The Three Dragon Kings of Douluo

Chapter 121 Bo Saixi, the Demonic Whale King of the Deep Sea

Bo Saixi walked up slowly on crutches, "Congratulations, Azi. You have become the new successor of Poseidon Island. The Deep Sea Demonic Whale King looks powerful, but as the person chosen by Master Poseidon, you will definitely be able to defeat it. ”

Ah Zi remained silent. Apparently, she did not think that becoming the inheritor of Poseidon would mean she could ignore the power gap. Only with the worship of Bo Saixi, the God of the Sea, could he believe that an ordinary titled Douluo could defeat the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King.

Yu Tianming touched her head and said with a smile: "Don't be so pessimistic. I remember that the content of the divine test is not for you to kill the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King alone."

Ah Zi's eyes lit up, "You mean to wait until I reach the realm of Titled Douluo, call a few more strong men, and let's besiege the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King together?"

"No, I mean you go to the Demon Whale Sea with me, and now we will kill the Deep Sea Demon Whale King."

Hearing this, Bo Saixi showed an incredulous expression and retorted directly, "The Deep Sea Demon Whale King has been cultivating for who knows how many years, and he is probably not far away from becoming a god. You took the risk yourself and fell into the space turbulence before. This Why did you take Ah Zi on this adventure? What if you lose Master Poseidon’s inheritance again?”

The energy waves all over Yu Tianming's body surged, and the soul power he revealed was qualitatively different from that of ordinary soul masters. He smiled nonchalantly and said, "Then I will hunt the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King alone. After I succeed, Azi's god If you fail the test, please don’t blame me, High Priest.”

After saying that, he turned around and walked towards the outside of Poseidon Temple.

After walking a few steps, Yu Tianming's arm was grabbed by a slender but powerful finger. Bo Saixi said helplessly, "Wait until dawn before going over. Then I will take Ah Zi there. If you don't succeed, I will You can also take her away."

"Master, believe me, tomorrow is the day when the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King will die. It will be enough for you to take A'Zhu and A'Zi to watch by then."

Early the next morning, as the sun just broke, the four of them arrived at the outskirts of the Demon Whale Sea Area.

Bo Saixi was holding a huge Poseidon scepter, and the air under her feet seemed to have turned into solid ground, allowing Zhuzi and the two of them, who could not fly, to stand beside her.

Yu Tianming took Ah Zi's hand, "Do you still remember that I can absorb electric energy? Give me your electric light, and when I defeat the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King, you will also have a share."

Where the palms of the two people met, purple lightning began to flash, and Ah Zi said with a worried look on his face, "Young master, be careful."

Yu Tianming didn't answer, and flew straight to the center of the Demon Whale Sea, suspended hundreds of meters in the air.

In the electromagnetic induction, thousands of meters below the sea surface is the huge figure of the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King. With his palm facing down, he gathered some strength, and a condensed golden electric light pierced the sea surface, directly attacking the back of the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King.

Yu Tianming frowned slightly. Although he hit the target, the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King seemed to have fallen asleep and did not move at all.

Just when he was about to attack again, the clear sea gradually changed. The originally sky-blue sea water began to become deeper, and the waves in the Demon Whale Sea Area also calmed down, forming a sharp contrast with the undulating waves outside the sea area. The sense of oppression from the deep sea made the air slightly distorted.

Boom——, without any warning, a blue water column with a diameter of five meters suddenly broke out of the sea at Yu Tianming's feet, and instantly rushed out of a height of several hundred meters and came to him.

This is not a pure energy attack, it is more like the roar of the sea. In this blue water column, the energy that really belongs to the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King is very little, and it is more of the gushing power of the sea.

Although it is just a water column rising into the sky, but it is ejected from the sea at such a speed, its impact is so powerful that even the Titled Douluo would flinch away.

But Yu Tianming smiled softly. Although he was only level 90, he had already entered the realm of gods. What could an attack like this from the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King do to him?

A circular gravitational shield was formed around Yu Tianming. The water column that hit the shield immediately spread like fireworks, and countless water splashed on the calm sea. Yu Tianming, who was in mid-air, didn't even sway.

When blue water splashed all around Yu Tianming, completely blocking his sight, a huge mountain-like creature suddenly jumped out of the water. Although it was huge, its movements were not hindered by the sea water at all. This mountain-like figure appeared in front of Yu Tianming so quietly.

