The Three Dragon Kings of Douluo

Chapter 112 Zhu Zhuqing, any price

Without waiting for Dai Mubai's response, he continued: "I know the rules of your royal family, but Davis will also listen to what I say, so he can easily keep you safe."

Zhu Zhuqing, who was originally silent, seemed to suddenly have a light in his eyes, and he looked at Yu Tianming with hope.

Yu Tianming knew that the heat was on, and Zhu Zhuqing would take the initiative to speak soon. Therefore, he did not continue to delve into this topic, but looked at Ning Rongrong, who had been sticking to his side.

Thinking of Ning Rongrong's excitement when he just saw him, Yu Tianming expressed his doubts in a joking tone: "Why is Rongrong so worried about my safety? Could it be that the eldest lady of the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect has fallen in love with me?"

Hearing Yu Tianming's words, Oscar, who had been immersed in eating, suddenly had a light in his eyes.

He subconsciously rubbed his beard, secretly looked at Ning Rongrong with his peripheral vision, and thought to himself: I misunderstood Rongrong, it turns out that she and Yu Tianming are not together yet. Those who are near the water first come first. As long as Rongrong stays in Shrek, I will have the opportunity to pursue her.

But before Oscar could be happy for long, Ning Rongrong blushed and said angrily: "You were able to do that kind of thing three years ago, but you can't be irresponsible now!"

After hearing Ning Rongrong's explosive speech, everyone in Shrek looked at the two of them with strange expressions. Oscar, who had just cheered up, had a gloomy expression and was petrified on the spot.

Yu Tianming looked strange. Three years ago, Ning Rongrong only took the initiative to kiss him, but when he came into her mouth, it seemed that he had done something terrible to her. With such a bold and unrestrained behavior, it is no wonder that the original work said, "I still have two thick slices of bread."

Seeing the reaction of everyone in Shrek, Yu Tianming hurriedly explained: "Don't listen to Rongrong's nonsense. She was only nine years old three years ago, and nothing happened between me and her."

After hearing this, several people at the table suddenly realized: Yes, Ning Rongrong is not Ma Hongjun. What could she do when she was only nine years old three years ago?

Oscar, who had already despaired of pursuing Ning Rongrong, once again regained his confidence and listened quietly, waiting for Yu Tianming to speak again.

And Zhu Zhuqing did not take Ning Rongrong's speech as a joke. Based on her attitude towards Yu Tianming, it is very likely that one day the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect and the Qibao Glazed Sect will unite. At that time, it will be easy to save herself from the Xingluo Royal Family. ?

Thinking of this, Zhu Zhuqing looked at the two people with eager eyes, and finally stood up unbearably. At this time, her plump chest also swayed as she stood up suddenly, attracting everyone's attention.

But Zhu Zhuqing didn't care. She knew that now was the turning point of her destiny. As long as she grasped it, she could escape from the shadow of the Star Luo Empire.

She took a deep breath, looked at Yu Tianming and said excitedly: "I have heard about you. You are a genius of the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect who is innately full of soul power and mutated martial arts. I hope to join the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect. Please agree."

Yu Tianming smiled but did not answer. Soon, Zhu Zhuqing's eyes full of hope gradually gave way to disappointment.

I don't know what Zhu Zhuqing was thinking. She took another deep breath and lowered her head with a blush on her face. She didn't look at the ground, but looked at her chest, and slowly said word by word: "If you are willing I will pay any price to protect you."

Everyone present was not just a child, and they instantly understood the price Zhu Zhuqing was talking about.

On the side, Dai Mubai, his fiancé, felt even more humiliated. He felt that his dignity as a man was being stepped on and rubbed by Zhu Zhuqing. But he knew very well that Davis also wanted to curry favor with Yu Tianming. As a useless prince, he was nothing in front of him.

Frightened by Yu Tianming's pressure, although Dai Mubai's face turned red with anger, he could only remain silent and silently clenched his fists hidden under the table.

Zhu Zhuqing glanced at Dai Mubai, who was trembling slightly next to him, with a trace of disdain in his eyes: If this guy can abandon himself and sneak out of the Star Luo Empire, he is not someone he can rely on. As long as he has other choices, I will definitely not cooperate with him.

The expressions of both of them were clearly seen by Yu Tianming, who had an astonishing perception.

Seeing that the gap that already existed between Zhu Zhuqing and Dai Mubai widened again, he added fuel to the fire again and said with a smile: "Zhu Zhuqing, right? You are different from Dai Mubai. After his failure, he will be beyond redemption. If you fail, Afterwards, Davis will also leave you a place as a concubine."

