The Three Dragon Kings of Douluo

Chapter 127 Yu Tianming: Stupid Uncle

Hearing Yu Tianming's familiar voice, Zhao Wuji immediately sat up straight and subconsciously covered the scar on his head. The Seven Shrek Monsters also put down their chopsticks and stared closely at the figure not far away.

Yu Tianming is 5 years older than Tang San. He is 18 years old this year and has a resolute face, strong muscles, and a height of more than two meters. At first glance, he is a very powerful attack spirit master.

A'Zhu and A'Zi followed behind him. They were both tall and wearing long skirts.

After several months of training, A'Zhu, who has reached level 70, has just absorbed the inner elixir of the ten-headed blazing sun snake. She has not yet fully mastered the power, and her long blood-red hair is as windless and automatic as a fire snake. Azi, who has inherited the Poseidon, has the Trident mark of the Poseidon between her eyebrows, which contains the vast aura of the ocean, giving people a sense of sanctity.

Although the two of them did not reveal their own cultivation, the strong aura they exuded from the inside out made the entire restaurant fall into silence. Even Flanders, who had the highest cultivation level, could faintly feel the oppression on the bodies of several people.

Yu Tianming walked to Qin Ming and chuckled: "Teacher Qin Ming, why don't you tell everyone about Tianxin's cultivation, so that Yu Xiaogang thinks Shrek can stabilize the Imperial Fighting Team?"

Qin Ming put down the chopsticks in his hand and swallowed, "Tianxin's strength is the greatest guarantee for the Royal Dou Team to win the championship. In order to prevent criminals from killing people, I naturally cannot reveal his cultivation level easily."

"Shrek Academy is not an outsider. Teacher Qin Ming will tell you about it."

After glancing at the Shrek crowd, Qin Ming breathed a long sigh of relief and said loudly: "Yu Tianxin, the captain of the Imperial Fighting Team, is also the core of the entire team. Because his soul power is extremely powerful, he is the leader of the Soul Lord in team battles. I didn’t play, otherwise Shrek Academy wouldn’t have any chance of victory.”

Yu Tianxin? Ma Hongjun secretly glanced at Yu Tianming in front of him, and asked impatiently: "Senior Qin Ming, please stop showing off. What kind of cultivation is the captain of the Huangdou Team? Has he become a Soul Sect?"

"Yu Tianxin's cultivation is not that of a Soul Sect," Qin Ming shook his head. "He already has the cultivation of a Soul King, and he is a Level 58 Soul King. In addition, he has just turned 18 this year."

18 years old! Level 58!

Everyone in Shrek took a breath when they heard this. How can this be? The 16-year-old Dai Mubai only has a cultivation level of level 38. How did Yu Tianxin achieve level 58?

What the Shrek Seven Devils don't know is that if they can absorb the fairy grass, they can reach the Soul Emperor in 5 years.

When Yu Xiaogang heard this, he could no longer hold back his curiosity. He stood up and asked with a stiff neck, "Who are you? Tianxin is my nephew, how do you know him?"

The corners of Yu Tianming's lips raised slightly, and he looked condescendingly at Yu Xiaogang, "We haven't seen each other for ten years. Why doesn't my stupid uncle recognize me? He even went to Shrek Academy to become a teacher and tricked Shrek's students. "

Looking at the tall man in front of him who somewhat resembled his father, how could Yu Xiaogang not know that this was Yu Tianming?

I remembered that when Yu Tianming had just awakened his soul power, he took the initiative to guide him in his cultivation, but he still spoke arrogantly and insulted the theories he had worked so hard to compile. Yu Xiaogang's face turned red with anger and he pointed at Yu Tianming, but because he was too excited, he was trembling for a long time and could not say a word.

The master has a stubbled face and a slovenly appearance. When he saw Yu Tianming, he became excited and began to tremble constantly, just like the fool at the head of the village.

Ignoring Yu Xiaogang, Yu Tianming casually took out a mahogany chair from the space inside his body and placed it between Ning Rongrong and Tang San. He sat in so naturally, as if he was also a member of Shrek Academy.

He casually put his arm on Ning Rongrong's shoulders. In front of everyone, the little witch Ning Rongrong's ears turned red, and her hands were sandwiched uneasily between her legs.

As for A'Zhu and A'Zi? They are maids. When they see this situation, they just look at their noses and their noses. As if he didn't see anything, he stood straight behind Yu Tianming, one on the left and the other on the right.

Seeing Ning Rongrong's appearance, Oscar, who had been secretly in love with her for a long time, smiled bitterly and thought to himself: What Rongrong really likes is Yu Tianming, and the two of them are true love. For Rongrong's happiness, I should bless them

Flanders felt something in his heart and looked at Oscar, whom he had raised. Flanders only felt that the bitter smile on Oscar's face was very familiar, and it reminded him of Liu Erlong inexplicably.

