The Three Dragon Kings of Douluo

Chapter 130 Qian Renxue: Come into the secret room quickly

According to the legend of the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect, if there is a special opportunity, the Seven Treasures Glazed Pagoda can evolve into a Nine Treasures Glazed Pagoda.

The Nine Treasures Glazed Pagoda will not only strengthen the soul master's own foundation, but also be able to break through the limitations of the soul saint's realm. Moreover, once a soul master with the Nine Treasures Glazed Pagoda reaches the level of Nine-ring Titled Douluo, he can have the title of God of Assistance and will have the power to turn things around on any battlefield.

Ning Fengzhi took a deep breath, trying to calm down from the shock of seeing the Nine Treasure Glazed Pagoda.

He first glanced at his daughter and saw the little witch Ning Rongrong standing on the table with her chin raised and a proud look on her face, as if she was waiting for him to ask her how to evolve the Seven Treasure Glazed Glass. tower.

After a moment of silence, Ning Fengzhi turned his gaze to Yu Tianming, "Tianming, can you tell Uncle Ning how Rongrong evolved his martial spirit? This is very important to the Qibao Glazed Sect, and everyone in the Qibao Glazed Sect can give anything in exchange. ”

"I gave Rongrong some fairy grass and Qiluo Tulip, so her martial spirit evolved into the Nine Treasures Glazed Pagoda. As for the reward for the news, it's enough as long as Uncle Ning marries Rongrong to me."

The method of evolving the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda is not a secret, and he has never thought of hiding it from the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect. In the original work, Tang San didn't even care about the leakage of information about the fairy grass, let alone him? He has become the most powerful soul master on the surface, so what should he have to worry about?

"Qiluo Tulip? Fairy grass?" Ning Fengzhi seemed not to have heard the second half of Yu Tianming's words, and was thinking about it while twirling his beard.

Seeing that no one was paying attention to her, Ning Rongrong jumped down from the table and stood in front of Ning Fengzhi, "Qiluo Tulip can absorb the essence of heaven and earth, and the radiance of the sun and moon is contained in the stamens. And the Qibao Glaze The tower itself is a treasure-type martial spirit, and it matches Qiluo Tulip extremely well, so it can help me break through the limitations of the martial spirit. "

Hearing this, Ning Fengzhi's eyes shifted to his daughter again.

Looking at her father's curious eyes, Ning Rongrong raised the corners of her mouth slightly, suppressing a smile and said, "This Qiluo tulip is rare in the world, even the Qibao Glazed Sect can't find it. Dad still puts his mind on my marriage. Bar."

Ning Fengzhi let out a long sigh and looked at Yu Tianming, who was beside him. He was caught in a dilemma and said, "Tianming, if you can help Rongrong's martial spirit evolve, the entire Qibao Glazed Sect owes you a big favor."

Seeing the Nine Treasures Glazed Pagoda Martial Spirit with his own eyes, Ning Fengzhi has fulfilled his lifelong wish. But letting Ning Rongrong marry into the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect, which has the strongest attack power, would bring happiness to her daughter. But the bloodline of the Nine Treasures Glazed Pagoda will leak out. How will the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect deal with itself in the soul master world in the future?

He was silent for a moment before continuing: "You have been gifted since you were a child. The first time I saw you, I also predicted that your future achievements would be extraordinary. My uncle would like to ask, what level of cultivation have you reached now?"

Yu Tianming had a soul guide to isolate him from detection when he was a child. Now that he is full of divine power, it is even more difficult for ordinary soul masters to guess his cultivation level.

"I already have the strength of a titled Douluo."

"Title Douluo!!"

Not only Ning Fengzhi, but also the two Douluo Gu and Jian who had been silent for a long time also exclaimed.

Yu Tianming is less than 20 years old, and it is shocking enough that he can reach the Soul King level. As for Titled Douluo? No matter how powerful his talent is, he still has to wait until he is 40 to reach it. How could he reach this level in his teens?

Ning Fengzhi's face had become solemn.

He and the two Super Douluo around him knew very well the training process of a soul master. If a soul master wants to improve his cultivation, he must make steady progress. If he is too impatient, his life will be in danger.

However, there is also an evil cultivation method in the soul master world, which is to exchange one's own vitality for faster improvement in strength, or to absorb a large amount of other people's vitality and convert it into one's own cultivation.

Looking at the expressions of several people, Yu Tianming released a trace of soul power into the hall without hesitation.

Although he is only level 95, he has been baptized by the Dragon God and his soul power is even more powerful than the level 99 Sendaoliu. This trace of soul power bypassed Ning Rongrong and his daughter and was transmitted to the two super Douluo. Feeling this sacred and solemn aura, even Bone Douluo, who had dry skin on his face, shed a few drops of cold sweat.

