The Three Dragon Kings of Douluo

Chapter 117 Yu Xiaogang: Stupid Nephew

"Is this okay?" Ma Hongjun, a fat man with a bruised nose and swollen face, looked at Xiao Wu with an expression of disbelief.

Xiao Wu showed lingering fear and patted her chest, "I'm lucky, because I woke up first, so I wasn't killed by the spirit beasts around me. And my physical strength recovered after absorbing the third spirit ring. Only in this way can we find you through the firelight of the camp along the way we came."

Although there are some doubts in Xiao Wu's words, they are generally considered reasonable. Naturally, no one would think of the relationship between her and the Titan Ape.

All seven Shrek people were able to come back. Zhao Wuji also nodded happily and said, "It's good to come back. After you were captured, Xiaosan followed the footsteps of the Titan Ape. I thought you would be in danger..."

Zhao Wuji told what happened after Xiao Wu left. Of course, he didn't know that Tang San had obtained the attached soul bone, nor that Tang San's Eight Spider Spears had absorbed the vitality of the Wind Demon Wolf. He only knew that Tang San risked his life chasing the Titan Giant Ape in order to save Xiao Wu.

Xiao Wu's eyes slowly turned red as she listened to Zhao Wuji's narration, and her tears began to flow like a kite with its string broken.

Although Xiao Wu only got along with Tang San for six years, she had long regarded Tang San as a relative like Da Ming and Er Ming. When she heard that Tang San risked his life to search for her, she really regretted why she came to the Star Dou Forest. She not only killed Daming, but also brought Tang San into a dangerous situation.

Xiao Wu threw herself into Tang San's arms and murmured to herself: "Brother, I'm sorry, it's all my fault. It's all my fault for making you worry. If you encounter danger on the way to find me, I will feel guilty for the rest of my life. of."

Tang San looked at Xiao Wu with pear blossoms in his arms. After killing the Wind Demon Wolf, the fierceness on his face slowly faded away. All the unwillingness turned into tenderness. He stared at Xiao Wu and said seriously: "I... Isn't it okay, Xiao Wu, I will never lose you like this again."

The happiness that was lost and found filled Tang San's heart, and even made the dull man express his true thoughts.

When Xiao Wu heard Tang San's obscure words of love, she immediately threw away the sorrow of the Azure Bull Python's death and huddled in Tang San's arms with a blush on her face.

Seeing the two people hugging each other intimately, everyone in Shrek who had survived the disaster showed a knowing smile.

Dai Mubai subconsciously looked at Zhu Zhuqing on the side: They should also be a loving couple and close comrades-in-arms. But now everything is irreversible. They have hope of being sheltered and will no longer fight side by side for survival.

Dai Mubai abandoned Zhu Zhuqing a few years ago and came to Shrek alone, which caused a huge rift between the two.

Yesterday, Zhu Zhuqing ignored Dai Mubai and desperately asked Yu Tianming for asylum, which caused a complete break between the two.

Zhu Zhuqing's flattery towards other men made him feel sick. But faced with the threat of death in two years, and with Davis whose cultivation far exceeded him, Dai Mubai also seriously thought about how to seek asylum from Yu Tianming.

With the return of Tang San and Xiao Wu, the atmosphere of Shrek and his party became harmonious again.

After everyone rested in the tent for the night, they rushed back to Shrek talking and laughing.

South of Soto City, Shrek Academy.

Flender was sitting in the dean's office, listening to Zhao Wuji's description of his trip to the Star Forest with a serious face. His expression changed several times, and he was relieved when he heard that everyone had returned safely.

"It seems that we are still too careless." Flanders felt scared for a while, "Next time we go to hunt soul beasts, we will lead the team together and bring two teachers with us. These little monsters are not ordinary people. We can't afford it."

Zhao Wuji was sitting on a chair nearby. Having seen the strength of Tang Hao and Yu Tianming, he was more afraid of something happening than Flanders. He smiled bitterly and said, "Who knew that we could encounter the soul beast overlord of the forest outside the Star Dou Forest?"

Flanders nodded, "The most surprising thing is that Xiao Wu survived, but what is the roar of a bull? Can it actually scare away the Titan Giant Ape?"

“This bull’s roar should be that of the Azure Bull Python.”

A stiff and weird sound came from outside the door.

Zhao Wuji was startled: he had heard footsteps approaching before, but he only thought they were teachers from the college. Hearing the voice at this time, Zhao Wuji realized that there was a new person in the academy.

"Wuji, someone who knows what bull roaring is is here. Xiaogang, come in quickly."

