The Three Dragon Kings of Douluo

Chapter 132 You are all my wings

"If the Brother Xue I know is always you, then our more than ten years of friendship don't count? So what if you are Qian Renxue from Wuhun Palace? After all, we are still childhood sweethearts."

As if being relieved by the true feelings of the 'good brother', Qian Renxue's pair of phoenix eyes slowly narrowed together under the straight bridge of her nose. A smile reappeared on her elegant and indifferent face, as if the loneliness that had lasted the entire first half of her life disappeared at this moment.

Yu Tianming picked up another wine glass and refilled the half pot of poisonous wine left on the table for the two of them. Qian Renxue, who had already taken the antidote, drank the wine in the glass without hesitation, and then poured herself a glass of wine.

Downed a few glasses of wine. Her flushed cheeks rested weakly on her palms, and she stared at Yu Tianming without saying a word, her eyes full of warmth.

Although Qian Renxue is a woman, she is still very tall among men. Corresponding to her tall figure is a plumpness far beyond that of an ordinary woman. After taking off his coat, the perfect curves of his chest like those in anime were displayed in front of Yu Tianming, while his extra straight and slender legs were raised on the bed beside him. Her delicate and smooth skin exuded a radiant glow, unlike that of an ordinary woman.

As the two looked at each other, Yu Tianming smiled gently and said frankly: "Qian Renxue, you are so beautiful. I really don't dare to look at you. How could there be such a beautiful woman like you in the world? To be honest, I was in the first place. I fell in love with you the moment I saw you.”

"Did you fall in love with me at first sight? You're so affectionate," Qian Renxue stroked her messy blond hair to the back of her head and said gently: "'Brother Tianming', just call me Xiaoxue. Grandpa also called me that." ”

Yu Tianming drank all the wine in the cup and said with a wry smile: "Xiaoxue, they"

"No need to say more, I understand." Qian Renxue put her slender hand on Yu Tianming's hand and smiled playfully, "Polygamy is the norm in this world, but if you have me in the future, don't look for it again. Those ordinary women. We are destined to become gods and have a happy life. They will always grow old in appearance, so we don’t want to increase our fetters in this world. "

Yu Tianming did not hesitate and said bluntly, "Although their talents are not as good as yours, they are still considered among the best. As long as I am here, they will definitely be able to ascend to the God Realm and live forever with me."

Hearing this, Qian Renxue's face suddenly turned serious - major families on the Douluo Continent would recruit wives and concubines in order to produce more talented children. Only the most powerful angel clan is different. Without exception, they only marry and have children when they are forty or fifty years old. They only marry one person, have few children, and are extremely dedicated.

Even Qian Xunji, the disgrace of the angel clan, is not a lustful evil spirit. This guy didn't marry before he was in his forties or fifties, and he didn't have sex with any other woman after Bibi Dong. Although the methods are extremely despicable, they can still be considered dedicated.

As the heir to the Angel God, Qian Renxue would not easily be jealous of the woman next to Yu Tianming. She just believed that true love should be a matter between two people, and Dugu Yan and Ning Rongrong were just mortals with a life span of a hundred years. Yi Lao will pass away one day. But after hearing what Yu Tianming said, she couldn't help but frown.

Before Qian Renxue could speak, Yu Tianming held her green-white fingers, stared at her with burning eyes, and said in a deep voice: "Whether it's Xiaoxue, Dugu Yan, or Ning Rongrong, you are all my wings, every day." I won’t give up on anyone.”

Qian Renxue looked at the man in front of her and fell into silence: Call him sentimental, he is willing to spend a huge price to make everyone ascend; call him dedicated, he is not only devoted to Qian Renxue, Dugu Yan and Ning Rongrong are also his special feelings.

On the one hand, she was moved by Yu Tianming's deep feelings, and on the other hand, she was annoyed by his indiscriminate sentiments. Qian Renxue just fell silent and continued to drink the wine in the glass without saying a word.

If Yu Tianming knew what she was thinking, he would definitely say: This is the difference between a harem and a stallion. Although Tang San was devoted to Xiao Wu, he could dig out the soul bones and save Xiao Wu, but he kept saying that Xiao Wu was the most important. But the relief money Xiao Wu received from Wuhun Hall was all kept by San, and he never hesitated to use the soul bone skills that damaged Xiao Wu's soul. From these details, we can see Tang San's true thoughts.

Perhaps, deep affection has never been Tang San's inner thoughts, and his love for Xiao Wu is just a persona that is forced to be concave.

