The Three Dragon Kings of Douluo

Chapter 116 Eight Spider Spears, the Path of the Evil Soul Master

Yu Tianming said nonchalantly: "I plan to collect a set of 100,000-year-old soul bones. Although this set of 10,000-year-old soul bones is precious, it has no effect on me. Grandpa, just leave it to Tian Heng."

"In addition, I also prepared a set of soul bones for Tianxin, and both of them have a share."

Dugu Bo was silent for a long time. When he heard that Yu Tianming had so many soul bones, he immediately lost his composure and said, "Tianheng and Tianxin both have soul bones. Do you still remember Yanyan? She is your fiancée."

Yu Tianming smiled and said: "How could I forget Yanyan? I also prepared a pair of soul bones for her. I just thought that I could meet someone better in the future, so I didn't bring it up."

Hearing this, Dugu Bo put a smile on his old face again, "That's pretty much it. When you disappeared, she was not worried about you in vain."

While Yu Tianming and his family were enjoying themselves, Tang San had already been running wildly in the Star Dou Forest for several hours.

Because Oscar hadn't obtained the Flying Mushroom Sausage yet, Tang San could only use his own legs to keep running, looking for traces of the Titan Ape and Xiao Wu.

At this time, the sky was getting dark, and Tang San, who was completely exhausted, supported a big tree next to him and began to breathe heavily.

While running, he had raised his Purple Demon Eyes to the limit and kept looking at the lush dense forest around him, just to find the figure of the Titan Giant Ape or Xiao Wu.

Fortunately, Tang San didn't find Xiao Wu's body again. But sadly, even though he tried his best along the way, he could not find the huge figure of the Titan ape. After running for several hours, he could not even find the trace left by the Titan ape in the forest.

After running for several hours, Tang San's physical strength was exhausted, and there was no trace of the Titan Ape at all. At this time, he had to stop to take a breath.

But as soon as he stopped, tears blurred his eyes, and there were waves of pain in his heart.

Panting heavily, Tang San's mind kept flashing through his and Xiao Wu's past.

The six years of sharing the same bed made Xiao Wu's charming appearance deeply engraved into Tang San's heart. Tang San had never been in contact with such an innocent girl in his two lives, and Xiao Wu's liveliness and cuteness also opened up Tang San's heart that had been closed for half his life as a Tang Sect killer.

Tang San never believed that there were gods in this world before, but now he believed it, because he was praying to the gods, praying that Xiao Wu could miraculously survive.

When Tang San's breathing gradually stabilized and his physical strength had generally recovered, a rustling sound caught his attention.

He slowly stood up and looked cautiously in the direction of the sound.

I saw a huge spider slowly moving towards Tang San.

The diameter of this spider's body alone exceeds one and a half meters, and its eight spear-like legs exceed three meters. Its left and right legs can be nearly ten meters in size when stretched out. Tang San's Purple Demon Eyes saw it. On the spider's lower abdomen, some white lines formed a ferocious human face, in sharp contrast to its black body.

Tang San, who had learned a lot about soul beasts from his master, recognized at a glance that the big spider in front of him was the nightmare of smaller soul beasts, the Human-Faced Demon Spider. And this Man-Faced Demon Spider is also one of the third soul ring targets pre-selected by the master, Tang San.

At this time, the Man-Faced Demon Spider had injuries on its head and lower abdomen caused by blunt force blows, and its belly was shriveled, so it was obviously unable to release its special attack spider web restraint.

Although Tang San no longer wanted to attach any more animal soul rings, he was in perfect condition at this time, while the Human-Faced Demon Spider was seriously injured. Tang San thought to himself: If he absorbs the spirit ring of the Human-Faced Demon Spider, he will be able to recover immediately and find Xiao Wu more easily. This is his great opportunity.

In the flash of lightning, Tang San had finished thinking and immediately activated his first soul skill, Blue Silver Grass Entanglement. Countless long and thick grass blades suddenly emerged from the ground and wrapped around the body of the Man-Faced Demon Spider not far away.

After a fierce fight, the Man-Faced Demon Spider's eyes were full of blood, and it fell belly up next to a big tree.

Tang San was sitting next to the Man-Faced Demon Spider, his soul power fluctuating violently, apparently absorbing the Man-Faced Demon Spider's spirit ring.

Because the number of Man-Faced Demon Spiders is so rare, it is difficult to tell their age. The limit life of the third spirit ring is only 1,700 years, but the human-faced demon spider Tang San killed had a real cultivation level of more than two thousand years.

