The Three Dragon Kings of Douluo

Chapter 120 Poseidon Island, Condensed Divine Test

After Yu Tianming came back from Dragon Valley, he took the soul bone of the Blue Silver Emperor, met Dugu Yan in the Killing City, came into contact with the Shrek Seven Monsters in the Star Dou Forest, and killed the Azure Bull Python. There is no stopping.

After all the important things were done, he remembered his other maid, Azi.

A year ago, in order to find a way to save Yu Tianming who fell into the turbulence of space, Dugu Yan went to the Killing City to find an opportunity to become a god. As a sea soul master, Azi went to Poseidon Island and asked the high priest Bo. Sisi asked for help.

Thinking of this, Yu Tianming ignored the Shrek Seven Monsters who were about to be trained by Yu Xiaogang's running army, but took A'Zhu and flew to Poseidon Island thousands of miles away.

Now his strength is different from what it used to be. After using the soul bone skill of wings, 'Driving Clouds and Driving the Moon', the two of them turned into a white cocoon of light. Under Yu Tianming's full flight, it turned into a stream of light and quickly crossed the sky.

When passing by Shrek Academy, the master happened to see the stream of light above his head. He frowned slightly and thought to himself: "How can you see shooting stars in broad daylight?"

With the eighth soul ring, Yu Tianming's strength has long been different from what it used to be, and his speed has reached a terrifying level. In just one stick of incense, he crossed from the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect in the east of Douluo Continent to The entire continent flew to the isolated Poseidon Island in the west.

Arriving at Poseidon Island, Yu Tianming released the state of 'driving the clouds and chasing the moon' and began to fly with A'Zhu with his qualitatively changed soul power.

The scenery of Poseidon Island has not changed at all from a year ago. Under the protection of Poseidon's divine power, there will always be blue sky and white clouds. The snow-white beach and the waves will also appear extremely quiet. The violent wind and rain in the sea will never be able to invade the island protected by Poseidon. area.

It's just that at this time, Yu Tianming no longer has the power of Poseidon in his body, and the unreasonable feeling of intimacy towards Poseidon Island has also disappeared.

But at this moment, looking at the beautiful scenery of Poseidon Island, he laughed from the bottom of his heart.

The transformation of the Dragon God and Dragon Soul only elevated him to the level of a god. Although he was not the successor of a certain god and could not ascend to the position of god king in one step, he would naturally not be affected by the power of Poseidon.

This allowed him to truly feel how full his own power was, as well as the transcendent pleasure that came from not being affected by Poseidon.

A'Zhu saw Yu Tianming laughing next to him, smoothed his hair that was blown by the strong wind, and put his slender fingers together with Yu Tianming's big hand. With their fingers clasped together, although she didn't say much, she already showed her love.

The two flew along the C-shaped gap in Poseidon Island, and soon came to a huge lake. This lake is in a regular round shape, clear and waveless, and looks very quiet, with the azure sea dragon sacred pillar standing in its center.

Sea Dragon Douluo was sitting cross-legged like an old monk on the Sea Dragon Sacred Pillar. Sensing Yu Tianming's arrival, he slowly opened his eyes and stood up.

Yu Tianming held A'Zhu's hand and floated down from the air. He smiled at Sea Dragon Douluo in front of him and said, "My lord, Sea Dragon Crown, long time no see."

After not seeing each other for a year, Hailong Shengzhu, who originally looked 30 years old, seemed to have aged ten years. Although he was still strong, he no longer had the original feeling of fullness of energy and blood, and it seemed that he was starting to decline at a young age.

Seeing Yu Tianming, Sea Dragon Douluo first rubbed his eyes to make sure it was not an illusion, and then he exclaimed, "Tianming, it turns out you are not dead. I thought you were dead." Before he finished speaking, he noticed Yu Tianming The golden trident mark between his eyebrows has long since disappeared.

Sea Dragon Douluo, who was originally happy, immediately became serious, "Why did your Poseidon mark disappear? There was also a problem with Poseidon's inheritance a few days ago. If you know the inside story, please inform the great worshiper as soon as possible."

"Don't worry, Sea Dragon Douluo. Even if I can't become Poseidon, I will be able to resurrect Sea Dragon in the future."

Sea Dragon Douluo said meaningfully: "It's not just about resurrecting Sea Dragon. The point of the matter is that as the guardian of the Seven Sacred Pillars, I have sensed the interruption of Master Poseidon's inheritance. This is a major event like the collapse of Poseidon Island. "

After hearing what he said, Yu Tianming asked doubtfully, "What's wrong with the Poseidon inheritance that makes you so worried?"

