The Three Dragon Kings of Douluo

Chapter 134 Master: Bury my talent

When Yu Tianming and Yu Luomian were discussing how to deal with Yu Xiaogang in the arena, Liu Erlong had already met Shrek and his party.

Maybe he had described Yu Xiaogang's appearance countless times in his mind. Even though he hadn't seen him for more than ten years, Liu Erlong could still recognize Yu Xiaogang's figure among Shrek's group.

"Xiao, Xiaogang, is it really you? Am I not dreaming?" Liu Erlong instantly crossed a distance of a hundred meters and came to Yu Xiaogang. Tears flowed down her slightly pale face, and her soft voice trembled uncontrollably.

The Shrek Seven Monsters didn't even see how she could cross such a long distance. Several of Shrek's teachers were also shocked by Liu Erlong's speed.

Yu Xiaogang, who was the weakest in cultivation, suddenly saw the figure in front of him and subconsciously turned around and left along the way he came, but Flanders grabbed his arm and kept him where he was. land.

"Xiao Gang, how long do you want to escape? You're already here, are you still thinking of leaving now?" Flanders shouted in a low voice, with suppressed anger under his glasses.

Flender's hand on the master's shoulder was firm and strong, but his heart was full of anger and sadness: Xiaogang, Long Mei, I have spent so much effort to let you two meet again, why Xiaogang? Are you always escaping and don't know how to cherish this relationship?

After hearing Flanders' words, the master finally turned around and looked at Liu Erlong with red eyes. This made him think about the woman he had longed for but did not dare to meet. His lips trembled, but he could not say anything for a long time. One word.

Liu Erlong looked at the middle-aged man with a beard in front of him, and recalled how they looked when they first met, and remained silent for a long time.

Flanders sighed softly and broke the silence, "Our so-called golden triangle finally met again today. Sister Erlong, we haven't seen each other for many years, how are you?"

At this time, Liu Erlong's dilated pupils focused and noticed Flanders beside Yu Xiaogang, "Boss Fu, after not seeing each other for many years, you finally brought Xiaogang here. Our golden iron triangle is finally as good as before. , reunited.”

"Erlong, these are the teachers and students of my Shrek Academy. We have come to your territory to make a living." Flanders smiled bitterly and said to Liu Erlong.

Flanders introduced several teachers from Shrek Academy to the beautiful woman, and finally said to everyone in Shrek Academy: "This is Liu Erlong. Maybe you have heard of her before. She was the one who was with me and the master." , struggling in the soul master world, the last corner of our golden iron triangle."

Liu Erlong, everyone in Shrek Academy had heard this name from Yu Tianming a long time ago. They did not dare to neglect and stepped forward to salute one after another. Liu Erlong also collected his emotions, wiped the tears from his eyes, and returned the salute politely.

"Boss Fu, what's going on with you? Why did you bring all Shrek's teachers and students here? When did you fall to this point?" Looking at nearly 20 people, Shrek and his party included both young and old. People, Liu Erlong directly asked the doubts in his heart.

Flender is not a good person. If someone asks such a blunt question and exposes his shortcomings, Flender will really fall out directly.

But facing Liu Erlong, whom he had been dreaming about for many years, Flanders only thought she was frank and cute, so he smiled bitterly and said slowly: "The Shrek Academy I founded does not have the qualifications to participate in the Soul Master Competition. After joining Tiandou Royal Academy and being kicked out, I can only bring Xiaogang to Lanba Academy to join you."

Liu Erlong looked at the silent Yu Xiaogang and thought: Xiaogang, this time I will never care about other people's eyes, and I will not let you leave me anyway.

Immediately, she smiled slightly and said generously to Flanders: "Boss Fu, don't say anything. Our golden iron triangle is indistinguishable from each other. Tomorrow I will hold a meeting of all teachers and students to announce that the name of the college will be changed to Shrek. Just consider this your home.”


As soon as Liu Erlong finished speaking, both the teachers from Lanba Academy and Shrek's group were stunned on the spot and could not recover for a long time.

Although Flanders knew that Liu Erlong had always been cheerful and generous, and did not show off to men, he never expected that she would casually change the name of such a large academy located in Tiandou City to Shrek's name.

"Nonsense!! Erlong, are you going to give away the industry of our Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family?"

A deep and loud voice reached everyone's ears. The strength of Jade Luo Mian's 89th level Soul Douluo was undoubtedly revealed in this scolding. Wu Wu was as silent as a cicada, and her back was covered with cold sweat.

