The Three Dragon Kings of Douluo

Chapter 104 Dragon God Valley, the body of the Mountain Dragon King

At this time, the light cocoon transformed by Yu Tianming is constantly floating in the surging space turbulence.

Most Titled Douluo cannot withstand the distortion of space. If they get here, they will be torn to pieces in an instant.

Yu Tianming also vaguely sensed that as long as he released his soul skills, even his body as solid as iron stone would be shattered into pieces in the turbulent flow of space.

But when he released the soul skill of driving clouds and driving the moon, the red and white aura wrapped in it seemed to also isolate the space, making his connection with the surrounding time and space less close.

The pressure Yu Tianming suffered from the turbulent flow of space also decreased sharply. Even the sense of space distortion transmitted to his body could only make him feel a slight discomfort in his dragon form.

Just after entering the space turbulence, starting from the two eyes of ice and fire, the divine power of the water and fire dragon king hidden between Yu Tianming's wings seemed to have sensed the crisis at this moment, and seemed to be attracted by some aura.

The energy of the Ice and Fire Dragon King unexpectedly reappeared in the turbulent flow of space, emitting red and white light, spontaneously pushing the light cocoon forward, guiding Yu Tianming to an unknown place.

Sensing the changes in the attached soul bone, Yu Tianming, who could only survive in the turbulent flow of space, tightly held the soul bead of the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger. He did not dare to use soul skills to push himself forward rashly, but allowed the energy of the Ice and Fire Dragon King to guide him forward in the turbulent flow of space.

Unable to sense changes in the surrounding scenery, Yu Tianming seemed to have no concept of time. Only the passage of soul power reminded him that he was still moving forward.

Fortunately, Yu Tianming had a lot of soul power and recovered very quickly. Although the skill of driving clouds and driving the moon consumes a lot of soul power when used to travel, but he only uses the soul skill to cover himself to protect himself from the damage of space turbulence, so the consumption of soul power is much smaller.

He even had the illusion that he could maintain his soul skills and stay in the turbulence of space until the end of time.

Yu Tianming's consciousness gradually fell into confusion. He didn't know how long it took before a crisp sound of 'wave-' came from all around.

As if he had broken through the boundaries of space, Yu Tianming, who was holding on to the Evil God Pearl, suddenly felt that the pulling force around him suddenly disappeared, and the outside world was no longer dark.

The distorted sense of time and space instantly turned into the weightless feeling of falling from a high place, and traces of light reappeared in his perception - he seemed to appear above a silent forest.

Then he was surprised to find that there seemed to be a special kind of energy that had penetrated into his body, and all the soul power in his body was silent. Only the martial soul avatar and soul bone skills could be used, as if he had come to the killing city again. .

Yu Tianming immediately adjusted his body shape and controlled the light cocoon formed by his soul power to float in mid-air. He didn't dare to be careless. He didn't know how long he had been lost in the turbulence of space. If he had hallucinations and rashly unlocked his soul skills, he might be torn to pieces in an instant.

He stayed in the red and white light cocoon formed by the soul bone skill "Driving Clouds and Driving the Moon" and quietly observed his surroundings.

The place where he was seemed to be a hilly seaside. He could only feel the waves of the sea beating against the cliffs on the shore. Above the cliffs was a hilly area with sparse trees. There were no traces of any animals here. When the wind blew the leaves, Amidst the sound, the whole world seemed extremely quiet.

When Yu Tianming tried his best to extend the range of electromagnetic induction, he discovered that hundreds of miles away, at the end of the sea, was the boundary of this space. Obviously, he is in a small world in a rift in space.

On Douluo Continent, there are many space cracks, but most of them are unstable and may burst at any time. But there are also some space cracks that are particularly stable and connected to some special places inside.

And this kind of place is like a broken continent trapped in an isolated time and space. Although it cannot form a planet, it can still create a small world with a round sky and a square place.

Although this small world has its own balance and stability, as well as its own unique ecological system, once the space crack becomes unstable, it may be destroyed by the chaotic time and space.

After confirming that he was in a small world and that his surroundings were safe, Yu Tianming dispersed the light cocoon formed by his soul skills and landed on the hill at his feet.

