The thoughts of the fairy tail follow your heart

Chapter 255: X Seven Hundred and Eighty Two Years

"Eleven! Quickly give me the title of Demon King!"

In the hall of the guild, Mira struggled to strangle Eleven's neck with both arms from behind, and made her unreasonable request straightforwardly.

Since becoming an S-rank Sorcerer, Mira has been quite dissatisfied with her title.Why other people are such cool titles as Thor, Demon King, and Fairy Queen, she is the only one who has come here!It always feels like it is one grade lower than others.

After thinking about it, Mira felt that Eleven's goblin was still more suitable for her to use, so she wrapped her in Eleven.

Eleven did not resist at first, letting Mila* push her softly behind her back.But Mila is also an S-rank magician anyway, or a physical output magician. The strength in her hand is no joke.

Gradually, Eleven found that he was a little out of breath, and enjoyed it again... oh no, if you didn't resist, you might be strangled by Milla!

"Mira, let me go~" Eleven patted Mila's arm hastily.

Seeing that Eleven couldn't hold it, Mira was even more excited. Instead of letting go, she pressed Eleven into her arms: "Hey, as long as you agree to give me the title of Demon King, I will let you go! "

"Don't make trouble, let go!"

"Huh! I won't!"

"Oh~ you forced me..."


A beautiful shoulder fall!

With the aid of Nian Li, Eleven's movements are extremely standard and unrestrained.Mira was thrown off-guard and looked at the familiar ceiling with a dazed expression.

"COOL!!! You deserve to be the Fairy Demon King!!! I really show no mercy at all!!"

Jason, a professional journalist on the side, pressed the camera with excitement, recording the precious scenes of the Fairy Tail Demon King and the Demon only seeing each other.

Eleven didn't care about Jason. He looked down and saw that Mira seemed to be in a posture that he didn't want to give up. He squatted helplessly, poked his hands on Mira's cheek, and grinned.

"Hey, Mira, I think the title of Demon is good."

(`??*): "Humph! Not good at all!"

"Look, I am the Demon King, and you are the Demon. In this way, you won't be mine anymore!"

Mira: ...


From this day on, Mira hasn’t bothered Eleven. She seems to have accepted her name as a demon, and she seems to be a little bit happy~

Eleven was also very happy, looked at Mira, nodded in satisfaction, the first little brother Get!!

It is incredible to think that his dignified fairy and demon King Eleven has no fixed subordinates until now!That stinky shameless Laxus has made himself a Thor group, and his Eleven must have his own Demon Lord group!

Well, Mira will be the number one brother from now on!

Demon King Eleven, Demon Mira, um~ perfect match!

Moreover, Mira is still an S-rank Sorcerer, and the Thunder God of Laxus has no S-rank!

Sure enough, Laxus is far behind me!



X782 was an extremely glorious year for Fairy Tail.The strong rise of the younger generation has made Fairy Tail the most eye-catching guild in the entire Fiore Kingdom, and even made a famous name on the entire continent.

Fairy Demon King-Eleven, Thor-Laxus, Fairy Queen-Elsa, Demon-Miraj, all young but fearsome names bear the name of Fairy Tail. Destroy everywhere on the continent... Oh no, it's a legend!

Even if you don’t mention the S rank, even Naz, Gray, Kana, Rebbi, Eric, Mistgang, Elfman, Thor... these people are also the most destructive. Full.

Except for the young Wendy, almost all of the younger generations have grown up and become powerful magisters who can be alone. They have not lived up to the old man's persistent abduction of ignorant children in the past few years.

Coupled with the two pillars of Makarov, the president of the Saint Ten Sorcerer, and Kildas, who has become the otaku dad, the overall strength of the Fairy Tail as the Sorcerer’s Guild has suddenly reached astonishing the height of.

Even the'Ghost Dominator', once known as the strongest guild in Fiore, unknowingly withdrew from the headlines of major media, and gradually became the green leaf behind Fairy Tail.

With the strength of the Fairy Tail Guild, more and more wizards came here.From dozens of people to hundreds of people, the hall of the guild became more and more crowded and noisy.

Standing on the second floor of the guild, Eleven looked at the crowded lobby on the first floor, felt the joyous atmosphere in the crowd, and smiled unconsciously.

Although the current guild has changed a lot from when he joined when he was a child, although there are too many newcomers, most of Yilivin can no longer be named.

But Fairy Tail is still that Fairy Tail. It is still noisy, drunk, fighting and fighting every two days, destroying everywhere, the old man is still being scolded by the council, and the partners are still tirelessly tearing down the house.

