The Three Dragon Kings of Douluo

Chapter 102 Big Forest, Dark Evil Tiger

After completing the assessment, everyone first sent messages to the sect through the communication crystal, and then left Poseidon Island.

In order to prevent being ambushed by the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King, Yu Tianming transformed into a three-headed dragon-like martial soul avatar and flew above 10,000 meters in the air.

The Poseidon Trident, which could not be stored in the storage ring, was held in his mouth. The three women, whose cultivation level was higher than that of the Soul Emperor, were lying behind the dragon's head among the many horns.

In just half a day, the three of them arrived at the edge of the Central Star Dou Forest from the Poseidon Island in the west of the Douluo Continent.

Just when he was about to fly back to the sect in one breath, Yu Tianming sensed a strange-looking black giant tiger below, eating the corpse of another soul beast.

This giant tiger was completely black, without a trace of color, and its blood-red eyes were full of murderous intent.

Different from other tiger spirit beasts, it has black wings representing corruption on its back, and its tail is like a scorpion's tail, composed of countless joints, and the huge undercut at the tip of the tail shines with a dark light.

Seeing it, Yu Tianming immediately thought of an extremely powerful evil beast - the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger.

According to legend, this kind of soul beast appeared because the God of Evil descended on a white tiger and caused it to mutate, turning the white tiger's original light attribute into a dark attribute, giving birth to the black wings representing corruption, and That evil god hook like a scorpion tail.

If we evaluate it according to the level of martial spirit, then it is definitely a martial spirit on the same level as Seraphim.

By chance, he met the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger. Yu Tianming no longer rushed, but gently flapped his huge wings and floated a thousand meters above the sky.

At this time, Dugu Yan was lying behind the huge dragon head. When he saw Yu Tianming, who had been galloping for several hours, suddenly stopped flying, he wondered: "We haven't returned to the sect yet, why did brother Tianming stop? "

Yu Tianming opened his dragon's mouth, and in the martial soul's true form, a deep voice reached the ears of the three women, "Yanyan, we are lucky today. We encountered an extremely powerful overlord soul beast. This time your sixth soul ring found it."

Because he was thousands of meters high in the sky, Dugu Yan couldn't see the dark evil tiger under the big tree in the star forest below. He couldn't help but wonder: "What kind of snake is this? Brother Tianming actually said that it is the most suitable soul for me." beast?"

"This is a tiger-like soul beast, the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger. Although it is not a snake, its bloodline level may have reached the top of the mainland. It has six attributes of time, space, strength, evil, and wind and thunder. Its current cultivation level, Although it is only thirty thousand years old, in terms of strength, it can even challenge a hundred thousand year old spirit beast."

The Dark Demon Evil God Tiger has an extremely domineering nature - its growth is not based on its own cultivation, but on devouring the soul power of other soul beasts or human soul masters to rapidly increase its strength.

According to Yu Tianming's induction, its cultivation level was probably more than 30,000 years, which was far inferior to the more than 60,000 years of cultivation when Tang San met it more than ten years later.

"This ten-thousand-year-old dark demon evil tiger has the strength to challenge a hundred-thousand-year-old soul beast. Is Brother Tianming confident of killing it?"

Yu Tianming didn't answer. The fourth, fifth, and sixth soul rings under his feet flickered. In the martial spirit true form, a ball of blazing white light condensed from the dragon's mouth on the left, and a ball of blue light formed on the dragon's head on the right. ball of light. The middle dragon head holding the Poseidon Trident condensed into a ball of golden-red light, shining with dazzling golden light.

In the state of the martial spirit avatar, huge energy began to gather on his body, and the scales of the martial spirit avatar also began to shine brightly.

The Dark Demon Evil God Tiger, who was eating, sensed the huge energy fluctuations in the sky and couldn't help but raise his head. Through the small gaps in the leaves, he looked warily at Yu Tianming's huge body.

The size difference between the soul beasts can roughly tell the strength of the soul beasts. The Dark Demon Evil God Tiger, which is now only five meters long, obviously does not dare to fight against the 30-meter-long martial soul avatar in the sky. Battle.

When it saw the energy gathering in Yu Tianming's mouth, it immediately crawled to the ground, tried its best to lower its sense of presence, and slowly retreated towards the forest in the distance.

Seeing the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger trying to escape, Yu Tianming, whose soul power had reached its peak, instantly released the Killing God Domain to lock it down.

Immediately afterwards, he released the soul bone skill of Dragon King's wings - drawing the wind and rosy clouds. With him as the center, everything within a radius of several miles was suffused with the rays of soul power.

