The Three Dragon Kings of Douluo

Chapter 114 The Eighth Soul Ring, Azure Bull Python

After Tang San ate the sausage given by Oscar, he ran towards the direction where the Titan Ape left without looking back.

Zhao Wuji instinctively wanted to stop Tang San, but remembering Tang San's ferocious eyes, he slowly retracted his hand, thinking: Xiao Wu, I'm sorry, I'm just a soul saint, even if I step forward to stop him, it won't be too much. life.

Zhao Wuji pondered for a moment, then turned around and said to the Shrek crowd: "Most of the soul masters who have seen the Titan Ape have no bones left. The reason why we are alive today is because the Titan Ape surprisingly has no murderous intention. Everyone We don’t want to see anything happen to Xiao Wu, but the result has happened, so don’t blame yourself too much.”

Seeing that everyone in Shrek looked worriedly at the direction Tang San was leaving, he explained: "Something happened to Xiao Wu just now, and it's normal for Xiao San to want to look for her. Don't worry, everyone, the Titan Giant Ape just passed by, and there is no such thing in the forest." There will be soul beasts that are too dangerous.”

After saying that, everyone in Shrek withdrew their gaze and fell into a long silence.

I don't know whether it was because Yu Tianming frightened Zhao Wuji out of fear, or because the Titan ape kidnapped Xiao Wu too quickly this time, Zhao Wuji didn't even take action to protect Xiao Wu.

Zhao Wuji didn't know that just one thought on his part caused Tang San to have an unforgettable hatred for him.


The words were divided into two parts. When Shrek and the others entered the outskirts of the Star Dou Forest, Yu Tianming also came to the middle of the Star Dou Forest.

At this time, Dugubo, a tall and thin old man, was walking to the left of Yu Tianming and asked boredly: "Can we really wait until the Tianqing Bull Python is alone?"

Facing his question, Yu Tianming smiled and replied: "Who knows? Let's wait a few days. If the Azure Bull Python has been with the Titan Giant Ape, then we can't kill these two soul beasts together. Enough?"

Yu Tianming, who was strong enough, sounded very confident and did not take the two soul beast overlords seriously at all.

Seeing his confident look, Yu Yuanzhen advised earnestly: "Don't underestimate a hundred thousand year old soul beast, but the bloodline of any soul beast that can reach this level of cultivation is extremely powerful. If you can't wait for a while, Let’s just wait a few more months. It’s worth waiting a few more years for the hundred thousand year soul ring.”

As soon as the tall old man finished speaking, he seemed to have thought of something again. He said to Yu Tianming again: "You can sense whether other ferocious beasts are sleeping. If we are attacked by a group of ferocious beasts, we will really be in danger of death." gave birth."

Most sects know that there are extremely terrifying beasts deep in the Star Dou Forest, and they will never rush to the center of the Star Dou Forest.

Now they are willing to enter the center of the Star Dou Forest because Yu Tianming has strong perception and can ensure that there are no other ferocious beasts.

Looking at the two old men, Yu Tianming said confidently: "From my perception, these ferocious beasts have always been sleeping. Besides, you also know that for thousands of years, only a few hundred thousand-year-old soul beasts have appeared in the Star Dou Forest. "

Yu Yuanzhen and Dugu Bo were infected by Yu Tianming's confidence. Their serious expressions softened a lot, and they temporarily let go of their worries.

After a moment, Dugu Bo seemed to have thought of something. He looked at Yu Yuanzhen and asked with some confusion: "The Azure Bull Python is not a python, how can it have the blood of a dragon? I would rather give it to Tianming as the third The eighth soul ring is better left to Yan Yan as the ninth soul ring.”

"You don't know something about this. Although the Azure Bull Python's name has nothing to do with dragons, as the overlord of the Star Dou Forest, it is said to have a lot of Azure Dragon blood. And its buffalo-like head is of Azure Dragon blood. Symbol.”

Hearing Yu Yuanzhen's words, Dugu Bo nodded. The Blue Lightning Overlord Sect has a long heritage. Since the soul ring must absorb the sub-dragon soul beast, the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect's understanding of dragon-like soul beasts is the best in the world.

Although the idea that Niutou is of dragon blood is a bit outrageous, Dugu Bo also believed it 90% from the words spoken by Yu Yuanzhen, the leader of the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect.

Hearing the conversation between the two old men, Yu Tianming thought to himself: Grandpa, as the leader of the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect, also has extremely sharp vision. In the original work, the Azure Bull Python turned into a green dragon after Tang San became a god.