Seeing that Qian Renxue remained silent, Yu Tianming changed the subject and said gently: "Xiaoxue, what is your purpose of lurking in the Tiandou Empire at such a young age? Do you want to usurp the throne of Tiandou?"

In the haze of drunkenness, Qian Renxue gently held her cheek, her eyes revealing the memories of the past, "I want to usurp the power of the Tiandou Empire, let Wuhun Palace unify the continent, and end the rule of these nobles. Of course, this is also to prove that I Own."

Yu Tianming knew in his heart that she was seeking Bibi Dong's recognition, but he did not make it clear, but laughed jokingly, "When will it end after you have been lurking for so many years? Why don't I use the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect and the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect? Force, help you get rid of Xue Ye as soon as possible, and then support my 'Brother Xue' to ascend to the position of Emperor Tiandou."

Sensing Yu Tianming's kindness, she also smiled playfully, "You don't have to help me deliberately, I am destined to win the position of Emperor Tiandou." Then she put down the wine glass, walked to the bed, and picked up her clothes.

At this time, Qian Renxue only had two golden lace clothes on her body. It seemed that because of her deliberate choice, these two clothes fit her tight and round body perfectly. Just when she bent down, an extremely perfect curve appeared in front of Yu Tianming.

Yu Tianming cunningly hugged her waist from behind, placed his right cheek against Qian Renxue's left cheek, and said slowly: "Emperor Xue Ye is not young anymore, and he may die unexpectedly at any time. When the time comes, you... The prince succeeded to the throne with the support of the three Shangzong clans, so he no longer had to work hard to disguise himself. "

Feeling the temperature behind her, Qian Renxue's clear voice gained a hint of charm, "I will let Xue Ye die unexpectedly. Then you can support my succession in the morning." As he spoke, this dignified angel The God's Choice, I don't know if he did it intentionally or not, actually tripped Yu Tianming's calf, his center of gravity was unstable, and he fell straight onto the bed in the secret room.

The white and smooth curves behind her were displayed in front of Yu Tianming, and the atmosphere in the secret room gradually became ambiguous.

Yu Tianming swallowed his saliva and stood motionless on the spot. He understood very well: Qian Renxue was extremely lacking in love, and there were women such as Dugu Yan and Ning Rongrong around him. She just lacked a sense of security and wanted to pass This is a way to keep yourself.

After a moment, without feeling the movement behind her, Qian Renxue turned over again and looked at the man in front of her tenderly and silently.

Yu Tianming let out a long breath, bent down, and kissed Qian Renxue gently on the lips, "I will always stay in Tiandou City during this period, and I will visit 'Brother Xue' often when I have time."

Qian Renxue smiled softly, "Then as Prince Tiandou, I will also visit the 'Xianming Brother Tianming' frequently."


When they left Tiandou Palace, the sun had already set, a bright full moon hung in the sky, and the stars began to shine in the night sky.

Under the illumination of the stars and moon, Yu Tianming slowly walked towards the Lanba Forest not far from the imperial palace. Surrounding this large forest was a rare quiet place in Tiandou City. Because it was getting late, the gate of Lanba College had been closed, and only a light was on outside the guard door.

Yu Tianming walked closer, looked at the doorman who was sleeping in front of the table, smiled and shook his head. Instead of disturbing other people's dreams, he jumped up and flew into the sky above Lanba Academy.

In recent years, with the capital injection from the Blue Lightning Bawang Sect, Lanba College has changed a lot. The thatched house where Liu Erlong lives has become the tallest building in the school. It is not only the principal's office, but also the home of Liu Erlong and Yu Luo. Mian's residence.

On the rooftop of the principal's office, the familiar figures of the two caught Yu Tianming's attention.

Liu Erlong, the murderous corner of the Golden Iron Triangle, had her hair tied up with a cloth handkerchief and simply tied into a ponytail, casually draped in front of her body, just lying lazily on the bench on the roof. Above, a cyan dress swayed gently in the night breeze.

Next to her is an exquisite coffee table filled with pastries and drinks.

Next to the coffee table is another bench of the same style, on which sits Liu Erlong's biological father and Yu Yuanzhen's younger brother, Yu Luo Mian. He has a few long beards and looks about fifty years old. He is tall and looks somewhat similar to Yu Tianming and Liu Erlong.

Liu Erlong looked at the full moon in the sky and said to Yu Luo Mian beside him, "Today is another full moon. Unfortunately, there are only two of us, father and daughter, and my mother can no longer see it."

