The Three Dragon Kings of Douluo

Chapter 107 Blue and Silver Leg Bones, the City of Killing

After thinking for a moment, Yu Tianming used the communication crystal ball to report to the sect that he was safe.

Because he hadn't tasted food from the human world for a long time, he spread his huge wings behind him and flew straight to the nearest Tiandou City.

At an altitude of thousands of meters, Yu Tianming used the second soul skill after the age change for the first time - the field of electromagnetic induction.

The lifespan of this skill has directly increased from 900 years to 80,000 years. It seems that the original sense of having such a large range of perception depends on the increase of Ghidorah's martial spirit. Therefore, after the age of the spirit ring is increased, a lot of perception accuracy is increased. But the perception range has not increased too much.

However, because Yu Tianming's perception ability is already sufficient, even if the perception range increases again, it will not benefit him much.

If you lose the east corner, you will gain the mulberry tree.

Although there is no increase in perception, the ability of this soul ring has made a great breakthrough in controlling electromagnetic force. Although Yu Tianming has not used it yet, there is a faint trend of electromagnetic control.

Under the induction of the second soul skill, Yu Tianming clearly sensed Lanba Academy dozens of kilometers away.

Although Lan Ba ​​Forest is located in the center of Tiandou City, the area near such a large flora is always deserted, with only a few students from Lan Ba ​​Academy coming in and out.

But today, the front door of Lan Ba ​​College was deserted. The bustling crowd crowded the wide main road of Lan Ba ​​College. It turned out that many middle-aged men and women were bringing their children to join Lan Ba ​​College as senior soul masters. College registration.

Because Tiandou Royal Academy only recruits noble soul masters, and in the continental high-level soul master academy competition a few years ago, Lan Ba ​​Academy achieved good results.

Therefore, countless civilian soul masters near Tiandou City regard Lanba Academy as the first-class soul master academy in the mainland by default, and because of the policy of recruiting only civilian soul masters, it is even said to be the best choice for civilians.

Now when it's time for the academy to recruit students, many civilian soul masters come here because of its reputation, and they actually overcrowd Lanba Academy, which is famous for its spaciousness.

When Yu Tianming saw this grand scene, he couldn't help but secretly thought: After two years of training on Poseidon Island, he was already 18 years old, Tang San was also eleven years old, and there was only one year left before Shrek Academy's enrollment period. .

Now that I have been wandering in the turbulence of time and space for an unknown length of time, and have stayed in the Dragon Valley for several months, I am afraid that at least a year has passed in Douluo Continent.

In other words, if only one year had passed, Tang San would be exactly 12 years old now, and he would probably go to Shrek to enroll in the Advanced Soul Master Academy.

Thinking of the soul bones of the Blue Silver Emperor, Yu Tianming, who originally wanted to go to Lanba Academy, immediately changed his direction and headed to Notting City, southwest of Tiandou City.

Now, after being baptized by the Dragon God, his external soul bone Dragon King wings will no longer appear in the red and white colors representing the Water and Fire Dragon King when releasing soul skills. Instead, they will turn into a ball of bright white, which seems to contain the Dragon God's nine powers. colorful light.

Yu Tianming thought to himself: Perhaps the name of the attached soul bone can already be called the Dragon God's Wings.

He used his soul bone skill to drive away the clouds and the moon, turning it into a bright white cocoon of light. In just one hour, he flew across half of the Tiandou Empire and arrived at the border of the empire, Notting City, located in Fasno Province.

Holy Soul Village is different from other villages because it is relatively close to Notting City and has convenient business and trade. It is considered a relatively wealthy village around Notting City.

Moreover, this village has produced Soul Saint, so in other villages, several villages share one work-study student quota, while in Holy Soul Village, one village occupies one quota, which is also higher than other villages.

After Yu Tianming sensed it for a while, he discovered that there was a large village dozens of miles away. It was obviously cleaner and wealthier than other villages, and there was a stone at the entrance of the village with the words Holy Soul Village engraved on it.

Flying over the village, you can clearly sense that there is an empty blacksmith shop here.

Obviously Tang Hao is not here, and he is probably accompanying Tang San and Xiao Wu to Shrek Academy. Now is a great time to take away the Blue Silver Emperor's soul bone.

According to the original book, the soul bones of the Blue Silver Emperor were placed in a waterfall near Holy Soul Village. This waterfall is 200 meters high and has rapid water flow.

Such a spectacular waterfall must require a continuous water source and a huge height difference. Once the scope of the waterfall is limited to the vicinity of Holy Soul Village, the target becomes very obvious.