In the dark, Yu Tianming felt that he had some kind of intimacy with this world, and there seemed to be something attracting him in the distance.

He looked into the distance, but because there was a faint mist in the air, he couldn't reach far. Without thinking too much, he directly transformed into the appearance of the three-headed dragon, the true form of the martial spirit, and flew towards the center of the world.

Yu Tianming flew out of the hills by the sea, crossed lakes and hills, traveled thousands of miles, and finally came to an endless open plain.

The gravity of this small world is about 1.5 times that of Douluo Continent. He didn't feel much at first. However, after flying for a long time, the greater fatigue caused by the greater gravity made him feel slightly. Some discomfort.

When he arrived here, he had left the edge of the small world, and many strange scenery of the small world began to appear in his eyes.

In front of Yu Tianming, strange clouds were floating in the low sky. The strange thing is that the colors of these clouds are different, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, all kinds of colors are available.

Although these clouds and mist are floating, the clouds and mist of each color fluctuate within a certain area and will not move far away from the area where they are located. The clouds and mists are constantly deforming, and they seem to vaguely look like dragons.

Yu Tianming actually faintly felt that he had a strong affinity for these clouds, and these colorful clouds seemed to contain huge energy with different attributes depending on their colors.

Looking at these dragon-shaped clouds, Yu Tianming suddenly remembered that this is the Dragon Valley in the legend of the Dragon King!

At this moment, a group of red clouds floated not far from Yu Tianming. This group of red clouds seemed to sense something. It twisted violently and turned into a funnel-shaped vortex as it continued to rotate. In the next moment, it was like a whirlpool. Like a stream of light, it flew towards him.

Although Yu Tianming cannot use soul skills, the soul bone skills attached to the Dragon King's wings can be used at will.

Facing the speeding red clouds, Yu Tianming, who had just stepped out of the space turbulence and was still in a tense state of mind, subconsciously used the wind to attract the clouds, and the clouds transformed by his soul power instantly covered dozens of miles in radius. .

But something went wrong this time. The various clouds and mists that were originally motionless seemed to have suddenly sensed something and seemed to have found a point of release. Countless clouds and mists surged violently, and then swarmed in the direction of Yu Tianming. , drilled into his body.

Before Yu Tianming had time to feel the flame-like heat of the red cloud, a blue cloud had already rushed into his body, giving him the feeling of freedom and lightness of the wind element.

Just like that, thousands of clouds of various colors within a radius of dozens of miles penetrated into his body, and then rose into the sky again. After each cloud penetrated his body, the color became much darker.

As for Yu Tianming himself, he clearly felt that the clouds that penetrated into his body left behind various different energies, water, fire, wind and thunder, light and darkness, time and space, whether they were attributes he had or attributes he did not have, They all came in at once.

Various elements are constantly nourishing yourself and improving your cultivation. In the center of the clouds of various colors, Yu Tianming, who was full of various energies, hurriedly sat cross-legged on the ground and began to meditate.

Yu Tianming himself didn't know how long it took to meditate this time. He just felt like he was immersed in a pool of elemental water. Under the infiltration of various elements, his physical condition slowly improved.

After Yu Tianming transformed into a dragon, his original golden scales also changed slightly. Although the changes were not significant, he could clearly detect them.

Every edge on the original scales had a sharp edge, but after absorbing these miscellaneous elemental energies, there seemed to be an extra layer of enamel on the scales. While the surface became smoother, there was also a faint layer of unique texture. .

It's like replacing metal products with pottery. Although it loses its sharpness, it seems to have become harder.

After completely absorbing the energy in his body, Yu Tianming's body and mind also relaxed. He transformed into his martial soul avatar again and began to fly slowly in the sky towards the center of the world.

As he continued to move, a series of running Yalong figures appeared on the ground. Although these figures were moving independently, they were lifeless in Yu Tianming's induction, as if they were wandering energy. puppet.

He thought to himself: In the Dragon Valley, apart from the dragon clouds floating in the sky, there are also dragon souls running on the ground. Both the dragon clouds and the dragon souls are all transformed from the dead dragons, and they can improve their own strength. However, these on the ground are all sub-dragon souls, so absorbing them yourself would be a waste of time.