Everyone present had different expressions and seemed to have their own thoughts.

Yu Tianming turned to look at Tang San, his eyes sparkling. Like an old friend whom he hadn't seen for many years, he said to him gently, "Xiao San, long time no see. It seems that you still listened to Yu Xiaogang's words and chose the animal soul ring for your third soul ring."

Tang San smiled slightly. After he absorbed the Man-Faced Demon Spider, not only did the appearance of the Blue Silver Grass change completely, but it also gained the ability to absorb life force. Having tasted the benefits, he had already completely believed in Yu Xiaogang's theory. .

Hearing Yu Tianming ask about the choice of soul rings again, Tang San said seriously: "Although I absorbed three animal soul rings, the Bluesilver Grass has also evolved. I think the teacher's theory is very correct, and the plant martial souls have also evolved." Can absorb animal soul rings."

After hearing Tang San's words, the master seemed to be inspired by something, and the anger in his eyes turned into excitement.

He said excitedly from the side: "Yu Tianming, don't say sour grapes if you can't eat them. You must have seen Xiao San's battle in the Great Soul Fighting Arena. Even a Blue Silver Grass can become so powerful under my guidance. Do you still dare to question my theory? But it’s useless for you to regret it now. I won’t guide anyone who doesn’t respect their elders.”

Yu Tianming glanced at the excited master. Yu Xiaogang seemed to have regarded Tang San's strength as the result of his guidance and pretended to be in front of him.

He thought to himself: How can a level 29 waste be so brave? He was able to speak nonsense in the Pope's Palace because he liked Bibi Dong. Who gave him the courage to be so arrogant in front of me? Do you really think I'm a good gentleman?

Looking at the weakling in front of him who could be easily crushed to death, Yu Tianming was not angry, but he was interested in teasing.

He smiled disdainfully and said: "Yu Xiaogang, if you think about it again, how could an ordinary blue silver grass awaken its innate soul power? How could an ordinary plant martial soul undergo such a big change after absorbing a few soul rings? "

These two sentences stopped Yu Xiaogang's question immediately, and the master thought to himself: I don't know why Bluesilver Grass changed so much after absorbing three soul rings. As for the reason why my innate soul power is due to the Clear Sky Hammer, I can't tell it in front of everyone.

For a moment, Yu Xiaogang fell into silence.

Looking at the silent Yu Xiaogang, Zhao Wuji nodded repeatedly: I have long felt that there was a loophole in the master's theory. It turns out that this is the mistake.

Knowing that the master's level was insufficient, Yu Tianming did not wait for him to think, but turned to Tang San and explained, "Xiao San, according to my opinion, your martial spirit is probably not an ordinary blue silver grass. Every race has it My own king, there is also the Blue Silver King and the Blue Silver Emperor on top of the Blue Silver Grass.”

"Blue Silver Emperor?!" Tang San and Xiao Wu exclaimed at the same time, and then their eyes met.

Tang San stared at Xiao Wu with burning eyes, "Blue Silver Emperor? Xiao Wu, how do you know this kind of spirit beast?"

Because Xiao Wu is the body of a soul beast, after the arrival of Yu Tianming, whose cultivation level is unknown, she has been trying every means to reduce her sense of existence.

But her exclamation attracted the attention of everyone present. At this point, Xiao Wu could only say helplessly: "I have only heard of the legend of the Blue Silver Emperor, and I only know that she is the emperor of the Blue Silver Grass." He has unparalleled vitality.”

Yu Tianming looked at Xiao Wu meaningfully and clapped his hands slowly, "Yes, the Blue Silver Emperor is the emperor of Blue Silver Grass. It can maximize the vitality of Blue Silver Grass and is also known as To become immortal. Xiaosan's Bluesilver Grass probably has the bloodline of the Bluesilver Emperor, and it is precisely because of this that Bluesilver Grass has such strong plasticity. Unfortunately, animal soul rings are not suitable for Bluesilver Grass. The potential of Xiaosan Bluesilver Grass has also been wasted."

After hearing what Yu Tianming said, Tang San lowered his head and stared blankly at the palm of his hand, falling into silence.

And Xiao Wu's eyes sparkled even more, staring straight at Tang San. Although she has never met the Blue Silver Emperor, the King of Blue Silver Grass, she has heard rumors about the Blue Silver Emperor in the Star Forest. She heard that he turned into a human and ran away with humans decades ago.