Even if the strength of the guild has become stronger and its status has become higher, the atmosphere has not changed. The idiots are still those idiots, and they are still familiar with the place and the familiar taste.


"Hey! What do you think? The smile is so wretched!"

A sweet drink successfully interrupted Eleven's life perception, turned his head and looked around, only to see Mila standing behind Eleven with one hand in her waist and a smirk on her face.

"Yo, Mira, you're back, is the mission going well?"

Eleven saw Mila smile slightly, ignored Mila's ridicule to him, pulled out a chair and sat on it, chatting with Mila.

"Of course it went well! Don't see who this lady is!"

Mila unceremoniously sat down on the table in front of Eleven, and raised her chin proudly, like a proud little wild cat.

Since becoming an S-rank, the mission that Mila took over has not failed. This makes Mila extremely proud, and she wants to show off to Eleven from time to time.

"Yes, you are the Demon Mira with a 100% mission success rate! Our Mira sauce is really getting better and better!" Eleven's gaze slowly swept across the white legs shaking in front, and the words of praise appeared Very perfunctory.

But Mira didn't seem to care at all, and snorted slightly to indicate that she had accepted Eleven's compliment and felt that what Eleven had said was correct, which made her very useful.

But after that, the two of them had nothing to talk about. Eleven continued to observe the big white legs in front of him with care, while Mira looked up at the ceiling and wondered what he was thinking.

After a long time, Eleven might have seen enough, pushing the table and standing up.At the same time, he shook the task list at Mira: "You can rest two more days after you finish the task. I have just received a task to complete here, so I won't accompany you in a daze here."

"Ah? Do you have a task to do?" Mira's tone seemed flustered.

Mila, who had been in a daze looking at the sky just now, didn't speak at all. Seeing that Eleven was about to do the task, she immediately showed a look of loss, as if she hadn't finished speaking.

"Why? Is there anything I can help?" Eleven raised his eyebrows and asked with his head tilted.

"Um...nothing, I can do it myself! You can go ahead!" Mila quickly freed herself from her loss, squeezed her fist, and started to cheer herself up with confidence.

Eleven looked inexplicable, but when he turned his head and saw the top task on the S-class task board, he frowned slightly.

"Mira, you are not still thinking about the Beastmaster mission, are you? That mission has not been completed for several years, almost reaching the strength of the ten-year mission. You have just advanced to the S rank, which mission is too early for you Up..."

"Huh! My mission success rate is higher than yours!" Mira proudly interrupted Eleven, her pretty face full of unconvinced.

(??`)??: "But didn't the old man refuse you once before?"

(^): "He will definitely agree this time!"


"Ah~ Are you fighting the Beastmaster for Elfman?"

Mila opened her mouth, as if she wanted to argue, but in the end she chose to nod her head and her expression became gentle.

"Well, I intend to let Elfman receive the Soul of the Beastmaster. This way he will also hope to be promoted to the S-level in this year's S-level assessment. This has always been his dream..."

"Mila, you are such a good sister..."

"At that time...hehehe, at that time, I and Elfman, two S-rank wizards, will be able to deal with Elisa together! The iron girl is getting more and more arrogant recently! You must teach her a good lesson!!"

Eleven: (??_??)

It was originally a warm story about an older sister for the sake of her younger brother, but in a moment of breaking through the miracle-like laughter, it has directly turned into a bad deed that the little Taimei intends to gang up and beat the Commissioner...

Eleven really regretted taking care of this for Mira. This girl still has time to bully Elisa. What danger can she encounter?

However, looking at Mila who was still smirking, and thinking of this stuff, he might be his number one brother. Eleven's heart softened, and he looked up helplessly and rubbed Mila's head. Mira's grinning face was suppressed.

"Oh, you are already an S-rank Sorcerer, and I won’t stop you anymore, but it’s okay to let me go with you? I’ll get the task I’m on hand as soon as possible. When I come back, I Can I accompany you to defeat the Beastmaster?"

"I, I don't need you to go with you!" Mila didn't struggle when Eleven rubbed her head, but she wanted to refuse Eleven's help with a proud face.

"Don't worry, I won't cause you trouble, I'll just look at the head office."

"Huh? What's the point of going there? I don't need you to follow...well...don't rub my head~"

Mila just wanted to give an impassioned and arrogant speech, but before she straightened her neck, it was pressed down by Eleven's big hand, and she rubbed Mila's hair in a mess.

"Good! Obedient! Wait for me to come back!"

Mira: ?? (????????????)??

"Um...oh~ well..."


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