The Three Dragon Kings of Douluo

Chapter 105 Trunk Bone, Invincible Soul Skill

On top of so many huge dragon bones, soul bones remain on almost every dragon skeleton.

The soul bones on the giant dragon bone armor are easy to identify. As long as you see that the bone is not white and is emitting a bright light, then there must be a soul bone inside this bone.

As Yu Tianming went deep into the Dragon Valley, he collected the soul bones around him into the storage soul guide.

Although these soul bones were produced from the best of the true dragons, after countless years, most of the power in the dragon bones was lost to the small world.

In Yu Tianming's sense, although these dragon bones were in good condition, there was not much energy left in them. Most of the soul bones he collected were only at the level of ten thousand year soul bones, and some were even only at the level of thousand year soul bones. , none of them can reach one hundred thousand years.

After walking for unknown lengths of time, Yu Tianming suddenly stopped because he suddenly saw a huge skeleton lying in front of him.

The height of this skeleton is a thousand meters away, and Yu Tianming, whose martial soul's true body is only thirty meters away, walks in front of it, just like an ant walking in front of human feet. Looking at it suddenly, it seems that the whole world is filled with its figure.

This bone is completely different from the other keel bones that are already white. It is overall brown, and the unparalleled heavy aura on it seems to have never faded. Under its influence, the gravity within thousands of meters around it is significantly greater than elsewhere.

Although it does not have the bones of a dragon wing, its other bones are extremely strong, especially its limbs, which are as strong as pillars holding up the sky.

Not only is its skeleton huge in size, but each bone is also the heaviest in weight. The huge density makes its bones filled with an indescribable texture. Heavy and thick, every piece is like a part of the mountains and rivers.

Yu Tianming recognized at a glance that the extremely huge skeleton in front of him must belong to the Mountain Dragon King!

Compared with other dragon bones, the bones of the Mountain Dragon King not only retain huge energy, but also exude unparalleled anger and resentment on the dragon bones.

As he got closer, Yu Tianming could see clearly that in the middle of the mountain dragon king's thousand-meter-high skeleton, there was a crack less than half a meter wide, dividing the huge mountain dragon king in half from head to tail.

In other words, its huge body was cut in half by someone using a sharp weapon. Maybe it was this blow that directly killed such a powerful Mountain Dragon King.

Yu Tianming thought of the legend of the Nine Dragon Kings: A long time ago, the Dragon God found a pleasant planet in the universe and settled on it.

This planet is completely covered by the sea. Although the dragons are not afraid of water, they cannot live in the sea, so the Dragon God created the Ninth Dragon King, the Mountain Dragon King.

The Mountain Dragon King transformed his body into mountains, rivers and continents, giving the dragon clan a place to breed and live. Because once the Mountain Dragon King clan reaches adulthood, they will transform into mountains and continents to provide for other dragon clans to thrive and survive. Therefore, the number of this family is extremely rare.

It is also for this reason that the Dragon God is grateful for their achievements, so that every mountain dragon will be awarded the title of Mountain Dragon King when he reaches adulthood. Therefore, the Mountain Dragon King is different from the Water and Fire Dragon King. It may be just an ordinary mountain dragon, but it is born with the title of Dragon King.

But the Mountain Dragon King in front of me is very strange. Its body is covered with enamel and it fits tightly. Without the huge skeletal gaps of the young dragon, it was clearly an adult. However, it did not turn into mountains and rivers, but died in the dragon tomb. Unlike other dragon bones, it has been able to retain its strength and still has a brown luster.

While Yu Tianming was standing in front of the body of the Mountain Dragon King and thinking, the attached soul bone transformed from the Water and Fire Dragon King behind him suddenly lit up with red and white light, seemingly triggered by the power of the Mountain Dragon King.

The huge skeleton of the Mountain Dragon King also emitted a brown light, and strands of light flowed down, slowly turning into a thirty-meter-high brown dragon soul in front of Yu Tianming.

The height of this dragon soul is not much different from that of Yu Tianming's martial soul, but it has no wings or a slender neck, and its thick body is obviously several times larger than Yu Tianming's.

Although the dragon soul only has less than one percent of its body's power, Yu Tianming can feel that the strength of the dragon soul of the Mountain Dragon King in front of him is definitely not something he can compete with.

The huge dragon soul of the Mountain Dragon King came to Yu Tianming, with a look of wisdom in its eyes, but it did not speak, it just looked at the wings behind Yu Tianming silently.