Xiao Wuxin said: I heard that the Blue Silver Emperor was sacrificed thirteen years ago, and Tang San happened to be thirteen this year. Could it be that the third brother is the son of the Blue Silver Emperor? Because the third brother is half soul beast, that's why I feel the friendly aura from him?

Everyone fell into silence. Only Zhao Wuji scratched his head excitedly and said nervously: "Yes, yes, that's how it should be. Simply absorbing the soul ring cannot cause the martial soul to evolve. The martial soul has enough potential. , and then absorb the most suitable soul beast, so that the martial soul can evolve in the right direction. Because Xiao San absorbed the wrong soul beast, the direction of evolution was also wrong."

Although Zhao Wuji was talking to himself, his voice was not quiet. Everyone present was a soul master, so they naturally heard it clearly.

Yu Tianming clapped his hands and said slowly: "Zhao Wuji is right. Throughout the ages, so many soul masters have absorbed various soul rings, but their chances of evolution are pitifully small. An ordinary blue silver grass can absorb How could there be such a big change after acquiring several animal soul rings?”

Flanders looked at Zhao Wuji beside him, who kept touching the scar on his head. He thought with a complicated expression: Isn't Old Zhao a rough man? How did he become like Xiaogang and start studying martial arts theory? What he said was clear and logical.

Yu Xiaogang's eyes sparkled even more: According to the theory of Wuhun evolution, the "Ten Core Competencies of Wuhun" will become the "Eleven Core Competencies of Wuhun". After I publish it in the soul master world, who else dares to question my theory?

Tang San, who had been silent for a long time, let out a long breath and forced himself to calm down. He looked at Yu Tianming beside him and said sincerely: "Brother Tianming, you must know. How can my Blue Silver Grass be promoted to Blue Silver Emperor?"

When Tang San asked for help from others, he was absolutely able to bend and stretch. Tang San said 'Brother Tianming', his attitude was extremely sincere, not even Yu Tianheng could compare to him.

Yu Tianming looked regretful and patted Tang San on the shoulder, "Xiao San, once you embark on the road of controlling soul masters, there is basically no possibility of turning back. What's more, you have already absorbed three animal soul rings. This is no longer possible." Promoted to Blue Silver Emperor.”

Tang San's eyes gradually turned gray, but when he remembered that his Bluesilver Grass could still absorb life force, he asked unwillingly: "Brother Tianming, do you think I can make it to the end with my current Bluesilver Grass form? "

"Xiao San, if you are talking about going to the end, you are referring to becoming a titled Douluo, I think it is very possible. But no matter how the Blue Silver Grass mutates, at most it is a high-level martial spirit, and it will never be as good as the Blue Silver Emperor. Top martial arts spirit.”

"You will never be promoted to the top martial spirit? Brother Tianming, don't you have any remedy?" Tang San's eyes flashed with purple light, and he grabbed Yu Tianming's arm excitedly.

Although Yu Xiaogang's theory is full of loopholes, his accumulation of knowledge is solid. Tang San had stayed by Yu Xiaogang's side for so many years, and he knew the difference between top-level martial spirits and high-level martial spirits.

Shaking off Tang San's hand without leaving a trace, Yu Tianming looked regretful and said slowly, "Xiao San, you have absorbed three animal soul rings. I think your martial soul form must have also walked your own path. Now that the matter has come to this, I suggest you continue to hunt for animal soul rings, and go all the way to the end, so as not to lose both ends."

After hearing Yu Tianming's verdict, Tang San felt his eyes go dark, and he collapsed on the dining chair helplessly.

His eyes were closed, his teeth were clenched, and he was breathing heavily, but his fingers gently touched the crossbow arrow hidden in his cuffs.

Tang San's thoughts about the time he was with the master came to mind, and he thought to himself: Yu Xiaogang, you are a waste who has misled others. A mere level 29 great soul master dared to lead me to hunt for soul rings. Not only did I almost die in the mouth of a mandala snake, but he also forced me to absorb animal soul rings.

Originally, as long as I absorbed the plant soul rings step by step, I would have a chance to be promoted to Blue Silver Emperor. But you used me to experiment with your own flawed theory of martial arts, letting me absorb animal soul rings, and ruining my potential. You already have a way to kill me.

And Yu Tianming, you already knew that I took the wrong path, but you didn't tell me clearly right away. You let me absorb three animal soul rings in a row. You also have a way to kill me.

The master has been struggling with the theory of martial arts for decades, but after listening to the conversation between Yu Tianming and Tang San, he suddenly discovered that his theory did have many loopholes. Just when he was thinking about how to modify it, he saw Tang San's devastated look.

Yu Xiaogang, this big liar, didn't know that his precious apprentice believed Yu Tianming's lies.

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