All the most powerful true dragon souls are concentrated near the dragon tomb in the center of the Dragon Valley. There, those true dragon souls guard the dragon tomb, and also guard their ancestors and their own bodies. And these true dragon souls guard the dragon tomb. The dragon soul is what he should absorb.

In addition, there are treasures everywhere on the real dragon. In ancient times, the dragon clan once ruled the Douluo Continent. According to the records of the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect, true dragons are almost a clan that must produce soul bones. The true dragon soul bones in the Dragon Valley and the trunk bones of the Mountain Dragon King are the real treasures.

Thinking of this, Yu Tianming did not rush towards the center of the small world - he had a long time and there was no need to rush. Even if you find the Dragon Tomb, you may not have the chance to return to Douluo Continent.

So he continued to look like the true form of the martial soul, slowly and slowly, like a dragon-like soul beast, absorbing Long Yun's energy while flapping his wings to fly in this empty little world.

When his body was filled with Long Yun's ability, he sat cross-legged on the ground and slowly absorbed the power of various elements. When the energy was completely absorbed, he spread his wings and flew towards the center of the world.

A month later, after absorbing the energy of countless dragon clouds along the way, and absorbing the dragon souls of nearly a thousand real dragons outside the Dragon Valley, Yu Tianming, whose strength had already reached level 80, finally came to a huge valley. .

This valley collapses inward. It is said to be a valley, but it is more like a basin. Although he had been prepared for it, when Yu Tianming flapped his wings, slowly flew to the edge of the valley, landed on the ridge of the basin, and began to look inward, he was still shocked by the scenery in front of him.

What a scene this is! Looking around, from Yu Tianming's feet to the end covered by the fog, countless huge skeletons covered every corner of the valley.

The moment he looked at these dragon bones, an indescribable sense of sadness also surged out of the countless dragon bones in the valley, overwhelming him.

Affected by the sadness of these dragon bones and dragon souls, Yu Tianming couldn't help but roar up to the sky. In the state of Wuhun's true form, his dragon roar became even louder, and the dragon roar that rang out from the three huge heads spread throughout the valley.

Inside the Dragon Valley, there was also a faint sound of low dragon roars responding to him. The sound was like weeping and complaining, as if it was filled with endless sadness.

Yu Tianming calmed down quickly. He flapped his wings and landed in the Dragon Valley. Here, the desolate atmosphere was more obvious, as if it was condensing the mind. If you close your eyes, you can hear the screams of countless giant dragons. He ignored the roar of the dragon in his mind and walked directly into the valley.

Only when you get closer can you feel the shock of the many huge dragon bones. This huge keel ranges from tens of meters high to even hundreds of meters high. These keel bones all exude faint energy fluctuations.

Yu Tianming, who grew up in the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect, knew very well that the true dragon soul beasts currently on Douluo Continent can be said to be very rare. And the huge keel bones in this place are actually left by powerful real dragons.

Yu Tianming's martial soul avatar raised his head and was thirty meters tall. Although he was only a soul saint, the size of his martial soul avatar had surpassed that of most titled Douluo, and was even comparable to the Demon Soul Great White Shark and Deep Sea Demon Soul Avatar. A hundred thousand year old soul beast like the Demon Whale King.

But walking beside these huge dragon bones, his huge martial spirit avatar seemed to have turned into a dwarf. The bones of this dragon are so huge. How powerful would they be if they were still alive?

Yu Tianming took a deep breath. He slowly walked to the dragon bone closest to him, slowly placed the dragon's claw on it and touched the dragon bone. The desolate atmosphere instantly infected his mood. He seemed to hear the dragon's cries before it died.

There are faint patterns on the keel, which are faintly visible. Echoing the breath of countless bones and souls in the Dragon Valley, its terrifying energy fluctuations are also lingering in the air.

Continuing to walk inward, Yu Tianming touched the pieces of the keel. The further inward, the larger the size of the keel became. Gradually, all the keels reached a height of 100 meters, and piles of keels stood like small hills.

Under the influence of the remnant souls of the surrounding dragons, the sound of dragon roars in his mind made Yu Tianming seem to have returned to an ancient battlefield.

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