Sea Dragon Douluo explained earnestly: "After you fell into the rift of time and space, I went to the Star Dou Forest with the great worshipper to recover the Poseidon Trident. However, I don't know what happened. The golden light of the Poseidon Trident disappeared some time ago. , and it was at that time that I sensed the interruption of Poseidon’s inheritance.”

Hearing this, Yu Tianming subconsciously looked at a golden bead in the Shanlong King's space. This bead was about the size of a fist, constantly exuding the aura of Poseidon's divine power, with faint smoke flowing in the middle.

Tang Chen once condensed his Shura Divine Test onto the Shura Divine Sword, and this bead was also forced out of Yu Tianming's body by the Dragon God's power, but it was condensed into a ball without the Poseidon Trident to carry it.

Yu Tianming thought to himself: Could it be that only one divine test can be conducted at the same time, and this guy is the condensation of his own divine test? Was it also the one that blocked Poseidon's test, preventing it from proceeding normally?

After figuring out the key to the matter, Yu Tianming smiled confidently, "Sea Dragon Douluo, I already have some guesses. Do you want to come with me to the Poseidon Temple?"

Sea Dragon Douluo shook his head and said pointedly: "I still want to protect the Sea Dragon Holy Pillar, so I won't accompany you there. But remember, you have lost the Seagod's mark and are no longer a part of the Seagod Island. ”

Yu Tianming nodded in confusion, and then took A'Zhu and flew to the Poseidon Mountain, in front of the Poseidon Temple.

The original Poseidon's divine power was condensed here, making the Poseidon's light near Poseidon Temple countless times more intense than Poseidon Island. But at this time, the divine light has dissipated, and without the sacred aura of Poseidon, this magnificent temple looks like an ordinary building.

Yu Tianming originally climbed the Poseidon steps, but now they became dim, no different from ordinary stone steps.

However, the scenery of Poseidon Mountain has not changed. It is just that the rich power of Poseidon is gone, which makes Yu Tianming suddenly feel like a broken wall.

Squeak - before Yu Tianming knocked on the door, the heavy door of Poseidon Temple slowly opened.

A girl in a blue dress suddenly jumped out of the dark hall and threw herself into Yu Tianming's arms.

The visitor was Azi, whom she hadn't seen in a year. After taking the fairy grass, her martial soul had evolved and her appearance had become more beautiful.

She has reached the age of 20, and her face is no longer childish. She is wearing a blue dress, which reflects her tall and plump figure. At this time, her blue-purple hair was spread around her face, and big tears were shed, giving her a kind of beauty that made me feel pity for her.

Yu Tianming patted her shoulder, "Stop crying, am I back? How have you been this year?"

After hearing this, she let go of her hand, revealing the wet clothes on Yu Tianming's chest. She sobbed and said: "Young Master, since you left, I have come to Poseidon Island to seek help. Because the high priest saw that your assessment has not changed, we thought you were safe and sound. But the Poseidon assessment suddenly changed a few days ago. , I thought something happened to you."

"Am I back? And I brought your sister to see you."

"Azi, isn't the young master back now? We are together again, and you only think about the young master and don't even see that your sister is still beside you."

Maybe they were too happy after not seeing each other for too long, so the two sisters Zhuzi recounted the interesting things in the past. As the two talked and laughed, the sun gradually set in the west, and the sky began to fill with golden and red glow. After an unknown amount of time, the setting sun gradually fell into the sea, replacing the glow in the sky with starlight.

At this time, in the dark Poseidon Temple, rows of firelights lit up from the pillars, and Bo Saixi's faint voice came from the depths of the hall, "I came to the Poseidon Temple at noon, and it is already dark now. Tell me, how long are you going to make me wait?”

Hearing Bo Saixi's words, Ah Zi pursed her lips and smiled, and took Yu Tianming and A'Zhu to the Poseidon Temple, "Since you arrived at Poseidon Island, the great altar has been waiting for you, come in with me. "

Because Ah Zi and Bo Saixi have been getting along day and night this year, she is no longer as reserved as she was a year ago when facing this Extreme Douluo, and her tone seems to be talking about a familiar aunt.

The Poseidon Temple no longer had the flash of golden light when the trident was first pulled out, and returned to its original simplicity. Through the light of the fire, everyone could see that the mural on the wall where the sea god and the spirit beast were fighting had also turned gray.

The three of them went deep and soon entered the core of the Poseidon Temple, in front of the three-story stone platform.

