The Three Dragon Kings of Douluo

Chapter 133 Jade Luo Mian: Two dragons are really filial

Speaking of being promoted to a titled Douluo, Yu Luo Mian was tickled. He happily touched his palms and laughed, "I will have no regrets if I can be promoted to a titled Douluo in this life. If I have any other requirements, I only hope to see the second The dragon is promoted to a title and marries a good man. "

Liu Erlong has reached level 76 in her forties. She is extremely talented and there is no big problem in being promoted to a title before the age of 70. But when it comes to getting married and having children, it is even more difficult.

After hearing Yu Luomian's words, Liu Erlong didn't say much, but his eyes were filled with memories, as if he was thinking of the happy years in the Golden Triangle.

Seeing the expressions on the two people's faces, especially Liu Erlong's eyes full of memories, Yu Tianming's heart moved. Is Shrek going to Tiandou City soon for the Soul Master Competition? Now, before Liu Erlong knows it, it is the best time to take control of Lanba Academy. Liu Erlong cannot be allowed to change the name of Lanba Academy to Shrek.

He looked at Yu Luo Mian, who was sitting on the bench with a happy face, and said slowly, "Second Grandpa, I want to stay in Tiandou City for two years. Can I be a teacher at Lanba Academy?"

Yu Luo Mian heard this and looked at Liu Erlong. He stroked his beard and said with a smile on his face, "Although our Lanba College has expanded its enrollment too fast and is short of many teachers, it is still too unqualified to let Tianming be the teacher. Second Long, as the principal of Lanba College, what position do you think is suitable for Tianming?"

Liu Erlong came back to his senses and smiled gently, "Do you have a favorite position in Tianming? As the young sect master, Lanba Academy is the property of our Blue Lightning Overlord Sect. I will arrange any position for you if you like it. ”

Yu Tianming did not answer, but looked at Yu Luo Mian aside, his eyes flashed, and he spoke slowly. "Second Grandpa, you have been staying in the Lan Ba ​​Wang Sect. If you are idle, you are idle. Why don't you also participate in the management of Lan Ba ​​Academy? How about we join Lan Ba ​​Academy together?"

As Liu Erlong's father, what Yu Luo Mian hates most is Yu Xiaogang, a waste. If he had participated in the management of Lanba Academy, he would have been eager to deal with this waste Yu Xiaogang without Yu Tianming taking action.

"Father, what do you think?" Liu Erlong stared at his father and asked tentatively.

Yu Luo Mian twirled his beard and looked at Liu Erlong with a smile on his face, "I have also stayed at Lanba College for so long. It's time to deal with the affairs of the college and help my daughter reduce some of the burden. ”

Liu Erlong looked at his father, curled his lips, smiled and teased, "That's really nice to say. You've stayed here for so many years without even thinking about helping me share the burden, and you're willing as soon as Tianming said it?"

Yu Luo Mian pretended not to hear and ate the snacks on the coffee table.

Yu Tianming said gently, "What position does aunt want to arrange for the second grandfather?" As Yu Luomian is Liu Erlong's biological father, she can't let him be an ordinary teacher.

Liu Erlong held his chin, was silent for a moment, and said slowly, "From now on, my father will be the principal of Lanba College, and I will be the vice principal for you. As for Tianming, you need to practice, and you still have a lot of things to deal with, so Be the director of the Moral Education Department and be responsible for students’ ideological education.”

Yu Tianming said with a smile, "As expected of a principal who has been a principal for more than ten years, my aunt's arrangements are really thoughtful."

"That's not true. Lanba Academy has only been established for more than ten years, but it can become the top high-level soul master school in the mainland. It's all because of your aunt's good planning." Liu Erlong covered his face and chuckled, raising his head with pride. jaw.

Yu Luo Mian sneered and looked at Liu Erlong with disdain, "Er Long can only be regarded as the icing on the cake at best. The most important thing is that your second grandfather applied for this land to the sect and got a lot of funds, so we have it." Today’s Lanba Academy, I truly deserve to be the principal.”

Seeing that he couldn't be persuaded, Liu Erlong stood up directly and took Yu Tianming's arm, "It's already midnight, and it's too late to chat. Tianming, I'll find a room for you. Let's go to bed early."

Speaking of this, Yu Tianming thought of Zhu Zi and Zhu Zi. Because they were going to Qibao Glazed Sect to see Ning Fengzhi, they stayed in the inner water world. Through his absolute control over the water world, he sensed that the two women were already asleep, so he did not wake them up, but said to Liu Erlong beside him, "Aunt Erlong, find a bigger room. , Azi is coming too.”

