The Three Dragon Kings of Douluo

Chapter 128 Dai Mubai: How shameless

The fact that the master was able to deceive the saint of Wuhun Palace shows that he is still somewhat quick-witted and thought up his words in an instant.

"So what if you are promoted to Blue Silver Emperor? Pure Blue Silver Grass has no offensive power at all. Absorbing plant soul rings will not increase your physical strength, let alone acquire offensive soul skills. You can only let others manipulate them. Absorbing animal souls The rules are different. Xiao San not only has the ability to protect himself in the early stage, but also lays the foundation for later transfer. When the time comes, my theory will be proven correct. "

Transfer to major later? Bluesilver grass has no potential, and it will be useless to replace it with plant soul rings later! Everyone present was confused after hearing Yu Xiaogang's words.

Only Flanders knew that Tang San had the Clear Sky Hammer, and a flash of light flashed through his glasses: Yes, adding animal soul rings to improve physical fitness can lay the foundation for transforming into the Clear Sky Hammer.

Tang San, who had lived in two lifetimes, naturally heard Yu Xiaogang's hint. But he already understood that the master asked him to absorb animal soul rings just to test his theory. Now Yu Xiaogang is just trying to make up for his omissions, but the matter has reached this point, there is no way to remedy it, and it will be useless to fall out again.

Tang San let go of the crossbow in his sleeve and thought to himself: For the sake of the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect, I will let you live a few more days.

Then he opened his eyes, exhaled a long breath, and looked at Yu Xiaogang with reverence in his eyes again, "Teacher, once you are a teacher, you will always be a father. I believe your decision is correct."

"Mistress, me."

The master looked at Tang San's sincere eyes, and his heart was instantly filled with guilt: he had destroyed his Bluesilver Grass, but Xiao San still believed in him.

Yu Tianming had already seen all Tang San's little moves. When he saw the moved Yu Xiaogang, he couldn't help laughing, "Hahaha, I have to remind everyone. Yu Xiaogang's so-called martial soul theory, It is just the most common knowledge in Wuhun Palace and other major sects. He just published this knowledge for the sake of fame."

He turned his gaze to the Shrek Seven Monsters and said slowly: "Unfortunately, Yu Xiaogang is not good at learning, so that his theory is full of loopholes and has harmed many civilian soul masters. You Shrek geniuses, please don't be fooled. He lied."

Most of the Shrek Seven Devils are soul masters. It was only because of their reputation as masters of martial soul theory that they felt at ease and were trained by Yu Xiaogang, a great soul master, for half a year.

Now that they heard Yu Tianming's revelation, they all looked at the master with strange eyes. Especially Dai Mubai, Ma Hongjun and Oscar, who have stayed in Shrek for many years, have long been cultivated by Flanders to have unruly temperaments. If it hadn't been for Flanders around them, they would have had to teach Yu Xiaogang a lesson.

What does the master care about most? One is one's own martial arts theory, and the other is other people's opinions.

Yu Tianming exposed the origin of the Wuhun theory, and the eyes of the Shrek Seven Devils were filled with doubts and disdain. At this moment, the master couldn't hold back any longer. He pointed at Yu Tianming and shivered, but couldn't say a word for a long time. He just gasped for air, and big tears kept rolling out of his red eyes.

Zhao Wuji looked at the master crying, curled his lips in disdain, and whispered: "I have already said that the master's theory is wrong, now you believe me."

The corner of Flender's mouth twitched slightly. After returning from the Star Forest, Zhao Wuji did question the master's theory. He and Xiaosan did not believe him, but they did not expect that the careless Zhao Wuji would remember it until now.

Zhao Wuji's whisper became the last straw that broke the master's mind. Looking at Zhao Wuji with a blank look on his face, Yu Xiaogang was furious for a moment, his eyes darkened, and he collapsed on the chair.

Shrek believes that 'if you dare not cause trouble, you are a mediocre person'.

Not causing trouble, not being afraid of trouble, is called neither humble nor arrogant, and has integrity and character. And who would find trouble with nothing? Ruffians, robbers and bandits. And those who are proud of "daring to cause trouble" and need to use "causing trouble" to prove themselves are not popular among the gangsters.

Flanders, the founder of Shrek Academy, saw his good brother fell on the chair. With his gangster style, he subconsciously burst out the aura of the Soul Saint, and looked at Yu Xiaogang, who was not dealing with Yu Xiaogang, with anger in his eyes. Dawn.

At the same time, the soul saint aura of the two nobles behind Yu Tianming collided with Flanders in an instant.

