither Mila nor Elisa had mentioned this matter to outsiders. After all, being wanted is also very dangerous, and they didn't want Eleven to be captured.

I don't know how the House of Representatives found out the identity of Eleven.If they really have any conclusive evidence, Eleven might be really dangerous, and even if he is not sentenced to death, he will inevitably be jailed.

Perhaps after feeling Elisa's gaze, the weak Mira opened her eyes and looked up at Eleven.

Eleven was very calm, closed his eyes and rested.It has been so peaceful for a few days, and even comforting everyone not to be impatient, there will always be a way.

Well, as expected to be Eleven, he is really steady at the critical moment!

Mira unconsciously shrank into Eleven's arms again, trying to feel his breathing and his heartbeat as much as possible.

Mira knew that Eleven must be so calm because she was afraid of them. She was the closest to Eleven these days, and only she could discover that Eleven was not as calm as she had imagined.

This person is really too gentle and has paid too much for his partner...

Mira secretly made up her mind that if it is finally irretrievable, even if she fights her life, she will protect Eleven. It does not matter if she is an enemy of the Senate. When the time comes, the two of them will fled to the end of the world, and then ......

(..??????..) Yeah!So shy~

At this moment, Eleven, who had been closing his eyes and rested, suddenly opened his eyes, and a pair of light blue eyes flashed faintly.

"Huh~ I'm finally finished, it's really inconvenient without magic." Eleven let out a sigh, as if he had accomplished some major achievement.

"Ah, Eleven, are you awake?" When the fantasy Mira heard Eleven's movement, she immediately moved away like a frightened deer, her face flushed with shame.

Eleven glanced at Mila curiously, wondering why she could have pink emotions in prison, what was going on in her little head?

But he didn't care too much, and quickly diverted his attention, waking up several other people in the prison with some excitement.

(≧ω≦)/: "Wake up everyone, listen to me, let's escape from here!"


Everyone was shocked, and even Naz, who had just been hammered by Elisa, immediately became energetic and sat up with a reel.

Everyone didn't have much opinion on Eleven's proposal. They originally had the idea to help Eleven escape from prison, but Eleven had not been in a hurry before, so everyone did not act.

Now that Eleven proposed the idea of ​​jailbreaking himself, of course everyone responded immediately.

"The Senate's prison is heavily guarded, and it is not easy to kill it." Elisa first put forward her own opinions.

However, Eleven smiled knowingly and triumphantly: “Don’t be afraid! I’ve secretly scanned the House of Representatives these days, and the map is in my mind. We can do it without disturbing anyone. Sneak out."

Elisa: (??_??)

Damn, you are doing this with your eyes closed these days, right?Unfortunately, I still admire you for your calmness and calmness, not being surprised, it turns out that you are thinking of bad ideas at all!

Mira: ('▽')

Wow!Eleven is so powerful, he has already figured out the topography of the Senate without even knowing it, and he is almost hidden!

Eleven sorted out his thoughts a bit, and continued: "Next, we only need to fix the guard at the door and the magic sealing stone in our hands."

"Let me try to knock the guard out first!" A light of excitement flashed in Eleven's eyes.

Although jailbreaking is not the best choice, Eleven doesn’t want to passively accept the trial, let alone watch Fairy Tail fight for himself with the Senate. It’s better to get out if you can escape. Consider it!

The pure mental power condenses into mind power, slowly reaching out, and touching the position of the guard station far away.

However, at this moment, the prison door in the distance suddenly opened with a squeak, and a frog came in with his head and screamed: "Suspect Eleven Bryan, your trial conference is ready. Please let me accept your final judgment!"




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