The Three Dragon Kings of Douluo

Chapter 135 Yu Xiaogang: Let me sweep the streets

Yu Tianming led everyone towards the battle area of ​​Lan Ba ​​Academy and said slowly: "Lan Ba ​​Forest is the largest flora in Tiandou City. More than ten years ago, Lan Ba ​​Wang Sect funded the construction of Lan Ba ​​Forest here. Although the school has only been established for a short period of time, it has complete facilities and teachers will devote themselves to teaching students, so its results are no less than those of other established colleges.”

Flanders looked around at the buildings around him, his eyes sparkling, and he didn't even realize how many students' talents his Shrek Academy was wasting.

After listening to Yu Tianming's words, he nodded quickly and said with a smile: "She is indeed Erlongmei. Not only is she powerful, but the academy she founded is better than my Shrek."

"Aunt Erlong's efforts are important, but the strong support of the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect is the key to the success of the college. The Blue Overlord College is built in Tiandou City, where every inch of land is precious. You can see how much money has been invested. With so many resources , I think my training speed will be greatly improved by coming to Shrek's academy."

When Flanders heard the name Liu Erlong, his expression froze, and suddenly he felt that Yu Tianming beside him was also very pleasing to the eye, and thought to himself: It turns out that he is Erlongmei's nephew, no wonder he is so handsome.

Tang San, who was following Yu Xiaogang, had a flash of purple light in his eyes and asked: "Brother Tianming, we are about to join Lanba Academy. I want to know what can be done here to increase the speed of cultivation?"

Hearing Tang San's words, Oscar and Ma Hongjun, who were civilian soul masters and had followed Flanders eating glutinous rice for half their lives, immediately pricked up their ears.

Yu Tianming smiled slightly and explained to a few people, "Lanba Academy is different from Shrek. There is a mimicry training ground built with heavy investment. The food is also the meat of soul beasts. It is also equipped with simple medicinal baths. And there are It is financially supported by the Blue Lightning Bawang Sect, so it won’t charge too much tuition.”

Not only is the cultivation environment good, but he is not as desperate for money as Flanders. After hearing about the treatment at Lanba Academy, Flanders felt a little ashamed no matter how thick-skinned he was, while Ma Hongjun and Oscar, who had never experienced happiness, even lost their last attachment to Shrek.

Oscar, who was walking at the end of the team, quickly stepped forward and followed Yu Tianming. He asked expectantly, "Brother Tianming, Rongrong came to Tiandou City with you. Where is she now? Will she come too?" Where is Lanba Academy?”

Yu Tianming glanced at the bearded Oscar, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart, this is truly the land of love: Flanders is a top licking dog, and he will lick Liu Erlong for the rest of his life without any regrets. The adopted Oscar also inherited his dog-licking skills, and he didn't know how long he could lick Ning Rongrong.

"Xiao Ao, Rongrong stayed at Shrek for half a year and has just returned to the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect. It will probably take a few days before he can come to Lanba Academy." Yu Tianming didn't mind Ning Rongrong having an extra licker.

"Oh? With Rongrong rejoining, the team of Shrek's seven people will be reunited." Flender's eyes flashed. If these seven people participate in the Soul Master Competition, it will be no different from Shrek Academy's participation. .

During the conversation, Yu Tianming had already led everyone to the battle area of ​​Lanba Academy.

He casually stopped a student and ordered, "Classmate, please call out the four Tailongs. I have something to tell them."

As the passerby students left, Yu Tianming turned around, looked at Flanders and said slowly: "I'm afraid I'm going to disappoint Dean Flanders. There are also several good young people in Lanba Academy. With the Shrek Seven Due to the current strength, a few people can only be used as substitutes.”

"How can these people be stronger than these little monsters?" Flanders said incredulously. The environment of Shrek Academy is not good, but he knows that the talents of several of his students are not weak. Even the Imperial Fighter Team can Easily defeated.

As soon as Flanders finished speaking, the passerby students came out with Tai Lung and others.

Except for Tai Lung, these people are all talented civilians. Without Yu Tianming's intervention, they would have become Shrek's fourth supplement after the Shrek Seven Monsters. But Shrek and the others have lost the fairy grass, so who will be the substitute? I can't say for sure.

Yu Tianming smiled slightly and introduced to Flanders, "These four people are the seed players of our Lanba Academy. Although their qualifications are not as good as those of the Shrek Seven Devils, their strength is quite impressive after years of training. Tailong, you guys Introduce yourself to Teacher Flanders."

As his words fell, Tai Lung and others reported their strength one after another.