Noticing Xiao Wu's gaffe, Tang San held Xiao Wu's sweaty little hand, his eyes flashed red, and he thought to himself: If you dare to scare Xiao Wu, you already have a way to die.

A tall middle-aged man, surrounded by Yu Tianming, walked into everyone's sight.

As Yu Xiaogang's second uncle, Yu Luo Mian believed in the principle of strength first, and never had a good look at Yu Xiaogang, the shame of the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect. It can be said that Yu Xiaogang grew up under Yu Luomian's scolding.

More than ten years ago, Yu Luomian suddenly appeared at the wedding of Yu Xiaogang and Liu Erlong, and cursed him, which severely damaged his low self-esteem and sensitive heart, causing him to flee to Notting City in a hurry, never to be seen again. Dare to return to the clan.

Now that the master saw Yu Luo Mian's appearance, his calves began to tremble. If it weren't for Flanders' support, he would have knelt down in front of Yu Luo Mian immediately.

"Lanba Academy is the property of the Landian Tyrannosaurus Rex family. Erlong is just managing it. She has no right to give away the family's property." Yu Luomian ignored Yu Xiaogang and looked directly at Fu Rand, "Flender, I have business matters. Only teachers and students from Shrek who have the corresponding strength can join our Shrek Academy."

Flender was the master of ceremonies at the wedding between Master and Liu Erlong, and of course he knew Liu Erlong's father Yu Luo Mian. At that time, his cultivation level had just broken through the Soul Emperor, Liu Erlong was still just the Soul King, Xiaogang fled again, and the three of them were unable to use the martial soul fusion technique. Flanders fully understood the power of facing a strong person. Powerless.

Although he has now become a level 78 Soul Saint, Yuluo Mian has broken through the limitations of his talent and has reached level 89 Soul Douluo.

Flanders did not flinch this time. Thinking of the brothers he had won over, he looked directly into Yu Luomian's eyes and said proudly: "Brothers, open the soul ring and show us Shrek's strength."

After hearing this, in addition to the master, Qin Ming and several teachers from Shrek Academy activated their martial spirits at the same time. In an instant, the soul rings of three soul emperors and three soul saints flashed in front of Yu Luo Mian at the same time.

"Level 62 Fiery Wolf Fighting Soul Emperor, Qin Ming. Powerful attack type."

"Level 63 Dragon Marked Stick Weapon Soul Emperor, Li Yusong, strong attack type."

"Level 66 star chess weapon soul emperor, Lu Qibin, control system."

"Level 71 Sugar Bean Tool Soul Saint, Shao Xin, food department."

"Level 76 powerful Vajra Bear Fighting Soul Saint, Zhao Wuji. Powerful attack type."

"Level 78 Four-Eyed Cat Eagle Fighting Soul Saint, Flanders, agility and attack type."

The teacher requirements of Lanba Academy are only soul kings. When several soul emperors and soul saints appeared in front of them, the strength of Shrek Academy made everyone present shine. But what they don't know is that Shrek Academy's teachings basically rely on students to practice on their own, and there are soul beasts that have been hunted for thousands of years. After the students died, the teacher patted their butts and returned safely, which deceived many students.

Yuluo Mian couldn't help but applaud the strength of the Shrek Academy teachers, "Yes, three soul emperors and three soul saints. Flanders, you can gather so many strong people, I really underestimate you. If it were you Come to marry Erlong, I support you with both hands."

Although Flanders was willing to bring Liu Erlong and Yu Xiaogang together, it was only because Liu Erlong liked the master more. He had never liked Liu Erlong any less than others. Now that he heard Yu Luomian's approval, he subconsciously He looked at Liu Erlong beside him.

But Liu Erlong didn't notice Flanders at all, but stared at Yu Luo Mian with anger, and said word by word: "Father, why do you only value strength and never realize Xiaogang's strength?" Excellent? You don’t know what love is!”

Seeing Liu Erlong's reaction, Flender's eyes dimmed again.

Yu Luo Mian chuckled lightly. He was strong and pulled Liu Erlong to his side. He looked at Yu Xiaogang and said, "I watched Xiaogang grow up. Why didn't I find anything outstanding about him?" . As for love? I think you were so confused by Yu Xiaogang’s martial soul fusion skills that you fell in love with this loser!”

Sects such as the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect and other major martial soul inheritance sects have never shied away from marrying close relatives, but the common people of Douluo Continent are still quite taboo about this kind of thing.

As soon as Yu Luomian said this, the people who didn't understand the truth cast strange eyes on Yu Xiaogang.

