The Three Dragon Kings of Douluo

Chapter 103 Evil God Bead, Turbulence of Time and Space

Yu Tianming did not step forward, but looked behind him, Dugu Yan, who was shocked by the power of the two energy balls.

He held Dugu Yan in his arms and stood there, looking at the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger with a serious face, not knowing what he was thinking.

And Dugu Yan felt Yu Tianming's warm breath in his ear, recovered from the shock, looked at his side face in confusion, and asked: "Is the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger not dead yet?"

"It is very smart, and it is probably pretending to be dead now. Yanyan, let's not get close yet. Use your poisonous arrow rain here to attack it from a distance."

Hearing this, Dugu Yan made a move with his right hand, and dozens of dark poisonous arrows composed of venom appeared in the sky above everyone. These poisonous arrows were in the shape of flying needles, and they contained toxins that Dugu Yan had strengthened several times. They were frightening to look at. .

When she waved her hand again, these poisonous arrows all hit the wounds of the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger.

At this time, the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger had long been seriously injured. There was a short handle of the Poseidon Trident on the lower back of his back, and his hair was messy and burned by thunder and flames. The skin and flesh were rolling around, and gray blood was still oozing out from the bloody openings on his body.

But even in this state, Dugu Yan's poisonous arrows can only penetrate half an inch into the muscles. For the huge Dark Demon Tiger, this damage is almost unnoticeable.

As for her mixed snake venom, when faced with the ultimate evil, it was even more adept at doing whatever it takes, and the corrosion it caused was almost imperceptible.

Yu Tianming thought to himself: It seems that the most evil and dark Dark Demon Tiger has a high poison resistance. It will not be harmed at all when facing Dugu Yan's poison, just like extreme attributes facing ordinary attributes.

Dugu Yan frowned slightly when he saw that his attack had no effect.

Yu Tianming patted her shoulder and explained: "Since the Dark Devilgod Tiger is extremely resistant to ordinary toxins, then you can use the fourth soul skill, the Great Decline Toxin. No matter how strong it is, it cannot resist the erosion of vitality. "

Dugu Yan nodded and waved again. The poisonous arrow that appeared was still as dark as ink, but something seemed to have changed on it.

When it attacked the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger this time, although it had completely lost its corrosive power, it opened its eyes again. The tiger's eyes showed an extremely human look of malice, and it roared again.

Although it was unable to move after being pierced by the Poseidon Trident, the Poseidon Trident was unmanned and would only passively release Poseidon's divine power. Only then can it retain some combat effectiveness and be able to use Dark Demon Evil Thunder

Seeing that the Dark Demon Evil Thunder had no effect on Yu Tianming, who was a hundred meters away, it fell to the ground pretending to be defenseless, waiting for Yu Tianming to step forward to check. At that time, you can use the evil god's thorn to sneak attack and pull Yu Tianming into the evil god's space 1v1.

But who knew that Yu Tianming was aware of its skills, so he let Dugu Yan shoot from a distance with poisonous arrows condensed from the death toxin. This made the seriously injured creature truly feel the threat of death.

Seeing this, Dugu Yan smiled and said: "It seems that my death toxin has caused considerable damage to the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger."

Yu Tianming also smiled and echoed: "The Dark Demon Evil God Tiger can withstand the venom of the Jade Scale Snake, as well as the neurotoxin and violent toxin, but your fourth soul skill, the Death Toxin, directly corrodes the vitality. How can it withstand it?" Live?”

Dugu Yan sighed and said: "Although the death poison is extremely high-level and can directly corrode vitality, it also consumes an extremely huge amount of soul power. Most of the time, the effect is not even as good as ordinary poisons. I didn't expect it to be useful here."

Dugu Yan said yes, most of the time, ordinary enemies can be easily poisoned by the green-scaled snake venom, but the huge consumption of the death toxin often becomes useless.

Yu Tianming nodded, "Yes, the Death Toxin is said to be a toxin, but it has transcended the category of toxin. It can be used normally, but this extremely high-level ability is indispensable."

He changed his tone and said to Dugu Yan again: "Yanyan, your three soul skills of neurotoxin, violent toxin, and death toxin are all passive effects. If you have the opportunity in the future, you must go to the Killing City." trip."

Dugu Yan, who had seen the Poseidon Trident, nodded, "If I have the chance, I will definitely go. Maybe I will also get the inheritance of the gods like Brother Tianming."

While the two were talking, the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger had been attacked by dozens of arrows.