Dai Mubai hated his brother Davis the most. When he heard Yu Tianming's words, he thought to himself: Even if he dies, I can't let Zhu Zhuqing take advantage of Davis.

Zhu Zhuqing has lived in the shadow of Zhu Zhuyun since she was a child. She does not believe that she will be safe in the future. Seeing Yu Tianming insisting again, "If you can protect me, Zhuqing is willing to be a cow or a horse in return."

Ning Rongrong looked at her plain chest and then at Zhu Zhuqing's chest. She couldn't bear it anymore and deliberately said coquettishly: "Brother Tianming, will you marry me?"

Yu Tianming no longer paid attention to Zhu Zhuqing, but jokingly said to Ning Rongrong on the side: "Even if I am willing and Rongrong is willing, if Sect Leader Ning, Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo don't agree, then there is nothing I can do."

"It doesn't matter. After a few years, when I reach the seventieth level and awaken my martial spirit true form, you will become a titled Douluo. With my increase, Grandpa Jian and Grandpa Bone can't beat you together." Ning Rongrong was quite proud. He raised his head, as if he didn't realize how explosive his speech of fatherly kindness and daughterly filial piety was.

Oscar, who was originally a little confident, lowered his head again: Rongrong likes him so much, does he still have a chance?

Yu Tianming was also speechless for a moment, and quickly changed the subject: "As the heir of the Qibao Glazed Sect, you have the best educational resources in the mainland, why did you come to Shrek?"

"Because Dad, Grandpa Jian and Grandpa Bone all disagree with me being with you, and they have been talking about it in the sect these past few years, so I ran out secretly, and happened to meet Shrek Academy's admissions committee."

"Oh? How is Rongrong's life at Shrek Academy?"

Ning Rongrong hesitated for a moment, then said with a smile: "Although Shrek's environment is average, the people here are actually pretty good. Especially Oscar, although this guy is wretched, he still takes good care of me."

After hearing this, everyone's eyes towards Ning Rongrong also changed slightly, and the image of the eldest lady Ning Rongrong also changed in their hearts.

When Oscar heard these words, he became even more enthusiastic. He directly ignored Yu Tianming beside Ning Rongrong and said without thinking: "Rongrong is so kind. Although I am an auxiliary soul master, I will not let her in history. "Lake was wronged"

As if he was aware of Yu Tianming's existence again, Oscar's fear surged into his heart again, and his originally generous voice became lower and lower.

However, Yu Tianming chuckled nonchalantly and said, "Oscar, I have to ask you to take more care of Rongrong in Shrek Academy."

Hearing these words, Oscar regained his courage, patted his chest and said, "Don't worry, leave it to me."

Ning Rongrong looked at Oscar, who had a stubble on his face. Although he didn't say much, he still curled his lips in disgust.

"Rongrong, although Shrek's conditions are simple, the teacher's level is not low and he is very responsible for the students. If you like, you can play here for a while. If you have any grievances, you can tell me."

Ning Rongrong thought for a moment and said hesitantly: "I haven't been wronged at all, but Teacher Zhao is usually a bit fierce."

Hearing this, Yu Tianming's expression changed and he said to everyone present: "Zhao Wuji, as a wanted criminal in Wuhun Palace, has taken many innocent lives on his hands, and he was rude to me and Rongrong. How should I deal with him?" Woolen cloth?"

Everyone in Shrek didn't respond, and looked as if they were silent.

Seeing this, Yu Tianming smiled and said, "It depends on Zhao Wuji's luck today. If there is chopped green onion in the bowl of beef noodles he made, then today next year will be his death anniversary."

Although Yu Tianming was smiling all over his face, he was so murderous after passing through the Killing City. The temperature in the box seemed to have suddenly dropped by more than ten degrees, frightening everyone at the table to hold their breath.

Yu Tianming got stuck just in time. After a few breaths, Zhao Wuji walked in with a bowl of beef noodles and a smile. He put the beef noodles on the table, looked at Yu Tianming with a flattering smile and said: "This is the beef noodles carefully prepared by me. Please taste it."

Everyone looked at the bowl of beef noodles, and saw that the noodles were as crystal clear as jade, with slices of beef dotted on top, and the clear bone soup had no trace of oil, but exuded a rich aroma. It could be seen that Zhao Wuji had put a lot of thought into it. of.

Moreover, the most important thing was that no chopped green onion was used. Everyone in Shrek, including Ning Rongrong, breathed a sigh of relief when they saw this.

But Yu Tianming's smile became more and more frightening, and he did not restrain his murderous intention towards Shrek at all. He smiled slowly and said, "Sorry, I don't want to eat beef now."