Yu Tianming came to the waterfall soon.

He landed gently on the ground, and he was already in a forest. Not far away is a trickling river, and in front of you is the silver waterfall that is hard to reach. The surrounding trees are lush green, and the blue and silver grass on the ground is spread like green onions, swaying constantly in the wind of the waterfall.

"Tang Hao has chosen a good place." Yu Tianming couldn't help but admire the beauty of the scenery in front of him.

He raised his eyes to observe the waterfall above. Perhaps it was because the water flow hit the pool and raised the mist, or maybe there was a large river above. The sky at the top of the waterfall was misty, and it was unclear whether there was a dark room in the waterfall.

But Tang Hao's simple defense could only hide it from the prying eyes of others, but it could not hide it from the intentional perception of mental power at all.

After Yu Tianming admired the scenery around him for a while, he flew up and came to the dark room behind the waterfall.

This dark room was dark and damp, with only a trace of light coming through the thick water outside the waterfall, almost the same as a dark room. And deep in the cave, where there is no light at all, there is a blue silver grass with tiny golden patterns growing.

Yu Tianming thought to himself: Tang Hao, you are really afraid that Ah Yin is not dead. If you put a plant in this dark place, other plants might not be able to survive for a few days due to the extraordinary blood of the Blue Silver Emperor.

He kicked lightly with his toes, and a lead box in the groove flew up.

Yu Tianming opened the box, and there was a leg bone with the luster of blue silver grass lying inside. This leg bone was in good condition, and the breath of a hundred thousand year soul beast was faintly visible on it. It was obvious that this was the hundred thousand year soul bone left by A Yin. .

Yu Tianming casually sent this soul bone into the inner space, next to a pile of dragon soul bones.

Then without any hesitation, he directly used the gravity control attached to the Soul Skill of the Mountain Dragon King's torso bone - earth element control, to send the Blue Silver Emperor's body and the soil under his feet into the dead space within his body.

As for whether this dead space is suitable for the Blue Silver Emperor to grow? Tang Hao doesn't care about his wife, so what does he care about?

After doing all this, Yu Tianming flew away without leaving any mark to attract hatred.

The Haotian Sect is not at odds with him now, and he doesn't have much grudge against Tang Hao. This time he just prevents Tang San from awakening the Blue Silver Emperor Spirit in the future, and by the way, he gets a hundred thousand year soul bone in vain.

Yu Tianming's strength is no longer what it used to be, so he will naturally not be afraid of a mere Tang Hao. It's just that he is destined to become a god. It's not too late to deal with Tang Hao when Tang Hao doesn't open his eyes and provokes him.

Yu Tianming flew extremely fast, and it didn't take long before he arrived in front of the courtyard of Yu Yuanzhen, the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect.

He waved, dismissed the excited servant, and walked around the familiar corridor alone, arriving in front of Yu Yuanzhen's study.

Yu Yuanzhen, who had sensed him before knocking on the door, opened the door first, but when he saw Yu Tianming, he seemed a little at a loss.

After a while, the tall old man with white hair opened his mouth with wet eyes and said: "Tianming, I haven't seen you in three years, and you have grown up a lot. Grandpa knows that you will be fine."

Yu Tianming patted his shoulder and looked at the excited old man in front of him. He didn't know what to say for a moment, so he had to change the topic and said: "In the past three years of experience, my level has improved a lot, and I am only one eighth A soul ring can become a Contra."

When Yu Tianming landed on Poseidon Island, he was only a soul king of over fifty levels. After leaving Poseidon Island two years later, he was already a soul saint.

Although Zhu and Zi told Yu Yuanzhen that he already had the cultivation of Soul Saint, Yu Tianming, who had been missing for another year after leaving Poseidon Island, personally told Yu Yuanzhen about his level 80 cultivation. I was still shocked by his cultivation speed.

He has reached level 80 cultivation at the age of 17. This is not a once-in-a-hundred-year genius from the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect. This is probably the person with the fastest cultivation speed in the history of Douluo Continent.

As a super Douluo, he quickly calmed down, looked at his extremely talented grandson, and said with a cheerful smile: "Tianming, I know that your seventh soul ring is more than one hundred thousand years old, and your eighth soul ring is more than 100,000 years old. What ferocious beast does Soul Ring want to hunt? Grandpa immediately summons people to hunt it for you."

Yu Tianming thought for a moment and smiled: "I already have an idea for the eighth soul ring. Let's wait for a while before choosing to hunt it. Now I have left the sect for three years and I don't know where Tianxin and Tianheng are. ?”

