The Three Dragon Kings of Douluo

Chapter 101 Poseidon’s Halberd, on the way home

Seeing this, the Evil Killer Whale King also activated his own Evil Whale Domain.

But although he is powerful, how can he defeat the combined realms of Yu Tianming and Xiao Bai?

In addition, although the second soul bone skill of Yu Tianming's Dragon King's wings, 'Wind and Xia', cannot cause substantial damage to it, within a radius of dozens of miles, it is pulled by countless filaments in the space, and the evil killer whale king is also He was in so much pain that his fighting power was more than a little weaker.

After Yu Tianming transformed into a dragon, his physical strength and elemental power were increased by 500%. In the true form of the martial soul, his dragon transformation attributes were directly doubled. He transformed into an elemental turret thousands of meters above the ground, and the evil killer whale He was unable to attack the sky, and could not withstand the tenfold amplification of lightning spewed out by Yu Tianming.

The Evil Killer Whale King thought that he couldn't deal with Xiaobai's constant bites and the attacks from the elemental turrets thousands of meters high at the same time. He gradually wanted to retreat in his heart, but his attacks became more and more violent.

Seeing this, Yu Tianming hurriedly used telepathy and said to Xiaobai: "Use your desperate light wave to try to seal its actions."

Xiaobai also used his mental power to say: "My despair light wave is okay against you, but this trick can only affect the evil killer whale for a moment."

"Let's work together. If we can enrich it, we will have a chance to kill it on the spot."

Hearing this, Xiaobai said no more, and faint blue ripples emerged from the shark's head and headed towards the Evil Killer Whale King.

Yu Tianming, who released his martial soul's true form, also used his sixth soul skill, Hai Long's signature skill - Forbidden Demonic Light Wave. But instead of releasing it in the form of ripples like Xiaobai, he gathered the skill in his mouth, compressed it into a beam of light and rushed towards the evil killer whale king.

Although this method requires energy storage and the chance of hitting is greatly reduced, it can greatly improve the effect of the skill, and it is also effective against the powerful evil killer whale king.

The Evil Killer Whale King was hit simultaneously by Xiaobai's dark blue ripples and Yu Tianming's azure beam of light, and its momentum suddenly stagnated. Then the huge body suddenly rolled up in the sea water, and then the body popped out like a bowstring, opening a kilometer away from Xiaobai.

Its huge body floated on the sea surface a thousand meters away and came to a halt. The original metallic luster on its body was quickly replaced by a layer of dead gray. The extremely huge energy fluctuation seemed to block the entire sea area.

"Let's die together." The Evil Killer Whale King roared hysterically. His body began to expand rapidly. It is obviously igniting all the energy in the body. Similar to the third stage of the solidified sea state in Xiaobai's domain, it appears. This makes the movements of both the Demonic Killer Whale and the Demonic Great White Shark slow down in the sea.

"Oops, it's going to explode. Run at dawn!" Xiaobai exclaimed, trying his best to break free from the restraints and run wildly into the distance.

Yu Tianming also used the soul bone skill of the Dragon King's wings, 'Driving Clouds and Driving the Moon', and turned into a white light that traveled dozens of miles away in an instant.

No one here knew what it would be like for a hundred thousand year old soul beast to self-destruct, but they could fully imagine what a terrifying power it would be when a soul beast that had been practicing for one hundred thousand years exploded its accumulated energy and soul at the same time. . If it really happens, I'm afraid not many people here will survive.

No one expected that at the last moment, the evil killer whale king would be so violent and would die together with the evil spirit Great White Shark at the cost of completely erasing himself from this world.

But when Yu Tianming and Xiao Bai escaped dozens of miles away, the evil killer whale king suddenly stopped self-destructing due to electromagnetic induction, rolled up his body, and dived into the deep sea.

Seeing this, Yu Tianming sent a message to Xiaobai: "The evil killer whale king has escaped. Let's go and hunt the remaining evil killer whales."

Although Xiao Bai regretted that he did not succeed in killing the evil killer whale king, he still rushed at full speed towards the evil killer whale group not far away.

After a lot of killing, Yu Tianming successfully completed the fourth divine test, and the group of evil killer whales also suffered heavy losses at the hands of the furious Xiaobai, leaving the entire group completely wiped out.

Three months later.

Everyone challenged the Seven Sacred Pillars and persisted in Bo Saixi's hands for a quarter of an hour, completing the fifth and sixth tests. After climbing a thousand and one steps, we arrived in front of the magnificent Poseidon Temple and took the seventh test - to pull out the Poseidon Trident.