The two of them became Soul Saints just after they turned 20, and their cultivation levels were similar to those of the seven Shrek people who walked out of Poseidon Island in the original work. But Flanders's martial spirit is just a four-eyed owl, while theirs have dragon blood. The momentum that Flanders had just burst out was instantly suppressed back to him.

Flanders also realized that the group of people in front of him was not something he, the Soul Saint, could handle, so he sat back on the chair with a frown on his face.

Yu Tianming didn't seem to see the collision of momentum between Flanders and Zhu Zi, and said with a smile, "Master just fainted from anger, nothing serious. Dean Flanders, Shrek might as well join Tiandou Royal Academy." Ru Tianxin’s aunt, Liu Erlong’s Lanba Academy, allows your golden triangle to reunite again.”

Liu Erlong's academy? Flanders subconsciously looked at Yu Xiaogang aside, as if thinking of the time the three of them had spent, he was stunned for a moment.

At the dinner table, Yu Xiaogang collapsed on the dining chair, Flanders held his chin in silence, Zhao Wuji scratched at the scar on his head, and the Shrek Seven didn't know what they were thinking.

Ning Rongrong, who was the 'little witch' in the Qibao Glazed Sect, became a good girl in Yu Tianming's arms, staying quietly at the noisy dinner table.

At this time, Yu Tianming had no interest in staying any longer. He looked at Ning Rongrong who was standing aside and said gently: "Rongrong, let's go to Tiandou City and see Sect Leader Ning and Sword Bone Douluo. "

Ning Rongrong was shocked: Going to see his father, Grandpa Jian and Grandpa Bone? Is he going to bring up the matter of getting married? Will they agree? Thinking of this, Ning Rongrong's cheeks turned red, her head was dizzy, and she was stunned for a moment, not knowing how to answer.

When he didn't receive an answer, Yu Tianming directly took Ning Rongrong's little hand, pulled her up from the chair, and then walked out of the restaurant as if no one was watching.

Zhu Zhuqing realized: If Yu Tianming and Ning Rongrong were to leave, who else could protect him? How could she escape the fate of the Star Luo Empire's failure? She stood up suddenly, walked behind several people in three steps and two steps, and subconsciously grabbed Yu Tianming's arm, "Will you guys come back? Can you take me away too?"

There was a deep ambiguity in Zhu Zhuqing's words. Those who didn't know about it would probably think that Yu Tianming had abandoned her. Dai Mubai, who knew about it, also turned green and felt as disgusted as eating a fly.

Of course Yu Tianming knew that Zhu Zhuqing was only seeking asylum, so he was not angry, and just said gently: "Whether Dean Flender goes to Royal Tiandou Academy or Lanba Academy, he will go to Tiandou City. When the time comes, we will go to Tiandou City again." Meet."

Zhu Zhuqing breathed a sigh of relief after receiving Yu Tianming's assurance. She returned to her seat and ate her meal silently.

Due to Yu Tianming's strength, Flanders never dared to stop him. Seeing Zhu Zhuqing come back, he felt relieved: If Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing were both abducted, Shrek would only have five students left. . If you can't even gather seven people, how can you participate in the soul master competition?

Dai Mubai glanced at Zhu Zhuqing, who was sitting down again, and thought to himself: She is so close to Yu Tianming and Ning Rongrong, so she must have been protected. This shameless woman would probably do anything to survive.

Reluctance and resentment began to grow crazily in Dai Mubai's heart like weeds.

When Yu Tianming gradually walked away, Dai Mubai finally couldn't help it anymore, put down his chopsticks and looked at Zhu Zhuqing beside him, and said disdainfully: "As the daughter of a duke, can you sell even your dignity in order to save your life?"

"What's the point of selling your dignity? A certain emperor's son, in order to survive, secretly ran out of the Star Luo Empire and betrayed me." Zhu Zhuqing responded without fear.

"You are looking for death." Dai Mubai slapped the table, stood up suddenly, his evil eyes revealed a fierce look, and looked at Zhu Zhuqing fiercely.

He has never been a good-tempered person. Although he is a down-and-out prince, in the original work, he even dared to threaten the eldest lady of the Qibao Glazed Sect. At this time, the two of them had not yet fused their martial souls, and Dai Mubai had not developed feelings for Zhu Zhuqing.

Xiao Wu was already dissatisfied with Dai Mubai. Seeing Dai Mubai's fierce look, he immediately grabbed Zhu Zhuqing's hand and said sternly: "Dai Mubai! You look like a treacherous bear. Fortunately, Zhu Qing didn't I won’t be happy if I’m with you.”