The Poseidon Trident was still inserted in the center of the third-floor high platform as before, while Bo Saixi was sitting on the first-floor high platform, with a huge Poseidon scepter in front of him, and the red robe representing the priest lingering on the ground.

She looked at the center of Yu Tianming's eyebrows. Now her sea-blue eyes had lost the original Gujing Wubo. She sighed often and said helplessly: "As expected, you already have the inheritance of other gods."

Yu Tianming did not obtain the inheritance of the gods, but broke through the boundaries with the help of the Dragon God. The essence of life is no different from that of the gods.

But he did not refute, but asked doubtfully, "How does the great worshiper know? Is it because of the trident mark between my eyebrows?"

Bo Saixi showed a gentle smile and said calmly: "I feel the same divine aura from you as Lord Poseidon, but much weaker. I guess you have obtained most of the inheritance. . I wonder what happened to you two days ago that interfered with Lord Poseidon’s inheritance?”

Bo Saixi's smile remained the same, but there was an imperceptible cold light in his eyes. Yu Tianming no longer has the Poseidon inheritance, and his answer is related to the Poseidon inheritance. If he doesn't get the clues he wants, Bo Saixi will definitely take tough measures.

Yu Tianming did not answer directly, but pulled Ah Zi along the way.

The two of them walked straight towards the high platform where the Poseidon Trident was placed. When they came to Bo Saixi's side, he stopped and said, "Great Enshriner, I know how to restore the Poseidon's legacy."

Seeing that Bo Saixi didn't make a sound, he didn't stay any longer and walked straight to the third highest step.

Yu Tianming looked at the Poseidon Trident in front of him. Because it had long been integrated with the Vast Sea Universe Cover, its color was no longer gray, but now it lacked the Poseidon's light that burst out. He touched the handle of the trident, and he no longer had the connection between his mind and his body, as if he had an arm commanding him.

But his eyes were already full of smiles, and he said to Ah Zi beside him: "Are you willing to become the God of the Sea?"

"Me?" Ah Zi pointed at herself in confusion.

"Yes, it's you." Yu Tianming didn't ask for her opinion again, but under Bo Saixi's doubtful gaze, he took Azi's green-white hand with one hand and placed it on the Poseidon Trident.

On the other hand, the palm of his hand was reversed, and the golden beads originally stored in the Mountain Dragon King's space quietly appeared in his palm.

When the bead appeared, the entire Poseidon Temple emitted golden light again, and Poseidon's divine power began to gather near Poseidon Mountain. However, Yu Tianming was not used to the Poseidon's divine power, and his eyebrows slightly wrinkled.

Without hesitation, he directly placed the fist-sized golden bead between Azi's eyebrows.

In an instant, the crystallization of the Poseidon Divine Test, Azi and the Poseidon Trident, were connected together, and at the same time they lit up with a dazzling golden light.

The seven holy pillars far away on Poseidon Island all raised their heads at this moment and looked in the direction of Poseidon Temple. Sea Dragon Douluo, who sacrificed the sea dragon, burst into tears and exclaimed: "Lord Poseidon's inheritance has been renewed. back to normal?"

After a few breaths, the light subsided, and the golden beads turned into fly ash, and then turned into the mark of the Poseidon Trident on Ah Zi's eyebrows. The Poseidon Trident seemed to come to life and began to glow. There was a faint shimmer.

Ah Zi was so blessed that she easily grabbed the Poseidon Trident. It was originally a super divine weapon that weighed 108,000 kilograms, but at this moment, it actually became like a wooden stick in Ah Zi's hand.

She looked at Yu Tianming at a loss, and asked blankly: "Young Master, have I obtained the inheritance of Poseidon? Is it that simple?"

Yu Tianming smiled and nodded, "It's that simple. Let's see if your divine test has changed?"

"The eighth Poseidon test, train to the title of Douluo, obtain a full body of soul bones, and kill the Deep Sea Demon Whale King. The time limit is 50 years." Azi read out the content of his newly obtained God test.

"It seems that your eighth test of Poseidon is the same as mine, but maybe because you are a sea soul master, the time limit for completion has reached 50 years. Wouldn't it be possible to successfully succeed in the eighth test of Poseidon?"

Hearing this, Azi's originally happy expression showed a trace of hesitation, "In 50 years, it will be easy to become a titled Douluo, and it will be easy to collect soul bones, but the Deep Sea Demon Whale King has been practicing for who knows how many years, and his strength is even more unfathomable. , it’s not that easy to kill.”

Although Azi has obtained the inheritance of the Sea God, she still has no confidence in the Deep Sea Demon Whale King who is about to transform into a dragon and is only one step away from becoming a god.

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