The Dragon King's Wings are external soul bones formed from the power of the Water and Fire Dragon King through the eyes of Ice and Fire. The two skills attached to it are extremely powerful.

Pulling the wind and attracting the clouds, this move can infiltrate countless soul power threads into the space. As long as it is pulled a little, these countless soul power threads can cut the enemy.

Due to the strength of the soul power thread, Yu Tianming originally thought that this move would only have a miraculous effect on weak soul beasts, and could kill all the weak soul beasts around them instantly.

However, after fighting against the Evil Killer Whale King, he discovered that although the strength of the soul power threads made it difficult to cause substantial damage to powerful soul beasts, the continuous cutting of the threads could still cause severe pain, even if they could not be killed. Opponents can also weaken their combat power by several percent.

But even though the thread of soul power that led to Feng Yingxia penetrated around the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger, its light was still dim within a hundred meters.

It was clear that there were no clouds in the sky, the sun was shining brightly, and the soul power emitted by Yu Tianming also emitted a golden-red light, but in the forest around the Dark Demon Evil Tiger, it was all dark.

Yu Tianming knew that it was no ordinary soul beast, but he did not expect that with only more than 30,000 years of cultivation, the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger would awaken the realm. You know, after a soul beast has been practicing for a hundred thousand years, it will automatically evolve into its own domain.

In terms of having a certain domain, a hundred thousand year soul beast is clearly more powerful than a titled Douluo.

However, the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger in front of him was far less than the 60,000 years of cultivation in the original work, but it had acquired the domain early. Yu Tianming couldn't help but take a high look at it again.

At this time, the dark demon evil tiger's eyes flashed red when he was attacked, but he did not flee directly. As a fierce opponent who dared to go head-to-head with the Azure Bull Python and Titan Giant Ape, the first time it was attacked, it suddenly spread the wings on its back and flapped it hard.

Suddenly, countless black lights rushed out, turning into dozens of sharp blades that were more than a foot in size and soared into the sky towards Yu Tianming. The inconspicuous-looking black light blade is made from the fusion of wind and evil energy. With the powerful cutting power of the wind attribute, coupled with the powerful corrosion damage of the evil attribute, the damage is extremely high.

It arrived at the chest of the huge Yu Tianming in an instant. Although the wind blade did not cause any damage, its corrosive power instantly burned several white marks on the scales on his chest.

Yu Tianming's face condensed, and he secretly thought about the horror of its harm. The evil attribute of the evil evil tiger should be the evolution of the dark attribute. It has the characteristics of the dark attribute, but is more powerful. Otherwise, how could he break through the defense of his true martial soul?

He immediately gave up on accumulating power, and activated Lianfengxiaxia instantly, and countless undetectable threads of soul power passed through the body of the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger.

From the outside, it seemed as if the golden-red glow that had originally filled the dark tiger's body suddenly surged. It, which had never experienced the power of pulling the wind and attracting the clouds, instantly distorted its face and roared.

When masters compete with each other, victory or defeat often depends on the slightest flaw.

Although this move cannot cause much substantial damage to the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger, it is enough to involve it for a moment.

Yu Tianming, who was calculating mentally but not intentionally, roared from the mouth of his left head with the fourth soul skill Dragon King, and the white light group that had been condensed for a long time was instantly ejected, turning into a cone-shaped white air wave and rushing towards the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger.

This move has both sonic and mental damage at the same time. Before the white sound wave attacks the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger, the mental shock has already come to it, which has not yet recovered from the pain of Lingchi Style.

At the same time, from the mouth of the dragon head on Yu Tianming's right, a blue ball of light condensed by the sixth soul skill, Demonic Forbidden Light Wave, also sprayed out instantly. This move can block the opponent's soul power and make it difficult to use the soul skill. After accumulating power for a long time, if he actually hits the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger, the winner will be determined immediately.

The Dark Demon Evil God Tiger, who had been mentally attacked, seemed to realize the danger he was facing in his confusion, and immediately released his defensive skills without hesitation. The Evil God Hook originally used to attack instantly exploded with a layer of energy. Strong gray airflow protects itself.

This skill is the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger's most powerful defensive skill, called Evil God Protection. He can instantly protect his body with the evil god's aura, and its defensive effect can even rival Xiao Wu's absolute defense.

It's just that its defense limit is lower than Xiao Wu's absolute defense, but its defense time is very long, and it's not restricted by its own actions.