Following Flanders' invitation, the door to the dean's room slowly opened, and a decadent middle-aged man walked in from the outside.

This middle-aged man has short black hair and a stubbly beard all over his face. Not only does he have an ordinary appearance, he also has a stiff expression and dull eyes. This appearance would never be associated with the word 'theoretic master'.

But if Tang San had stayed here, he would have recognized this ordinary man at a glance as Yu Xiaogang, the self-proclaimed number one theoretical master in the soul master world.

Fran took Zhao Wuji's hand and introduced enthusiastically: "Wuji, this is my old friend from back then and Tang San's teacher. You can just call him master. Almost everyone in the soul master world calls him that. "

Zhao Wuji's heart moved and he looked at the master in surprise. He didn't expect that this was Yu Xiaogang, the master of theory.

Although the man in front of him looks ordinary and is said to have low talent, he is even more criticized in the soul master world. But he was a member of the Golden Triangle, a good brother of Flanders, and the son of Yu Yuanzhen, so he, the so-called Fudo Mingwang, was not someone he could offend.

Zhao Wuji took a step forward and said respectfully, "Hello, master, I am Zhao Wuji. I have admired you for a long time, and I am lucky enough to meet you today. You must be Yu Tianming's uncle."

Hearing the words Yu Tianming, Yu Xiaogang frowned and remembered the unpleasant experience.

The last time he saw Yu Tianming was more than ten years ago. At that time, as his uncle, he came to teach in person. However, Yu Tianming not only did not appreciate it, but also unscrupulously insulted himself. Study the theoretical achievements of a lifetime.

How did Zhao Wuji know Yu Tianming?

He didn't know the specific situation, and he didn't reveal the conflict between himself and Yu Tianming. He just forced a smile on his stiff face and said to Zhao Wuji: "You're welcome, I am Yu Xiaogang. King Fudo Ming is Where do you know Tianming from, how do you know I have this useless nephew?"

Naturally, Zhao Wuji would not say that he almost lost his life. Instead, he praised Yu Xiaogang, his uncle, Yu Tianming: "We met Yu Tianming during this soul hunt. He is worthy of being a direct descendant of the Shangsan Sect. You, my nephew, Although he is not very old, his cultivation is already unfathomable. "

Seeing Zhao Wuji's praise, Yu Xiaogang's thoughts moved slightly: If Zhao Wuji calls him unfathomable, then Yu Tianming's cultivation level may not be too low. However, he is only seventeen years old, and now he is at most a soul sect.

But Tang San, whom he trained, is only 12 years old and has reached the realm of soul master. In a few years, when Yu Tianming sees Tang San's cultivation level, he will understand who is right and will definitely reject it. I regret my stupid behavior.

The more Yu Xiaogang thought about it, the more excited he became. He couldn't help but put a smile on his lips. He smiled at Zhao Wuji and said, "Yu Tianming is not even 20 years old. How can he be so unfathomable? If he is also 12 years old, His cultivation is not necessarily higher than Tang San."

"Master, it may have been too long since he returned to the sect. I don't know the cultivation level of your nephew. Although I am a soul saint, I have no power to backhand in front of Yu Tianming." Zhao Wuji scratched his head, and Yu Xiaogang seemed to Misunderstood something.

Hearing this straightforward explanation, Master Yu was surprised: Can the 17-year-old Yu Tianming suppress Zhao Wuji? How can this be?

Tang San stopped at the door of the office for a long time. When he heard the mention of Yu Tianming's cultivation, he pushed the door directly and said to Yu Xiaogang what he had been preparing for a long time: "Teacher, I saw Yu Tianming's How can he suppress Teacher Zhao at such a young age? Could it be that he has gone astray? "

After Tang San reminded him, the middle-aged man in the office looked pale. If a soul master's cultivation improved so quickly, then the most likely way is to absorb other people's life force to practice, which is the legendary method of evil soul masters.

Flanders and Zhao Wuji looked at Yu Xiaogang in unison, "Your nephew has such a high level of cultivation at such a young age. Could it be possible that he used the methods of an evil soul master?"

"If he were young, he would be able to easily suppress Fudo Ming King. Such an outrageous training speed is almost certainly due to the use of the evil soul master's methods."

After hearing the master's judgment, several people looked serious. Zhao Wuji even took a breath of cold air: No wonder Yu Tianming is so cruel, it would make sense if he was an evil soul master.

Yu Xiaogang suppressed the joy in his heart, sighed, and showed a look of compassion: "Tianmingshi's martial spirit is a benign mutation of the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus, and it has the innate talent to be full of soul power. It should have become a sect Unexpectedly, he was eager for quick success and went astray for the sake of a temporary increase in cultivation."