"If your mother saw what we are like now, she would also be happy for us." Yu Luomian smiled, and picked up a pastry on the coffee table and swallowed it.

Yu Tianming flew over the rooftop and slowly landed in front of the two of them. He looked at them and said with a smile, "Grandpa Er, Aunt Er Long, why do you stay up in the middle of the night and enjoy the moon here leisurely and elegantly? "

"It's not because of you, brat. You clearly promised to arrive at Lanba Academy at noon, but you made me wait until now." Yu Luo Mian blew his beard and said pretending to be angry.

Liu Erlong had a joking look on his face and said: "What's the matter? Tianming, don't listen to his nonsense. My father just had nothing to do, so he woke me up in the middle of the night and pulled me in. Watching the moon from the rooftop.”

After not seeing each other for several years, in the company of his old father Yu Luomian, Liu Erlong no longer looked like a shrew, and his mental state became much more stable. He is very cheerful when talking to Yu Luo Mian and Yu Tianming, and his face is full of gentleness when he smiles, completely unlike the female tyrannosaurus she once was.

Hearing Liu Erlong's trouble, Yu Luomian's old face suddenly stiffened and he quickly changed the subject, "Tianming, your speed is already unparalleled in the world, why did it take you so long? I thought something happened to you."

Yu Tianming thought of Qian Renxue, the 'Secret Chamber Soul Emperor', smiled awkwardly, and said in an evasive manner, "Tell the second grandfather some good news. I am with Ning Rongrong of the Qibao Glazed Sect. I am late to go to the Qibao Glazed Sect today." ”

Liu Erlong's face was full of surprise, "You are talking about Ning Fengzhi's favorite daughter. I heard that she has level 9 innate soul power. It is really rare for an auxiliary soul master to have such a strong talent."

Yu Luo Mian also twirled his beard and said with bright eyes: "Not only that, I heard that because of her outstanding talent, she has been appointed as the next head of the Qibao Glazed Sect. If Tianming marries her, hehe."

Liu Erlong is already in his forties or fifties. Although he still retains his charm, like a normal middle-aged woman, he has no scruples about gossiping.

She looked at Yu Tianming's resolute face and showed a joking smile like her father, "Tianming, I remember that you already have Yan Yan as your fiancée, and she also brought Dugu Bo as a titled Douluo. Now you have another one. You have Rongrong and the support of Qibao Glazed Sect? You are really good at picking people."

Yu Luomian laughed at the side and looked at Liu Erlong, "What's wrong with this? Those who achieve great things don't stick to trivial matters. According to Tianming's situation, if he finds a few more girlfriends, he will unify the mainland. "

Liu Erlong seemed to have thought of something and let out a long sigh, "Father is right, Tianming is simply the lucky star of our Blue Lightning Overlord Sect. Xiaogang is too emotional and too aloof. It would be great if he could learn from Tianming. ”

As soon as he heard the three words Yu Xiaogang, Yu Luo Mian immediately grimaced and thought to himself: This can even involve Yu Xiaogang, a loser. He was sent to contact the saints of Wuhun Hall back then, hoping to establish a good relationship with Bibi Dong. But he was lucky enough to offend Qian Xunji and almost made the sect go to the opposite side of Wuhun Hall. And Tianming was less than twenty, and it had brought great benefits to the sect. Can they compare?

Seeing that the scene fell into silence, Yu Tianming quickly changed the subject and asked, "Second Grandpa, your cultivation has improved a lot in the past ten years. When will you be promoted to Titled Douluo?"

Cultivation is Yu Luomian's life-long obsession, and it is precisely because he values ​​cultivation and strength that he particularly hates Yu Xiaogang, an all-round waste, and particularly likes Liu Erlong, the heir with the best qualifications.

Talking about this most interesting topic, he showed a smile again, "I have been holding back the threshold of level 79 for decades. Once I broke through, I was promoted to level 87 in just 5 years. Maybe it was because of the years of accumulation that I had exhausted, until I’ve only reached level 89 now. As for Titled Douluo, it’s still early for me.”

Yu Tianming nodded and said with a smile: "I don't think it will be long. Within five years, the second grandfather will definitely be able to break through the title. When the time comes, the uncle and I will hunt for the ninth soul ring for you. I will definitely not let you down." ”

Yuluo Mian has absorbed the ninth-grade purple zhi and has enhanced her talent. Although he is older, there is still no big problem in being promoted to a titled Douluo.

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