The speed of movement was so fast that Yu Tianming, who had electromagnetic induction, was suddenly shocked: Is the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King still pretending to be dead at the bottom of the sea? The moment his attention shifted to the water column, why did it rush in front of him?

The Deep Sea Demonic Whale King's millions of years of cultivation have given it an extremely huge body and matching powerful defense.

This gravitational shield is not only formed by the Soul Bone Skill of the Mountain Dragon King, but is also driven by Yu Tianming's divine power. But at the moment of collision with the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King, it was the gravity shield that began to collapse first.

Yu Tianming could only turn into a white light and quickly retreated thousands of meters away.

Boom——, as the two people collided for a moment, countless waves suddenly exploded from the sea.

The huge body of the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King also appeared on the sea surface. In the eyes of everyone, it experienced such a powerful collision, but its blue crystal-like body did not suffer any damage. It kept looking coldly with one eye. The jade sky in the sky is very impressive.

At this time, Bo Saixi, dressed in red robe, was standing at the edge of the Demon Whale Sea, watching the battle from a distance.

As the high priest of Poseidon, she has practiced in the realm of Extreme Douluo for hundreds of years, and her understanding of the power of the ocean has far surpassed that of other sea soul masters. It is precisely because of this that she can deeply feel the power of the Deep Sea Demon Whale King this time. How cleverly the collision borrows the power of the ocean.

But Yu Tianming was able to leave calmly in the face of such an attack. She couldn't help but secretly thought: What happened to Yu Tianming in this year? Has his strength improved so much?

In the center of the Demon Whale Sea Area, after a blow, the Deep Sea Demon Whale King slowly spoke to Yu Tianming who was standing in mid-air, "So it's you. I didn't expect you to come to my door today."

Its sound was extremely strange. Not only did the calm sea surface begin to ripple, but even Yu Tianming's blood trembled imperceptibly, making him frown for a while.

"Do you know me?" Looking at the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King below, Yu Tianming's murderous intent became more and more ferocious.

A look of greed visible to the naked eye appeared in the one eye of the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King, "How could I not recognize the person chosen by Poseidon? But now you seem to have completely accepted the inheritance of other gods and become a weak god with only level 90. Today. As long as I devour you, I will definitely take the final step."

Faced with the exchange of words, Yu Tianming was not afraid at all. He laughed at the Deep Sea Demon Whale King and said disdainfully, "Only you, the defeated general of Poseidon, a bedbug who lives in vain, also want to devour me?"

Faced with the provocation, the Deep Sea Demon Whale King did not get angry at all. Instead, he said meaningfully: "There has been no Poseidon in this world for a long time. I am the real master of the sea. Although you have entered the realm of gods, you are still How much combat power do you have if you haven’t obtained the ninth soul ring? And not only am I 90% at the god level, but I’ve also been practicing for countless years, so how can you fight against me?”

Yu Tianming was suspended high in the sky, his eyes full of undisguised contempt, "You are just a fish, how can you compete with a real dragon no matter how many years you practice?"

"Hmph, you have sharp teeth and a sharp mouth. Then let me eat you. Not only can you make up for the last one percent and become an unprecedented demon god, but you can also turn into a real dragon."

The Deep Sea Demonic Whale King stopped provoking words. His huge body suddenly jumped up in the sea, and his huge tail was thrown up. A large blue-purple light shot out, covering the sky around Yu Tianming in a fan shape.

Wherever the huge energy passed, the air was torn apart, causing a layer of tiny black lightning to surround the blue-purple fan brilliance.

This time, the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King did not rely on the power of the sea, but relied entirely on millions of years of accumulation to attack. Although there is no huge ocean momentum, its refined soul power has increased the attack damage immeasurably.

Yu Tianming did not move backwards to dodge, but retreated instead of advancing. He turned into white light again, bypassed this huge fan-shaped brilliance at extremely fast speed, and flew straight towards the Deep Sea Demonic Whale.

While flying, he transformed into Ghidorah's huge martial spirit true form.

After absorbing the eighth soul ring, the height of the martial soul avatar has reached 50 meters. This size is not only far larger than other titled martial soul avatars, it is also much larger than a hundred thousand year soul beast. But in front of the 200-meter-long Deep Sea Demonic Whale King with 990,000 years of cultivation, he still looked like a baby.