"This child has been overbearing and rude since he was a child. I wanted to teach him martial arts knowledge with good intentions, but he insulted me as a teacher. Maybe it is his nature to go astray. But what I didn't expect was that without my care, He turned out to be an evil spirit master who destroyed lives."

After Yu Xiaogang's narration, the image of Yu Tianming's mischievous disrespect for teachers has been sketched in everyone's minds.

Flanders patted Yu Xiaogang's shoulder, "It's not your fault. Who could have predicted that a child would take the path of an evil soul master?"

Yu Xiaogang looked at Tang San beside him, "Although the lack of my guidance has caused Yu Tianming to go down a wrong path, it is also because of him that I can meet a good student like Xiao San who respects teachers and respects morality."

Tang San's eyes moved slightly, and after thinking for a moment, he borrowed Yu Tianming's words and expressed his doubts about the attached animal soul ring: "When I saw Yu Tianming two days ago, he was still slandering your theory, saying that you asked me Attaching an animal soul ring will prevent the possibility of Lan Yincao's future evolution. It's no wonder that he will become an evil soul master if he disrespects his teacher so much."

Hearing that Yu Tianming insulted his proud theory again, Yu Xiaogang immediately lost his mind and without thinking much, he blushed and refuted:

"What does this stupid nephew of mine know? As the weakest plant spirit, the biggest feature of Bluesilver Grass is its tolerance. Attaching an animal spirit ring will not only allow Bluesilver Grass to evolve, but also allow it to acquire properties that are completely different from those of plants. Animal characteristics, as evidenced by the changes in Xiaosan Bluesilver Grass.”

Yu Xiaogang talked about his theory and his tone became more and more confident, "Xiao San is in a special situation. Not only is the soul skill obtained by adding a plant soul ring weak, but it also lacks the physical enhancement, which is far less suitable than an animal soul ring. Can you Don’t trust this guy Yu Tianming to attach an animal soul ring without permission.”

Tang San's eyes lit up, thinking of his greatly changed appearance of Lan Yincao, and the second martial spirit Haotian Hammer, he nodded repeatedly, "The teacher is still thoughtful, how can this guy compare to the teacher's thirty years of fighting against martial arts?" Research."

In just a few words, Yu Xiaogang shone brightly again in Tang San's eyes. But what Tang San doesn't know is that although the current Blue Silver Grass has become more aggressive in appearance, this is just a mutation, where is the evolution? The addition of an animal soul ring was not only inefficient, but also directly changed the original nature of the Blue Silver Grassland, gradually cutting off the possibility of him awakening the Blue Silver Emperor.

When Flanders heard Yu Xiaogang's theoretical deduction, his admiration was no less than that of Zhao Wuji, and his eyes were equally brilliant. He complimented from the side: "Xiaogang's theoretical talent is still as outstanding as ever. With you as a teacher, Xiaosan's future will be better." The achievement is definitely not small.”

Yu Xiaogang has been studying theories for decades and has encountered countless doubts from the soul master community. What he cares about most is other people's opinions.

Hearing the continuous sincere compliments from the two people, although Yu Xiaogang was already happy, he still waved his hands and said hypocritically: "I've always been low-key. It's okay for you to know my theoretical level. There's no need to boast about it." ”

"Teacher just acts too low-key, which makes people in the soul master world misunderstand him and brings him a lot of infamy." Tang San sighed rather unfairly and said angrily.

This remark touched Yu Xiaogang's heart. He took Tang San's hand in front of him and said sincerely: "The infamy I have suffered is nothing. As long as I can train you, Xiao San, I will have no regrets in this life." ”

As a disciple of the Tang Sect, Tang San had never seen his parents in his previous life, and was abused by Tang Hao in this life. The best people in the world for him were Xiao Wu and Master, and he had already replaced Yu Xiaogang as his father. .

After hearing the master's sensational words, Tang San's psychological defenses were immediately broken by the father's love he had never experienced before.

He held the master's rough hands, his facial muscles suddenly twisted into a ball, and big tears fell down, "Once a teacher, always a father. Teacher, I will definitely work hard to practice and fulfill your wishes." "

Flender couldn't help but smile when he saw the scene of Yu Xiaogang's deep love with Tang San's master and apprentice.

Only Zhao Wuji stood blankly in a corner of the room, looking at the dean who was smiling like an old woman, as well as Yu Xiaogang and Tang San who looked like father and son, and he was at a loss.

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