The Three Dragon Kings of Douluo

Chapter 126 Qin Ming, Shrek’s thoughts

Yu Tianming suddenly thought of a question and looked at Qin Ming with confusion, "I wonder when Teacher Qin Ming graduated from Shrek?"

Qin Ming scratched his head, "Because I met Dean Flender before Shrek School was established, I graduated not long after Shrek School was established. After graduation, I began to travel across the mainland. A few years ago, by chance, I Then he entered Tiandou Royal Academy and became a teacher."

Yu Tianming glanced at the defeated members of the Imperial Fighting Team and said with a smile: "What a coincidence. Teacher Qin's teammates met the Shrek Seven Monsters Team. You don't want to see the development of your alma mater anymore."

Qin Ming nodded, stood up, and said with a gentle smile: "That's what I meant. I have been away from Shrek for so many years, and I must meet Dean Flanders this time. Although Tianxin is the captain, his cultivation is He is almost like a teacher, and he is also responsible for teaching the team. If you have anything, you can ask him. "

After that, Qin Ming stopped lingering and hurriedly left the box.

Looking at Qin Ming's retreating figure, Yu Tianming smiled and said nothing, thinking: How did Flanders educate Qin Ming, so that he could treat Shrek Academy as his home without giving him any resources?

In the original work, Qin Ming became an 81-level Contra when he was in his 40s, but he still jumped to challenge Ghost Leopard Douluo for Shrek, so that he died at a young age.

Not only Qin Ming, Shrek's Shao Xin, Zhao Wuji and other Soul Saint Soul Emperors could have easily enjoyed glory and wealth, but they all followed Flender to Shrek and became teachers. Not only is there no salary, but most of the time, there are not as many students as there are teachers.

Looking at it this way, Flanders is simply Douluo Continent's version of Liu Bei. He has so many people following him even if he is broke. Even if Shrek's management is a mess, these teachers will still stick with him.

It's a pity that Yu Xiaogang is the leader in the Golden Iron Triangle's martial soul fusion skills. This resulted in Flanders, who had been shrewd all his life, being subtly brainwashed by Yu Xiaogang, who was incompetent at everything, and willingly let Liu Erlong out. Because of Liu Erlong's words, he ran to a small village and opened a school.

Yu Tianxin on the side patted the thoughtful Yu Tianming and asked doubtfully: "Tianming, where did you know about Shrek Academy? What is the origin of this so-called Shrek Academy?"

Hearing this, Yu Tianming showed a meaningful smile, "It seems that you have a lot of connections with Shrek Academy: Yu Xiaogang once formed a team called the Golden Iron Triangle with Flanders and Liu Erlong to travel. In mainland China, the relationship between these three people is very unusual. It was only after they disbanded that Flanders founded Shrek Academy."

Yu Tianxin had long known about the bloody love between his own aunt and Yu Xiaogang, but after hearing Yu Tianming's words, he suddenly realized that there was also a Flanders involved. Could it be that this combination was a love triangle? ? His face suddenly became as ugly as eating a fly.

He looked into Yu Tianming's eyes, and finally couldn't hold back his curiosity, and asked tentatively: "I heard that the three of them have martial soul fusion skills. Is it possible that they have that kind of relationship?"

Yu Tianming nodded, "It's the same as what you thought, except that the three of them are still separated. As for the reason, you must also know."

Yu Tianxin murmured: "Fortunately, grandpa broke them up at that time, otherwise they wouldn't know what evil they were going to do."

Living in the Landian Overlord Sect since childhood, Yu Tianxin does not think that the marriage of Liu Erlong and Yu Xiaogang is against ethics, just because Liu Erlong is his biological aunt. If Yu Xiaogang is stained with the shame of the sect, then it will be It's so embarrassing. If the Iron Triangle's love affair breaks out again, Yu Tianxin will no longer be able to survive in the soul master world.

Looking at Yu Tianxin who was thoughtful, Yu Tianming stood up and patted his shoulder, "Don't take these things too seriously. I'll leave first if I have something else to do."

After that, he took A'Zhu and A'Zi and left the box.

Yu Tianming came to Soto City not only to give Yu Tianxin soul bones, but also to take this opportunity to see Ning Rongrong and his uncle Yu Xiaogang, whom he had not seen for many years.

This guy Yu Xiaogang used his theory of martial arts to deceive countless civilian soul masters; he hooked up with the saint in the martial arts hall, causing Qian Xunji to commit violence; and he brainwashed Flanders, who had been shrewd all his life, into a die-hard believer.