"Tailong, 23 years old, a powerful gorilla with a martial spirit, a level 42 attack spirit sect."

"Huang Yuan is 21 years old, a lone wolf martial soul, and a level 34 attack soul master."

"Jing Ling is 21 years old, a martial soul skeleton, and a level 34 agility attack type soul master."

"Jiangzhu is 19 years old, has a martial soul healing scepter, and is a level 34 healing soul master."

Although these people from Lanba Academy have much higher soul power than Shrek and his party, their average age is also nearly ten years older. Thinking of the talents of the Shrek Seven Monsters, Flanders proudly puffed up his chest and shouted, not to be outdone, "Little monsters, let the teachers and students of Lanba Academy see your strength."

Dai Mubai looked at the Shrek crowd, smiled slightly, and spoke first: "Evil-eyed white tiger Dai Mubai, 15 years old, thirty-eighth level three-ring battle soul master."

"Oscar, the sausage seller, is 14 years old and has a thirty-level three-ring soul master."

"Tang San, Thousand-Armed Shura, 13 years old, thirty-sixth level, three-ring battle soul master."

"Evil Fire Phoenix Ma Hongjun, 13 years old, twenty-eighth level two-ring battle soul master."

"Rose-bone Charming Rabbit Xiao Wu, 13 years old, thirty-second level three-ring battle soul master."

"Netherworld Civet Zhu Zhuqing, 12 years old, twenty-eighth level two-ring battle spirit master."

The strength of the Shrek Seven Devils was nothing, but everyone present was suddenly surprised when they heard their ages. Only Yu Tianming looked puzzled: The cultivation levels of the six Shrek people were pretty normal, but how could Tang San's cultivation level be so high? The level 36 War Spirit Master is about to surpass Dai Mubai. How much life force has he absorbed?

When Tailong saw the highly talented Shrek people, his eyes began to wander, and finally, he settled on Xiao Wu wearing a rabbit ears headdress.

His naked gaze made Tang San frown slightly, and he stood directly in front of Xiao Wu, blocking Tai Long's sight.

Seeing the closeness between the two of them, Tailong, who had fallen in love with Xiao Wu at first sight, grinned and asked Tang San frankly, "Tang San, you and Xiao Wu are so close, what is your relationship?"

Tang San glanced at Xiao Wu behind him and remembered every detail of getting along with her, but Tang San, who didn't know how to express it, finally said against his will: "I am Xiao Wu's brother."

Tai Lung nodded and sneered disdainfully, but didn't say much in the end.

Yu Tianming ignored the little moves between them and said to everyone, "Now that everyone knows each other, I will tell you about the arrangements for the team. The former Shrek Seven Monsters and Blue Tyrant teams will all be disbanded and merged into the new team. Team Lanba.”

Yu Tianming looked at the group of people with varying strengths, cleared his throat, and said again, "Ma Hongjun and Zhu Zhuqing, who are powerful soul masters, have become substitutes, and Oscar, Ning Rongrong, and Jiang Zhushi are also auxiliary soul masters. The opposite lineup comes on stage, and the remaining six of you, Dai Mubai, Tang San, Xiao Wu, Tai Long, Huang Yuan, and Jing Ling, become the regular members of the Blue Tyrant team. If the substitutes are strong enough, you can also become the regular members. Do you have any other questions?"

His choice was determined by his soul power cultivation and was very reasonable. None of the new teachers and students from Shrek spoke up.

After arranging several students, Yu Tianming looked at Shrek's teachers again, "Shrek's teachers are very powerful, far exceeding our requirements for teachers' soul king cultivation. Since they have come to Shrek Academy, we will also give everyone a reasonable salary.”

There was nothing wrong with Yu Tianming's words. After promising the remuneration, Flanders and the others nodded.

Only Yu Xiaogang suddenly spoke up and said: "I have one condition, that is, those who participate in the Soul Master Competition must be educated by us personally. Only in this way can we achieve better results."

Yu Tianming looked at the arrogant Yu Xiaogang with strange eyes, not knowing where he got his confidence. Yu Tianming is not like Bibi Dong or Liu Erlong, who will agree to all the requests of this waste.

"Trash teachers will suppress students' potential, ordinary teachers will allow students to realize their potential, and excellent teachers will allow ordinary people to achieve achievements far beyond their talents. The students of Lanba Academy are all civilian soul masters, but ours The teacher can make them not inferior to the noble students, I think the teachers of Lanba Academy are more suitable to teach them. "

As soon as these words came out, Flender's brows jumped sharply and he subconsciously looked at Qin Ming beside him, while Yu Xiaogang also looked at Tang San beside him.