The huge stone pillars in front of the Poseidon Temple are carved with different sea soul beasts, bizarre scenery in the vast ocean, and a majestic man. Combined with the legend of Poseidon Island, everyone can probably guess that this is the story of Poseidon becoming a god.

There is no window in the Poseidon Temple, so naturally there is no light from the outside. The empty hall is pitch black. Through the darkness, one can see that the dignified Poseidon Temple does not have any decorations.

Sea Dragon Douluo led everyone into the Poseidon Temple, stopped, and respectfully said inside: "Sir, Yu Tianming has been brought here."

"Well, you can go out." Bo Saixi's voice came from the deep hall.

"Yes." Sea Dragon Douluo bowed respectfully inside, then opened the way and walked out from the side. He nodded slightly as he passed by Yu Tianming, and then walked out.

The sea dragon soul beast that raised Sea Dragon Douluo to adulthood has been sacrificed to Yu Tianming and became his sixth soul ring. In order to resurrect the Sea Dragon Soul Beast, Sea Dragon Douluo hoped more than Yu Tianming himself that he could pass the examination.

Without the obstruction of Sea Dragon Douluo's burly figure, everyone could clearly see the scene in the hall.

In the center of this hall, there is a three-story floating platform several meters high, surrounded by small Seven Holy Pillars of Poseidon. A long black stick sticks straight in the center of the platform.

Bo Saixi was sitting cross-legged in the middle of the floating platform on the first floor. Her hands were palms upward, each holding a strange gesture.

"At dawn, you come to the stage." Her faint voice echoed in the empty hall.

"Yes." Yu Tianming agreed, strode forward with the three girls, and walked five meters in front of Bo Saixi.

Everyone found that Bo Saixi's aura was very different now from before. She used to be as deep as the vast ocean, but now although she still looks young, she looks like a kind old man.

Everyone bowed and saluted and said, "I have met my senior."

Bo Saixi nodded, smiled kindly and said, "Before you take the seventh test, let me tell you the story of Poseidon."

"Many, many years ago, the sea was a place of chaos, with countless soul masters and spirit beasts constantly launching wars. Tens of thousands of years ago, an amazing genius appeared in the sea. With his own strength, he traveled all over the world Every corner of the sea conquered the races in the sea one after another. It took 1001 years to unify the sea and was respected as the sea god by all the sea races. "

Having said this, Bo Saixi paused for a moment and said again, "Children, do you know why it took Lord Poseidon so many years to become a god at level 100?"

Yu Tianming said nothing, and the three women behind him also looked at each other, and then shook their heads in confusion.

Bo Saixi said: "This is all because of the rules. Lord Poseidon said that level 99 Titled Douluo is the upper limit of the world's strength. After level 99, you cannot make any progress. This is the rule of this world. But if you break through this level, you are above the rules. Above, that is what is called God.”

"Lord Poseidon relied on the power of faith of countless soul masters and soul beasts to break through the upper limit of the rules. It took 1,001 years to accumulate the power of faith."

"Of course, by gaining the recognition of the ancestors and inheriting the throne of an existing god, you can also break through the restrictions and achieve the godhood. When you pass the Ninth Poseidon Examination, you will inherit the Poseidon and become a new generation of Poseidon."

At the end of the speech, Bo Saixi became obviously excited, and her high-pitched voice echoed in the temple.

Although Yu Tianming looked normal, Dugu Yan and Zhu Zi behind him began to look horrified. Although they had already prepared in their hearts, when Bo Saixi personally pointed out the path to becoming a god, they could not suppress their inner excitement.

Bo Saixi stood up and said, "Put upside down on this Poseidon's platform is the weapon that has accompanied Mr. Poseidon all his life, the Poseidon Trident. It condenses a lot of Poseidon's power. Pull it out and complete Poseidon's Seventh Poseidon." With its recognition, you have taken the key step to becoming a Poseidon."

At this time, Bo Saixi had already stepped aside, while Yu Tianming walked towards the stage step by step.

The trident in front of Yu Tianming had an exposed long handle of about one foot, as thick as a child's arm. It was dark and dull, and only a thin layer of lines could be vaguely seen on it. He touched the Poseidon Trident with his mental power and discovered that the trident happened to be inserted in the center of Poseidon Mountain, and the Qi machine was also connected to the entire mountain.

He did not hesitate, and while transforming into a dragon, he firmly grasped the warm long handle of the Poseidon Trident.

As soon as he touched it, the golden Poseidon Trident brand on Yu Tianming's forehead suddenly lit up, and a beam of Poseidon's light shot out from it, shining on the long handle of the trident in front of him.


