The Three Dragon Kings of Douluo

Chapter 124 Soto City, Soul Fighting Arena

The God of Fire is the same first-level god as the God of Poseidon. In the original work, Ma Hongjun failed to inherit the God of Fire, so he retreated and chose the Phoenix God, the peak of the second-level god.

"God of Fire? Young Master knows the inheritance of this god?" The sadness in A'Zhu's eyes was swept away, and he looked at Yu Tianming with a burning gaze,

Yu Tianming patted A'Zhu on the shoulder, "I'm sorry to disappoint you. The Fire God doesn't have an accurate inheritance location like the Poseidon. But as long as you practice to a titled Douluo before the age of 30, the Fire God will give you the inheritance."

Upon hearing this, her bright eyes dimmed again, "I will soon be 22 years old, but my soul power level is only 69. With only more than 8 years left, how can I have the chance to become a titled Douluo?"

At the age of 22 and level 69, A'Zhu's cultivation speed has surpassed the mainland, even far surpassing Tang Hao back then. But if you want to obtain the inheritance of the gods, this cultivation speed is far from enough, otherwise Tang Chen would not have entered the killing city.

Regarding her dilemma, Yu Tianming had already thought of a solution.

He took out the inner elixir of the ten-headed blazing sun snake. Although it had been soaked in sea water in the water world, the energy of the inner elixir had not been lost at all. Ordinary people would even be burned if they held it in their hands.

Yu Tianming handed the inner elixir to A'Zhu and said seriously: "What I have in my hand is the inner elixir of the ten-headed blazing sun snake, the king of snakes. Although your martial spirit has faded away from the snake body, you are still the same as the ten-headed blazing sun snake." The First Fierce Sun Snake has extremely high compatibility, so choose it for your seventh soul ring.”

"Oh? This inner elixir is the same as the god-given soul ring. It can be used directly as a soul ring. But the seventh soul ring is so important, why not choose the god-given soul ring to absorb instead of the inner elixir of the ten-headed blazing sun snake? ?" A'Zhu looked at the fiery red bead in his hand, his eyes full of confusion.

"Although the god-given soul ring will give you the most suitable soul skills, the ten-headed blazing sun snake is a strange species from the ancient times, and its inner elixir may allow your martial soul to evolve again."

A'Zhu shook his head and said, "Young Master, you have taken the trouble, but the evolution of the martial soul cannot increase the speed of cultivation much, and becoming a god is still far away."

Yu Tianming picked up her earlobe and said with a joking smile, "I know how difficult it is to be promoted to a titled Douluo in 8 years. Absorbing the ten-headed blazing sun snake is only the first step. After you are promoted to Soul Saint, there are other ways. Level up."

In A'Zhu's impression, Yu Tianming never spoke big words.

She accepted the inner elixir of the ten-headed blazing sun snake, and her expression turned from sadness to joy again, "I will definitely work hard to practice as a titled Douluo and strive to obtain the inheritance of the God of Fire."


A few months later, Yu Tianming, who had rested for a long time in Hanhai City, brought the two nobles to the Great Soul Fighting Arena in Soto City.

Soul fighting is the most traditional and popular entertainment project in Douluo Continent.

The Fighting Spirit Arena is like the Colosseum in ancient Rome, and it is more like Douluo Continent’s version of an entertainment club. Rich people can get the ultimate enjoyment in the spirit fighting arena. People who can afford to have enough food and clothing can also buy low-priced tickets to watch the battle of soul masters in the hall of the soul fighting arena.

At this time, night has fallen, and soon the most exciting 7V7 team battle will begin. The Soto Spirit Fighting Arena has reached its busiest moment every night, and bustling crowds begin to gather here from all directions.

Yu Tianming and Zhu Zi had already arrived at the VIP room, silently waiting for the start of the soul fighting competition.

In the Soto Great Soul Fighting Arena, the scattered lights from the central main fighting arena were focused towards the Soul Fighting Stage, and the layers of auditoriums were plunged into darkness. The host in a dignified and beautiful white dress was holding a cone-shaped loudspeaker soul guide. , with a professional smile on her pretty face, introduced the teams for this battle to the audience.

"The two sides fighting tonight are the Royal Fighter Team and the Shrek Team. Although they are only at the Soul Master level, they already have the honor of the Silver Fighter Soul Badge. If I have to give them a title, I would call them Genius Doudou won’t say anything else. Next, let’s invite the players from both sides.”

On both sides of the Soul Fighting Stage, two doors opened silently. Team members from both sides entered the room at the same time and walked toward the center of the Soul Fighting Stage.

In the Imperial Fighting Team, Yu Tianheng and Dugu Yan are gone, but there is a collateral disciple of the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus, a control-type soul master from Wuhun Willow, who seems to be not weak in strength and has the cultivation level of a soul master.

