The Three Dragon Kings of Douluo

Chapter 106 Crystallization of Divine Power, Dragon God’s Inheritance

After a slight hesitation, Yu Tianming took out a piece of rare metal from the storage soul guide. With a flick of his wrist, he threw the rare metal far away towards the dragon soul.

Under Yu Tianming's gaze, when the rare metal came into contact with the dragon soul, it was like throwing a stone into a calm lake, and ripples appeared on the Dragon God's dragon soul.

But the piece of metal was not submerged by the Dragon God's dragon soul, but the part in contact was instantly vaporized.

The dragon soul of the Dragon God is different from that of the Mountain Dragon King. After Yu Tianming threw in a piece of rare metal, he didn't react at all. He just stood quietly in the middle of the valley, with the colorful light still flowing on his body.

After coming to the small world of Dragon Valley, it was as if there was a voice deep in his blood urging him to go to the center of the world.

Now that he is in front of the Dragon God, the attraction derived from his bloodline has reached its maximum.

Yu Tianming looked at the dragon soul with the colorful light flowing in front of him. He hesitated for a moment, took a deep breath and walked to the dragon soul, and then slowly stretched his fingers into it.

With the vaporized rare metal in front, he didn't ignore the Dragon God's supreme power. But facing the temptation from his bloodline and the huge opportunity presented by the Dragon God, he had already made complete preparations.

If his fingers were instantly vaporized when they came into contact with the Dragon God, with his ability to regenerate Ghidorah's severed head, he could instantly recover as before. If the Dragon God's damage to a living body spreads, he is also prepared to cut off his own arm.

But when Yu Tianming touched the dragon god with his finger, he did not receive any harm, but felt a numbness all over his body like an electric shock.

Immediately afterwards, the kilometer-high Dragon God Dragon Soul finally made a move, a buzzing sound sounded, and Yu Tianming seemed to be stared at by a terrifying gaze from high in the sky.

Suddenly, he lost his ability to move, and his limbs became stiff and unable to move.

At this time, the dragon clouds and dragon souls wandering in the small world of Dragon Valley stopped moving instantly, and the dragon bones buried deep in the dragon tomb seemed to be awakened, trembling slightly deep underground.

Yu Tianming, who was stared at by the Dragon God, felt that his consciousness had come to a colorful world, the quiet forest, the brilliance of the sun and the moon, the worship of the dragon clan, the crazy killing, and the fragmented scenes in front of him kept flickering.

Until finally a blood-red figure appeared.

Yu Tianming watched helplessly as the blood-red figure pointed towards the sky, and a blood-red giant sword that seemed to connect the sky and the earth slashed at him. Everything turned into blood red, and his body also instantly Was cut into two pieces.

As the images in his mind continued to flow, Yu Tianming, who was exposed to the dragon god's soul from the outside world, unconsciously transformed into the true form of the martial soul. He spread his wings and floated in the air. He was gradually attracted by the Dragon God and flew into the thousand-meter-high colorful soul.

At this time, the colorful air flow was continuously injected into Yu Tianming's body.

In his external soul bone, the Dragon King's wings, the hidden divine power and blood of the Water and Fire Dragon King were attracted by the colorful air currents, and the hot heat flowed in the meridians. And a trace of the light Dragon King bloodline originating from the bloodline of the Blue and Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family was also inspired when the bloodline of the Water and Fire Dragon King circulated.

The blood of the three dragon kings, when the meridians flow, the power of the blood surges vigorously and is constantly integrated into his body.

As the power of the bloodline grew stronger, Yu Tianming could clearly sense that in the depths of these bloodlines, a trace of pure dragon god power was constantly expanding, mixed with the dragon clouds and dragon souls of many different attributes that had been absorbed in the Dragon Valley. The power transformed his original bloodline.

When Yu Tianming's martial spirit awakens, it only has two ordinary attributes: ultimate thunder and wind and fire.

When he came to the Ice and Fire Eyes and absorbed many immortal grasses, his two attributes of wind and fire evolved into the ultimate attributes like the thunder attribute. In addition to the three ultimate attributes, thanks to the octagonal black ice grass, there is also an extremely high water attribute affinity.

Yu Tianming has now absorbed the soul bone of the Mountain Dragon King and gained control of the earth attribute.

Yu Tianming, who already possesses the five abilities of water, fire, wind, thunder and earth, now seems to have a very high affinity for all attributes thanks to the dragon god's colorful power and the transformation of many dragon souls and dragon clouds.

The most basic power of the Dragon God is divided into two sides: one is the power of many elements of the Silver Dragon King, and the other is the physical power of the Golden Dragon King.

