The Three Dragon Kings of Douluo

Chapter 110 Ning Rongrong, Oscar’s heartbreak

Seeing that his students were no match for Dai Mubai, the teacher at Canghui College finally couldn't help but stand up and block his students behind him.

He shouted to Dai Mubai, "Stop, I am Ye Zhiqiu, director of the Foreign Affairs Department of Canghui College, which sect are you from?"

This teacher was not as impulsive as his students. When he saw that Dai Mubai already had the strength of a soul master at a young age and had the most perfect soul ring configuration at his feet, he knew that he was definitely an extraordinary person in front of him. Be prepared to compromise.

Before Dai Mubai could speak, the fat man not far away, Ma Hongjun, had already said proudly, "We are from Shrek Academy."

As he spoke, he stared at the other female student with naked eyes. His unabashed malice made the female student take a few steps back and hide behind her teammates.

Ye Zhiqiu was stunned for a moment, with a thoughtful light in his eyes, "Shrek Academy? What kind of academy is this? I seem to have never heard of it."

Dai Mubai snorted coldly. "That's because you are ignorant."

Although Ye Zhiqiu was shocked by the strength of Shrek and the others, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief knowing that they were not from a large sect or a famous academy.

At this time, these children with no background are still so arrogant. If Ye Zhiqiu shrinks in front of so many diners, Canghui College will lose face.

Ye Zhiqiu's thoughts were flowing, and finally he stabilized his hand and did not have an attack. Instead, he said to the leader Dai Mubai, "These children are not sensible, so stop talking nonsense and call the teachers of your college to come out."

Seeing that this guy still didn't fight back, Ma Hongjun yelled arrogantly again and laughed, "Why do you think you, an old bastard, still want to see our teacher? The few of us are enough to deal with you."

Ye Zhiqiu possesses the Black Turtle Martial Spirit. The most taboo thing in life is the word "bastard".

Originally, he just wanted to scare the teenagers in front of him, and he didn't want to be accused of bullying the younger ones. What's more, he still doesn't know the strength of the academy behind the children in front of him.

But the fat man violated his taboo. Ye Zhiqiu was furious and said with a smile, "Okay. I will educate you on behalf of your teacher."

Thinking of this, Ye Zhiqiu no longer hesitated. The light flashed in his eyes and he released his martial spirit.

"Black turtle, possessed."

His limbs shrank by a third at the same time, but his back had bulged, turning into a turtle man.

Although Ye Zhiqiu's soul ring was not very strong at the same level, the soul power of level 50 or above was there to suppress Shrek Academy's side.

There was a sound of exclamation in the entire restaurant. After all, the Soul King was quite powerful and was already a rare soul master on the mainland. In some kingdoms it is possible to hold the title of viscount or even earl.

Dai Mubai's expression changed. His eyes drifted to Tang San, who had many tricks beside him. Tang San looked at each other and nodded slowly, raising his hands slowly and touching the twenty-fourth bridge on the moonlit night.

Ye Zhiqiu is not the original Zhao Wuji, so he may not be merciful. To deal with him, whose soul power was obviously higher than his own, Tang San was ready to use hidden weapons with all his strength.

"Everyone, master soul masters. Please. Don't do business in small shops. Small business. Small business..."

The shop owner would have to run out at this time if he didn't stop him. I'm afraid the whole store will be baptized by the storm in the next moment.

After hearing what the shop owner said, Ye Zhiqiu said, "Let's fight outside." He turned around and walked out. The students from Canghui College also followed Ye Zhiqiu out of the hotel.

At this moment, Dai Mubai whispered to Tang San: "This old guy is over fifty levels, and his martial spirit black turtle is a pretty good beast martial spirit. I'll hold his in front later." Attack, you have to be faster when using hidden weapons, otherwise I'm afraid I won't be able to hold on for too long."

Tang San said calmly: "We may not lose. Although his soul power is stronger than ours, the black turtle spirit has flaws."

at this time. Several other people had also gathered around, just in time to hear Tang San's words.

"The black turtle belongs to water, which is exactly in conflict with Fatty's phoenix flame. Water can restrain fire, and fire can also restrain water. Fatty's flame is so special, and the attack will definitely cause a lot of damage.

As long as Boss Dai and Zhu Zhu clear me, the three of us can withstand Ye Zhiqiu's attack, while Xiao Wu is on the side ready to take turns taking over from us.