When he arrived in Notting City, he was still uneasy and directly used Tang San to prove his theory and deceived his Blue Silver Grass martial spirit. From the Pope of Wuhun Palace to the poor people, Yu Xiaogang tricked him wherever he went. He was simply the source of all evil in Douluo Continent.

Yu Tianming thought to himself: He has never seen this uncle since his martial soul awakened. After ten years of separation, he still misses his great intelligence.

The words were divided into two parts. Ever since Qin Ming left the box, he rushed to the hotel where the Shrek team was staying. As soon as they entered the hotel, Flanders and Shrek, who were sitting in the corner of the restaurant drinking and chatting, saw Qin Ming.

Flanders, who was most familiar with Qin Ming, quickly waved and said with a smile: "Xiao Ming, we are here, come here quickly."

Among the Shrek Seven Monsters, apart from Oscar, who was adopted by Flanders since childhood, Ma Hongjun, his direct disciple, has spent the longest time with Flanders. Seeing Flanders greeting Qin Ming, he also stood up and shouted: "Senior Qin Ming, the food is ready, everyone is waiting for you to come over."

Qin Ming walked forward and looked at Ma Hongjun, who was standing next to Flanders, in confusion, "Teacher, is this little brother also a student of the academy? When did our Shrek Academy have so many disciples?"

Ma Hongjun was an acquaintance, and he introduced him carelessly: "Senior Qin. Didn't you remember me not long after we separated?"

Qin Ming's eyes widened and he looked at the fat man carefully. "You, you are the fat man who flies in the sky and breathes fire just now among the Shrek Seven Monsters? How old are you this year?"

Although he had certain expectations in his heart, he was still shocked when he saw Ma Hongjun's childish chubby face.

Qin Ming glanced at the several Shrek students present and discovered that except for Dai Mubai and Oscar, all seven of them looked less than fifteen years old.

He has seen Yu Tianxin and Yu Tianming who are less than 20 years old and have cultivation levels above Soul King. The talents of people like Shrek are not considered top talents in his eyes, but it is good for Flanders to be able to recruit such talents at once. student, it really shocked him.

Thinking that Qin Ming was shocked by his talent, Ma Hongjun showed a proud smile on his fat face: "Yes, I am the Evil Fire Phoenix. I am just thirteen years old this year. Senior Qin Ming didn't expect me to be so young."

Seeing Qin Ming's shock, Flanders also smiled proudly, "Jie Jie Jie, Qin Ming, why have you forgotten the tradition of our academy? Shrek does not accept ordinary people, only geniuses. Does that shock you?"

Flender's laughter was the same as his martial spirit, the four-eyed owl, with a hoarse and scary voice.

But Qin Ming didn't care. He swallowed and said, "I just didn't expect that our college could receive so many talented students, and everyone is not an ordinary genius."

Seeing that the time was right, Yu Xiaogang folded his hands on his chest and said calmly: "These children are unique geniuses. That's why I let them wear masks. Although the Imperial Fighter Team has good talents, they have a long history. They are nothing compared to the Seven Monsters of Lake. If they are of the same age, the Royal Dou Team will have no chance of winning."

Qin Ming nodded. Although Yu Xiaogang's words were unpleasant, if Yu Tianxin didn't play, the Huangdou team's talent was indeed slightly inferior to Shrek's.

Seeing that the atmosphere was a bit awkward, Zhao Wuji hurriedly asked Qin Ming to sit down and eat. "Okay, bragging is enough. Qin Ming, please sit down and eat quickly. All the dishes you ordered today were all generously donated by your dear dean, so don't waste his efforts."

The food on this table is quite rich, and the whole table is densely packed.

Qin Ming looked puzzled: Everyone knows that Flanders is stingy.

He sat down, looked at Flanders, and smiled gently: "How can we let the dean spend money? Without you, there would be no Qin Ming today. After so many years, I finally returned to Shrek, give me a Thank you for the opportunity to teach me. I’ll treat you to this meal.”

After listening to Qin Ming's words, Flanders, who was usually very stingy, suddenly stood up and said, "Xiao Ming, don't rob me. I just made a lot of money in the Soul Fighting Arena. This meal is what I want today." Please order.”

Is he still the Dean Flender that he knows when he is so generous?

Qin Ming's face gradually became shocked. After a moment of silence, he tentatively said, "Dean, do you have anything to tell me? If I can do it, I will definitely help you."