As soon as he finished speaking, the gravity around Zhao Wuji strengthened, and at the same time, Yu Tianming's sixth soul skill, Forbidden Demon Light Wave, also enveloped his head.

Zhao Wuji only felt that the movement of his soul power was slow and he was having difficulty moving. He knelt directly on the ground, knowing that his death was coming.

A revolving door flashed through his mind. He thought of the people he had killed, the troubles he had caused, his arrogant attitude, and how smoothly he had escaped. Until today, he met the even more arrogant Yu Tianming. Because he didn't Eating beef costs one's life.

Tears of regret slowly flowed from the corners of Zhao Wuji's eyes.

However, Yu Tianming did not rush to kill him, but leaned on the chair, his left hand turned into a sharp dragon claw, and gently slid on Zhao Wuji's head.

Yu Tianming's strengthened body was so powerful. Under his fingertips, Zao Wuji's skin, muscles, and bones were as fragile as tofu. Before everyone in Shrek noticed, a ring was cut out of Zhao Wuji's skull.

At this point, just like opening a bottle cap, with a slight twist, the remaining fragile connections of the skull will be broken, and the entire brain will be completely exposed.

Zhao Wuji slowly closed his eyes and waited for his death.

At this time, Tang San, who had purple devil eyes and sharp eyesight, suddenly broke free from the suppression of murderous intent, stood up and looked at Yu Tianming, and said seriously: "I am Tang San, Master Yu Xiaogang is my teacher, and Teacher Zhao is It was an unintentional mistake, and it seems magnanimous for you to let him go."

Yu Tianming looked at Tang San with great interest. Everyone present was suppressed by murderous intent, but Tang San was able to break away from the murderous intent and stood up to pull Yu Xiaogang's tiger skin.

If he didn't know his temperament, Yu Tianming would have praised him for his perseverance.

After thinking for a moment, Yu Tianming lost his murderous aura and said with a kind smile: "Yu Xiaogang is my uncle. In terms of seniority, you should call me big brother."

Tang San hit the snake on the stick, made a bow, and shouted: "Brother Tianming."

Yu Tianming nodded and continued to smile: "My uncle has studied martial arts theory for many years. I wonder what soul ring he has arranged for you? What soul skills do you have?"

The soul ring is the absolute privacy of a soul master and is the key to victory or defeat, but Tang San looked at the powerful Yu Tianming in front of him and thought: There is such a big gap in our strength, even if I tell him the content of the soul ring, it will not matter. What impact will it have.

"My first soul ring is the Mandala Snake, and my skill is Blue Silver Coil. My second soul ring is the Vampire Bat, and my skill is Powerful Draining."

Yu Tianming nodded. It seemed that for his own sake, Yu Xiaogang did not let Tang San choose the parasitism of the ghost vine for his second spirit ring. Instead, he chose an animal spirit ring again. According to the name, it is an absorption type. Soul skills.

In order to provoke a fight between Tang San and Yu Xiaogang, Yu Tianming imitated Yu Xiaogang's example and pretended to sigh deeply, "My stupid uncle Yu Xiaogang was imprisoned many years ago because of his alternative martial arts research. The world has criticized him, and he has always wanted to find someone to practice his theory, but he didn’t expect that he would let his apprentice practice his theory.”

"Xiao San, do you know that Blue Silver Grass is weak by nature. If it absorbs plant soul rings, it is still possible to advance, but if it absorbs animal soul rings, Blue Silver Grass will never evolve."

Tang San was also a smart man. Hearing Yu Tianming's words, he seemed to suddenly realize something. His fists under the table were suddenly clenched, and his nails dug deeply into his flesh. He secretly said with hatred: Yu Xiaogang, it turns out that you are using me as a test subject, and you have already found a way to kill me.

But when he faced Yu Tianming, he still put on a serious look on his face and said: "Once a teacher, always a father, I think the master's choice must have his reasons, and as a disciple, I am also willing to help him Practice your theories.”

Yu Tianming, who originally wanted to sow discord, suddenly felt happy when he saw that Tang San was obviously filled with hatred but still acted like a dutiful son.

He thought to himself: Why not give Tang San a good deal and save Zhao Wuji's life? When he leads Xiao Wu into the Star Dou Forest to lure out the Titan Giant Ape, he will kill the Azure Bull Python and use it as his eighth spirit ring.

After making up his mind, Yu Tianming looked pleased, clapped to Tang San and said with a smile: "It seems that my uncle has really accepted a loyal and brave disciple. Xiao San, today I will spare Zhao Wuji for your sake." One life.”

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