Now, under the influence of the death toxin, its black fur can no longer be seen at all, and the membranes on its wings have also been corroded, looking like a puddle of rotten flesh bleeding with gray blood.

Dugu Yan asked in confusion: "Why doesn't this guy have a soul ring yet?"

"The Dark Demon Evil God Tiger is extremely special. It cannot produce a soul ring. You can only wait until it dies and manually condense the aura on the corpse to form its own soul ring."

When I saw the corpse, there was no Evil God Bead on it.

Yu Tianming said cautiously: "It may not be dead now, but it is just pretending to die and is preparing to attack us when we get close."

The Dark Demon Evil God Tiger is indeed not dead. It has a weak vitality. Under Dugu Yan's constant attacks, although its consciousness is gradually blurring, it can still barely use the Evil God's Guard to keep a glimmer of life.

Although it was certain to die, his huge hatred made him willing to linger in pain for a while, just to wait until a few people came to his side, so that he could use the Evil God Thorn to retaliate.

Gravity appeared in Yu Tianming's palm, and he pulled a half-human-high stone in front of him, and then casually threw it next to the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger.

The Dark Demon Evil God Tiger, who was already unconscious, sensed something flying next to him.

In the blood-stained eye sockets, the originally dim eyes suddenly shone, the previous deathly aura was swept away, and the scattered evil spirit energy on his body also changed from gray to black.

The next moment, it roared at the top of its lungs.

The Evil God Hook, which had been silent before, was quietly thrown up from behind the Dark Demon Evil Tiger. The Evil God Hook also changed from gray to black. The shape of the hook also changed. The curved hook body instantly straightened, like a stick. Like a long thorn, it stabbed directly at the flying rocks.

It seems that the movement of the tail is not very fast.

However, the moment it stabbed out, a black light instantly appeared in front of the evil thorn at the end of the long tail. The black light immediately expanded and turned into a huge black hole with a diameter of three meters. Hit this boulder.

But at the moment of the hit, Dark Demon Evil God Tiger realized that he had been deceived by Yu Tianming into using his ultimate move.

Thinking that it had not yet used its true strength, it roared unwillingly, and the light in its eyes gradually dimmed, losing its vitality.

At this time, a strange bead slowly condensed in the middle of the forehead of the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger.

The bead looks completely black, but it exudes cyan and blue brilliance.

Yu Tianming instantly realized that this was the Evil God Bead!

In order to prevent it from escaping, he immediately used the soul skill attached to the Dragon King's wings - driving the clouds and driving the moon, and turned into a ball of white light across the body of the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger, arriving dozens of meters away.

The evil god bead has been firmly grasped in his hands.

But at this moment, a sound seemed to appear on the Evil God Pearl, an extremely unwilling roar coming from the remaining soul of the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger.

In this roar, the surrounding space instantly distorted and collapsed.

Yu Tianming's dragon-transformed body also had several bloodstains at the moment when the space was distorted. At this moment, he reacted in time and once again used the driving cloud and the moon. The red and white flames instantly enveloped him and turned him into a cocoon of light. .

This move successfully protected him from the damage of the space collapse, but the collapsed space turned into a black hole, instantly swallowing Yu Tianming and the Evil God Pearl in his hand.

After a few breaths, the torn space slowly repaired, but Yu Tianming was no longer here. Only the Poseidon Trident, the body of the Dark Demon Tiger, and the three women who had not yet reacted were left behind.

Dugu Yan looked at the silent Star Dou Forest, and a terrifying thought arose in her heart: Could it be that something unexpected happened to Yu Tianming, who was chatting and laughing with her just now?

For a moment, Dugu Yan and Zhu Zi didn't dare to think deeply, but the huge fear made them fall into silence.

After a while, Azi looked at the handle of the Poseidon Trident that was still shining brightly on the Dark Devilgod Tiger, and then at the red eight-pointed star mark given by Poseidon on Duguyan's head, and comforted everyone: "Young Master, although He was sucked into the space crack, but he accepted the inheritance of Poseidon and the Poseidon Trident is still shining, so he will definitely be fine. "

After saying that, she looked at Dugu Yan again, "Miss, our eighth test is to advance to the title Douluo with the young master within ten years, and to get a full set of soul bones for him. The divine test is still there."

Dugu Yan was still a 13-year-old child this year, and suddenly suffered a big change. After Ah Zi's reminder, she realized it and breathed a sigh of relief.

A'Zhu on the side also reminded: "Miss, first absorb the soul ring of the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger. It took so long to kill it. Don't let the young master's efforts be in vain."