The energy of the Man-Faced Demon Spider's soul ring is already overbearing, and it has exceeded its limit. After absorbing the spirit ring, Tang San felt that the tyrannical energy was constantly tearing his body apart, as if he was being cut by countless sharp blades, and his internal organs hurt everywhere.

Not long after, Tang San's skin began to overflow with a layer of fine blood beads. As the soul power transpired into the air, the blood beads immediately turned into a light red mist that surrounded Tang San.

When night falls completely, the sound of cicadas and frogs can be heard in the Star Forest.

At this time, the blood mist around Tang San had dissipated. With the release of blue light, blue silver grass began to slowly grow around his body, but at this time, the image of blue silver grass changed greatly. The change.

Blue Silver Grassland was originally just a blue and silvery grass. Because of its tenacious vitality, it grew everywhere in cities and forests.

But now, the blue silver grass growing around Tang San has become as slender as a willow, and the leaves are as narrow as willow leaves. What is even more strange is that the stems of the blue silver grass have densely packed sharp thorns like roses. .

Perhaps due to the continuous absorption of three animal soul rings, Blue Silver Grass was greatly affected. Even the blue color that is most characteristic of Blue Silver Grass turned into black and red like dried blood, and even more faintly revealed A hint of decay and blood.

At this time, Tang San was in the final step of absorbing it, but as the sound of breaking brocade sounded, the clothes behind him suddenly tore apart instantly. Eight spider legs as thick as fists and three meters long extended weirdly from his back.

These spider legs are almost the same as those of the Man-Faced Demon Spider. The dark surface is shiny and covered with fine thorns, and there is a faint fishy-sweet smell.

When the eight spider legs stretched out behind Tang San, they began to rhythm slightly. The sharp tips of the four spider legs below slowly penetrated into the ground, actually pushing up Tang San's body, who was sitting cross-legged on the ground, and sent him flying. into the air.

At this time, Tang San seemed to have eight more three-meter-long arms, looking evil and weird.

A group of wind demon wolves seemed to be attracted by the movement Tang San made, and they surrounded him one after another, pacing around Tang San warily.

In the dark night, several bright wolf eyes around Tang San emitted a faint light.

Sensing these wind demon wolves, Tang San slowly opened his eyes. Purple light flashed in his eyes, and he looked at the spider legs behind him, and then at the bluesilver grass covered with barbs at his feet. He soon realized the cause and effect.

Tang San smiled slightly, and then countless black and red Blue Silver Grass surged out from the ground, instantly entangling the unsuspecting Wind Demon Wolf deeply. The barbs of the Blue Silver Grass penetrated into the Wind Demon Wolf's body. In the meat.

Although the bluegrass that has absorbed the animal soul ring is still very fragile, the poison attached to the animal soul ring has long turned ordinary bluegrass into a poisonous weed.

These wind demon wolves are just century-old spirit beasts, how can they resist Tang San's poison? Within a few breaths, the screams of the Wind Demon Wolf weakened.

In the darkness, Tang San slowly walked up to the leader of the Gale Demon Wolf, and said to himself: "Spirit beasts like the Gale Demon Wolf can only bully the few with more, bully the weak with the strong, and prey on the people of the Star Dou Forest at will. Weak soul beast, if you meet me today, the Star Dou Forest will be rid of a scourge."

As soon as he finished speaking, the eight spider legs behind him stretched out instantly and pierced the body of the leader of the Wind Demonic Wolf.

Tang San's second soul skill is the powerful absorption from vampire bats. When attached to Blue Silver Grass, it can only absorb soul power and a small amount of vitality. But the second spirit ring was blessed on the Eight Spider Spear, which also had the ability to absorb, and Tang San's ability to absorb instantly changed qualitatively.

Not a trace of blood flowed out from the Eight Spider Spears that pierced the leader of the Wind Demon Wolf. What was even more terrifying was that not long after, the originally ferocious leader of the Wind Demon Wolf shriveled up and became like a mummy.

If a soul master were passing by at this time and saw the body of the Gale Demon Wolf, he would definitely shout out the word "evil soul master".

When the life force of the leader of the Wind Demonic Wolf was sucked dry, Tang San also closed his eyes in comfort. After a long time, he breathed a long sigh of relief and murmured: "Just absorbing an evil spirit beast can On top of my half month of hard training, if I absorb a few more, wouldn't I be able to reach the realm of the Soul Sect very quickly?"

