The Three Dragon Kings of Douluo

Chapter 131 Don’t follow your father’s path

Yu Tianming nodded, picked up the wine bottle on the table and started drinking by himself.

This is the traditional fruit wine of the Hu Tiandou Empire. It has not been distilled and purified. It has a glistening green color and a vague aroma of vegetation. Yu Tianming didn't know much about wine, but he only felt it was refreshing and sweet in his mouth, so he drank one cup after another.

Not long after, the simple door to the room was pushed open again, and a woman wearing a palace dress slowly walked in.

This tall woman has a noble temperament and exudes an inviolable coolness in her majesty. Her skin is as smooth as snow, and under her straight bridge of nose, her eyes are slender and deep, which makes people feel that she is out of reach, but her beautiful face makes people fall in love with her involuntarily.

Yu Tianming narrowed his eyes and slowly drank from the wine glass in his hand.

The woman in palace attire in front of her was about 20 years old, but she already had the cultivation of a soul emperor, and she still had a faint aura of a god. Only Qian Renxue in the entire Douluo Continent echoed this trait.

Yu Tianming didn't know why Qian Renxue, who had been lurking in the Tiandou Empire for many years, revealed her true identity in front of him, so he stood still and asked pretending to be curious: "Miss, who are you? Where has Brother Xue been?" "

A satisfied smile appeared on Qian Renxue's face. She did not rush to answer, but slowly sat down opposite Yu Tianming, picked up the wine bottle and poured herself a glass of wine.

"Yu Tianming, I didn't expect you to like my wine so much. In just half a stick of incense, I drank nearly half of the bottle." She stared at Yu Tianming with a smile and said slowly: "I drank the wine." With the nerve-paralyzing poison, even a titled Douluo will become paralyzed after drinking one cup, unable to use his soul power. How much strength do you have to struggle now?"

Yu Tianming's face turned stern, his fingertips shook, and the jade-carved wine glass fell to the ground with a crackling sound, "The wine is poisonous? What is your purpose? Where did you take Brother Xue?"

Qian Renxue stroked her long golden hair that was scattered freely, and the aura of a Soul Emperor suddenly broke out. She first drank all the wine in her hand slowly, and then said with a joking face: "Brother Xue? Am I not your Brother Xue?"

As the words fell, her face slowly blurred and turned into that of Xue Qinghe.

"Hahahaha, in order to relax your vigilance, I took the antidote a long time ago. I originally wanted to have a few drinks with you, but Tianming, you trust me too much." Before Yu Tianming could take a closer look, she turned into Qian Qian again. Ren Xue's appearance.

Hearing this, Yu Tianming's doubts grew more and more: Was it because of the marriage between the Qibao Glazed Sect and the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect that it aroused Qian Renxue's vigilance? She suddenly revealed her identity. Does she want to imprison herself here, or does she want to eliminate the threat from Wuhun Palace?

Yu Tianming did not alarm the snake, but still looked like a victim, looking at Qian Renxue with resentment, "Where did the old Brother Xue go? When did you replace him?"

"When?" Qian Renxue held up her chin with her green-white fingers, her eyes showing memories, "It was probably ten years ago. I met you when I just replaced Xue Qinghe. I still remember taking you to visit the sky. From Dou Huanggong. In other words, your big brother Xue has always been me, Qian Renxue.”

The candlelight in the room reflected her face, and the flickering firelight outlined the soft yet firm outline of Qian Renxue's face.

Wuhun Palace is the most powerful force in Douluo Continent, far superior to the two empires and many sects, and Qian Renxue is the heir to this powerful force. However, due to her special family environment, her temperament is extremely tough and at the same time extremely fragile.

She was silent for a moment and then continued: "I have been lurking in the Tiandou Empire for more than ten years. Speaking of which, we have known each other since childhood. When we first met, Rongrong was still a child who knew nothing and only knew how to use swords. Douluo was frolicking in his arms, I never thought that you two would be together after ten years. Brother Xian, you are so carefree."

Yu Tianming's face gradually became solemn, "So you have known for a long time that Rongrong and I are together. It seems that you are not admiring the peach blossoms on the roadside, but waiting for me. Rongrong and I flew directly to the sky Doucheng, if Qibao Glazed Sect doesn’t have your informant, you won’t know my whereabouts.”

