The Three Dragon Kings of Douluo

Chapter 123 Turning the clouds over and planning the Vulcan

After a great battle, the waters of the Demon Whale quickly returned to calm.

Without the pressure of the Deep Sea Demon Whale King, the trace of energy leaked after its death attracted many soul beasts from outside the Demon Whale Sea Area. These sea soul beasts came in groups and rushed towards the center of the Demon Whale Sea Area crazily.

Yu Tianming did not hesitate, and with a wave of his hand, he pulled the soul ring left by the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King to his body. Then he sat cross-legged in the mid-air hundreds of meters away, slowly absorbing the soul ring that was about to reach the realm of gods.

As a soul beast with nearly a million years of cultivation, although the Deep Sea Demon Whale King has not reached the realm of a god, the energy contained in his soul ring is also extremely huge. However, Yu Tianming had already received the infusion from the Dragon God, and his body and soul power had reached the level of a god.

In less than a quarter of an hour, the soul ring of the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King was completely absorbed by him. But while obtaining the ninth soul ring, the accumulation of countless dragon clouds and dragon souls in the Dragon Valley also exploded at this moment. His soul power level began to increase continuously again.

The Dragon God infusion that Yu Tianming received is different from the inheritance of the divine position. The inheritance of the divine position is to first train the soul master to level 99 and give the basic abilities of the god.

When it ascends, it will be promoted to the corresponding god level in a very short period of time with the blessing of the divine world.

The five levels of priest, third-level god, second-level god, first-level god, and god king respectively correspond to level 100 to level 150 soul power. Breaking through the limit of level 150 will have the strength of a creation god.

Although accepting a god's status can quickly improve one's cultivation level, it also puts the imprint of others on one's own cultivation path. For example, if Tang San, who uses a hammer, inherits the status of Poseidon, he will change his weapon to the Poseidon Trident and inherit the status. The throne of God Shura must also inherit the Divine Sword of Shura.

But Yu Tianming is different. The Dragon God only gave him the key to break through the limit, but did not directly increase his level. When he reaches a certain level, he will become a god of that level.

A few hours later, the aura fluctuations on Yu Tianming's body gradually stabilized, and nine soul rings, six black, two red, and one gold, were neatly arranged at his feet.

Bo Saixi, who had been waiting by the side for a long time, smiled and said, "Tianming, congratulations on successfully absorbing the soul ring of the Deep Sea Demon Whale King. It is already close to the realm of a god, and the soul ring has also reached the level of a half-god. You have absorbed a lot." Probably the oldest soul ring in history.”

Following Bo Saixi's line of sight, Yu Tianming looked at his feet and saw that the soul ring that was originally flashing between golden red and gold turned completely golden after being absorbed. Apparently for some unknown reason, 99 The ten thousand year soul ring took the final step.

"The soul ring of a half-step god? The soul ring of the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King may have reached that state." Yu Tianming smiled slightly, then shifted his gaze to the dead space brought by the torso bones of the Mountain Dragon King within his body.

At this time, most of the body of the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King was turned into pure energy. The influx of this energy actually expanded the dead space several times, reaching a radius of thousands of miles.

Because the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King has condensed most of the water attribute energy in millions of years, the dead space has been covered by thousands of meters of sea water, and the tens of thousands of soul bones that Yu Tianming originally collected in Dragon Valley have also sunk. Under the sea.

Without continuing to chat with Bo Saixi, Yu Tianming turned to Ah Zi and asked: "Have you completed the eighth test of Poseidon to kill the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King?"

Ah Zi nodded, "The test of killing the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King has been completed. I only need to be promoted to Titled Douluo within 50 years and collect all the soul bones to complete the Eight Sea God Tests."

"Okay, wait for me for a while, and then we'll leave here." As soon as he finished speaking, Yu Tianming entered the space carried by the torso bones of the Mountain Dragon King.

In this space, looking up is endless darkness, and looking down is sea water thousands of meters deep. There is no trace of life, and it is no different from a large storage ring.

Looking at the endless sea water in the dead space, Yu Tianming was so blessed that he had an incredible idea in his heart.

He pointed his finger to the sky, and the fifth soul skill 'Golden Sun' suddenly activated, and a huge light ball with golden lightning appeared above his head. With the continuous injection of soul power, the ball of light grew larger and larger, and its diameter soon expanded to several thousand meters.