Yu Tianming, who possesses both the power of elements and a powerful body, only then suddenly realized that he was surprisingly consistent with the path of the Dragon God. Infused with a massive amount of Dragon God's divine power, he could vaguely see the final end of the Dragon God's physical and elemental powers - a glimmer of the two divine heads of destruction and creation.

During the long period of transformation, the scales on Yu Tianming's body gradually began to glow with colorful light, just like the Dragon God.

His meridians, bones, and internal organs seemed to be lit up by colorful lights. As soon as the powerful blood power circulated, an indescribable sense of power spread throughout his body, making him feel numb and itchy all over.

When the colorful light reached its peak, it suddenly melted into the scales, and the entire body surface returned to its ancient appearance. But if you look closely, you will find that it contains endless mysteries that make you dizzy.

Bo Saixi once said that due to the rules of the world, soul masters only have a maximum lifespan of level 99. If you break through level 99, that is, break the rules of this world, you can achieve the status of god.

While the scales on Yu Tianming's body were changing, although he still had his eyes closed tightly, he could feel that he seemed to have broken through some boundaries and seemed to have broken free from some constraints.

The level is still eighty, but it already has some of the characteristics of a god.

Although he does not yet have the ability to independently condense soul rings, Yu Tianming also mysteriously sensed that as long as he can reach the realm of the ninety-ninth level Ultimate Douluo, he can independently condense the tenth soul ring and become a god at the hundredth level.

The road ahead is clear and clear.

To a certain extent, he can now be called a level 80 god.

Although there is no breakthrough in cultivation, if he encounters the evil killer whale king again, Yu Tianming will not be like before, hiding far above a thousand meters in the sky, not daring to get close. He can only output remotely and cooperate with the evil spirit Great White Shark to contain it. .

Now his attributes in all aspects have been greatly improved, and the essence of his soul power has been sublimated into divine power. Even with level 80 soul power, he can fight against the evil killer whale king.

Compared with ordinary soul masters, Yu Tianming once had extreme attributes and a powerful body. After breaking through to soul saint, he had the ability to fight against level 91 titled Douluo. Now that the bloodline of the Dragon God has been enhanced, his soul power has turned into divine power, and at level 80, he has the combat power of a super Douluo.

Compared with spirit beasts, it can easily defeat the overlords of hundred thousand year old spirit beasts such as Azure Bull Python and Titan Giant Ape.

When Yu Tianming gradually regained consciousness, he also discovered that he was in the soul of the Dragon God.

After such a long period of infusion of divine power, the Dragon God's soul showed no signs of weakening. The image of the colorful dragon, which was more than a kilometer high, did not shrink, nor did its light weaken, as if it had not been affected by Yu Tianming.

Because there was no other sight in front of him, only endless colorful light, Yu Tianming closed his eyes again. However, he did not move. Instead, he remained immersed in the Dragon God's soul as before, quietly accepting the infusion of the Dragon God's power.

It seemed that the power of the Dragon God in his body had reached a threshold, and the seven-colored divine power around him no longer surged toward him.

At this moment, the golden trident mark that appeared on Yu Tianming's head after being tested by Poseidon began to twist.

Part of Poseidon's divine power slowly merged into his body and gathered on the soul ring. With the injection of Poseidon's divine power, the seven yellow, purple, black, and red soul rings under his feet began to vibrate continuously as if they were breathing.

Just like water flowing from high mountains to low valleys, as soon as Poseidon's divine power enters the soul rings, it first flows towards the two yellow century-old soul rings with the lowest expiry date in Yutianming.

In a few breaths, the colors of these soul rings changed into purple, purple, black, and red.

With the continuous injection of Poseidon's divine power, the age of the first four purple soul rings also began to increase, and soon they turned into deep black. The combination of the seven soul rings under the feet turned into black black black black black, Red's terrifying look.

When this divine power is exhausted, although his first six soul rings are still black in color for ten thousand years, they have become soul rings that have been cultivated for 80,000 years.

Like Bo Saixi, Dugu Yan, A'Zhu and A'Zi who had gone through the Seventh and Eighth Poseidon Exams, their soul rings had all reached the lowest level of black. But the difference is that the black soul rings of the first four people are at least over ten thousand years old, while Yu Tianming's black soul rings are at least eighty thousand years old.

While on Poseidon Island, Yu Tianming, who took the golden test, only gained Poseidon affinity, while the three women who took the red test all received an increase in the number of years of their soul rings.

Although he didn't say it with his mouth, he also longed for the increase in the life of the soul ring.