"Brother Tianming, your guess is correct. Originally, I was not planning to take action against you, but who told you that you, the best of all, had to provoke Rongrong, so I had no choice but to take action."

Yu Tianming sighed deeply and asked the last question he wanted to know, "Qian Renxue? Are you from the Angel Clan of Wuhun Palace? We have known each other for so long, and we are considered old acquaintances. Why do you want to kidnap me?" ? Is it because the marriage between the Qibao Glazed Sect and the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect has hindered Wuhun Palace’s plan? "

Qian Renxue stood up and walked slowly behind Yu Tianming. She slowly leaned over, pressed her slender fingers on Yu Tianming's shoulders, put her head to Yu Tianming's ear, and whispered: "Brother, I kidnapped you not because of Wuhun Palace's plan, but just because you are the only one." You are worthy of me, and I like you very much, so I can’t let you continue to be a philanderer.”

In the afterglow of Yu Tianming, Qian Renxue seemed to be drunk, with two faint blushes appearing on her white cheeks. It added an indescribable beauty to her majestic and cold face.

Feeling Qian Renxue's hot breath next to his ears and the itching caused by the long hair on his neck, Yu Tianming sighed slowly.

Logically speaking, martial arts have a great influence on a soul master. Just like Gu Rong would become huge and his skin and flesh would shrink because of his Bone Dragon Spirit. Ghosts will become cunning and mysterious because of his martial spirit. The characteristics possessed by martial souls will be deeply reflected in every soul master, whether it is appearance or psychology.

The angel spirit is just and sacred, and its adherents should be like Qian Daoliu, handsome and noble in appearance, and abiding by the rules in character, like an old-fashioned gentleman. There are only a few people like Qian Xunji who lock their apprentices in a secret room and do dirty things compared to Bidong.

As the heir to the Angel God, Qian Renxue should have been more beautiful and noble than everyone else in appearance, and her heart should have been more righteous and more like a gentleman.

I don’t know if her upbringing environment was too problematic, but she actually inherited Bibi Dong’s talent for love brain. In the original work, she fell in love with Tang San after just a few meetings. Now, after decades of constant contact, she has also fallen deeply in love with Yu Tianming, who far surpasses Tang San in every aspect.

Seeing the misty look flashing in Qian Renxue's eyes, Yu Tianming thought to himself: Although we can barely be considered childhood sweethearts, based on your behavior, I'm afraid we are going to follow the old path of the Chamber Douluo. You are the heir of an angel, shouldn't you be extremely righteous? Is this the dark side of an angel?

Qian Renxue's words completely exposed her heart in front of Yu Tianming. If she made a mistake, I'm afraid a beautiful scene would happen next.

Yu Tianming did not take the initiative to cater to him, but continued to ask, "Brother Xue Qian Renxue, if you like me, there is no need for you to use such methods. I am the young master of the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect, and I am engaged to Rongrong. You caught me and alerted two major forces. Wouldn't it affect Wuhun Palace's plan?"

"So what? My disguise is perfect, and you usually come and go. As long as I declare to the outside world that you are leaving alone tonight, who will doubt me?" She pinched Yu Tianming's cheek, her eyes He gradually became fierce, "You have many maids by your side, and you also have Dugu Yan, your fiancée. Why did you hook up with Ning Rongrong in just a few days? If I hadn't done anything, how many people would you have provoked?"

Yu Tianming fell silent: Although this world is not monogamous, there are already many women involved with him.

As if in response to Yu Tianming's silence, Qian Renxue behind her also made a rustling sound. Under Yu Tianming's induction, she slowly took off the buttons of her coat, and then took off her golden-red Palace dress.

Qian Renxue threw the two clothes on the bed and hugged Yu Tianming from behind. Her breathing became more and more rapid: "There is no right or wrong in love, there are only winners and losers. Even if I The method is not clean, but everything is worth it for success. From now on, you will only belong to me." After that, she put her bright red lips on his cheek.

Yu Tianming sighed slowly, and his thick palm stopped between the two of them.

Although Qian Renxue was extremely beautiful, she was very willing to be with him. But he obviously had the strength to stop her, but deliberately concealed his strength and let her go. This kind of behavior was a bit obscene and dirty. Yu Tianming has no shortage of charm and strength, so why should he use despicable means?