This 'gilded sun' illuminated the pitch-black dead space, but the heat it emitted also evaporated a large area of ​​sea water, and the diffuse steam spread out in all directions.

With a thought in Yu Tianming's mind, this huge ball of light was suspended at the top of the dead space. The scorching light is like a real sun, completely illuminating the entire space.

While creating the gilded sun, Yu Tianming pointed his finger at the earth. Controlled by the earth element, this is the same as the dead space, and the soul skill from the mountain dragon king's torso bone suddenly activates. A land with a radius of hundreds of miles rose from Yu Tianming's feet.

This huge piece of land with a radius of hundreds of miles suddenly rose to a height of several thousand meters. While draining away the sea water, it also quietly buried the remaining body of the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King.

This plot of land was eventually raised into a small island in the center of the space, and many of Yu Tianming's items that had sunk to the bottom of the water returned to him.

At this time, the dead space attached to the torso bone of the Mountain Dragon King completely changed its appearance. There are land, oceans, and the sun hanging high in the sky. It became a water world where most of it was the sea.

If some plants were planted on the land in the center, it would not be much different from the real world.

It seems that due to changes in the environment, the water vapor in the space began to gradually condense and turned into dense raindrops, which continued to fall from the sky.

Yu Tianming made a casual move, and a blue left leg bone glowing with golden light flew into his hand. This soul bone was in excellent condition, with golden light constantly flashing on it. Its quality was far superior to the broken soul bones that had experienced countless years in Dragon Valley. bone. This is the left leg soul bone dropped from the corpse of the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King.

In Douluo Continent, not only the soul rings dropped by ordinary soul beasts can only be absorbed by specific soul masters. Even a hundred thousand year old soul beast will only drop soul bones that the soul master does not have.

Yu Tianming already had the torso bone of the Mountain Dragon King on his body, so the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King dropped the left leg soul bone.

After casually transforming the environment of the water world, he was about to leave when he suddenly noticed a crooked bluesilver grass at his feet that was about to wither.

The leaves of this blue silver grass no longer have the original blue color, but instead show the same light yellow color as leek. All the outer leaves have withered, and only a handful in the center are still strong.

Yu Tianming thought to himself: Isn't this the Blue Silver Emperor that he took away from the waterfall a month ago? At that time, it was thrown into the dead space. But I didn't expect it to survive until now.

You must know that there is no water, no sunshine, and even no air. But after a month, it was still able to survive. Should I say it or not, this is truly the emperor of the Blue Silver Grass, and his vitality is indeed tenacious enough.

Yu Tianming looked at the desolate water world and thought: There is no air here, and the temperature changes are extremely drastic. No plants can survive. It's better to give Blue Silver Emperor a chance. If she can survive successfully, it can be regarded as a greening of the water world.

Thinking of this, Yu Tianming thought, and a small pit appeared below the Blue Silver Emperor. The next moment, loose soil wrapped the roots of the Blue Silver Grass.

The Azure Bull Python's Soul Bone Skill and Wood Element Control were activated immediately, and a ball of green air full of vitality was thrown towards the Blue Silver Emperor from Yu Tianming's hand.

In the rain curtain, the Blue Silver Emperor swayed gently under the beating of raindrops. With the moisture of sunshine and rain, the yellowing buds in its center appeared a bit green.

But when the green air mass blended in, the withered leaves around it came back to life. Not only did the entire grass turn blue again, the dying Blue Silver Emperor even sprouted a few new shoots.

After doing all this, Yu Tianming flashed, disappeared from his own water world, and reappeared in the Demon Whale Sea.

At this time, only half the time of the incense stick had passed. Yu Tianming looked at Bo Saixi who had been standing in mid-air for a long time, and chuckled: "Great sacrifice, the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King has been killed by me. Next, Ah and I Zhu and Azi are about to return to the mainland, and we will go back to Poseidon Island to see you if we have the chance."

Bo Saixi nodded slightly while leaning on Poseidon's scepter. Although she no longer wanted the successor of Poseidon to leave, facing the powerful Yu Tianming, she just joked, "Tianming, you must be careful on the road, don't let Ah Zi also fell into the space turbulence."

"Don't worry, High Priest, I will definitely ensure Ah Zi's safety."

After saying that, Yu Tianming held A'Zhu in one hand and A'Zi in the other, and the three of them turned into a white light and disappeared in the Demon Whale Sea.

After lighting a stick of incense, the three of them appeared on the streets of Hanhai City.