In this way, everyone can get supplies from Oscar. With the support of Oscar's sausage, we have a chance to kill him. "

After hearing Tang San's suggestion, everyone was filled with admiration and agreed one after another.

But Ning Rongrong on the side frowned slightly, stared at Tang San and said, "Tang San, what about me? What should I do?"

Tang San was stunned for a moment. The reason why he didn't put Ning Rongrong into the lineup was because he didn't dare to give orders after seeing the little witch's temper.

At this time, Ning Rongrong took the initiative to ask for a fight. He thought for a while and then said: "Your martial spirit is special, so just adapt to the situation and prepare to support us."

Ning Rongrong felt the strange looks from others looking at her, gritted her teeth, and secretly felt cruel in her heart. She knew that she seemed to have been excluded.

It seems that due to the blow from Yu Tianming, Ning Rongrong's character has become much more restrained. Although she felt unhappy, she still nodded obediently.

After everyone in Shrek finished their discussion, they all walked out. Ning Rongrong, who was feeling unhappy, naturally walked at the back.

When Ning Rongrong was in a state of confusion, a deep voice came from her ears, "If you want everyone to recognize you, use your actions to prove that you belong to Shrek."

Ning Rongrong raised his head and saw Oscar, who had grown a beard on his face. He was smiling kindly at himself. Faced with the sudden kindness, Ning Rongrong nodded again.

Not long after, Ye Zhiqiu and Shrek arrived at an open space outside the town.

Behind them, many spectators who wanted to watch the fun also came out. The Soul Master Competition is quite popular in this world. Who would want to miss it if they can watch a Soul King battle for free?

At this time, Yu Tianming, who was dressed in black robes, also mixed into the crowd. He was standing in the front row of the crowd. Not far away from Ning Rongrong and Oscar, he was observing the fight between several people with great interest.

It has to be said that Wuhun has a great influence on a person's character. After Ye Zhiqiu of Wuhun Xuangui walked out of the town, his original anger disappeared again.

He looked at the seven teenagers who came out and said in a stern tone: "I'll give you another chance. It's not too late to admit your mistake now."

Dai Mubai smiled evilly. "Wrong? What is wrong and what is right? A big fist means right. If you want us to admit our mistakes, defeat us first."

At this time, it was impossible for Ye Zhiqiu not to take action anymore. He snorted angrily: "You all come together. Today I will teach you how to behave for your college!"

Hearing this, before Ye Zhiqiu could take action, Dai Mubai had already taken action. The second halo around him shone brightly, and intense white light condensed into a ball and spewed out from his mouth. It is the second soul ring skill of the evil-eyed white tiger, the white tiger's fierce light wave.

At the same time Dai Mubai sprayed out the white tiger's fierce light wave. Zhu Zhuqing's body opened diagonally, and instantly accelerated towards Ye Zhiqiu's flank.

Tang San also moved at the same time, summoning the Blue Silver Grass and rushing towards Ye Zhiqiu from the opposite direction of Zhu Zhuqing.

When the three of them attacked from three directions, the long mohawk-style hair of the fat man in the distance trembled. The first soul ring shines brightly, and a purple-red phoenix fire line spurts out.

The four of them started almost at the same time in no particular order. With Soul Saint Zhao Wuji relying on them, they were not afraid at all because their opponent was a Soul King.

When several people were attacking, Ning Rongrong also summoned the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Tower, preparing to boost Shrek at the critical moment.

But at this moment, Yu Tianming came behind her, grabbed Ning Rongrong's right hand holding the Seven Treasures Glazed Pagoda, and slowly took off his hood under her doubtful eyes.

"A few of your teammates are young and so arrogant, so you should not participate in this battle. If they fail today, they will have learned a lesson."

Ning Rongrong didn't seem to hear Yu Tianming's words. She looked in disbelief as she stared at the familiar face in front of her, her eyes filled with crystal tears.

But in Oscar's eyes, it was just a tall disciple who was touching Ning Rongrong, and the eldest lady of the Qibao Glazed Sect was frightened to tears.

Thinking of Dean Friend's instructions to him, Oscar knew that this was his chance.

Although Yu Tianming was tall and strong, and he looked like a powerful fighting soul master at first glance, Oscar still looked at Ning Rongrong with concern and said to Yu Tianming intimidatingly: "Our teacher is nearby. If you don't want to die, Just let go of your hand."