Yu Tianming turned his head, met Qian Renxue's eyes, and said slowly: "Qian Renxue, you"

Before he could finish, Qian Renxue interrupted him, "The secret room we are in is located in the Tiandou Palace. No master can come to Xiaoyuan to inspect. And this room is dozens of meters deep underground. The surrounding walls are paved with special materials. You have no chance to leave. Now if you cooperate with your 'Brother Snow', you can avoid physical pain. "

Because the chairs in the secret room were prepared for ordinary people, when the tall Yu Tianming sat here, the back of the chair could only reach the middle of his waist. Qian Renxue had already taken off her coat and hugged him tightly. The lumps of fat were completely pressing on his shoulders, making people feel a little confused.

At this time, Qian Renxue's eyes became more and more misty, the blush on her cheeks expanded again, and she breathed blue into his ear.

Yu Tianming couldn't help but think that maybe the flaw in Qian Renxue's character was in matters between men and women, that's why she fell in love with Tang San easily, and even chose to be with Tang San during the two divine examinations.

It may be that she lost her father early and was extremely disliked by her biological mother because of her birth. She came to a foreign country to work as a spy at a young age. The multiple influences caused her to have such an extreme lack of love. , so he chose to linger with Tang San in the illusion of divine examination, in order to make up for the flaws in his heart.

She is the heir to the Wuhun Palace and the natural choice of the gods. She not only has the most powerful background, but also has unparalleled qualifications in the world. But in the final analysis, she is just a little girl who lacks love.

Thinking of this, Yu Tianming became more and more gentle.

He stood up, grabbed Qian Renxue's jade-like arm, and looked directly into her misty eyes, "Qian Renxue, Brother Xue, there is no need to do such a thing if you like someone. You are a noble angel." , You should express your feelings openly.”

Qian Renxue was already in a state of confusion. She ignored Yu Tianming's words and subconsciously ignored the fact that he was poisoned. Qian Renxue threw his arm away and threw herself into Yu Tianming's arms like a cat, deeply took a breath.

"Tianming, I was born with level 20 soul power, and I was destined to become the God of Angels. I am so beautiful, why don't you like me? When I become a god, I will bring you to the God Realm, and we will live forever. Wouldn't it be better to be a couple of gods?" She said her biggest trump card without hesitation.

Yu Tianming let out a long sigh, and the divine power all over his body poured out. Feeling the aura that was more sacred than an angel and more majestic than Shura, Qian Renxue in Yu Tianming's arms immediately calmed down and froze in place motionless.

No one in this world has ever seen a god, even Qian Daoliu and Bo Saixi have only seen the projection of a god. Therefore, even if Super Douluo such as Bone Douluo and Sword Douluo feel his aura, they will only think that Yu Tianming's strength is unfathomable and will not associate it with gods.

But Qian Renxue was different. She was born as the successor chosen by the Angel God. She knew the power of the God early on, and she calmed down in just a moment.

Qian Renxue's voice was slightly trembling, "A few years ago, grandpa felt the appearance of Poseidon's descendants in the Angel Temple. In the past few years, you just disappeared at dawn. Have you accepted the Poseidon's inheritance?"

Yu Tianming was also secretly surprised. He did not expect that Qian Renxue could guess most of the things. It was a pity that he was involved in the turbulence of time and space and was baptized by the Dragon God in the Dragon Valley. Otherwise, he would have become the heir of the Poseidon.

He stroked Qian Renxue's head and told her not to be afraid, "I did not inherit the position of Poseidon, but gained the inheritance of another god. It can be said that I have entered the threshold of god."

"So you were just pretending to be poisoned before? Are you just waiting for me to flatter you?" Qian Renxue's eyes were a little red, and the crystal tears slowly moistened them.

She felt like a clown in a circus, always performing in front of Yu Tianming. If he hadn't taken action in time, she didn't know what she would have done. What makes her even more sad is that Yu Tianming rejected her so bluntly, and her relationship over the years has now become a joke of wishful thinking.

Seemingly reading Qian Renxue's thoughts, Yu Tianming helped her sit down on a chair and said gently, "I just want to know if you have a plan for Wuhun. In order to stop the Qibao Glazed Sect and the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect. Marriage, and want to get rid of me here."

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