The Three Dragon Kings of Douluo

Chapter 118 Flender: It has to be Xiaogang

It seemed that Yu Tianming's beating made Zhao Wuji change his temper. He did not believe the master immediately, but instead remembered Yu Tianming's disdainful attitude towards Tang San's soul ring.

He is a rough man and does not understand the so-called martial soul theory, but he has his own set of logic.

With years of common sense, Zhao Wuji clearly knew that the better the compatibility between the soul ring and the martial soul, the more improvements he would get. Tang San seemed to have improved a lot by absorbing animal soul beasts, but if he had absorbed plant soul beasts, the improvement would probably be even greater.

In addition, Xiao San's first soul ring seems to be blue silver entanglement. It does not increase the toughness of blue silver grass and has no special effects. It just makes the blue silver grass wrap around the enemy's feet.

Zhao Wuji touched the shallow scar on his head, his eyes widened, as if he had opened up the Ren and Du channels at this moment, and his IQ reached its peak.

He looked at Yu Xiaogang, who had a big beard on his face. This guy didn't look smart at all. It was too outrageous for a plant soul beast to absorb an animal soul ring. No wonder the soul master world was scolding Yu Xiaogang. Sooner or later, Tang San I want to be defeated by him.

He interrupted the affectionate interaction between the two masters and apprentices, and said to the master doubtfully: "Master, is it possible that Bluesilver Grass belongs to a low-level martial spirit, so absorbing animal soul rings can also obtain a greater improvement. If absorbing and Bluesilver Grass Will a plant soul ring with similar properties to silver grass receive a greater improvement? "

Hearing that Zhao Wuji actually questioned himself, Yu Xiaogang turned his head and looked at the short, stocky middle-aged man in front of him.

Although the legendary Fudo Myooh is less than 1.7 meters tall, his body is bulging with muscles and his body is like a fat panda. He obviously has great fighting ability. However, his small round eyes were full of innocence that was not contaminated by knowledge, and he did not look smart at all.

Yu Xiaogang smiled disdainfully at this reckless man, "Xiao San, show Prince Fudo your current Blue Silver Grass martial spirit."

"is teacher."

A slender bluesilver grass vine snaked along Tang San's arm and appeared in front of everyone.

This Bluesilver Grass is black and red in color and is constantly exuding a fishy and sweet smell. Its main stem is covered with sharp venomous thorns, and the edges of its leaves also have tiny spikes, which can cause scratches if you're not careful.

Yu Xiaogang also didn't expect that after absorbing the third soul ring, Bluesilver Grass would undergo such a big change. The corners of his mouth could not help but raise, and he smiled at Zhao Wuji: "This is the result of Xiao San absorbing the animal soul ring. Who is there now?" Can you recognize that this is blue silver grass that is harmless to humans and animals? "

Before Zhao Wuji could speak, Yu Xiaogang spoke again, "Fudo Ming King has been in the soul master world for decades and has seen many plant martial souls. Which one can achieve such a big improvement like Xiao San? "

"If you think about it carefully, Xiao San is the only one who has achieved such a huge improvement. It doesn't mean that absorbing animal soul rings is more helpful." Zhao Wuji scratched the scar on his head and intuitively felt that the master's statement was not quite right.

It's a pity that he didn't know that Tang San had the bloodline of the Blue Silver Emperor and had huge potential to achieve such a big improvement, otherwise Zhao Wuji could completely refute Yu Xiaogang's theory.

Zhao Wuji's repeated questions made Flanders beside him unable to sit still, "Although Xiaogang's soul power level is not high, he has read countless books in Wuhun Hall and learned countless secret martial arts. Soul knowledge is far beyond what we can compare with, Wuji, don’t think about it on your own.”

After hearing what Flanders said, Tang San's eyes flickered, and he thought to himself: So the teacher's knowledge system is so powerful, how dare a fool like Zhao Wuji question it?

He also helped: "Teacher's theoretical knowledge of martial arts is professional. Teacher Zhao, please don't mess with it."

Seeing that no one recognized his theory, Zhao Wuji couldn't help feeling depressed, but he was not good at words and didn't know how to refute.

He could only think to himself: Tang San's knowledge all came from the master, so it was normal for him to be deceived. As a Soul Saint, Flanders seemed quite smart. Could it be that the golden iron triangle fusion skill made him believe in Yu Xiaogang, a master of fraud?