In Douluo Continent, the bigger you are, the stronger you are usually. However, body size does not completely determine strength. Although Yu Tianming's martial soul real body is small, as a true dragon, his momentum is not at a disadvantage in front of the Deep Sea Demon Whale King.

He dragged the white tail flames, drew a beautiful arc, and flew straight to the side of the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King where his eyes were poked blind by the Poseidon.

As the white light disappeared, Yu Tianming's huge martial soul body suddenly stopped in mid-air, and the red, blue and green light waves that had been brewing for a long time in the three huge heads suddenly sprayed towards the body of the deep sea demon whale.

The green light wave is the second soul skill obtained from the hundred thousand years after absorbing the azure bull python's soul ring. It is a variant of its signature skill 'slow field' - the slow light wave can not only be released in the form of a field, but also Condensed into light waves, causing a more powerful restricting effect on the enemies hit.

As for the two colors of red and blue, one is Hai Long's signature domain variant, the sixth soul skill, Demonic Forbidden Light Wave; the other is the God of Death domain condensed into the form of light waves, which are sprayed out from the dragon's head.

All three colors of light have extremely strong debuff effects. The moment the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King was attacked, its huge dark blue body was only slightly stagnant, and the deep blue on its surface only dimmed half a point.

Seeing that the effect of this blow was not as powerful as expected, Yu Tianming, who had already escaped thousands of meters away from the Deep Sea Demon Whale King, frowned.

At this time, in the high sky behind Yu Tianming, the energy thrown out by the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King suddenly exploded. Suddenly, the light in mid-air suddenly dimmed, and then a huge roar sounded, and all the clouds in sight were blown away. This terrifying attack was shattered into pieces, and all the sea people within a radius of ten thousand miles raised their heads and looked at this spectacular scenery.

But the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King and Yu Tianming remained unmoved. As they stared at each other, they could both see deep fear in each other's eyes.

Yu Tianming opened his mouth first, and his voice with a spiritual impact reached the ears of the Deep Sea Demon Whale King a thousand meters away: "Demon Whale King, if my guess is correct, your current body is already a combination of energy and flesh. It is precisely because of this that you have been able to live for millions of years and push your strength to the limit that is impossible to break through. If you were a human, you would have become a god long ago."

His three dragon heads with a diameter of two meters made a sound at the same time. The strange sound line stirred up ripples on the sea like the deep sea demon whale king. If you are within a certain range, you can still feel the spiritual impact contained in the sound. .

This is similar to the way the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King makes sounds that vibrate the blood when he speaks. One affects water waves, and the other emits sound waves. Yu Tianming's sound wave move used the fourth soul ring - Dragon King's Roar, to test the spiritual cultivation of the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King.

"You don't need your flattery. When I devour you, you can still become a demon god in the body of a soul beast." The Deep Sea Demon Whale King seemed not to be affected by Yu Tianming's mental impact, and said arrogantly: "In the sea, it is My home court, without the inheritance of Poseidon, even if you step into the threshold of god, I can still let you die here."

Speaking of this, the deep sea demon whale king's eyes became even more ferocious, energy surged all over his body, and the calm sea water also boiled in an instant.

But it did not launch an attack, but continued, "Boy, I have lived in the sea for millions of years, and I am just one step away from entering the god level, and I have been stuck for this step for a hundred thousand years. Today you This level 90 god comes to your door, it’s just like giving you a pillow when you feel sleepy, as long as I devour you.”

After seeing the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King being subjected to his own debuffing light wave, he hesitated to launch an attack. Instead, he kept talking aggressively. Yu Tianming has roughly determined that the Deep Sea Demon Whale King has been affected by the Killing God Realm, Forbidden Demon Light Wave, and Slow Light Wave, and is just delaying time to relieve the abnormal state.

He couldn't help but thought: The Deep Sea Demonic Whale King is indeed an old monster that has lived for millions of years. Even though he has been living in the sea as a soul beast, his scheming surpasses that of most humans in Douluo Continent.

Although there were many thoughts in his mind, Yu Tianming suddenly activated his skills before the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King finished speaking.

The activation of his skill was extremely sudden, without any accumulation or gesture. The soul skill of the azure bull python's right arm bone was instantly released, and the snake-like electric light spread from the whole body to the dragon's head.

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