The next day, after Liu Erlong took Yu Luomian to hand over the affairs of the college, he came downstairs to the principal's office and gathered with Yu Tianming who had just woken up.

At this time, Zhuzi and Zhuzi had already walked out of the water world. Although they had considerable strength, they still followed Yu Tianming step by step like maids.

As soon as he saw them, Liu Erlong laughed gently and said to Yu Tianming with a teasing look: "It seems that your two maids arrived last night. No wonder you got up so late. Auntie prepared a big room for you." It’s not in vain.”

Faced with this guy's teasing, Yu Tianming didn't dare to say anything, for fear that she would use some words inappropriate for children. He just scratched his head in embarrassment and changed the subject: "Aunt Erlong, do you need my help with anything in the college now? ?”

Liu Erlong said casually, "You are the director of the Moral Education Department and are responsible for managing the mental health of students. However, we at Lanba Academy do not have any children with abnormal mental health. You only need to meet a few students today."

"Do you know the students? Are there any students you want me to get to know specifically?"

Liu Erlong said as he walked, "Of course they are candidates from Lanba Academy to participate in the Soul Master Continent. We only recruit civilian soul masters. It is not easy to gather these good talents. Now I will take you to see them." "

Looking at the sky that was approaching noon, Yu Tianming took a moment and said, "It's class time now, right? Will it affect these students if we go there now?"

"It's okay. At this time, they are all doing actual combat training in the arena. Even if they are in class, I am here to inspect. How can there be any interruption?" Liu Erlong waved his hands carelessly, and then led everyone to Lanzhou. Dominate the academy’s arena.

At this time, she seemed to realize something, and said to the two nobles behind her: "A'Zhu, A'Zi, I remember that you are not over 25 years old. Do you want to participate in another soul master competition?"

The two of them were students of Lan Ba ​​Academy. They participated in the last Soul Master Competition 4 years ago. They were still Soul Sects at that time and helped Lan Ba ​​Academy achieve the top four results. The two women glanced at Yu Tianming in front of them, looked at each other, and smiled gently: "We have experienced the process of the Soul Master Competition, and now we just want to be maids in front of the young master."

In the last session, the two nobles only had the cultivation level of the Soul Sect and could still participate in the Soul Master Competition. But after taking the fairy grass and being tempered on Poseidon Island, their 20-year-old cultivation has reached the level of the original Shrek, only slightly weaker than Liu Erlong. Wouldn't it be bullying the children if we competed again now?

Liu Erlong let out a long sigh, "I thought that with your support, Lanba Academy would have the hope of winning the championship, but with the current level of Lanba Academy, I'm afraid it won't even be able to enter the top eight. "

While you were talking, everyone had already arrived at the arena of Lanba Academy.

After Yu Luomian's capital injection, the arena of Lanba Academy has been rebuilt, with all the supporting facilities, which is not inferior to the regular spirit fighting arena.

Liu Erlong has been getting along with Yu Xiaogang and Flanders for many years. She is the strongest and has the biggest temper among the yellow-level iron triangle, so she is the most enthusiastic about letting students participate in spirit fighting to hone their practical abilities. Before everyone entered, they heard the noise in the arena.

Yu Tianming couldn't help but laugh and said: "I didn't expect that Lanba Academy would like to participate in spirit fighting so much now. There are many students in this spirit fighting field."

Liu Erlong curled his lips and said, "Don't look at the sound. Most of it is Tai Long making noises. This guy just absorbed the fourth soul ring and broke through to become the only soul sect in this generation. Therefore, every day Show off your strength by fighting against many in the arena.”

Yu Tianming raised his eyebrows slightly. Didn't Tailong only have level 37 in the original work? What magic elixir did he take that allowed him to break through to level 40?

He looked at A'Zhu behind him and remembered that Tai Lung once wanted to pursue A'Zhu, but when he heard that A'Zhu was his maid, he gave up in despair. But if Tai Long meets Xiao Wu again, will he pursue her again? Without the fairy grass, can Tang San defeat Tai Lung with conventional means?

Not long after, a few people walked into the arena and found a convenient location to sit down.

On the ring, one of the two spirit masters turned into a lone wolf and the other into a skeleton, and they were fighting against Tai Lung, who was possessed by the spirit and turned into a gorilla. Behind the two, there is a woman holding a healing staff who is constantly treating the injuries of her teammates.

Tailong, who had broken through the Soul Sect, could resist and fight. He roared from time to time. Not only was he full of momentum, he could also easily suppress the three Soul Sects. Just because of the Jiangzhu treatment, the battle still seemed anxious.