It just stood in front of Yu Tianming, staring at it silently for a long time. Although there was only a remnant of its soul left, its deep eyes still showed complex emotions.

After a long time, its huge head hit Yu Tianming, who did not dare to move. Then there was a flash of light on his body, just like when other dragon souls were absorbed, it turned into a stream of yellow light and poured into Yu Tianming's martial soul avatar.

At the same time, with a "whoosh" sound, a crystal clear and shining soul bone also flew in front of Yu Tianming. Before he could react, the dragon soul energy poured directly into his body.

After the Mountain Dragon King's soul bone was injected into his body, Yu Tianming felt his body become heavier and subconsciously sat on the ground.

Then the whole body seemed to freeze. He only felt as if he had turned into a big mountain. The majestic mountains and the earth were connected together, and countless energies rushed from all directions and merged into his body.

At this moment, Yu Tianming thought of many things:

Tang Wulin did not have the blood of the dragon clan. The blood of the Golden Dragon King in him was just the origin of the Golden Dragon King stolen by Tang San. Can't you see that the Mountain Dragon King retains his own wisdom?

After Tang Wulin buried the corpse in the Dragon Valley and showed his kindness to the dragon clan, the Mountain Dragon King actually gave him his soul bone. How easily did he recognize Tang Wulin, the son of a thief?

And he does not have the bloodline of the Golden Dragon King, but only the external soul bone condensed from the power of the Water and Fire Dragon King. Could it be that the Mountain Dragon King knew the Water and Fire Dragon King, so he directly gave the soul bone to him?

Yu Tianming thought of his good-for-nothing uncle Yu Xiaogang, and the golden holy dragon he awakened - also golden, with a powerful body, and the blood of the Bright Dragon King.

The Golden Dragon King is the body of the Dragon God, and has no bloodline in the world. But the martial spirits of the golden bloodline all have powerful bodies.

And Yu Xiaogang awakened the body of the Dragon God inherited from the bloodline of the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus, and the light power of the Light Dragon King?

Yu Tianming is Yu Xiaogang's nephew and has a similar bloodline to him. Perhaps it is his bloodline inherited from the Dragon God that caused the Water and Fire Dragon King to truly recognize him? Injecting power into your body when you absorb the ambrosia?

Although I thought a lot in my heart, only a moment passed in the outside world. With the assistance of the Dragon Soul of the Mountain Dragon King, its trunk bones were directly integrated into Yu Tianming's body without wasting any time.

Regardless of the age of the soul bones themselves, head soul bones, torso bones, and external soul bones are the most rare and precious.

The torso bones and head soul bones are the most important for improving the soul master, and are also the most difficult to obtain.

As the most powerful defensive being among the descendants of the Dragon God, the Mountain Dragon King's trunk bones are undoubtedly the best among trunk bones. After absorbing this torso bone, Yu Tianming, who already had top-notch defense power, has improved his body defense to another level.

Based on his careful feeling, it may be that the Mountain Dragon King is powerful, or it may be the blessing of the Mountain Dragon King's own characteristics. The power retained by this torso bone is very complete, far exceeding the level of a hundred thousand-year-old soul bone, and it seems to have entered the realm of gods.

The Nine Dragon Kings have mastered the eight attributes of time, space, light, darkness, earth, water, fire, and wind, as well as the Mountain Dragon King, who also has the earth attribute.

A smart person can see at a glance the similarity between the titles of Mountain Dragon King and Earth Dragon King. Isn’t a mountain just a pile of soil, and doesn’t the pile of soil become a mountain? Why should we distinguish between the Earth Dragon King and the Mountain Dragon King?

The Mountain Dragon King's soul bone, in addition to the defense and strength bonuses, also provides him with a near-invincible soul skill. This also made Yu Tianming immediately understand the difference between the Mountain Dragon King and the Earth Dragon King.

The torso bone of this Mountain Dragon King gave him the invincible soul ability, which is to open up a space in his body. This space is about a hundred miles in radius. There was only the dead black earth and the dim sky without any light.

It doesn't look like a new world, but like the corpse of a world, but despite this, it gives people an unusually stable feeling.

It seems that although the Mountain Dragon King and the Earth Dragon King both control the earth attribute, the difference between the Mountain Dragon King and the Earth Dragon King is that the earth attribute is extremely stable and powerful.

The Earth Dragon King can only represent the power of the earth, while the Mountain Dragon King is like the world stone in fantasy novels, able to support the stability of a world.