Sword Douluo straightened his white hair, looked at Ning Fengzhi, who was not aware of it at all, and interrupted for the first time this morning: "Fengzhi, Tianming is the one we have watched grow up. He knows the basics and is so powerful. He will definitely give Rongrong Brings happiness.”

Bone Douluo also said quickly: "Old Jian, you are right this time. Let the young people handle their affairs by themselves. Feng Zhi, please don't interfere."

Ning Fengzhi was so shrewd that he instantly understood the general meaning of the two of them. Originally, he was still in a dilemma between the Qibao Glazed Sect and Ning Rongrong, but in the current situation, there was no need to consider the sect.

As if a heavy burden had been lifted, Ning Fengzhi breathed a sigh of relief, and then said with a gentle smile: "Tianming, what Uncle Jian and Uncle Gu mean is what I mean, and I agree with you and Rongrong."

Half an hour later, Ning Rongrong, who had been away from home for half a year, stayed with Ning Fengzhi, while Yu Tianming slowly walked out of the Qibao Glazed Sect with a smile on his face.

It's mid-March, the time when peach blossoms are in full bloom.

There happens to be a large peach grove outside the Qibao Glazed Sect. Peach blossom branches are shaded in the transparent sunlight. Pink petals are like clouds, white pistils are like snow, and red threads are like silk. They are scattered all over the ground. Groups of passers-by moved slowly, enjoying the dazzling scene while chatting and laughing with their companions. Some even sat down slowly to enjoy the natural beauty.

Therefore, Yu Tianming walked to Lan Ba ​​Academy in Tiandou City. When he reached the only way to pass Qibao Glazed Sect and Lan Ba ​​Academy, a large group of men and women gathered at the peach grove beside the road, blocking his way.

Looking towards the center of the crowd, you will find that the gathered men and women stopped when they saw Prince Tiandou and gathered around him.

Xue Qinghe has a handsome appearance, red lips and white teeth, and his white clothes are fluttering slightly in the spring breeze. He stands under the peach grove beside the road, quietly watching the beauty of the peach blossoms in bloom, while hundreds of men and women around him are watching the unparalleled handsomeness. Prince Tiandou.

Yu Tianming thought to himself: "Whose husband is Bai Yu? Come back and cross to Tianjin." Seeing the flowers on the east road alarmed the people of Luoyang. This poem is perfect for describing Xue Qinghe who is in his youth.

While Yu Tianming was observing her, Xue Qinghe also turned his head suddenly. Through the crowded crowd, their eyes met.

The moment Xue Qinghe saw Yu Tianming, a joyful smile appeared on his face. He stopped admiring the flowers and ran straight towards Yu Tianming through the surging crowd. Perhaps because of her status as the prince, the crowd immediately gave way to a path as she moved.

At the same time, these young men and women also looked at Xue Qinghe's target - Yu Tianming who was standing not far away.

"Brother Tianming, long time no see. You haven't been in the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect in the past few years. Where have you been? How come you are here?" Xue Qinghe's handsome face was full of joy at being reunited with an old friend after a long absence.

Yu Tianming naturally put his hand on Xue Qinghe's shoulder. He did not answer these questions, but smiled gently: "I just went to propose marriage to Sect Leader Ning. In a few years, you should join me and Rongrong." wedding.”

The marriage between the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect and the Qibao Glazed Sect would shake the continent sooner or later, and everyone would know about it. He had no need to hide it from Xue Qinghe.

"Teacher? Rongrong? Tianming, aren't you engaged to Dugu Yan? When did you get together with Rongrong?" Xue Qinghe's face was full of surprise.

Yu Tianming scratched his head and said sheepishly, "That's what happened in the past two days. Sect Master Ning is your teacher, and Rongrong is the one you watched grow up. The two of us suddenly got together, Brother Xue didn't expect it, right? ”

"I really didn't expect it." Xue Qinghe took a deep breath and said with a serious face, "Tianming, you will be the one to take over the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect in the future. There are so many girls around you, don't just indulge in male and female affairs, which will affect My own practice.”

Qian Renxue's acting skills have also increased a lot over the years of sneaking into the Tiandou royal family.

A few years ago, when she saw Zhu and Zi, she persuaded Yu Tianming to blush even though he was quitting sex. Now that he heard about the marriage with Ning Rongrong, his advice sounded like he was really considering his good brothers.

Yu Tianming said frankly, "With so many soul masters in the mainland, which one doesn't have three wives and four concubines? The more powerful the talent, the more descendants must be left. Young talents are the foundation of the sect's inheritance, and cultivation is secondary."