Opposite the Imperial Fighting Team, the Shrek Seven Devils, who had been trained by Yu Xiaogang for several months, were uniformly dressed in black uniforms and shit-green half-face masks, and walked towards the Soul Fighting Stage in unison.

As soon as the players from both sides came on the stage, Dai Mubai from Wuhun White Tiger and Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Soul Master from Huangdou Team met their eyes.

The eyes of the two people froze for a moment, and as their momentum collided, the sound of dragons roaring and tigers roaring seemed to be heard throughout the spirit fighting arena.

"Soul masters on both sides participating in the group battle, please note that you have one minute to summon your own soul from now on. When I announce the start, you can only attack until one party surrenders, collapses, or falls off the soul fighting platform."

Doudou, who was floating in the air, flapped her snow-white dove wings and spoke to the players on both sides with her soft and moving voice.

That soft voice was a pleasure to the ears of the VIP audience watching the battle, but to the ears of the Shrek Seven Monsters and the members of the Imperial Fighter Team, it meant that the battle was about to begin.

On the central soul fighting stage, a total of fourteen people from both sides released their soul power at the same time, and fourteen strong fighting intentions rose into the sky.

Because Shrek had no defensive soul master, Dai Mubai of the offensive system stood at the front. Xiaowu Xiaowu and Zhu Zhuqing, two agility-type soul masters, were waiting in formation behind Dai Mubai. The three of them formed a cone-shaped formation to protect the teammates behind them.

As a control spirit master, Tang San stood behind the three of them, ready to provide support at any time. Ma Hongjun, who can attack from a distance, and two auxiliary soul masters, Ning Rongrong and Oscar, stood at the last position.

The formation of the Imperial Fighter Team is completely different from that of the Shrek Seven Devils.

The Shi family brothers, who possessed the Black Tortoise Spirit, stood at the front of the team, one on the left and the other on the right. With the release of the martial soul, the two people stretched their shoulders forward and half-bowed their backs. A dark yellow tortoise shell made of condensed soul power appeared behind them.

Behind the Shi brothers are the collateral soul masters of the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect. Because the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex has such a famous name, as soon as he possessed the martial soul, he ignited the emotions of all the distinguished guests.

Yu Tianming was at the window of the VIP box, looking at the soul master from the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect with doubts on his face.

A'Zhu, who was beside him, saw his expression and explained softly: "Because Yu Tianxin's soul power level is too high, the sect sent another disciple from the side to take his place when it is inconvenient for him."

Yu Tianming nodded, "Although I have never seen this side disciple, his soul power level seems to be not low."

"I heard that his soul power level has reached Soul Master Level 35. He is already 22 years old this year and will be able to participate in the Soul Master Competition in two years." A'Zhu, who is familiar with the sect's situation, continued to explain.

This competition between Shrek and the Royal Fighter Team is quite interesting.

The controlling soul master of the Imperial Fighting Team and Tang San are both plant martial souls, but one is a mutated blue silver grass and the other is a ghost vine. Like Tang San, he stood in the center of the team. Countless spiked ghost vines surged out from under his feet, covering half of the soul fighting platform in an instant.

Purple Ghost Vine, black and red Blue Silver Grass, two very similar martial spirits are clearly distinguishable, each occupying half of the Soul Fighting Stage.

The soul power level of the Imperial Team is much higher than that of the Shrek Team. This battle has not yet begun, but the faces under the masks of the Shrek Seven Devils have become extremely solemn. Tang San was the only one who showed no fear, his eyes were filled with bloodlust and greed.

Seeing that both sides were ready, the host Doudou, who was flying in the sky, gave an order, and the players from both sides instantly fought together.

Dai Mubai raised his head to the sky and let out a tiger roar. After using the White Tiger Protective Barrier, his whole body was shrouded in a layer of golden light, and he took the lead to rush towards his opponent. His indomitable momentum looked extremely amazing.

A colorful light lit up, and Ning Rongrong's 30% increase in power speed was blessed on Dai Mubai, making him look far more powerful than an ordinary soul master.

Facing the imposing Dai Mubai, the Black Tortoise brothers were not afraid at all. The soul ring under his feet lit up, and the earthy yellow light on his body was even brighter. At the same time, his body actively moved closer to Dai Mubai, blocking his way from the front.

Just when Dai Mubai's attack was about to fall, the heads and limbs of the Xuanwu turtle brothers suddenly retracted into their chests. As the carapace closed, the two men suddenly became invulnerable. Unexpectedly, the basalt turtle turned out to be a closed-shell turtle.

Dai Mubai's tiger claws scratched the tortoise shells of the Shi brothers, sparks flew up, and a clanging sound resounded throughout the audience.

At this moment, a blue figure appeared in front of Dai Mubai. The thick dragon arms shone with a dazzling blue light under the lights of the central fighting arena. Before anyone arrived, blue thunder and lightning were already there. The claws condensed in mid-air and went straight to Dai Mubai's open chest to slap him.