And this first soul skill, Dead Space, can be called an invincible soul skill, naturally not because it can open up a space for yourself to store things.

Instead, it can connect Yu Tianming with this space. The attacks he receives can be transmitted to this space. Only by destroying this space can it cause damage to Yu Tianming.

Looking at the huge corpse of the Mountain Dragon King that remained in front of him, Yu Tianming couldn't help but be moved in his heart. As soon as they met, he gave the remaining soul and soul bones to himself. Now that the remnant soul has completely dissipated, how can I thank it?

After thinking for a moment, Yu Tianming, who was in the martial soul's true form, lay on the ground with all four limbs and closed the six eyes on the three heads. He used all his strength to use the second soul skill he had just obtained from the Mountain Dragon King's torso bone - Earth Element Control.

Although other soul skills cannot be used in the Dragon Valley, the soul bone skills obtained from the Water and Fire Dragon King and the Mountain Dragon King have been amplified by the Dragon Valley, and their power has become even greater.

As he used his soul skills with all his strength, his whole body began to shine brightly. The ground in the Dragon Valley with a radius of hundreds of miles began to roll. The hard earth and rocks seemed to have turned into a swamp. Countless dragon bones slowly sank. Enter the earth.

The skeleton of the Mountain Dragon King in front of him was obviously more affected. Although it was the largest, it sank into the earth first.

When all the soul bones sank into the earth, the dragon soul also entered the earth, and there was no sense of sadness in the Dragon Valley.

In addition, the land in Dragon Valley has also changed from as hard as gold and stone to as soft as ordinary soil. Perhaps many years later, this place will also turn into a dense forest full of vitality.

Yu Tianming buried all the dragon bones at once. Although his soul bone skills from the Mountain Dragon King received a huge bonus in the Dragon Valley, changing an area of ​​hundreds of miles also allowed him to exhaust the huge soul in his body in a moment. force.

A few hours later, Yu Tianming's soul power recovered again. This time he used all his soul power to release his soul skill - Drawing the Wind and the Xia. Suddenly, the glow composed of countless soul power threads filled the area a hundred miles in diameter. Dragon Valley.

Just after Yu Tianming buried the dragon bones, he left the remaining soul bones of these giant dragons on the earth.

At this time, there were countless soul power threads spread within a hundred miles, and under the guidance of Yu Tianming, tens of thousands of dragon soul bones were all pulled in front of Yu Tianming.

These soul bones have different attributes and different colors on them. The soul bones are the same size as human bones. Tens of thousands of soul bones are like a small mountain, piled up in front of Yu Tianming.

Yu Tianming carefully sensed that none of the tens of thousands of soul bones could retain the power of a hundred thousand years. The age of many soul bones had dropped to a thousand years, and even a few soul bones were only a hundred years old.

However, these soul bones are useless if left in the Dragon Tomb. He didn't mind the centuries-old soul bones. With a wave of his hand, he put all the soul bones into the space opened by the Mountain Dragon King's torso bone.

He is different from Tang Wulin. Tang San stole the original power of the Golden Dragon King and sealed it into his son Tang Wulin.

Even if Tang Wulin only took away the Mountain Dragon King's torso bones and the Dragon God's inheritance, it only meant that he didn't steal much.

But Yu Tianming is the next generation patriarch of the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family. He has the blood of the Holy Dragon of Light and the Dragon God, and has been recognized by the Water and Fire Dragon King. Naturally, he took these soul bones to prevent the power of his ancestors from being tarnished.

After finishing his ideological construction, Yu Tianming walked to the valley in front of him. Originally, this place was covered by the bones of the Mountain Dragon King, but now the Mountain Dragon King has sunk into the ground, and this huge pit with a diameter of more than 10,000 meters collapsed in front of him.

As he continued to approach the pit, the voice that had been calling him became louder and louder.

Yu Tianming looked into the valley. The valley was a thousand meters deep. There was a huge group of light and shadow flickering inside. The light and shadow were presented in seven colors and existed in the form of mist. It's impossible to really see what's going on inside the valley.

He knew that this was where the Dragon God's dragon soul was, so he didn't think too much and slid down the rock wall slowly, entering the colorful halo.

Passing through the colorful mist, Yu Tianming finally saw the dragon soul of the Dragon God, a dragon soul that was even bigger than the body of the Mountain Dragon King.

The dragon soul of the Dragon God is shining with colorful light. The colorful scales on its body are irregular. The shape of each piece seems to be different, but they are so coordinated, as if they are inlaid with countless gems.

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