At the moment when Poseidon's light shone, the Poseidon Trident in his hand seemed to tremble. Immediately afterwards, from the dark handle held by his hands, a faint golden color began to spread, and a trace of the majestic Poseidon aura also spread.

Yu Tianming, who had transformed into a dragon, yanked fiercely, causing Poseidon Temple to tremble, and then the Poseidon Trident, which weighed 108,000 kilograms, was forcefully pulled out by him.

He thought that the higher the Poseidon's affinity, the stronger the Poseidon's light would be, and the easier it would be to control the trident. Then he injected the Poseidon's light from the mark on his forehead into the Poseidon Trident in front of him, and the trident in his hand slowly became lighter.

With the continuous injection of Poseidon's power, the Vast Sea Universe Cover also flew out, turning into a dark blue diamond-shaped gem, which fit on the diamond-shaped hole of Poseidon's Trident.

Yu Tianming thought to himself: The Vast Sea Universe Shield is indeed the key to Poseidon's inheritance, but the Tiandou Empire royal family does not know this secret. No matter how much they value Tang San, they will not give him the Vast Sea Universe Shield.

Tang San, who was originally only at the level of the top eight exams, relied on the Vast Sea Universe Shield presented by the Tiandou royal family to pass the ninth Poseidon exam and become Poseidon.

Now that Yu Tianming has taken away the Poseidon's inheritance, if he takes away the Shura God's inheritance again, I'm afraid Tang San's greatest achievement in this life will be to become an Ultimate Douluo.

As the Poseidon Trident became complete, the originally dark hall seemed to be ignited by golden light. At this moment, it was baptized by a layer of golden magic patterns, and the simple hall began to become luxurious.

At the same time, an unprecedented sacred aura erupted from Poseidon, turning into a huge pillar of light rising into the sky.

At this time, the sky was already covered with dark clouds, and the dark clouds blocked the entire Poseidon Island's light. At this time, Poseidon Temple burst out with intense golden light, cutting through the darkness, illuminating Poseidon Mountain and dyeing the dark clouds in the sky golden.

The golden cloud slowly turned into a human figure. It could be vaguely seen that this human figure was holding a trident and wearing golden armor. It was Poseidon, the god of the sea.

In the sea, it seemed that all creatures felt the aura of the golden shadow. The soul beasts and soul masters in the sea unconsciously turned their eyes in the direction of Poseidon Island and began to worship tremblingly and respectfully.

Even the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King, who was about to transform into a dragon, had already opened his huge one eye, and his eyes showed only horror and unwillingness.

In Wuhun City, in the worship hall, Angel Douluo Qiandaoliu, who closed his eyes to rest, suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes were deep, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Countless tiny golden lights appeared in the ocean and began to converge towards Poseidon Island. If Seagod Douluo Bo Saixi sees it, he will definitely understand that this is what she said is the power of faith condensed from the faith of all things in the ocean in the Seagod.

With the blessing of the power of faith, the shadow of Poseidon in mid-air began to become clear, and Poseidon's face turned into that of Yu Tianming.

In the Poseidon Temple, Yu Tianming raised the trident. He was nine feet six inches tall. After transforming into a dragon, his height reached ten feet, while the Poseidon Trident was two feet long.

The dragon-transformed Yu Tianming held the huge trident as if the God of War was still alive. He casually held the stick flower in his hand, and a trembling sound like a dragon's roar burst out from the trident. The golden flames on the trident gave his whole body a golden luster.

After completing the seventh test, a red light appeared on the foreheads of Dugu Yan and Zhu Zi in the audience, and then the red light shattered, and they also received a reminder of the reward: "Complete the seventh test, and obtained red-level permissions on Poseidon Island." , the reward soul ring has a life span of 30,000, and a god-given soul ring.”

The three women who have completed seven assessments have accumulated soul ring years of more than 50,000 years. Their lowest soul ring has been increased by the age of Poseidon. The first four soul rings have all transformed like Poseidon Douluo Bo Saixi. Neat black.

After nearly two years of practice, Yu Tianming and the three women have made huge improvements. Now the four people's cultivation realm is as follows:

Yu Tianming, the three-headed Dragon King of Wuhun, with soul power level 78, attached with soul bones: Dragon King's wings

Dugu Yan, a black jade snake with a martial soul, soul power level 60, a 4,000-year-old white-ringed sea snake left arm bone, and an 80,000-year-old white-ringed sea snake king right arm bone.

A'Zhu, martial soul red dragon, soul power level 60, 800 years of soul-eating red snake trunk bone.

Azi, the martial soul Qingjiao, has a soul power level 65, a 50,000-year-old left arm bone, and an 80,000-year-old sea dragon skull.

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