As the largest seaside city and port city on the Douluo Continent, the prosperity of Hanhai City is close to that of Tiandou City. Although they passed by Hanhai City several times on the way to Poseidon Island, they had never visited this city in detail.

Walking on the streets blown by the salty sea breeze, the shops along the streets were filled with all kinds of exotic and strange items, which constantly attracted the attention of the nobles and the nobles.

Azi hugged Yu Tianming's arm while looking at the street scene of Hanhai City, and said excitedly: "Young Master, we have been practicing non-stop these years, and we haven't had a good rest for a long time. Hanhai City is so prosperous, we How about staying here for a while.”

A'Zhu held Yu Tianming's hand and also helped on the other side: "We haven't gotten together for a long time. If the young master has nothing important to do, we can relax in Hanhai City for a few days."

Yu Tianming thought: Now the Shrek Seven are receiving running training from Yu Xiaogang, there really is nothing important.

He smiled at the two women and said: "Then let's rest in Hanhai City for a few days, but we have to find a hotel first so that I can absorb the soul bone of the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King."

The group of three people passed through the bustling crowd and soon arrived at the center of Hanhai City, where they randomly found a hotel and checked in.

In the hotel room, Yu Tianming sat directly on the sofa as soon as he entered the door, absorbing the left leg bone left by the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King. When the sky turned dark, he slowly opened his eyes.

A'Zhu, who was wearing red silk pajamas, sat next to Yu Tianming, rested his head on his shoulder, and asked casually: "Young Master absorbed the soul bone of the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King. I don't know what soul he got." Skills?”

Regarding this soul bone skill, Yu Tianming did not hide his thoughts, "The first soul bone skill, time and space shattering, has the effect of turning the surrounding time and space into crystals. It can not only suppress the enemy, but also break the crystallized time and space and give it to the enemy." Cause irreparable harm.”

"I know about suppressing space, is it possible that time can also be suppressed?" Upon hearing the effect of this soul skill, A'Zhu, who had not cared much at first, suddenly became interested. She looked at Yu Tianming with an incredulous look.

Yu Tianming replied seriously, "Yes, time can also be suppressed by this soul skill. Don't think that time is mysterious and difficult to control. There are quite a few martial arts and soul skills related to time in Douluo Continent. Dugu Bo's third The Eight Soul Skill Time Freezing is an example.”

"Doesn't that mean that when young master faces weird time-based soul skills, you will have ways to defend or even counterattack in the future?"

Yu Tianming nodded approvingly, and turned to look at Azi, who was leaning against the door frame not far away, "The second soul bone skill brought to me by the Deep Sea Demon Whale King is water element control. Hence the name, it can completely Although Azi has become the heir of the Poseidon, her control over the water element is still far inferior to mine.”

"The young master has better control over the water element than his maid, that's normal." Azi didn't care about the soul bone skill of the Deep Sea Demon Whale King. She walked up to behind Yu Tianming step by step, holding her hands on She held his shoulder and smiled softly: "It's getting late, young master, it's time for you to rest."

A'Zhu, who was beside him, also had a slightly red face, eyes full of eyes, staring straight at Yu Tianming, what he was thinking was self-evident.

Seeing this, he said no more, stood up from the sofa, chuckled and said, "Since it's already late at night, let's go to bed early." After that, he walked straight to the bedroom.

The two sisters Zhuzi looked at each other, smiled knowingly, stood up, and followed his pace.

An hour later, during an unknown celebration in Hanhai City, the streets suddenly became lively late at night, and bursts of bright fireworks began to explode outside the windows.

The three of them put on their pajamas and opened the curtains. At this time, fireworks were blooming outside the house, and the sky was filled with colorful colors, just like the starry sky in summer. It was so beautiful that the entire Hanhai City was lit up by the fireworks all over the sky.

Ah Zi smiled and said: "I have been practicing non-stop these years. I haven't seen such a beautiful scenery for a long time. I really hope I can stay at this moment for a while."

Yu Tianming patted her shoulder, "After I become a god, I will have plenty of time. Then I can accompany you to see the countless wonders in this world."

"Young Master has become a god, A'Zi has also received the inheritance of the Poseidon, but I am just a mortal, and I can only accompany you for a hundred years at most." As he spoke, A'Zhu choked up.

Yu Tianming held her in his arms and said with a joking smile: "I know a god, the God of Fire, who is quite suitable for you, A'Zhu."

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