Dugu Yan didn't say much and walked quickly to the mutilated body of the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger.

With a wave of her hand, a stream of gray air suddenly floated up from the body of the Dark Devilgod Tiger, and instantly condensed into a ring in the air. It quickly turned from gray to black, and turned into a stream of light in front of her.

And as the soul ring left the body, the huge corpse of the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger also turned into streaks of gray gas, slowly dissipating in the wind, leaving only the Poseidon Trident stuck on the ground.

With a flash of light, the soul ring was directly placed at Dugu Yan's feet.

The moment she absorbed the soul ring, an extremely sharp icy air flow attached to the Dark Devilgod Tiger also pierced into her body, wildly impacting his powerful body trained with fairy grass.

The moment Dugu Yan was hurt, he immediately spat out a mouthful of blood mist.

Maybe it was because the Poseidon Trident had been stuck in the body of the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger, and the Poseidon's light had long since eaten away all the cold evil energy, so not much evil energy rushed into Duguyan's body. After she vomited blood, she immediately recovered. Come over and start absorbing the energy in the soul ring.

Seeing this, both Zhu Zi and Zhu Zi breathed a sigh of relief - they were close to 20 years old, and they were usually said to be Yu Tianming's maids, but they were no different from nannies.

At this time, Yu Tianming is not here, so they have to take on the responsibility of taking care of Dugu Yan. If something happens to Dugu Yan, they cannot afford it.

In order to ensure the safety of everyone and to move the Poseidon Trident inserted on the ground, A'Zhu quickly took out the communication crystal ball and sent a message to the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect.

Although this place is outside the Star Forest and there are no other ten thousand year soul beasts, it is still possible to encounter other soul masters.

Azi, the highest level among the three girls, is only level 66. If she encounters the Soul Saint, she may be in danger. In order to make the process of absorbing the soul ring foolproof, she also takes away the Poseidon Trident weighing 108,000 kilograms on the ground. Contacting the sect is the best option.

As for why the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger appeared on the outskirts of the Star Dou Forest, it was probably because of the Azure Bull Python and the Titan Giant Ape.

In the original work, it was mentioned that the Dark Devilgod Tiger fought against the Azure Bull Python and the Titan Giant Ape, and left the Star Dou Forest after the defeat. It only returned to the Star Dou Forest after the sacrifices of Da Ming and Er Ming. Tang San.

The process of Dugu Yan absorbing the soul ring lasted for two hours.

When she took a breath and woke up from the practice, she felt that her soul power level had been greatly improved.

A year ago, she reached level 54 after absorbing the fifth soul ring in Poseidon Mountain. After that, her soul power was raised to level 60 early in several assessments, but she did not have a suitable soul ring to absorb. As for the god-given soul ring that was awarded in the seventh test a few days ago, because she was going to return to the mainland, she wanted to follow Yu Tianming's example and stay in the seventh soul ring, so she didn't come to absorb it.

Now the improvement brought by the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger, together with the soul power accumulated for a long time, both exploded together, and her soul power was directly increased from level 60 to level 68.

It wasn't just the soul power that was improved, this was the fourth soul ring of Tang San's Clear Sky Hammer, and the abilities it provided were also extraordinary.

Dugu Yan also found that he was affected by the Dark Demon Tiger Soul Ring, and his physical strength also increased significantly. The most obvious manifestations were strength and defense.

At this time, six black soul rings were neatly arranged on her feet, and the soul ring transformed from the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger was quietly arranged in the sixth position.

She poured a little bit of soul power into it, and she immediately felt the surging evil aura rising into the sky. The powerful feeling made Dugu Yan's whole body appear a strange gray.

Dugu Yan's sixth soul ring is the same as his fifth soul ring, both of which are more than 30,000 years old.

Although the age of the two soul rings is not much different, the soul ring produced by the soul beast is more difficult to absorb, while the soul ring of the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger is more domineering and more difficult to absorb. The Dark Demon Evil God Tiger has reached reached her limit.

You must know that most of the seventh soul rings of the Shrek Seven Monsters are about 50,000 years old. That is because Dugu Yan's physical body becomes stronger after absorbing the fairy grass, so he can absorb the 30,000-year-old Dark Demon Evil God Tiger in the sixth soul ring. .

The words are divided into two parts. When Dugu Yan absorbed the soul ring, Yu Tianming had already been absorbed into the turbulent flow of space.

It will be available tonight. Book lovers can read it tomorrow morning.

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