The thoughts of the fairy tail follow your heart

Chapter 247: The Gentleman's Revenge, From...

The headquarters of the Fiore Kingdom of the Senate, in the spacious and gorgeous corridor, three elderly people, one tall and two short, walk side by side.

"Speaker Crawford, I don't have any opinion on the merits of the Senate's attempt to capture the Six Demons, but is it too embarrassing to my children?" Makarov said in a deep voice as he walked, his face gloomy Terrible.

Crawford Sim, the current supreme chairman of the Magic Council, is a chubby old man with a long beard. He seems to be a very kind person, and at the moment he looks at Makarov with a sad face.

"Your Excellency Makarov, I said before. I have been immersed in the study of magic for some time recently, and I have not paid much attention to other things. I don’t know much about the arrest of your Fairy Tail Sorcerer. What's the situation! But don't worry, I will deal with this matter fairly and justly, and I will never wrongly wrong an innocent wizard!"

Crawford’s words are very beautiful, and they give Makarov a lot of face. Makarov really doesn’t know what to say, so he can’t directly threaten the councillor to let him go, right?What's the difference between that and the dark guild?

Following the soy sauce old Mr. Yajima patted Makarov on the shoulder, and comforted: "Little Ma, I will never let those little ghosts be wronged by innocent people, don't worry!"

"Oh~ I'm so worried because I haven't been wronged~" Makarov sighed in a low voice.

"Ah? What did you say, pony?" Ajima asked in a ear.

"Haha, no, I didn't say anything! Anyway, I leave it to you about the children, Xiaoya." Makarov slapped haha ​​with some guilty conscience.

Ajima glanced at Makarov a little strangely, but didn't say anything, and soon walked into a gorgeous gate with Crawford.

Makarov stood outside the door and sighed uncontrollably. He wanted to save Eleven in his heart, but there was no good way. His worrisome hair was about to fall out.

If this were normal, the council dared to try the wizard of Fairy Tail for no reason, he would have made a big trouble, but this time...

Alas~ the main reason is guilty conscience!

Thinking about it, Makarov's gaze unconsciously moved to the thick load-bearing columns in the hall, and fell into contemplation...

If it doesn't work, then just...

Ok!Even if the fairy tail disappears in the hands of the old man, the old man will not allow anyone to threaten the lives of the children!

At this moment, a trace of determination and excitement flashed from Makarov's eyes.


On the other hand, Ajima and Crawford walked into a room that Makarov was familiar with, the highest courtroom of the House of Representatives.

This courtroom is so large that it can seat all ten councillors and a jury of nearly a hundred.Their seats are high above, surrounded in a semicircle, overlooking the interrogated in the center of the room, giving them a great sense of psychological oppression.

In the past, Makarov was a frequent visitor here, so just stop here when you have nothing to do.Now, Eleven finally did not shame the old man, and successfully stood in the same position as the suspect.

The pressure of standing in this position is much greater than Eleven imagined. I thought it was simple when I saw the old man’s light and breezy appearance, but when it was his turn, Eleven felt a little nervous. .

Sure enough, he was far behind the old man!But once he was born and cooked again, Eleven believed that next time, he could do better!

With the seating of Senator Ajima and Speaker Crawford, the trial is just beginning. A frog head as a justice began to talk about the crimes committed by Elizabeth.

However, Eleven listened for a long time, and found that they were only talking about Elizabeth offending, as if it had nothing to do with him.

What a joke, what Elizabeth did has to do with my Eleven!

At this moment, Eleven also breathed a sigh of relief. It seems that the House of Representatives did not find any conclusive evidence to prove that Eleven is Elizabeth.

In fact, there are very few people who know the identity of Eleven, except for the friends of Fairy Tail, only a few people from Generals of the Six Demons and Geral are left.

The words of the Generals of the Six Demons cannot be regarded as testimony in the law of the Senate. After all, Eleven was the chief culprit in their destruction, and there is a possibility of revenge, and they are also the worst dark guilds, and their words are not credible. .

Even Geral can't actually come up with any conclusive evidence to prove Eleven’s identity. He is now disguised as Chikrein of the House of Representatives. It stands to reason that he has never contacted Elizabeth, unless Geral blew himself up to prove it Eleven.

After understanding the twists and turns, Elevating suddenly realized that he might have been tricked by that bastard Gerald!

The bastard caught himself in order to disgust him!

What's even more annoying is that Eleven suddenly discovered that Geral's guy hadn't come to this trial at all, and even the Missing Body Projection hadn't come!

(╬) Damn!

Listening to Judge Frog's shrill thoughts on the high platform, Eleven only felt the blue veins on his forehead.

Eleven didn't deal with Geral because of Elisa's relationship, but he really couldn't think of why Geral would be hostile to him.

I just hit the pride of Geral as a genius, and made him lose face under his hands, accidentally beat him to the point of death on the spot, and let him experience eating stool, flies, and meat at the same time. Bugs, smelly mud...

That's it!

How careful is Geral that bastard?Also engage in such boring tricks!

cut!Geral is really shameless!

I, Eleven, never hold a grudge like this!


"Well, may I ask, do you know that the fellow Chicrein is actually Geral?" Eleven ignored Judge Frog's thoughts and suddenly asked.

Just as the boy Geral was not here, Eleven decided to take the opportunity to speak badly about him behind his back.


Eleven's words made the atmosphere at the scene suddenly quiet. Several big figures on the high platform all looked at Eleven with a strange expression, and didn't understand what the kid said suddenly and thoughtlessly.

It took a long time for the frog judge to react and sternly shouted: "Suspect Eleven Bryan, please pay attention to your words. Every sentence you say in the court will be recorded. Would you still Do you want to add one more sin of slandering Zickley's prospective councilor?

Eleven smiled brightly and didn't care, and continued: "Doubt, doubt whether you understand, just like you suspect me now, I also suspect that the fellow Qicrein is Geral himself!"

"I think otherwise I can also catch him for a trial! I can also help. You all know about my magic. It's best for interrogation work. That guy can't hide secrets in front of me, I I can share it with you, how about it? Would you like to try?"

"Bold! Crazy talk! How dare you slander the genius of our Senate for no reason! One more crime! One more crime!"

The Frog Judge on the high platform looked at the hippy smiley Eleven who was so angry that his wig was almost lost. Chiclay was the most outstanding representative of the young generation in the Senate, and his idol. That allowed Eleven to slander!

Had it not been for the House of Representatives to be a society under the rule of law, Judge Frog would have wanted people to sentence Eleven.

Eleven curled his lips, and probably guessed that the judge's reaction would be like this. There was nothing to be disappointed. It would be strange to agree to arrest Geral for the first trial.

The text of Eli just felt that there were more big people on the scene, and he deliberately buried the nails in Geral's goods. Maybe the big guy listened to it, and it would be good to investigate Geral secretly.

Humph!Geral!Your kid provoke me!I'll talk to you about it!


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