As several people looked at each other, an awkward atmosphere spread.

Qin Ming is one of the few gentlemen in Douluo Continent. He was the first to speak and said frankly, "Dean Flender, don't blame yourself. You can allow me to realize my potential safely. Qin Ming is already very good." I am content, and my time at Shrek was also my happiest day.”

Not being able to provide better conditions for Qin Ming, a genius, was something that Flanders couldn't shake off.

After hearing Qin Ming's true feelings, Flanders hugged him emotionally and said with tears streaming down his face: "Xiao Ming, our conditions at Shrek were poor back then. I'm sorry for you, but with you as a student , is my greatest blessing since I founded Shrek.”

Yu Xiaogang was different from Flanders. He had already destroyed Tang San's Blue Silver Grass, and everyone agreed that this was Yu Xiaogang's theoretical error. This incident made him unable to hold his head high among Shrek's group for several days.

Every time he saw the weird looks from the Shrek Seven Devils, he wanted to find a crack in the ground and stuff himself into it.

When Yu Tianming mentioned this matter again, Yu Xiaogang slowly turned his head and looked at Tang San who was holding back his anger. He also followed Flanders' example and said with a guilty look on his face: "I'm sorry, Xiao San." , I should tell you the pros and cons of absorbing animal soul rings in advance, instead of making the choice for you."

Since Tang San removed Yu Xiaogang's master filter, he suddenly became much smarter. He could tell at a glance that the master had turned the theoretical mistake into a different choice, just to save his own face.

But due to Yu Xiaogang's background and his image of respecting his teachers, he did not have a direct attack. Instead, he suppressed his nausea, followed Qin Ming's example, and said with respect: "Teacher, don't blame yourself, I know you are thinking about my future. When I reach the advanced stage of cultivation, I will definitely let your theory Bloom."

Yu Tianming felt disgusted when he saw the hypocrisy of Tang San's master and apprentice, and quickly interrupted their master-disciple relationship, "Lanba Academy's requirement for teachers is a soul king above level 50, Yu Xiaogang, you are only level 29 Your soul power and cultivation are not even as good as those of the students, and you do not meet the requirements of the college to apply for teachers. The teachers recruited by the college do not include you."

Hearing these words, Yu Xiaogang was stunned on the spot. Why was it that he still had to deal with obstacles every step of the way back to his home Lanba Academy? Whether it is his second uncle or his nephew, why do they always make things difficult for him?

Before Yu Xiaogang started to think about quitting, Yu Tianming said again: "But for the sake of being a family, Lanba College is willing to appoint you as the director of the cleaning department. You are welcome to join Lanba College!"

After hearing this gasping speech, Yu Xiaogang stayed where he was again.

But he wasn't stupid either. Yu Xiaogang, who had always been the one to surprise others, immediately discovered the fishiness. Director of the cleaning department? Judging from the name, isn't this the street sweeper?

He immediately became angry and shouted dissatisfied: "I don't agree. I came to Lanba College to guide students. Why did you arrange for me to sweep the streets? Yu Tianming, do you still have the concept of respecting teachers and respecting morality in your heart? ?”

"Although the other people at Shrek are teachers, they are just employees. You can't control anyone. The director of the cleaning department has reached the management level and can manage many people under him. I only let him do it for the sake of the family. When you become director, don't be ignorant of good and evil," Yu Tianming said seriously.

The master said reluctantly, "That still doesn't work. I still have to teach Xiao San knowledge. If I can't be a teacher, how can I teach him."

Yu Tianming showed a meaningful smile, "Second uncle, when you are a teacher, you have a fixed class schedule and you have to teach the whole class. But it is different when you become the director of the cleaning department. You have free time every day, and naturally you can learn more. Good job teaching the mistress.”

Hearing this, Yu Xiaogang rubbed the stubble on his chin and arranged such a good position for him. Yu Tianming, who was originally annoying, also liked it a lot. The master murmured, "Tianming, what you said makes sense. Look. I misunderstood you because of my impulsiveness, you won’t blame me, right?”

"Of course not. Even if there is any disagreement, we are still a family." The smile in Yu Tianming's eyes became even stronger.

The director of the cleaning department is the official position he just thought of, that is, he manages a few aunts who clean toilets. It is similar to Bi Mawen's position, which means that it sounds good. He doesn't know what Yu Xiaogang will do after knowing the true content of this position. , will he make a big fuss like Monkey Sun?

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