Flanders did not answer, but sat down again with a frown on his face, lowered his head and ate the food silently.

Zhao Wuji on the side glanced at Flanders, sighed secretly, and then asked Qin Ming seriously: "Xiao Ming, what do you think of this generation of Shrek students?"

Qin Ming looked at the Shrek Seven Monsters in front of him, and finally focused on Tang San and Dai Mubai, "If juniors and juniors are not from Shrek, I will try my best to get you to the Royal Academy. . With your strength, you might be able to compete in the Soul Master Competition..."

Just halfway through speaking, Yu Xiaogang's voice sounded again, "Even if they are from Shrek Academy, you can still bring them back to Tiandou Royal Academy."

Hearing this, Qin Ming froze on the spot and looked at the master, not knowing how to answer for a moment.

The master glanced at the seven children beside him, as well as Flanders, who was eating silently with his head down, and then said in a deep voice to Qin Ming: "Teacher Qin, you will show your strength in the soul master competition a year later, but every genius soul master's Dream, and there are exactly seven of these little monsters.”

"Master, what did you mean just now?" Qin Ming asked tentatively.

Yu Xiaogang's tone was quite confident, "If I remember correctly, as an academy established by the royal family of the Tiandou Empire, the Tiandou Royal Academy should have two participating places. I hope that these children can join the Tiandou Royal Academy as exchange students and participate in the competition. Teacher Qin Ming, what do you think of the Soul Master Competition one year later?"

Only then did Qin Ming understand why Flanders invited him to dinner so abnormally. When he asked him what he wanted, Flanders became silent again.

Taking a long breath, Qin Ming said calmly: "Although the Tiandou Royal Academy has the title of the first academy in the Tiandou Empire, there have been few powerful soul masters in recent years. The leaders of the academy have little regard for talented students. There is a thirst for talent. Moreover, the juniors and juniors are very talented. It would be a pity if they do not have the opportunity to participate in the Soul Master Competition."

At this point, his tone changed again, and he said in a serious tone: "However, if the juniors and juniors represent Tiandou Royal Academy to participate in the competition, Tiandou Academy will definitely announce to the public that the juniors and juniors are Tiandou Royal Academy. Fighting people!

Yu Xiaogang smiled calmly, "There's nothing wrong with having another college graduate."

Qin Ming did not respond to the master, but looked at Flender, who was lowering his head to eat food, "Dean, what do you mean? Are you sure you want to let the juniors go to Tiandou Royal Academy to qualify for the Soul Master Competition?"

Flanders raised his head dejectedly, his eyes already filled with tears.

The seventy-year-old soul saint wiped away his tears and said to Qin Ming with choked sobs: "Shrek cannot provide the children with a mimetic training environment, let alone provide them with the qualifications to participate in the elite competition of the all-terrestrial soul master academy."

Although he did not continue speaking, Qin Ming already understood his thoughts.

The All-Continent Soul Master Academy Elite Competition is a key platform for Tang San to show his strength, and it is also the best opportunity for Yu Xiaogang to prove himself. He must not give up easily.

The master patted his old teammate on the shoulder and said seriously: "We are just getting what we need from Tiandou Royal Academy. They have gained the reputation they need, and we can also let our children get experience. Flanders, don't forget The original intention of establishing Shrek Academy."

Having said this, the master looked at Qin Ming again, "I have a condition. Tiandou Royal Academy must accept all teachers from Shrek Academy. And let us educate these children personally, without any interference from Tiandou Royal Academy. . When we want to leave, Tiandou Royal Academy is not qualified to stop us."

Qin Ming smiled bitterly and said: "The conditions you proposed are not excessive. All the teachers are celebrities in the soul master world. The academy will probably not refuse and will probably provide the best remuneration. However, Shrek Academy is a member of Flender Academy. The brainchild of the dean, if you really do this..."

Yu Xiaogang interrupted Qin Ming's next words, "These little monsters can now defeat the Imperial Fighting Team. When it comes to the Soul Master Competition, everyone will remember that these are the Shrek Seven Monsters. Flender's hard work over the years can be considered worthy of success." The result.”

Seeing that everyone was silent, Qin Ming also nodded.

Just when Shrek and Qin Ming were about to reach a consensus, another low voice came from outside the door, "Beat the Imperial Fighter Team? Yu Xiaogang, did you know that Tianxin is also in the Imperial Fighter Team? He just didn't play today. That’s all.”

I’ll save two chapters first and then I’ll update them!

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