The Three Dragon Kings of Douluo

Chapter 113 Everyone’s Mentality, Titan Giant Ape

"However, the death penalty cannot be avoided. As a wanted criminal in Wuhun Palace, your hands are stained with the blood of many innocent people."

No longer surrounded by murderous intent, Ning Rongrong also reacted. She hurriedly grabbed Yu Tianming's arm and said unbearably: "Although Teacher Zhao has a bit of a temper, he is still a good person. Maybe the one wanted by Wuhun Palace is It’s a misunderstanding.”

Hearing this, Yu Tianming pretended to be embarrassed and sighed. He didn't say much and directly loosened his hold on Zhao Wuji.

After experiencing the great horror between life and death, Zhao Wuji, who bullied the weak and feared the strong, was frightened to death, and his whole black face was covered with sweat mixed with blood. But he had just escaped with his life, and he didn't care to deal with it. He quickly thanked Yu Tianming: "Thank you for your mercy, sir."

"Zhao Wuji, for the sake of mistress and Rongrong, I won't argue with you today. From now on, if you go out with bright eyes, you won't be so easy to talk to when you provoke others."

Zhao Wuji didn't dare to be negligent, so he nodded in agreement.

Yu Tianming thought for a moment and said again: "I can help you get rid of the wanted list of Wuhun Palace, so that you can live happily in the mainland, just..."

Although he didn't say much, Zhao Wuji's eyes lit up. It was because he injured Tai Tan's younger brother and provoked Wuhun Palace that he hid in the idle Shrek. Although ten years have passed, only Tai Tai is still paying attention to his whereabouts, but there is a reward from Wuhun Palace, and if he doesn't, a powerful soul master will come and take his head one day.

Now that he had the opportunity to cancel the reward, Zao Wuki quickly expressed his stance: "I, Zao Wuki, am willing to go through fire and water for you."

Yu Tianming interrupted Zhao Wuji's words, looked at Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing, then moved his eyes to Ning Rongrong, and said with a smile: "The soul master competition in two years will determine the successor of the Xingluo royal family, right? What if? If you lose, you can tell Rongrong that it will be easy to save you."

When Ning Rongrong heard that she was mentioned, she was at a loss for a moment.

Although she is also a little witch in the Qibao Glazed Sect, she cannot easily decide the life or death of her fellow sect members. But the life and death of Dai Mubai, who was both a student of Shrek, was suddenly transferred to her hands by Yu Tianming, which made her not sure how to respond.

In addition, the bloody scene where Yu Tianming attacked Zhao Wuji just now, and the murderous aura emanating from him, which was like Shura's purgatory, made her feel a bone-deep fear, and she did not dare to respond for a moment.

"I will bring you a gift when we see Rongrong next time to ensure your satisfaction." Seeing that Ning Rongrong remained silent, Yu Tianming didn't care. After leaving these words, he stood up and left the private room.

The door to the private room closed gently, and the atmosphere among everyone instantly became much more relaxed.

Zhu Zhuqing immediately stood up and sat on the seat vacated by Yu Tianming. She didn't care at all about the bloody Zhao Wuji on her left, but focused all her eyes on Ning Rongrong on the other side, "Rongrong, if you don't dislike me, from now on I will At your disposal."

Dai Mubai also stood up quickly, bowed deeply to Ning Rongrong, and said with a smile on his face: "It was my bad attitude before. If anything happens in the future, Rongrong can ask me for help."

Dai Mubai's posture shocked the Shrek crowd on the sidelines. Wherever he was still the evil white tiger, he was clearly a pug wagging his tail.

But what Shrek doesn't know is that under the bloody selection rules of the Star Luo royal family, Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing have lived in the shadow of death since childhood. They can clearly understand what they need, and at the same time face the situation in front of them. It is very natural for them to abandon their dignity as a life-saving straw.

Unlike the two royal families, Zhao Wuji, as a big gangster, was more than a beat slower in his reaction, and now he hurriedly wiped away the blood on his head, revealing a circle of red blood marks on his head.

He did not thank Tang San first, but said with lingering fear to Ning Rongrong, who had a greater background, "Thank you Rongrong for speaking up for me just now, otherwise I, the Immovable Prince, would have been in trouble."

Ning Rongrong looked at the people in front of her. She was obviously ostracized in Shrek Academy before, but now everyone was fawning over her.

Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing were looking forward to saving their lives, while Tang San and Oscar's eyes were full of friendliness. Even the always unruly Zhao Wuji was as obedient as a pug in front of her.

As her mind raced, she felt that Yu Tianming's murderous look just now no longer looked so scary. In fact, it was him that made everyone treat her so kindly.

But Ning Rongrong forgot one thing. In the Qibao Glazed Sect, the two super Douluo also obeyed her words. Several useless princes and Zhao Wuji, a soul saint, should have bowed their heads in front of her.

After everyone had eaten, they returned to the guest room.

Only Tang San stayed with Zhao Wuji until the end, and did not disperse for a long time.

Seeing Tang San waiting for him, Zhao Wuji thanked him sincerely: "Xiao San, thank you so much for speaking up for me today. You saved my life."

"Teacher Zhao, don't say that. You were always merciful during the entrance exam, but I... I haven't had time to say sorry to you yet."

Zhao Wuji smiled bitterly and waved his hand towards Tang San. "Okay, can you please stop mentioning that embarrassing incident? I've forgotten about it."

The two looked at each other and couldn't help but smile.

After two warm-up words, Tang San showed doubts on his face, and said as if casually: "What kind of strength is Yu Tianming? At such a young age, he is even more powerful than Teacher Zhao, a soul saint like you?"

"I'm not sure. Logically speaking, no ordinary Titled Douluo has such a strong sense of oppression and can defeat me instantly. Even if his martial spirit is a benign mutation of the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex with extremely high quality, it would be so easy. He also needs to be a Contra."

After hearing the answer he wanted, Tang Sancai said: "Thank you, Teacher Zhao, for clarifying my doubts. It's getting late now. I have to go to the Star Dou Forest tomorrow, so I will go back to the guest room to rest."

At the same time, Tang San thought to himself: This Yu Tianming seems to be of the same generation as him. To be so close to Ning Rongrong, he must be not much older than himself. But at such a young age, he has at least the strength of Contra, and he has entered the realm so quickly, could it be possible that he used some magic method?

Unconsciously, Yu Tianming's powerful image had been deeply rooted in his heart, slowly growing Tang San's desire for strength.

After a night's rest, everyone entered the Star Forest early the next morning.

The Shrek Seven seemed to have forgotten what happened yesterday. Except for Xiao Wu, who was thinking thoughtfully, Ma Hongjun was too injured to speak. The others started chatting and laughing, and their relationship was much better than before at Shrek Academy.

After what happened yesterday, Oscar truly let go of himself and stopped being coy. When he entered the Star Forest, he followed Ning Rongrong and asked about her welfare, acting like a licking dog.

"Rongrong, do you want some water?"

"don't want."

"Then Rongrong wants to eat sausage?"

"I told you to put your disgusting sausage away from me and stop bothering me."

Looking at Ning Rongrong who had a look of disgust on his face, Oscar turned a blind eye. He seemed to enjoy it after being harshly scolded, and continued cheerfully: "Rongrong, just tell me if you need anything. I promised to take care of you in the morning."

"Don't involve Tianming in everything you do. Staying away from me is the best thing you can do for me."

Zhu Zhuqing didn't know what he said to Ning Rongrong, but the relationship between the two seemed very close. She held Ning Rongrong's arm and smiled softly: "Xiao Ao, if Rongrong needs your help with anything, I will tell you."

At the front of the group, Dai Mubai, who couldn't keep his mouth shut, was cutting off thorns with his claws while paying attention to what was happening behind him.

He was a coward who ran away, and when he came to Shrek, he didn't have the willpower to practice, and he only drank and drank.

Now facing the hope of life, and after a night of calmness, his possessiveness towards Zhu Zhuqing seemed to have dissipated. He deceived himself and said: There are so many women in the world, why should I be obsessed with Zhu Zhuqing? If I could use his help to join the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect.

When Dai Mubai was thinking about something, Zhao Wuji stretched out his big hand and pulled him behind him while he was deep in thought.

An extremely cold breath spurted out from his body, and with a low roar, he directly summoned his martial spirit. The powerful diamond bear instantly possessed him and looked ahead with a stern expression.

Zhao Wuji roared, "Everyone, run back, quickly!"

"Teacher Zhao, what's wrong?" Dai Mubai asked doubtfully not knowing what happened, and everyone else in Shrek also cast doubtful glances at Zhao Wuji.

He didn't answer, but looked straight ahead.

