The Three Dragon Kings of Douluo

Chapter 111 Zhao Wuji, I don’t eat beef

Although Ma Hongjun often followed Dai Mubai and hung out in the fence, these two good friends were never of the same class.

Dai Mubai is the prince of Xingluo. Although he left the Xingluo Empire, he still has a large amount of gold and silver jewelry. He has never had any problems with money. Even the women he looks for are of the highest quality.

Ma Hongjun was different. He was born in a small village where the Wuhuns were all grass chickens. He was a commoner among civilians, and his daily income mainly relied on the relief from the Wuhun Palace.

Although the Wuhun Palace gave him a lot of gold soul coins, Ma Hongjun was troubled by the evil fire and had to spend a lot of money on the hook every day. Moreover, Shrek's high tuition fees made it even harder for him. He was so poor that he only dared to go to the cheapest places. The clothes he wore without patches was considered a luxury for him.

Although Ye Zhiqiu's martial spirit is a black bastard, he can still see clearly who is the soft persimmon. The only one in the audience is this fat man who talks dirty words and dresses like a poor civilian. If not, who can beat him?

Without even saying much, he walked up to Ma Hongjun and punched and kicked him directly with the power of frost.

Water and fire were in conflict, Ma Hongjun encountered the attack of the Ice Soul King, and the blood from his mouth flowed out like tap water, instantly staining a large area of ​​the ground red. Under Ye Zhiqiu's punches and kicks, the fat man rolled up on the ground, blood splattered everywhere, causing the bystanders to retreat.

It has to be said that phoenix-type martial spirits are really special. In such a short period of time, Ma Hongjun vomited at least two basins of blood. If it were an ordinary spirit master, he would be half dead. But Ma Hongjun's wailing voice was still loud, as if nothing happened.

Hidden among the crowd, Zhao Wuji saw Oscar's frustrated love and was thinking about how to kidnap Ning Rongrong back to Shrek. He suddenly woke up when he heard Ma Hongjun's wailing getting more intense.

Zhao Wuji, who realized that his college was being bullied, rushed out of the crowd, came to Ye Zhiqiu, and roared: "Old bastard, you bully the small with your big one, dare to do such a heavy hand to my students, think about how you will die today Bar."

Seeing the threat from this short and stocky man, Ye Zhiqiu said coldly: "You must be the teacher of Shrek Academy. Your students wantonly insult our Canghui Academy. I will teach them a lesson today to avoid causing trouble in the future." Provoke people.”

"A lesson? I use you to teach students a lesson? Canghui College is a rubbish college, what kind of insult are their words!" Zhao Wuji has always acted without scruples. Faced with a soul master who was more than twenty levels lower than himself, he naturally You won't take the other person seriously.

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhao Wuji was directly possessed by his martial spirit. With the blessing of the powerful Vajra Bear martial spirit, his whole body was covered with a thick layer of brown hair, and his height of more than 1.6 meters soared to 2.5 meters. The seven soul rings under his feet were jumping, and the domineering aura of the Soul Saint was unmistakable. .

And Ye Zhiqiu, who only had the Soul King cultivation level, was so frightened by the Soul Saint's aura that he took several steps back and fell to the ground. At this time, his heart had long been filled with regret, and he thought to himself: If I had known earlier, I shouldn't have been so impulsive. Now that I've offended the Soul Saint, I'm afraid I'm going to have to answer here today.

"You students are the first to insult others, and these injuries are just superficial wounds for soul masters. Today can be regarded as a lesson to them. Prince Fudo must be merciful and merciful."

Yu Tianming's calm voice sounded, stopping Zhao Wuji who was about to take action.

Zhao Wuji was already very angry. After hearing Yu Tianming's dissuasion, he immediately turned around and glared angrily. "Boy, who are you and how dare you teach me how to do things."

Zhao Wuji had long been unhappy with him. After Ning Rongrong entered Shrek, several Shrek teachers planned to match him up with Oscar.

On the one hand, he took the initiative to embarrass Ning Rongrong and corrected her temperament in the name of a eldest lady; on the other hand, he asked Oscar to help Ning Rongrong when it was time for him and took the initiative to ask for help.

The plan was going very smoothly, and we were getting closer and closer to the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect on the list. But now this kid has appeared and cut off his financial path. Now he actually speaks for this bastard. He really doesn't take himself seriously. The pressure of Soul Saint's aura is directly transferred to Yu Tianming.

Yu Tianming looked at the menacing Zhao Wuji in front of him, smiled indifferently, and thought to himself: This guy looks rough and rough, but in fact he is rough and thin. Before taking action, he knew to find out more about me.