But at this moment, Dai Mubai was gently pulled by the blue silver grass around his waist, and with Tang San's technique of catching the dragon and controlling the crane, he immediately escaped from the attack range of the dragon's claw.

As the first soul skill inherited from the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family, the Thunder Dragon Claw passed through the air for more than ten meters before dissipating. Wherever it passed, the air was violently distorted by the high temperature.

Missing a hit, the two collided again.

With the blessing of Ning Rongrong's Seven Treasures Glazed Pagoda, when the dragon claws and tiger claws exchanged, Dai Mubai actually overpowered the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus and gained the upper hand.

Lan Yin Cao and Gui Teng began to expand rapidly on the field, quickly occupying the entire arena, and began to contact and entangle in the middle line of the Soul Fighting Stage.

Bluesilver grass and ghost vines intertwined together, forming a chaotic green sea. The slender branches were mixed together, each with tiny spikes, like countless knives scattered evenly on the ring, which was daunting.

The ghost vine is an extremely terrifying plant-type soul beast. It contains extremely strong neurotoxins. As long as it is pricked by its sharp thorns, the toxin will be emitted immediately until the enemy turns into pus and becomes the fertilizer of the ghost vine. until.

When it attacks, it will emit countless tiny seeds on its own, which will parasitize the enemy. The seeds of the ghost vine will continuously absorb the enemy's soul power. When enough nutrients are absorbed, it will break through the host's flesh and blood and grow another ghost vine again.

Blue Silver Grass is known as the weakest plant martial spirit. But Tang San's Bluesilver Grass had the blood of the Emperor and had extremely huge potential. After absorbing three poisonous animal soul rings, he also grew spikes all over his body, which looked even more terrifying than the ghost vine. Because the second soul ring absorbed vampire bats, Bluesilver Grass also has an absorption ability that is not inferior to that of Ghost Vine.

With the two major skills of Purple Devil Eyes and Capturing Dragons and Controlling Cranes, Tang San's ability to manipulate countless bluesilver grasses even overwhelmed the ghost vine soul master on the opposite side. The bluesilver grasses in the arena kept moving towards the Imperial Team. direction spread.

"Shrek Academy has won. There is no need to continue watching this battle." Yu Tianming stood in front of the glass window of the VIP box, sighed, turned and walked out of the room.

A'Zhu and A'Zi looked at each other and quickly stood up, following Yu Tianming's footsteps.

There are a total of 12 high-end VIP rooms in the Soul Fighting Arena in Soto City, evenly distributed above the main Soul Fighting Platform. Team battles can be watched from a high altitude at close range.

After the Tiandou Royal Academy team appeared, Yu Tianming used electromagnetic induction to scan the entire soul fighting arena and found that Yu Tianxin had also arrived here, but his soul power level was too high and he did not participate in the soul master competition.

Yu Tianming led the two maids out of VIP Room No. 9, followed the arc-shaped passage above the Soul Fighting Field, and came to the door of VIP Room No. 3 where Yu Tianxin was.

As Dai Mubai and Tang San gained the advantage, the balance of victory began to tilt towards Shrek.

Yu Tianxin, who was watching the battle, heard the maid outside the door announcing that there were visitors from the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect. He forced himself to invite a few people into VIP Room No. 3. Seeing that the visitor was Yu Tianming, whom he had not seen for three years, Yu Tianxin's stern face instantly relaxed. She stood up and said with a smile, "Tianming, why are you here?"

"We haven't seen you for three years. I came here specifically to see you." Yu Tianming smiled slightly and walked up to him in three steps. First, he pressed Yu Tianxin's shoulders and asked him to sit on the sofa, and then he sat down beside him.

Yu Tianming, who had reached the title Douluo and achieved the body of a god, had a moment of induction, and Yu Tianxin's level 58 cultivation level was clearly revealed. Hu Liena, who was born with full soul power, only achieved Soul King cultivation at the age of 20. And Yu Tianxin absorbed the ninth-grade Longzhi, and like the Shrek Seven Monsters who absorbed the fairy grass, he had a cultivation level close to that of the Soul Emperor before he was 20 years old.

You must know that Qin Ming is known as the second youngest Soul Emperor in the continent, but he only reached the Soul Emperor cultivation level in his 30s. Yu Tianxin's talent is already astonishing.

But when he saw the two maids A'Zhu and A'Zi next to Yu Tianming, he still lamented: "In the past year, what I regret most is that I didn't go to Poseidon Island with you. A'Zhu's strength has long surpassed mine. , I don’t even dare to guess your cultivation level.”

Yu Tianming smiled helplessly and did not answer his question. Instead, he said: "Royal Tiandou Academy, what is the origin of the controlling soul master with Gui Teng Wuhun? I looked at his face and felt that he looked familiar, but I couldn't remember it. Where have I seen it?”

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