Everyone followed Zhao Wuji's gaze and saw two tall trees not far away suddenly slowly parted to both sides, and a huge figure walked out from there quietly.

See this big guy. Everyone's breathing seemed to have stopped.

Everyone finally understood what Zhao Wuji was worried about.

It was an orangutan as huge as a hill, but with a tail like an ape, a pair of eyes as big as lanterns shining with the luster of topaz, and the dark hair on its body shone faintly under the weak light of the stars and moon. of brilliance.

Although this orangutan was on all fours and was about ten meters high, such a huge guy made no sound while walking, not even breathing, which shows how strange it is.

Relying on the knowledge imparted by the master, Tang San immediately warned everyone in a low voice: "This is the King of the Forest. The Titan Giant Ape."

As an overlord soul beast like the Azure Bull Python, the Titan Giant Ape possesses unparalleled strength and speed, and its combat power can easily cross levels of challenges. In the forest, it is the absolute king.

Even if they exist, the king of the forest and the king of soul beasts should live in the core of the Star Dou Forest and should not meet Shrek and the others on the outskirts of the forest. And the soul master who encounters it can basically declare his own death.

Seeing that the Titan Giant Ape was approaching, and its target was obviously the Shreks, Zhao Wuji said sincerely, "Dear King of the Forest, we have no intention of offending, let's leave here now."

However, the Titan Giant Ape ignored Zhao Wuji, and instead burst out a black air wave from his body, sweeping towards Shrek's group at an incredible speed.

Whether it was the Shrek Seven whose cultivation was only a great soul master, or Zhao Wuji, whose cultivation had reached a soul saint, they were all thrown away in the terrifying black air wave, while Xiao Wu just flew towards the Titan Giant Ape. direction.

When the black air wave hit, both Oscar and Dai Mubai looked at Ning Rongrong, but Zhu Zhuqing, who was the fastest, took the lead and pulled Ning Rongrong into his arms. She herself used her back to bear the impact of the Titan ape's air waves.

The air waves released by the Titan Ape gave people an irresistible sense of power. After being attacked, several Shrek people spit out a mouthful of blood and crawled to the ground helplessly.

Under everyone's gaze, the titan ape grabbed Xiao Wu with one of its front paws, then turned around and left quickly. Even if Tang San possessed the Xuantian Technique, he was still writhing inside after being hit by the shock wave. He was unable to pursue for a while and could only watch the Titan Giant Ape leave.

When Zhao Wuji saw the Titan Giant Ape leaving, his little eyes rolled around, and he pretended to be exhausted like Shrek and the others, lying on the ground.

He thought: These little monsters are either the princes of Xingluo or the princesses of the sect. Tang San is also the son of Tang Hao. Even the orphans Oscar and Ma Hongjun are supported by Flanders. The one with the least background is Xiao Wu. .

Fortunately, the Titan ape attacked Xiao Wu, otherwise my life would have depended on it today. Fortunately, the Titan ape left early, otherwise I would have really rushed to protect these young masters and ladies.

After a few breaths, Zhao Wuji suddenly noticed that Tang San was looking at him with red and bloodshot eyes, a trace of murderous intent revealed without concealment.

Zhao Wuji quickly pointed to the shallow scar on his forehead and explained sincerely: "It was because I injured my brain yesterday and affected my fighting ability that I couldn't withstand the Titan Ape's blow and couldn't stop him from taking Xiao Wu away. Tang Three, you, please express your condolences..."

Because Zhu Zhuqing blocked most of Ning Rongrong's attacks, she quickly recovered. Seeing Zhao Wuji's pitiful expression, she quickly comforted him: "Teacher Zhao, don't blame yourself, you have tried your best."

Ning Rongrong had never experienced the dirty world of soul masters at this time, but if she knew the mortality rate of soul hunters in Shrek Academy, she would never pity Zhao Wuji, who had an acting report.

When Zhao Wuji heard Ning Rongrong's words, he didn't explain himself. He just sighed and lowered his head silently.

Tang San was a man with deep thoughts. He looked at Zhao Wuji's expression and didn't say anything. He just thought to himself: Zhao Wuji, you just sit back and watch Xiao Wu being kidnapped. I shouldn't have opened my mouth to save you yesterday. You ungrateful person, a disciple who is a teacher in vain, you have already met your end.

Tang San silently walked to Oscar.

And Oscar is also a smart man. He wanted to say something, but he didn't say it after all. He just hurriedly handed over a big recovery sausage.

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