The master escaped for more than ten years, and today he finally faced his relationship with Liu Erlong again. Although he was mentally prepared, the sudden encounter with Yu Luo Mian instantly shattered the little courage he had gathered, and everyone's eyes thrust sharp swords into his heart.

The current Yu Xiaogang is like a mouse that has lived in the sewer for more than ten years and was suddenly dragged out by Yu Luo Mian and exposed to the noon sun. It felt like my whole body was being tingled, and I turned around and wanted to leave this place.

They are both part of the Golden Iron Triangle, but Flanders and Liu Erlong act in completely different ways.

As the leader of Shrek Academy, he had just been recognized by Yu Luo Mian. Flanders subconsciously pulled Yu Xiaogang's arm again, "Xiao Gang, everything is for the sake of the children, don't be too tough."

Liu Erlong, who was firmly held by Yuluo Mian, shouted regardless of his appearance, "Boss Fu, since father doesn't welcome Xiaogang, let's leave here together, just like before, re-form the Golden Iron Triangle and explore the world. "

Although she has the cultivation of Soul Saint and is the most powerful among the three, the mutated Red Dragon cannot be compared to the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex, and the strength of Soul Saint is also much weaker than that of Contra. She couldn't break free from Yu Luo Mian's control.

Seeing that the girl in his arms was having sex again, Yu Luo Mian suddenly came back to his senses: after scolding Yu Xiaogang for decades, she just scolded him again on a whim, and actually forgot the prepared plan, and wanted to be in Lan. Ba Academy broke up their bad relationship.

Thinking of this, he coughed a few times, barely suppressed the disdain in his eyes, and said slowly: "Shrek's teachers are very powerful, and I welcome you to join Shrek Academy. As for Yu Xiaogang Academy, it is the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect. It doesn’t hurt to have one more of you.”

And Yu Tianming also added at the right time: "The Wuhun Palace has spent a lot of money on this soul master competition. Even Bibi Dong can't make room for Shrek. If he misses Lanba Academy, Tang San will probably There is no chance to participate in the Soul Master Competition."

Tang San was Yu Xiaogang's hope to regain his reputation. Yu Xiaogang was immediately moved when he thought that Tang San's outstanding performance in the Soul Master Competition would also make him famous in the mainland. But he couldn't save face, so he could only stand there blankly.

Tang San, who originally planned to follow the master, immediately stopped.

Seeing Tang San's actions, Dai Mubai suppressed his nausea and started talking nonsense to Yu Xiaogang, "Master, how can we defeat other teams in the Soul Master Competition without your guidance? For the sake of Shrek Academy, you can Stay."

Dai Mubai's words sounded nice, but he was the deposed prince of Star Luo, and he couldn't win over Yu Tianming and Ning Rongrong. He could only hope to defeat the Star Luo royal team in the soul master competition, and it was just a matter of retaining Yu Xiaogang. Just for Tang San's powerful combat power.

Shrek, on the other hand, needs environment but no environment, no resources, and is not even qualified to register for the Advanced Soul Master Competition. At most, it is the hobby of a few Soul Saints from Flanders and is just for fun. Dai Mubai fled to Shrek in a foreign country just to have a few Soul Saint bodyguards before he turned 25, so that he could enjoy himself in peace and contentment. Where could there be any feelings at all?

"Mu Bai, since you need my guidance, I will reluctantly stay here. This is all for Shrek Academy." Yu Xiaogang borrowed the donkey from the slope, stopped, looked up at the sky and said slowly.

Yu Luomian despised the master from the bottom of his heart. Although he wanted to keep him at Lanba Academy, he didn't expect Yu Xiaogang to pretend so quickly.

Yu Luomian suppressed the nausea in her heart and said to Yu Tianming, "Tianming, since Shrek is willing to join Lanba Academy, it's up to you to arrange their food and accommodation. They are guests from afar, so don't treat them badly."

After that, he didn't want to look at Yu Xiaogang anymore, grabbed Liu Erlong and walked away.

Seeing Yu Luomian leave, the master straightened his waist a little again, turned his back to Shrek and his group, and said in a pretentious manner, "In order to allow you to grow better, I am willing to be an ordinary person in Lanba Academy. Teacher, even if this position will bury my talents.”

Yu Xiaogang's prestige in Shrek Academy was already running low, but with Flanders protecting him, and being on the territory of the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect, naturally no one dared to choke him out.

But Yu Tianming saw him getting more and more pretentious, and immediately couldn't hold back his thoughts of punishing him.

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