Hearing this, Xue Qinghe's expression changed slightly. She patted Yu Tianming's back and did not mention the marriage again. Instead, she smiled warmly and said, "Brother Tianming, we haven't seen each other for three years. Let’s go to my Tiandou Palace to have a good gathering today, and I won’t come back until I’m drunk.”

Yu Tianming also became interested, "Hahaha, speaking of which, I haven't been to Tiandou Palace for a long time. I don't know if I still know the way."

The two of them walked shoulder to shoulder and walked through the bustling crowd towards the Tiandou Palace in the center of Tiandou City.

If Tiandou City is the most prosperous city in the entire empire, then Tiandou Palace is the concentrated expression of the power and wealth of the entire empire. Every brick and every tile reveals the empire's strength and prosperity.

No matter you walk into the Tiandou Imperial Palace, whether it is the splendid halls or the huge beams and pillars carved with auspicious cloud patterns, everyone is amazed. The level of luxury far exceeds that of the richer Qibao Glazed Sect.

Under the leadership of Xue Qinghe, the two walked through rockeries, flowing water, pavilions and pavilions, going further and further away, and finally came to a small garden surrounded by a bamboo forest.

Under the breeze, the surrounding bamboo forests swayed in the wind. Without the servants coming and going, the small garden in the palace had a more quiet and pleasant feeling.

Most of the space in the bamboo forest is occupied by an artificial lake. The water here is crystal clear, with lotus flowers and lotus leaves floating on the lake. Occasionally, there are a few koi swimming around, adding a bit of vitality and vitality to the royal garden.

Yu Tianming glanced at the quiet and beautiful scenery around him, with a look of surprise on his face, "Brother Xue, I really didn't expect that there is such a quiet place within the Tiandou Palace."

Xue Qinghe looked deep into the small garden, where he saw a two-story building built next to the lake and wrapped in a bamboo forest.

The smile on her face grew stronger, "Brother Tianming, this is one of the few clean places in the palace, and few people come there usually. I am the only one who stays here all the time, and you are the first person I brought. "

Yu Tianming laughed out loud, "Hahaha, I am really honored to be invited by Brother Xue for the first time."

"This is a good place. I'm afraid you will never want to leave when you come here." Xue Qinghe also laughed in response, and her clear androgynous laughter continued to echo in the bamboo forest.

There wasn't much space here, so the two quickly walked through the corridor by the lake and arrived in front of the small building.

As Xue Qinghe opened the door, Yu Tianming's eyes caught the wall full of books. There were no partitions to separate the rooms, and the entire floor was filled with books, like a small library.

In an inconspicuous corner by the window, there was a desk with several books scattered on it, and thick manuscript papers piled on the edge of the desk.

Xue Qinghe took Yu Tianming to the desk, gently pressed the mechanism on the bookshelf, and a deep secret room slowly appeared in front of the two of them.

Xue Qinghe's face was full of joy, and he smiled towards Yu Tianming and said: "I use this secret room to store some rare and rare treasures. Since it was built, I haven't told anyone about it. Brother Tianming, you are lucky today, come in quickly Look at the treasures in my secret room."

Xue Qinghe's face was full of joy, as if he was a child introducing a secret base, and as if he wanted to show off a rare toy he had collected.

But looking at the deep secret passage, Yu Tianming faintly noticed something was wrong. However, he didn't feel there was any danger and followed Xue Qinghe directly into the deep basement.

After passing through several twists and turns of the tunnel, the two came to the hut at the end. This cabin is only equipped with a small bed, a set of bedding, a simple table and chairs, and an attached bathroom.

If it weren't for the simple decoration, it would be no different from a dungeon.

Xue Qinghe didn't seem to see the confusion in Yu Tianming's eyes, and sat down at the table without any care.

She first took out a jar of wine from her storage ring and filled a glass of jade-like wine for Yu Tianming in front of her. Then she said with a gentle face, "Brother, the underground of this bamboo forest is cool. Drink this first." Warm yourself up with a glass of wine, and I’ll show you my baby again.”

Yu Tianming picked up the wine glass and drank it all in one gulp, "Brother Xue, we took such a long detour to reach your secret room. I want to see what kind of treasure is hidden that makes the crown prince of the Tiandou Empire so cautious. ”

Xue Qinghe looked at the empty wine glass in Yu Tianming's hand, smiled and nodded.

Although her face was still peaceful, the fierce light in her eyes became stronger and stronger, and she said with a smile: "Brother Tianming, please wait for me here first, I will get the treasure for you now."

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