After hearing the slanders of these two women, how could the evil-eyed white tiger pamper them? The tiger's claws shot out instantly, as if it was about to take action the next moment.

Seeing that Xiao Wu was threatened, Tang San stood up directly. Black and red blue silver grass covered with spikes grew out from under his feet and silently crawled around the corners of the restaurant.

Seeing that the situation was gradually escalating, Flanders, who was already in a bad mood, also stood up. Soul Saint's power suddenly erupted, and a hoarse and strange voice sounded in everyone's ears, "Everyone, sit down, I'm still here. , Do you want to change the world?"


The words were divided into two parts. Not far from the hotel, Yu Tianming took Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zi and suddenly came to the center of the water world in his body.

The size of the water world is close to a thousand miles in radius, and the land in the center alone is a hundred miles in diameter.

Thousands of meters deep under the land, many cavities were created by Yu Tianming. He used these underground cavities as storage rings to store tens of thousands of soul bones obtained from Dragon Valley, as well as items needed for daily use.

On the land, a dazzling golden sun hung at the highest point in the space, illuminating the entire world. It was made by the fifth soul skill ‘Golden Sun’, and because it was suspended in the water world controlled by Yu Tianming, it never dissipated. Instead, it continues to dim and shine as the sun rises and sets outside.

Although the Blue Silver Emperor, which was planted by Yu Tianming more than half a year ago, showed no sign of awakening from its hazy consciousness, it had already regained its vitality after several months of rest, and the seeds of Blue Silver Grass were spread throughout the land. It seems that because the water world is not a real small world, the bluesilver grass here looks quite fragile and small, not as strong as the outside world at all.

After Yu Tianming led Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zi to the water world, the first thing everyone saw was the strange flowers and plants around them. These flowers and plants are all fairy grass collected from the Ice and Fire Eyes. After the water world was formed, Yu Tianming transplanted the fairy grass stored in Yu Yuanzhen's place one after another.

Although the water world is not like the Ice and Fire Eyes, which can accelerate the growth of plants, it is also not like the Ruyi Treasure Bag, which can only store living things. The water world can give the fairy grass an environment to grow. After the fairy grass is stored in the water world, the security is much higher than that of Yu Yuanzhen, and even Qian Daoliu cannot take it away in person.

What's even more amazing is that the aura around these fairy grasses is much higher than that in other parts of the water world, making the blue silver grass randomly scattered on the ground look more robust.

The sudden space change made Ning Rongrong cover her mouth in surprise. She looked at Yu Tianming next to her with confusion, and asked curiously: "It's so magical, Brother Tianming, where did you teleport us to?"

Yu Tianming did not tell her that this was the space in his body, but took Ning Rongrong's little hand and led her to a strange plant.

This is a huge flower with a strange appearance: the rhizome and leaves are made of vines, finely combed, but a golden tulip grows on the top, and the rich fragrance that is constantly exuding gives people a sense of majesty and refinement. .

At this time, Yu Tianming looked at Ning Rongrong beside him and said slowly: "Although your Qibao Glazed Tower Spirit is called the most powerful auxiliary spirit, its shortcomings are also very obvious. That is Because the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Tower only has 7 floors, it can only hold 7 soul rings. There is a high probability that your final achievement will be a level 79 soul saint."

Thinking that Yu Tianming disliked her, Rongrong's face turned slightly gloomy. She raised her head and said softly with a pitiful tone: "Although I can only become a soul saint, I can also help you very well. Just like Dad can assist Grandpa Jian, with my assistance, you will also greatly improve your combat effectiveness."

Yu Tianming patted her head and laughed out loud: "I want to say that this flower is called Qiluo Tulip. Taking it can absorb the essence of heaven and earth, and the light of the sun and moon. And the Qibao Glazed Pagoda itself is a treasure. Wuhun, with the help of this Qiluo Tulip, should be able to break through the limitations of Soul Saint."

Ning Rongrong had innate ninth-level soul power, and he often heard the legend of the Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda from Ning Fengzhi.

At this time, Yu Tianming mentioned breaking through to the Soul Saint. Her eyes lit up, and an incredible idea suddenly came to her mind: This flower looked surrounded by precious light, not like an ordinary flower, and Yu Tianming spent a lot of time to get it. Explain, is it possible that this flower can help her martial soul evolve into the Eight Treasures Glazed Pagoda?

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