Zhao Wuji scratched the itchy scar on his head and wisely stopped arguing.

He thought for a moment and then brought up Yu Tianming again, who almost killed him: "Master, your nephew is young and has such a high soul power that he is an evil soul master at eighty percent. Should we go to the Spirit Hall to report him?"

The master rubbed his beard on his chin, with a serious look on his face, "Yu Tianming has reached such a level of cultivation at a young age, and using the evil soul master's method, I don't know how many lives will be killed. However, there has never been any news on the mainland. There must be some." Even if we report the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect’s cover-up to the Spirit Hall, it may not have any effect.”

As a wanted criminal, Zhao Wuji was very aware of the troubles on the mainland, and hurriedly said, "I heard that the Jade Sect Master has made breakthroughs in recent years, and his cultivation has reached the pinnacle of the soul master world. Could it be that he is protecting Yu Tianming. "

"Only my father can cover up the news of Yu Tianming's murder of living beings." Yu Xiaogang sighed, "Yu Tianming has always been doted on by his father, which has developed his arrogant character, but I didn't expect that my father would even He became an evil soul master."

Tang San's face was full of resentment, "How many lives will be hurt by the evil soul master's cultivation, how many innocent people will die tragically because of him! Are we going to let the bad guys get away with it? Let the innocent good people cry?"

Flanders let out a long sigh, "Xiaosan, this world is so cruel. As long as you are strong, all rules must give way. Although it is hard to accept, this is the fact."

Yu Xiaogang patted Tang San on the shoulder and said earnestly: "Xiao San, as long as you practice step by step, your strength will surpass them sooner or later. Then it will be up to you to stop Yu Tianming and my father."

"Teacher, don't worry. This world should not let powerful people do whatever they want. I will do my best to support justice."

Tang San thought of the arrogant and domineering Yu Tianming relying on his strength, the Gale Demonic Wolf whose vitality was sucked dry by the Eight Spider Spears, and his mutated and bloodthirsty Blue Silver Grass, and thought to himself: I will use these evil soul beasts and evil soul masters As life reaches its highest level step by step, I will personally take action to clarify the world of soul masters and restore justice.

Seeing the confident look on Tang San's face, Zhao Wuji subconsciously increased the force of scratching the scar, not noticing the blood seeping out.

He thought to himself: What nonsense did Master and Tang San talk about? The Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus was originally a super martial spirit, but Yu Tianming was still a benign mutation. And Tang San's Blue Silver Grass is a low-level martial spirit. No matter how it mutates, it can't compare to Yu Tianming.

However, Zhao Wuji, whose intelligence had greatly increased, did not argue with everyone. Instead, in order to suppress his desire to complain, he left directly, "You can continue the discussion. I will go back and rest first."

Flanders looked at Zhao Wuji and said, "Wuji, you are tired after traveling all day. It's hard on you this time. Go and rest quickly."

Zhao Wuji smiled slightly moved, "I have stayed here for so many years and devoted so much effort to Shrek. I have long regarded the academy as my home. There is no need to say more polite words. Master, Flanders, I Just leave first.”

After saying that, Zhao Wuji stood up and left Flender's office.

Flanders watched Zhao Wuji leave, with some relief in his eyes: "If it weren't for the selfless help of these old brothers over the years, the college would have been unable to support itself. After these students graduate, Xiaogang will accompany me to Walk around the mainland and relax. ”

The master was stunned for a moment. The tacit understanding of the golden iron triangle allowed him to quickly understand Flanders's meaning, "I don't know."

Flanders sighed, "I know you don't want to think about the past, but I still can't help but say that our life together was the happiest time in my life. I will never forget that memory in my life. How wonderful it would be if I could live like that without any worries!”

There was a sadness in the master's eyes, he lowered his head and said calmly: "Everyone will grow old and mature. Since the past has passed, what's the point of mentioning it?"

Flanders sighed and shook his head: "Xiao Gang, do you really care so much about worldly opinions? It's not her fault."

"Shut up." When the relationship between the three people was mentioned, the master's mood suddenly became excited. He shouted sharply and stared at Flanders, "What about you? After so many years, why are you still single? Why aren't you with her? Don't tell me you don't like her!"

"A gentleman doesn't take away someone's love. What she really likes is you."

However, Flanders saw the red circles in the master's eyes, and was concerned about Tang San beside him. He did not talk about the relationship between the three of them, but changed the topic, "Have you ever returned home after so many years?"