Before he could speak, Ning Rongrong on the side hurriedly said to Zhao Wuji: "He is a direct disciple of the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect. You can't act randomly."

During the few days at Shrek, Ning Rongrong only saw the rogue side of Zhao Wuji. She really thought that he was a reckless man. She didn't know that he was a slippery man who only saw what others were doing. So he quickly pointed out Yu Tianming's identity. Warn Zhao Wuji.

But what she didn't know was that Shrek was instructed by the Qibao Glazed Sect to dare to train Ning Rongrong unscrupulously, and the reputation of the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect just couldn't make Zhao Wuji surrender.

When Zhao Wuji heard the words 'direct disciple of the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect', his eyes flashed with a fierce expression. He knew that his dean's good brother, Yu Xiaogang, Master Yu was the son of the head of the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect. From the corner of his eye, he looked at Oscar, who was looking at him with a frown on his face, and his thoughts immediately came to his mind.

Zhao Wuji walked up to Yu Tianming, released all the aura of the Soul Saint, and said in a condescending voice: "If I am a disciple of the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect, I can also be regarded as your elder. If you are so disrespectful, today I, as an elder, will Teach you a lesson."

Now, everyone's attention turned to Zhao Wuji and Yu Tianming. In the corner where no one was watching, Ye Zhiqiu and the students from Canghui College also took the opportunity to quietly withdraw from the crowd.

Dai Mubai, who was covered in frost and his face was swollen, hurriedly spoke out to remind Zhao Wuji, but his unclear voice was eventually drowned by the noisy crowd. Looking at Zhu Zhuqing's cold eyes not far away, the good-looking Dai Mubai Bai finally couldn't hold it back and spurted out a mouthful of blood.

Ning Rongrong, who was next to Yu Tianming, looked at Zhao Wuji who was becoming more and more fierce, and the aura of the Soul Saint came overwhelmingly. As an auxiliary soul master in her twenties, although she stood firmly on the spot, her legs began to tremble uncontrollably.

When Oscar saw Ning Rongrong's look, he quickly said distressedly: "Teacher Zhao, Rongrong can no longer bear your aura. Since you know people from the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect, why not just let it go."

Hearing these words, Zhao Wuji's face turned dark again: Oscar was adopted by Flanders when he was a child. Zhao Wuji also came to Shrek to teach ten years ago, and he watched Oscar grow up. If Fu If Rand regarded Oscar as his own son, his feelings for Oscar were not much different from those of Zhao Wuji.

Zao Wuji's attack was just to create an opportunity for Oscar to pursue Ning Rongrong, to dampen Yu Tianming's energy in front of Ning Rongrong, and then to promote Oscar. But now Oscar is trying to dissuade him. It's really impossible to get past the wall.

Although he was angry, at this moment, Zhao Wuji would definitely not be angry at Oscar, whom he regarded as his own son. Instead, he came to Yu Tianming in three steps and two steps, raised his hand and shouted sternly: "I will teach you how to do it now." Respect for teachers!"

Naturally, Yu Tianming would not be afraid of a mere seventy-sixth level soul saint. He slowly moved Ning Rongrong behind him, his face still relaxed and composed, "Fudo Ming King is so majestic. A fugitive, a bereaved dog, dares to act as an elder in front of me."

Yu Tianming's words were the same as Ma Hongjun's scolding Ye Zhiqiu for being an old bastard, and the bereaved dog also touched Zhao Wuji's sore spot.

Zhao Wuji, who was covered in brown hair and was over two and a half meters tall, heard this. His eyes instantly turned red, as if he was a powerful diamond bear that wanted to devour people. Under his control, the gravity around Yu Tianming suddenly increased. , the ground also collapsed with tiny cracks.

Yu Tianming was not possessed by a martial spirit and was a head shorter than Zhao Wuji in front of him. However, he did not seem to feel Zhao Wuji's huge momentum and the change of gravity. He still chuckled and said: "The fugitives with bounties offered by the Spirit Hall are probably worth a lot. Gold soul coins?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Yu Tianming's Mountain Dragon King Torso Bone Soul Skill - Earth Element Control was activated directly, and the gravity around Zhao Wuji also increased instantly.

How can the Mountain Dragon King's control over gravity be comparable to that of Zhao Wuji, the powerful King Kong Bear? The ground under Zhao Wuji's feet, who was originally full of confidence, collapsed due to the change in gravity and turned into a semi-circular pit. He instantly felt unprecedented pressure.

Zhao Wuji, whose expression changed greatly, could not think about it, and instinctively wanted to escape from the scope of gravity, but under this gravity, he could no longer move even an inch. And at the same time as the gravity increased sharply, Yu Tianming manipulated the ground under his feet to quickly turn into a big pit, and then closed it instantly, burying Zao Wuji into it, leaving only his brown bear-like head.