Hearing this, Yu Yuanzhen smiled and said: "You don't know something. News came from Wuhun Palace some time ago that in the next continent-wide soul master competition, Wuhun Palace will give out three thousand-year soul bones as rewards. Therefore, The sect sent Tianxin to Tiandou Royal Academy and Tianheng to join Thunder Academy. Their cultivation level is close to that of the Soul Emperor. If they participate in the Soul Master Competition, they will definitely get the soul bones. "

Yu Tianming nodded. Although he didn't know the reason, Yu Tianxin went to Tiandou Royal Academy, while Yu Tianheng went to Thunder Academy, which was exactly the opposite of the original work.

But he knew that the golden generation of Wuhun Palace were only soul kings when they competed, but in two years the two brothers from the Yu family would probably enter the realm of soul emperors, and they would indeed have a great chance of winning soul bones.

However, when he came out of the Dragon Valley this time, he had brought tens of thousands of soul bones, and all of them were dragon soul bones, which were extremely suitable for the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect.

Yu Tianxin and Yu Tianheng are not strong enough now and should practice secretly. There is no need to participate in the competition for the few universal soul bones provided by Wuhun Palace. If he was assassinated, Blue Lightning Overlord Zongke would suffer a great loss.

When Yu Tianming was thinking about how to distribute the soul bones and how to protect Yu Tianxin and Yu Tianheng.

A'Zhu, who learned that Yu Tianming had returned to the sect, also hurried to Yu Yuanzhen's study. She had not seen him for a year. She had been worried about Yu Tianming's safety. The moment she saw Yu Tianming, she choked up with excitement. Time was speechless.

Seeing this, Yu Tianming smiled and said: "A'Zhu, why are you alone? Where did Yanyan and A'Zi go?"

After a few breaths, A'Zhu was still crying, but she also stopped choking. She sobbed and replied: "Because I couldn't wait for the young master to come back, Miss Yanyan went to the Killing City for training half a year ago. She said I want to find the opportunity to become a god through the Killing City. Once I become strong, I can go find the young master."

"As for Azi, because of the sudden change in the contents of yesterday's Poseidon assessment, she thought that the young master was in danger, and is now heading to Poseidon Island to find the great priest for help."

Hearing this, Yu Tianming's face changed slightly. Everyone was so worried about him entering the turbulence of time and space. Yu Tianming was very moved. As a woman, Dugu Yan entered the sinful place of the Killing City alone, which also made Yu Tianming very worried.

As for the changes in the top eight exams, it was probably related to the release of Poseidon's divine power from his body, but he did not intend to explain the changes in the exams.

Now, because Yu Tianming was worried about Dugu Yan's safety, he no longer wanted to chat with everyone. He walked out of the room directly, leaving only one sentence: "I will go to the Killing City first to see if Yan Yan is alright. After a while, I will return Will come back again.”

Then he flew up, turned into a cocoon of light, and headed for the killing capital in the north of the Tiandou Empire.

A few hours later, Yu Tianming returned to the desolate town where he entered the killing city. Now that he was powerful, in order not to cause a commotion, he did not force his way in, but easily slipped in with his own strength.

Although he has been baptized by the dragon god's power and no longer has the mark of the god of Shura, the realm of the killing god still remains, but without the blessing of the mark of the god of asura, his power is much weaker.

However, with the Killing God Domain, he can still use skills after entering the Killing City.

After several years, Yu Tianming returned to the Killing City, but there seemed to be no change at all.

The blood moon still hangs high in the sky. The black-armored knights who are constantly patrolling like zombies, the half-dead and blood-stained people in the outer city of the killing city who are like skeletons, and the lawless and fun-seeking fanatics in the inner city are all exactly the same as before. It seems like it will never change.

Yu Tianming quickly came to the center of the killing city, the killing field of hell, and started to sense the second soul ring.

He immediately discovered that Dugu Yan was in the killing field of hell. She seemed to be following her own method of survival in the killing city. Just like Yu Tianming back then, she was resting in the lounge of the killing city, an absolutely safe place. , while waiting for the next battle.

Seeing this, Yu Tianming used the soul skill of his Dragon God Wings to drive away the clouds and the moon. Wrapped in the white light, he no longer suffered physical damage or physical obstruction.

Just like Bai Zetsu in Naruto, he escaped straight into the building of the Hell Killing Fields and came to Dugu Yan who was resting.

Sensing the intrusion of someone around him, Dugu Yan, who had been practicing cross-legged on the ground, instantly jumped up and assumed a fighting stance towards Yu Tianming.

The internship will end in two days. Update.

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