In addition to ferocious beasts such as the Silver Dragon King and the Golden-Eyed Black Dragon King on the mainland, the azure bull python with the blood of the blue dragon is the most suitable soul beast to be his eighth soul ring.

At this time, under Yu Tianming's electromagnetic induction, the Titan Giant Ape suddenly left the center of the Star Forest and headed in the direction of Shrek's group.

Yu Tianming quickly reminded the two elders: "Now the Titan Giant Ape has left, and the Azure Bull Python has also approached the edge of the core area of ​​the Star Dou Forest. Without further delay, we will go there immediately."

Hearing these words, Yu Yuanzhen, who originally thought he would have to wait for a long time, his eyes lit up, he flew directly into the air, and said to everyone: "Then what are you waiting for? Lead the way at dawn, let's go hunt the Azure Bull Python now. "

Yu Tianming and Dugu Bo also flew up, and the three of them flew towards the center of the Star Forest.

The trees on the outer edge of the Star Dou Forest are often tens of meters high, and in the center of the forest, large trees hundreds of meters high can be seen everywhere. Under the dense leaves, the forest was as dark and terrifying as the night.

Because they were powerful and not afraid of the soul beast hunters lurking in the trees, the three of them flew all the way at low altitude and soon arrived at the edge of the core area of ​​the Star Dou Forest.

At this time, several miles away from everyone, a strange snake thirty meters in length was entangled on a large tree hundreds of meters high. Because the strange snake and the big tree are both very huge, this strange snake is like a cauliflower snake entrenched on an ordinary tree. It looks quite harmonious from a distance.

The snake's body is azure, which is the color it appears after heavy rain when the sky is still slightly blue. Although the azure color is a bit too bright for the python, it looks particularly harmonious when blended into this lush forest.

Seeing the strange-colored head in front of them, which was at least more than four meters in diameter, and a pair of huge horns that gave a sense of power, everyone immediately recognized that this was the Azure Bull Python.

At this time, Tianqing Niubo also saw Yu Tianming and the others suspended in the air not far away, and knew in his heart that there were three titled Douluo opposite them.

It raised its head, which was very similar to a buffalo, vigilantly, and said angrily: "The soul masters in front of you, you have already reached the core area of ​​the Star Forest. I won't be polite if you go any further."

Hearing this, Yu Tianming laughed loudly and said, "Then we will not move forward as you said, but I will borrow your soul ring for use."

As soon as he finished speaking, his God of Killing Domain, his sixth soul skill, Forbidden Demon Light Wave, and his soul bone skill, Wind and Wind, were released at the same time. The bright white light instantly covered several miles around, illuminating the originally dark dense forest. .

Dugu Bo and Yu Yuanzhen did not hesitate. They possessed martial spirits almost at the same time as Yu Tianming, and released their signature skills.

Dugu Bo, as a Titled Douluo of the control system, immediately released his strongest control, the eighth soul skill 'Time Freezing', and the head soul bone skill 'Medusa's Gaze'. Time Freezing is a ranged soul skill, and the Azure Bull Python has no way to hide. Although Medusa's Gaze is a non-directional skill, its control effect is more prominent when combined with Time Solidification and Petrification.

Covered by everyone's control skills, the Azure Bull Python only had time to release its slow domain before it was controlled by Petrified on the spot, unable to move.

At this time, Yu Yuanzhen's Dragon Transformation Soul Skill has also been released, and his attack power has reached its peak. As the black ninth soul ring flickered, Yu Yuanzhen shouted loudly: "The ninth soul skill, the anger of the real dragon, shook the sky."

In an instant, nine huge thunder dragons formed by the combination of soul power and thunder power appeared.

Although the azure bull python released the slow field, Yu Yuanzhen's ninth soul skill was still extremely fast. In less than half a breath, the nine thunder dragons collided with the azure bull python.

The Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus' Dragon Transformation Soul Skill adds attack power and thunder power. Yu Yuanzhen's ninth soul skill was the perfect combination of attack power and thunder power. As soon as the thunder dragon and the azure bull python collided, they turned into a huge blue electric light and enveloped them.

After a few breaths, the roar slowly disappeared, and the dazzling lightning also subsided.

At this time, the bright skin of the azure bull python has been burned black by the high temperature attached to the power of thunder. The huge snake body twitched from time to time with the flicker of residual electric light, and the slow field that enveloped everyone also disappeared. Obviously This soul beast overlord is already dying.

Dugu Bo had also seen Yu Yuan Zhen's attack before, but he could not appreciate the power of Yu Yuan Zhen's output when attacking an 80,000-year-old soul beast.