Liu Erlong pointed at the four people on the stage and said: "These are the strongest forces in this session of Lanba Academy. They are three soul masters and one soul sect. Normally, their strength can be considered remarkable. , but there are many clan members participating in this soul master competition, and their strength is not enough. "

Yu Tianming nodded. This year's Soul Master Competition has soul bones as rewards. Many clans have sent their younger generations in an attempt to seize food from the tiger's mouth in the Wuhun Palace. Originally, the talents of civilian soul masters were weak, and most of their martial souls were not strong enough. It was already good that Lanba Academy could assemble such a configuration. If they wanted to compete with the clan, it was just a dream.

Everyone watched one battle after another in the arena. Most of the students here only had the cultivation level of a great soul master and were weak. Their battles were really uninteresting.

Soon the sun was high in the sky and it was noon.

At this time, a young teacher hurried over and Yu Luo Mian whispered in his ear: "Principal, there is a group of people called Shrek outside who are looking for you. They are not weak and they said they want to join our Lanba. Academy.”

Yu Luomian didn't know about Shrek Academy, but Liu Erlong, who had been in contact with Flender, knew it best.

When she heard the news, she immediately rushed out and headed towards Shrek Academy without even informing anyone.

Seeing his daughter in a hurry, Yu Luomian, who had just become the principal, sat down and looked at Yu Tianming at a loss, "Tianming, do you know Shrek Academy? Why is Erlong so excited?"

A meaningful smile appeared on Yu Tianming's face, "Second Grandpa, do you know about the Golden Triangle?"

"Isn't that the useless combination of Erlong and Yu Xiaogang? Why are you mentioning it?" Yu Luomian looked confused.

"This golden iron triangle was founded by Flanders, the third character besides Aunt Erlong and Yu Xiaogang. That's why Aunt Erlong was so anxious to find them. In addition, Yu Xiaogang also just joined I entered Shrek Academy, and now I’m about to meet my aunt.”

Hearing these words, Yu Luomian immediately jumped up, wanting to come and give Liu Erlong and Yu Xiaogang a blow to the head of the two bitter lovers.

"Second Grandpa, we can take this opportunity to keep Yu Xiaogang here." In order to stop Yu Xiaogang from running around, Yu Tianming immediately grabbed Yu Luomian's arm and said to him quickly.

Yu Luomian immediately blushed, "Let Yu Xiaogang, a waste, stay. Do you still think he has caused enough trouble? Or do you think Yu Xiaogang, a pig, is not disgusting enough? Let him stay, with Erlong's If you have the temper, you will definitely marry this loser."

In Yu Luomian's heart, Yu Xiaogang was the kind of person who deceived his daughter, the kind of person who had accomplished nothing since childhood. As soon as he heard Yu Tianming's words, he immediately became furious.

Yu Tianming quickly explained: "Second Grandpa, think about it, they haven't seen each other for so many years, has Auntie forgotten Yu Xiaogang? She also mentioned Yu Xiaogang last night. Isn't it convenient for you to keep Yu Xiaogang by your side? Break them up?"

Yu Luo Mian stayed where he was, as if he had figured something out, and his mood stabilized instantly.

He nodded, sat down on the chair again, and said with a serious face: "You are still smart, Tianming. No wonder you can deceive the little princess of Qibao Glazed Sect. If you have any other tricks, tell grandpa quickly so that I can deal with this loser Yu Xiaogang." ”

Yu Tianming shed a drop of cold sweat. He didn't want to comment too much on Yu Luo Mian's thoughts and continued: "Shrek Academy does not have a place to participate in the Soul Master Competition. Yu Xiaogang will definitely come to Lanba Academy in order to allow his apprentices to participate. As long as you let him join as a teacher, wouldn't you, the principal, be able to manipulate him at will?"

Yu Tianming cleared his throat and continued: "Second Grandpa, you must remember that when Yu Xiaogang comes to Lanba Academy, you must keep an eye on Aunt Erlong and don't let her do anything stupid. . Then think about instigating their feelings. Over time, we will definitely break up the two of them."

Yu Luomian nodded and said in a deep voice: "This waste Yu Xiaogang is disgusting to look at. For the sake of my daughter, I can only endure it a little longer during this time."

Thinking of Shrek's people seeing his expression again, Yu Tianming felt itchy and said quickly, "Without further ado, Second Grandpa, let's go to Shrek Academy for a while, and you can also take a look at Yu, who hasn't been seen for more than ten years. Xiaogang."

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