The evil god's protection of the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger was released so quickly. Before the blue light beam penetrating the heaven and earth from Yu Tianming's mouth and the cone-shaped sound wave roaring from the Dragon King hit, a thin layer of gray protection appeared on the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger's body. cover.

The Dark Demon Evil God Tiger, who was confused by the mental attack, escaped Yu Tianming's strongest soul power control.

However, at this time, in the mouth of the dragon head in the middle, the fifth soul skill that had been condensed for a long time - the glazed sun, was mixed with the soul power of the three attributes of wind, fire and thunder, and mixed with the power of the sea god.

It shot out like a cannonball, carrying the Poseidon Trident, and instantly arrived in front of the unconscious Dark Demon Evil God Tiger.

The power of Poseidon has divine attributes, and it restrains the ultimate evil of the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger. At this time, in front of the Poseidon Trident, a super artifact filled with the power of Poseidon, the protection effect of the Evil God, which was close to absolute defense, seemed to have no effect. The gray shield dissipated instantly when it came into contact with the trident.

The incomparably sharp Poseidon Trident shot through the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger and nailed it straight to the ground of the Star Dou Forest from the spine on its back.

Calculating mentally but not intentionally, in front of Yu Tianming who was going all out, the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger was only affected by the huge pain and mental shock. He was in a daze for a moment, and he no longer had the power to fight back.

The Dark Demon Evil God Tiger was so severely injured that it let out a shrill roar, and its blank eyes turned back to their original ferocity. It was obvious that it had woken up from its control.

The fifth soul skill that originally wrapped the trident was burning the fur of the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger. Seeing that it was awake, Yu Tianming immediately controlled the fire to follow the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger's wound, and instantly entered the body like running water, mixing with the fire. Under the burning of the three sacred elements of wind, fire and thunder, ashes containing evil aura flew out from its limbs.

Large mouthfuls of gray liquid also spilled out of the Dark Demon Tiger's mouth, and its blood-red eyes that were originally filled with murderous intent dimmed. He could only crawl on the ground, panting constantly. Every time he gasped, gray liquid would flow out of the seven orifices.

In terms of cultivation, the Dark Devil Tiger, who has a strength of 30,000 years and can challenge a 100,000-year-old soul beast, is not much different from the Soul Saint Yu Tianming who has a 200,000-year-old soul ring. Both of them are talented.

But Yu Tianming was already familiar with its skills and had accumulated power for a long time. It did not try to escape with all its strength at first, and after being controlled, it no longer had the power to fight back.

Yu Tianming fell to the ground, exited the martial soul avatar, and the four of them with Dugu Yan carefully landed several hundred meters away from the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger.

At this time, the white mark of the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger's attack was still left on the chest of the dragon-turned-Yu Tianming, which showed the powerful corrosive power of its extremely evil attribute energy.


Seeing Yu Tianming, the sneak attacker, fall from a thousand meters to a hundred meters away, the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger seemed to have a flashback, and its roar suddenly became stronger. Layers of gray light condensed into a ball around its body, and instantly flew to Yu Tianming not far away.

This is also a very powerful skill of the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger, called Dark Demon Evil Thunder. It integrates its own magic power with evil power, and then explodes with terrifying power in an instant. It is a mixed range attack with three attributes: wind, thunder, and evil.

After all, the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger is at the end of its powerful crossbow. Although this Dark Demon Evil Thunder has a powerful aura, it still lacks stamina.

Yu Tianming, who could see that he was strong on the outside but capable on the inside, flashed with golden light. Using his fifth soul skill, he mixed his wind, fire and thunder with the bright aura of the Poseidon, and condensed it into a red-gold light ball.

This soul summoning skill can easily mix a variety of attributes, and when condensed into a spherical shape to attack, the damage is astonishing. Yu Tianming couldn't help but thought: Maybe this move should be called Dragon King Different Dimension.

With the collision of the Dark Demon Evil Thunder and Dragon King's different dimensions, the evil attribute matched the sacred attribute, and the power of wind and thunder matched the three attributes of wind, fire and thunder.

Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom——,

Like rolling thunder, an extremely violent roar sounded deep in the starry forest.

The terrifying explosion caused by the collision of energy balls between a man and an animal destroyed a large number of surrounding plants and blasted a huge crater several meters deep on the forest floor.

Fortunately, the nearby spirit beasts had been scared away by the aura of the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger, so they did not suffer the disaster of Chiyu.

As the smoke dissipated, the scarred Dark Demon Evil God Tiger was exposed to everyone's eyes. At this moment, its body was covered with gray blood, as if it had died.

Update tomorrow

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