When the onlookers saw the notorious Zhao Wuji, they were immediately defeated. When there was no excitement left to watch, they dispersed in a rush. Only Yu Tianming and Shrek were left at the scene.

Zhao Wuji, with only one head exposed, saw the undisguised murderous intent in Yu Tianming's eyes, and his original fierce expression instantly turned into flattery, "The son of the leader of the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect, Yu Xiaogang is my good brother, and I have a good eye for you." If you don't know Taishan, you don't care about the villain's fault, just treat me like a fart."

Hearing this, Yu Tianming also laughed out loud. This Zhao Wuji in front of him is really a wonderful man. When he saw the fifty-level Ye Zhiqiu punching hard, as soon as it fell into his hands, he immediately attracted Yu Xiaogang's relationship. Pretending to be a grandson. The main thing is to bully the weak and fear the strong, and be able to bend and stretch.

I wonder if Zhao Wuji knows that Yu Xiaogang's reputation in the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect is in shambles, and his relationship with Yu Xiaogang is not so harmonious.

Yu Tianming wanted to tease him, so he restrained his murderous intent and said with a smile: "Since we have said so, let's go back to the hotel and have a chat first."

Immediately, the ground surged like running water, and Zhao Wuji spat out again.

Zhao Wuji had just clearly seen the murderous intent in the other person's eyes, and now he had regained a glimmer of life. He was sweating profusely and quickly responded with a smile: "Yes, yes, we don't know each other until we fight..."

At Yu Tianming's signal, Zhao Wuji and Oscar gave the incapacitated man some treatment and quickly returned to the hotel.

As soon as they arrived at the hotel door, they saw Tang San looking around.

When Tang San saw Zhao Wuji coming back with Dai Mubai, he also said to Zhao Wuji with a concerned expression: "Boss Dai and I were attacked by teachers from Canghui College just now, so I hurriedly returned to the hotel to find your support. Now, Boss Dai. I’m relieved that it’s okay.”

Hearing these words, Dai Mubai, who was originally resentful of Tang San's escape, felt relieved and said movedly: "Thank you, Xiao San, for your hard work. Teacher Zhao arrived in time, and I wasn't seriously injured."

Ma Hongjun, who was covered in blood, rolled his eyes when he heard this, but he didn't say much despite his low status.

The agitated Zhao Wuji only waved his hand towards Tang San, and like a doorman, he nodded and bowed to open the door for Yu Tianming.

Seeing Ma Hongjun's eye roll and Zhao Wuji's behavior, Tang San's eyes flickered, not knowing what he was thinking.

After the incident at Canghui College, Yu Tianming and Shrek didn't eat, so Zhao Wuji specifically asked the boss for a private room, and the nine of them sat around the dining table.

Zhao Wuji picked up the menu, looked at Yu Tianming who was sitting at the top, and said with a smile: "What do you call me, your Excellency? I am treating you today. You can order these dishes casually and the conditions are simple. Please forgive me if the hospitality is not good." "

Yu Tianming didn't take the menu. He leaned back on the chair and said calmly: "Just call me Yu Tianming. I just want a bowl of beef noodles."

Zhao Wuji suddenly realized: "You are the young master of the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect! So Yu Xiaogang is your uncle, and we will never know each other today."

Yu Tianming ignored Zhao Wuji's approaching words, but showed a playful smile, "Because you provoked Canghui students and wasted the bowl of beef noodles I ordered, King Fudo Ming will make another bowl for me today." how?"

Zhao Wuji's expression froze, and then he nodded again and again with a smile, "Of course, it's my duty to make you another bowl of beef noodles to apologize."

After saying that, he quickly stood up, moved his short legs, and hurriedly walked towards the kitchen.

After Zhao Wuji left, only Yu Tianming and Shrek were left in the box.

Facing the powerful Yu Tianming, except for Ning Rongrong, these Shrek talents all looked down upon him and did not dare to say anything.

Yu Tianming looked at Dai Mubai, whose face was swollen into a pig's head, and said with a smile: "You are the third prince of the Star Luo Empire, Dai Mubai."

"That's all in the past. Now I'm just a student of Shrek." When Dai Mubai's face was pointed out when his former noble status was mentioned, Dai Mubai's face did not show joy. Instead, his expression became a bit gloomier.

Seeing Dai Mubai's frowning look, Zhu Zhuqing also had a gloomy look on his side. Yu Tianming pointedly said, "Your brother and I have a good relationship. As good as the two brothers, your appearance is quite similar to Davis."

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