"That place no longer belongs to me, otherwise I wouldn't have heard about Yu Tianming just now." The master shook his head.

Flanders sighed: "That's your home after all. Although they don't welcome you, but..."

The master waved his hand, signaling Flanders to stop talking. He looked at Tang San aside and said meaningfully, "Even if I have to go back, I won't go back like this. Before I prove myself, I won't let those people laugh."

Seeing the master looking over, Zhao Wuji had already walked away. Tang San, who had been silent all this time, asked doubtfully: "Teacher, after absorbing the Man-Faced Demon Spider, eight spider legs grew on his back. Teacher, do you know what happened?" What's going on?"

"What are those spider legs? Could it be that your martial spirit has mutated?" Flanders adjusted the glasses on his nose and asked in confusion.

When the master heard this, he stood up excitedly, holding Tang San's shoulders with both hands, "This is definitely not a martial soul mutation. Xiao San, let me see the spider legs you mentioned. If it is really as I judged, then The harvest this time is huge.”

Hearing this, Tang San took off his shirt directly, revealing his slightly slender but muscular upper body.

As the Xuantian Technique circulated, several sections of Tang San's ribs released a lavender light, and eight raised bulges formed next to his spine. As Tang San's body trembled, eight thick spider legs broke out of his body. came out and quickly extended, filling half of the room in an instant.

"This is the externally attached soul bone!" Yu Xiaogang had a good reserve of knowledge and recognized Tang San's rare externally attached soul bone at a glance.

Flanders held up his glasses, walked slowly to Tang San's spider legs, and said in disbelief, "So this is the legendary externally attached soul bone. It's the first time I've seen it. Xiaogang had to remind me. Otherwise, I would have thought that the Bluesilver Grass had mutated."

Looking at the shocked expressions of the two people, Tang San immediately judged that he had obtained something extraordinary, and quickly asked, "Teacher, what is an externally attached soul bone? Is this thing very precious?"

The master nodded and explained patiently: "The externally attached soul bone is a very special existence. If the chance of an ordinary soul bone appearing from a soul beast is one in a thousand. Then, the probability of an externally attached soul bone appearing is even higher. Not even one in ten thousand. If the most precious thing in the soul master world is the hundred thousand year soul ring, then the second most precious thing is the external soul bone."

Flanders echoed: "Externally possessed soul bones are extremely precious. Ordinary soul masters have never even seen one, let alone own one. I didn't expect that Xiaosan was so lucky that he got an externally possessed soul bone as a blessing in disguise."

If Yu Tianming had met Tang San, the possessed soul bone, he would definitely not feel like Flanders that Tang San was lucky. After his disturbance, Tang San could still obtain the attached soul bone. This was either destiny or a secret operation by the gods.

Tang San looked at the three-meter-long ugly spider legs behind him and murmured: "Is this thing really so precious?"

Although these spider legs can help Tang San absorb the vitality of the soul beast, with these eight spider legs he becomes as weird and terrifying as a monster, so Tang San doesn't like this external soul bone very much, and only regards it as his own A tool for sucking life force.

Now that he knew the value of the attached soul bone, after re-examining it, Tang San still found it a bit cute.

Although Tang San tried his best to restrain himself, the tip of the Eight Spider Spear still accidentally touched the office floor, corroding a small black hole in it. Flanders hurriedly advised: "Hey, don't damage my office. Yes, repairs cost money.”

Seeing this, the master persuaded Tang San, "Xiao San, I have a preliminary understanding of your external soul bone, so let's take it back first and put on your clothes."

Tang San nodded, and the Eight Spider Spears behind him turned into a streak of light and bounced back to Tang San's back instantly.

"Remember, don't tell anyone that you have an external soul bone. Although the external soul bone cannot be absorbed like ordinary soul bones, as the saying goes, the wind will destroy the wood that is beautiful in the forest. The fewer people know, It’s better if you have an external soul bone, so that no one will attack you out of jealousy.”

Yu Xiaogang looked at Flanders, who was feeling distressed on the floor, and said with a smile: "Of course, Dean Flanders is my brother who has fought alongside me for many years. He is absolutely trustworthy."

"Even if you're a brother, you have to pay to repair the floor."

Yu Xiaogang ignored Flanders and said seriously to Tang San: "With the attached soul bone, according to my plan, you will be able to defeat Yu Tianming easily in the future."

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