Now facing a hundred thousand year old soul beast overlord, before anyone could attack, Yu Yuanzhen beat the Azure Bull Python to the verge of death with a ninth soul skill. Only then did Dugu Bo understand what the best beast spirit in the world was.

When Yu Yuanzhen saw his victory, he also stroked his beard and showed a proud look on his face.

Each dragon-transformation soul skill of the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus increases the attack power and thunder intensity by 100%. The five dragon-transformation soul skills are superimposed together, and the 500% enhancement can push Yu Yuanzhen's output to an incredible level. situation.

Because most of the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus' attack damage will overflow, Yu Yuanzhen will only worry about the hit rate and pursuit issues after becoming famous.

Now that he is cooperating with Dugu Bo, who is a member of the control department, Yu Yuanzhen can concentrate on his output for the first time in a long time. In his excitement, the tall old man laughed loudly and said to Dugu Bo beside him: "Tianming has obtained a hundred thousand year soul ring, and I also feel that the bottleneck of level 98 is a double blessing today."

At this time, the dying Azure Bull Python was hanging on a huge branch. Under Yu Yuanzhen's attack, the huge snake body merged with the charred trees, looking quite scary.

Yu Tianming couldn't bear its continued pain, so he condensed a small golden-red ball and sent it into its tire-sized eyes. Because his soul power already has the nature of divine power, this seemingly casual blow is also the manifestation of the fifth soul skill.

Therefore, even though the Azure Bull Python's physical body was powerful, the light ball thrown casually was like a red-hot iron ball falling into the snow, and it instantly entered the Azure Bull Python's head.

Only an imperceptible cry was heard from the Azure Bull Python, and a red soul ring appeared in front of Yu Tianming.

At this time, in the center of the core area of ​​the Star Forest, near the Lake of Life, the Silver Dragon King sighed faintly, and then closed his eyes again.

The Titan Giant Ape and Xiao Wu who were far away at the edge of the Star Dou Forest also suddenly turned aside and hurried towards the direction of the Azure Bull Python.

Seeing the soul ring appear, Yu Tianming did not hesitate and sat cross-legged on the head of the Azure Bull Python corpse, silently absorbing it. Because he has the experience of absorbing two hundred thousand years of god-given soul rings, and he is baptized by the power of the Dragon God. In just half an hour, Yu Tianming successfully absorbed the approximately 150,000-year-old azure bull python soul ring.

After absorbing the soul ring, Yu Tianming did not leave in a hurry. With a flick of his finger, the body of the azure bull python suddenly burst with blood, and a green right arm bone came into his hand. Without hesitation, Yu Tianming pressed the soul bone directly onto his right arm.

After half a stick of incense, the soul bone turned into a stream of light and merged perfectly with his right arm.

Yu Tianming also opened his eyes and stood up. He smiled at Yu Yuanzhen and Dugu Bo and said: "Grandpa, I have some good news for you. I have reached level ninety and will soon become a titled fighter." Luo."

Yu Yuanzhen knew that Yu Tianming had an adventure and was favored by the gods. He did not ask why he upgraded so quickly.

Yu Yuanzhen flew to Yu Tianming and asked the question he was more concerned about: "Tianming, is the soul skill brought to you by the Azure Bull Python as a hundred thousand year old soul beast suitable?"

"The two soul skills I obtained are both very powerful. The first one is slow light wave. It can be used in the form of a field, or it can be condensed into light waves and shot at the enemy. Grandpa also felt the power of the field form just now. As for the light wave form The power is similar to the effect of Senior Dugu's Medusa Gaze. After hitting it, the enemy will be as unable to move as if it were petrified."

Hearing this, Yu Yuanzhen nodded. He had just felt the importance of a powerful limiting soul skill - only by controlling the enemy himself can complete output be achieved. This soul skill is very suitable for Yu Tianming.

"As for the second soul skill, it's called True Dragon Fushi. It's a sure-hit offensive soul skill. The effect is to ignore the distance in space and directly infuse elemental attacks on the enemy. Think about it, with my elemental strength , few people can survive under the full output.”

The soul skill that Yu Tianming obtained from the Azure Bull Python was similar to that of Tang San, both had one attack and one control.

The difference is that Tang San's 'Blue Silver Azure Dragon Soul' and 'Blue Silver Azure Dragon's Reinforcement' are both plant martial souls that absorb animal soul rings, and their effects are much weaker.

And Yu Tianming is in line with the dragon bloodline of the Azure Bull Python. The two soul skills are not only powerful, but one causes slowness and the other ignores space, which has some conceptual effects.

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