Although Oscar's voice was fierce, Yu Tianming and Ning Rongrong seemed not to hear him. Especially Ning Rongrong, after hearing Oscar's words, she no longer stood there in a daze.

She threw herself into Yu Tianming's arms and cried, "Where have you been in the past three years? I can't find you. Everyone says you are dead."

Hearing this, Yu Tianming was also stunned. Today, he has only met Ning Rongrong four times. After not seeing each other for several years, how could she be as excited as Dugu Yan when she saw him?

Reminiscent of Ning Rongrong boldly kissing herself during the Soul Master Competition three years ago. Could it be that this little witch from the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect fell in love with her so much?

It was different from Ning Rongrong's excitement and Yu Tianming's doubts. Oscar's face on the side has turned gloomy. No matter how stupid he is, he can still tell that Ning Rongrong has met his old sweetheart.

Oscar, who was not confident in pursuing Ning Rongrong, looked at the resolute-looking Yu Tianming in front of him. Even if he didn't have a beard, his appearance wouldn't be as good as the other's. Moreover, Yu Tianming is young, tall and strong, so he is obviously a talented fighting soul master.

Oscar, who was ashamed of himself, saw that the two people ignored him and silently stepped aside. He thought to himself: Dean, I'm afraid I have failed before I even pursued Ning Rongrong.

At this time, the battle between Dai Mubai and Ye Zhiqiu had also reached a fever pitch. Ye Zhiqiu, who had been attacked by Shrek with his speed advantage, also saw the strength of these people.

In order not to make a fool of himself in front of everyone, Ye Zhiqiu no longer held back, and the purple fifth soul ring under his feet shone brightly.

"The fifth soul skill, Black Ice Blast!"

The black tortoise shell on his body suddenly turned white, and a cold air current suddenly surged around him.

Dai Mubai, who was attacking at close range, and Zhu Zhuqing, who was looking for an opportunity next to Ye Zhiqiu, were the first to be hit by the ice wave, and their bodies were immediately covered with frost. Although his life was not in danger, he was unable to move.

Although Ma Hongjun is far away, fire and water are incompatible. His flames can cause more damage to Ye Zhiqiu, and Ye Zhiqiu's ice breath can also cause more damage to Ma Hongjun.

After receiving the full blow from the Soul King, Ma Hongjun, who was in his twenties, immediately covered his protruding belly and knelt on the ground with a painful expression. He suddenly spat out a mouthful of black blood, dyeing the mud in front of him red.

Only Tang San saw that Ye Zhiqiu looked wrong, so he reluctantly pulled away and distanced himself, so he received the least damage and only suffered the aftermath of the black ice impact. He even had enough energy left to quietly lead Xiao Wu out of the crowd.

Seeing two people running away, Ye Zhiqiu didn't care. He only needed to teach the arrogant Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun a lesson to achieve his goal. As for Zhu Zhuqing, he and Ye Zhiqiu would not take action against a female soul master in public, not to mention that she did not even provoke him.

After being possessed by the martial spirit, Ye Zhiqiu lost his original elegant appearance. He was short in stature and carried a huge turtle shell on his back, which was quite funny.

But when he took a step forward and approached Dai Mubai, the soul king's aura pressed all over Dai Mubai's body, causing Prince Xingluo, who was just the soul king, to tremble subconsciously.

"Today I will help the teachers in your college teach you a lesson."

After saying that, he pulled up Dai Mubai's long, frost-covered hair, and used the black turtle's small short hands to shoot left and right, giving Dai Mubai two big mouths first.

Although he is a Black Turtle Martial Spirit and is not known for his strength, as a Beast Martial Spirit and Soul King, the power in his hands cannot be underestimated. After these two slaps, Dai Mubai's face suddenly swelled up into two big bumps.

At this time, Dai Mubai suddenly woke up. As the prince of the Star Luo Empire, although he was suppressed by his brother, Ye Zhiqiu was just an academy teacher. How could he dare to slap him in the face? Not far away, Zhu Zhuqing kept looking at him again, making him anxious and angry.

He threatened vaguely: "A mere teacher from Canghui College dares to hit me, Dai Mubai, and you will definitely pay the price."

Ye Zhiqiu didn't hear what Dai Mubai, whose face was swollen into a pig's head, said, but by looking at his expression, he knew that he was threatening him. Looking at Dai Mubai's luxurious clothes, Ye Zhiqiu just pretended that he didn't hear the threat and stood straight. Walked to Ma Hongjun's side.

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