The thoughts of the fairy tail follow your heart

Chapter 254: The Conception of Drinking Magic

Mira was very proud. Not only was she successfully promoted to the S-rank Sorcerer, she became the focus of the carnival afterwards, but also defeated Elisa during the assessment, which made her fill in the duel record with Elisa. A brilliant stroke.However, some people are proud and others are lost. Eric doesn't need to mention it. Except for Ginana, not many people care about his loss, but Kana's situation has been noticed by many people.

The main reason is that Kildas made a fuss, but there is also a reason because this is the second time that Kana has participated in the assessment, and she still failed the list. It is inevitable that everyone will be a little worried about Kana's self-confidence being hurt.

Kana herself is indeed a little uncomfortable. Originally, she was no better than Elisa, and she recognized the two little sisters, Mila, but now she has full-time training from Kildas and still has not been able to compete with Mila. It made her very shocked.

There must be no problem with Kildas' training. The problem must lie with him. Is it really that bad?

Kildas looked at the lost daughter from the sidelines, not knowing how to comfort him, and hurriedly worked.

Although Kildas knows that the main reason Kana will lose is because of insufficient accumulation, if he is allowed to train for two or three years, the situation will be different.

But I can't say this. If I say it, doesn't it mean that Kana is weak now?

So, who should Kana lose the pot on?



Correct!It's this kid!

by!I forgot before, this kid dared to punch Kana in the belly with his fist in front of me blatantly!Even if it is required for assessment, as a father, I can never forgive!

At this moment, Kildas went wild again, just like the last time he took Eleven, he walked up to Laxus aggressively, and then walked out with his collar.

Laxus was also dumbfounded and didn't understand what happened.But since Kildas took the initiative to come to him, he was happy to accept it, even very excited.

"Hahaha, Kildas, do you want to provoke me? That's right, I also accepted the strongest throne of Fairy Tail by the way!"

In the wild laugh of Laxus, the two disappeared outside the gate of the guild.Eleven silently mourned for Laxas, the iron-headed baby, for three seconds, hoping that he could be beaten by Kildas.

Soon, Eleven turned his gaze to Kana who was drunk alone there, taking advantage of Kildas's no more, and habitually sat down beside Kana.

"Kana, do you know why you lost?" Eleven said solemnly.

"Well, I probably also know where my problem is." Kana grumbled a bit depressed and took a sip of wine.

"Then have you ever thought of solving this problem?" Eleven asked with a tilted head and a smile.

"Solution? How to solve it? Eleven, do you have a solution?" Karna suddenly became serious when she heard this, and the wine barrel in her arms was also put down, listening carefully to Eleven's words.

Although Kana’s card magic has many changes, its drawbacks are also very obvious. That is, under the same magic power conditions, her card attack power is obviously much lower than ordinary magic, which is similar to that of Don't mention and Laxus. The magic is contested.

Kana knew this well, and Kildas was also actively thinking about solutions for Kana, but their ideas were to maximize their strengths and avoid weaknesses.That is, since Karna's combat effectiveness is not good, then follow the strategy flow, which happens to be the same route for the weird and changeable card magic.

However, Eleven felt that it was not reliable to promote strengths and avoid weaknesses. He knew that he had shortcomings and didn't want to make up for them. He always thought about what would be the result of avoiding them?It will overturn sooner or later.

Just like Eleven himself, there is no advantage in physical fitness, but he has not given up, and has been actively exercising!Then, various shields, mental power additions, and other skills to increase defense and strength have been developed to improve shortcomings.

Only a hexagonal wizard like him with comprehensive development of morality, intelligence, physicality, beauty and labor,

Therefore, if you want to solve the problem of Kana's combat power, you still have to start with increasing the attack power, and there are two ways to increase the attack power.

One is to develop a super card that is powerful enough to directly lift the table and change the terrain.However, it is still very difficult to bear such a powerful force from a carrier such as cards.

The second is to solve the problem fundamentally and enhance Kana's basic magic.

Since the attack power of the Kanak card is small under the same magic power, then we use twice, three times, or even ten times the magic power to activate the card.In this way, even the weakest card can have the power to destroy the world.

Such a concept is established. It is like asking Kana and Kildas to activate the same card, and the power released is also very different.

The magicians who hold the element rely on magic power more than the ability element. The more magic they can squander, the greater the power of magic.

Eleven kept instilling her ideas into Kana, and Kana nodded frequently, but she soon reflected that Eleven was talking nonsense.Who doesn't understand the truth, the key is that there is no such simple increase in magic power. If you want to reach the height of Kildas, you don't know how long and how long you will cultivate.

Facing Kana’s questioning, Eleven smiled slightly, raised his finger to the large wine barrel in Kana’s arms, and said, “When I was on a mission, I met a very powerful S-class. Sorcerer. His magic simply condenses the magic power in the palm of his hand, which is very tasteless."

"However, what is amazing is that this person can greatly increase his magic power and combat effectiveness by drinking! Although the improvement in combat has a lot to do with the drunken martial arts he uses, we can't replicate it. But he passed Drinking to increase the magic power is real, and the improvement is not even a little bit, it is a leap-forward improvement."

"Kana, when it comes to drinking, I don't think I can find anyone more powerful than you on the continent. Don't you say that such magic is very suitable for you?"

Kana's eyes brightened by what Eleven said, and she couldn't help but cherish the wine barrel in her arms tightly. The wine in it might not only be as simple as wine in the future, it might be full of magic!

"Then Eleven, do you know the kind of magic you just said?" Kana looked forward to it.

"No! I don't know how to drink, so what do you learn from him!" Eleven was confident.

Karna: (??_??)

"But, don’t be afraid! Although I won’t, but don’t you still have Kildas! As the strongest wizard in the guild, as long as you put forward an idea, he can definitely help you find similar magic, or even directly help It’s not impossible for you to develop one!"

Eleven vowed to say a lot, but finally pushed all the baggage to Kildas without the slightest psychological pressure.The most important thing is that Karna even felt that what Eleven said was reasonable, and nodded in approval.

There is a dad who is so difficult and troublesome, it is a pity not to use it.I believe that with Kildas's ability, this little problem should be easy to solve.

Kana, who had figured out all this, suddenly smiled, and looked at Eleven gratefully, expressing her gratitude to him.I didn't even realize that Eleven was just telling her a whim on paper. In fact, it didn't work at all. Kildas will help in the future.

Eleven didn't realize it at all, and casually accepted Kana's gratitude. For a while, the two had a very happy conversation, and they switched their cups.

It just so happened that Kildas had beaten Laxus, and walked into the guild's door refreshed.At the first glance, I saw that Eleven and Kana had a hot conversation, and his face suddenly turned black.



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