After a moment of silence, Tang San grinned again, his nervous laughter echoing around the outskirts of the Star Forest like a night owl.

He said in a low voice and hatefully: "Yu Tianming, you are so powerful, how many innocent soul masters have you absorbed? What you did, why can't I do it? If I have your strength, who is Zhao Wuji?" How could Xiao Wu leave me?"

After a while, Tang San slowly calmed down his smile and absorbed the remaining wind demon wolves one by one. Then he put away the Eight Spider Spears behind his back without hesitation, turned around and left towards the outside of the Star Dou Forest.

He walked along the path he came from, and not long after he came across Shrek's tent, which was glowing with light.

Zhao Wuji was most happy to see Tang San back - he didn't look for Tang San immediately, and he couldn't find him after that. When Zhao Wuji saw Tang San come back, Haotian Douluo would not take his life, so Zhao Wuji was naturally the happiest.

He walked in front of Tang San in three steps and two steps, "After you left, we happened to meet a suitable soul beast for Xiao Ao. But after helping Xiao Ao hunt for the soul ring, the teacher could never find you again. Fortunately, you I’m relieved it’s okay.”

Tang San said with a stiff expression: "Teacher Zhao, I'm fine. I wonder what soul skills Xiao Ao has obtained?"

"The soul skill Xiao Ao obtained is mushroom intestines. After acquiring this soul skill, you can fly easily. It is an excellent auxiliary soul skill. Since you are fine, Xiao San, let us help you hunt the third soul ring. "

"No need, I just met a seriously injured Man-Faced Demon Spider on the road. Now I have obtained the third soul ring and become a level 33 soul master."

Zhao Wuji asked curiously, "Oh? What is your third soul skill?"

Tang San's expression was already grim, "My third soul skill is called Spider Web Binding. It can launch a poisonous spider web to bind the enemy. It is also a good control soul skill."

As soon as he finished speaking, a light footsteps suddenly sounded. Zhao Wuji became fierce and looked coldly into the darkness in the distance, "Who is it?"

"Teacher Zhao, it's me."

I saw a slender figure running out of the woods. Seeing her, not only Shrek and everyone were stunned, but Tang San immediately shed tears.

The person who suddenly ran out of the woods was Xiao Wu, who was kidnapped by the Titan Ape.

However, Xiao Wu looked a little embarrassed at this time, her clothes were damaged in many places, and the neat scorpion braid on her head had become messy, but her face was very rosy, and she seemed to be a little more mature than before.

"The crowd searched for him thousands of times, and when I looked back with amusement, that person was in the dimly lit place."

Tang San, who had been searching for a long time to no avail, was the first to rush to her, held her shoulders with both hands, and said excitedly, "Xiao Wu, are you not dead?"

Xiao Wu nodded. After seeing the Azure Bull Python's body, she was devastated, but in order to find out the cause of the Azure Bull Python's death, she asked the Titan Ape to send her back.

Now that she met Tang San, Xiao Wu realized that although she had only known Tang San for six years, in her heart Tang San was already as important as the Azure Bull Python. However, Xiao Wu still could not tell the truth to Tang San. Tell the truth.

Facing everyone's puzzled looks, she said the words she had thought of for a long time. "The titan ape grabbed me and ran towards the forest. Not far away, there was a roar like a cow. The titan ape seemed very nervous when he heard the roar, so he threw me aside and ran away. Far."

"The sound of a cow? What kind of cow can make the Titan Giant Ape nervous? What happened next?" Tang San couldn't help but frowned with concern.

Xiao Wu's eyes flashed with fear, "The Titan Ape left me behind and let out a roar before leaving. I felt like the world was spinning and I fainted. When I woke up, I could only see dozens of them around me. The soul beast was stunned, but my own soul power also broke through to level 30 after suffering this disaster."

Hearing Xiao Wu's level, Zhao Wuji, who had been silent all this time, was surprised, "What? You're already level 30? Who's older, you or Tang San?"

"I'm a few months younger than Tang San." Xiao Wu said without changing her expression.

Zhao Wuji was speechless for a while. These two guys were only twelve years old and already had level 30. They were really a bunch of little monsters.

but. Xiao Wu's next words made him widen his eyes.

Xiao Wu said: "I was very scared at the time. Maybe the increase in soul power was due to too much external stimulation. I happened to find a thousand-year soul beast that was more suitable for me in a coma, so I hunted it and got my third one. Soul ring."

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