Now, under the pressure of the Dragon God's power, part of the power that the Poseidon placed on him was transformed into the soul ring years. Yu Tianming roughly estimated that this time he was provided with more than 300,000 years of soul ring cultivation.

Part of the Poseidon's power was squeezed onto the soul ring by the Dragon God's power, and the other part of the Poseidon's power was forced out of the body by the Dragon God's power. On his forehead, a ball of light formed where the Poseidon Trident mark had been. And slowly condensed into a golden bead with an oceanic atmosphere.

This bead is about the size of a fist, and looks very similar to Poseidon's god-given soul ring.

But it is completely golden, but it emits a blue light like the sea, which is extremely strange.

The corners of Yu Tianming's mouth curled up slightly. He was not only happy that the age of his soul ring had increased, but also because the ugly trident mark between his eyebrows had disappeared.

If you always bear the ugly trident mark created by Poseidon's unworldly aesthetic concept. Then he must consider learning from the disfigured You Tanzhi. In the future, when he walks among mainland soul masters, he must first put on a mask to hide his appearance.

Just when he was happy about it, the bat mark on his chest suddenly flashed red. This was a mark engraved by Shura's divine power after passing through the hell road of the killing city, and it was also the admission certificate for Shura's divine examination.

Tang San, who has twin martial souls, will still be tortured by the conflict between Poseidon's divine power and Shura's divine power if the Asura mark is left on the Clear Sky Hammer.

But Yu Tianming is different. His physical body is extremely powerful. After taking the Poseidon test, his affinity with Poseidon increased rapidly, and Poseidon's divine power also increased rapidly. It formed an overwhelming advantage over the small amount of Shura divine power.

After completing the Seven Tests of Poseidon, God Shura's bat mark became imperceptible and seemed to disappear at any time.

But this time, as Poseidon's divine power disappeared, Shura's divine power, which was small in quantity but of higher quality, regained its vitality and continued to flicker.

But it didn't last long, and under the influence of the Dragon God's power, it turned into a blood-red bead.

This bead is the size of a glass bead. Although its size is much smaller than the bead formed by Poseidon's divine power, the murderous aura it constantly exudes is even more powerful than the oceanic aura crystallized by Poseidon's divine power.

Yu Tianming picked up the two divine power crystals, one large and one small, and thought for a moment.

Before Tang Chen died, he condensed the eight Shura God Tests he had passed and injected it into the super divine weapon - the Shura Demon Sword. When Tang San picked up the Shura Demon Sword, he had the possibility of inheriting the Shura God.

Although I have only passed the road to hell and have the admission ticket for the Shura Divine Examination, does this crystallization of divine power have the same effect as Tang Chen's Shura Demonic Sword?

While he was thinking, a nine-color spherical crystal quietly broke into the dazzling Dragon God's soul and merged into the Dragon God's soul.

And a wisp of mysterious energy merged into Yu Tianming's body without him knowing it.

If the Silver Dragon King sees this nine-color crystal, he will definitely recognize that it is the condensed essence of the Dragon God - the core of the Dragon God.

By chance, the Dragon God came into contact with the chaotic energy at the time of creation. It was precisely because of this that his bloodline could evolve through continuous sublimation, and he gradually mastered the most original and core power in the universe - —Destruction and Creation.

The power of destruction and creation that the Dragon God spent his whole life mastering, after the body was divided into two parts and transformed into the Golden Dragon King and the Silver Dragon King, the remaining part was hidden within the core of the Dragon God.

After the Dragon God's core was shattered, the Dragon God's soul, whose aura had never changed, suddenly dimmed, and then instantly shattered like the Dragon God's core, turning into pure heaven and earth energy. Part of it dissipated in the small world of Dragon Valley, and the other part rushed into the endless universe and became part of the heaven and earth again.

But Yu Tianming only heard a crisp sound at the moment when the Dragon God's soul was shattered.


As if a bubble had been punctured, his figure disappeared without a trace from the small world of Longgu. However, he did not go through the turbulent flow of time and space as when he came, but appeared directly next to the hot spring in another world.

Yu Tianming looked at the red and white ice and fire eyes in front of him, as well as the three spheres of different sizes in his hands: the Poseidon Crystal, the Shura Crystal, and the Dark Demon Tiger Soul Pearl.

He thought to himself: "I returned to Douluo Continent, but the coordinates are the Eye of Ice and Fire, the place where the Water and Fire Dragon King fell. Is this a coincidence, or is it the will of the Dragon God?"

In a few days, after my internship is over, I will increase the number of words I update every day.

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