The Three Dragon Kings of Douluo

Chapter 136 Tang San: I can be exploited

Yu Tianming looked at the sun hanging high in the sky and said to everyone: "Now that everyone's duties have been arranged, let's go have a meal together and see how the cafeteria of Lanba College is like."

The area of ​​​​Lanba College is not large, and it is not small. After a while, everyone arrived at the cafeteria of Lanba College.

The cafeteria of Shrek Academy is run by the aunts in the village. Not to mention whether it is hygienic or not, the taste alone cannot be compared with the outside world. To the Shrek Seven Devils, making a bowl of soul beast broth is no different from celebrating the New Year.

Lan Ba ​​Academy is different. Not only is it well-decorated, but it also employs chefs from Tiandou City.

Entering the cafeteria, Ma Hongjun and Oscar, who had only been to small restaurants, opened their eyes wide. Even Tang San, who had lived in two lifetimes, couldn't help but secretly marvel, looking around with the bouncing Xiao Wu.

After Yu Tianming led everyone to the private room on the top floor of the cafeteria, he said to Flanders who was taking the lead: "Don't be polite. This is where you will study and live in the future. Just treat this as your own home."

Everyone sat down one after another, but what was surprising was that Zhu Zhuqing did not care about the positions of others. He glanced at Yu Tianming shyly first, then smoothed the wrinkles on his pants and sat directly next to Yu Tianming.

Seeing this, Xiao Wu, who had a good relationship with her, also pulled Tang San and urgently sat down next to Zhu Zhuqing. The only two girls from the Shrek Seven Monsters sat together.

Zhu Zhuqing was born into a royal family and knew how to make use of the resources around her better than ordinary women. Among everyone present, Yu Tianming is the most powerful and powerful person. Whether Zhu Zhuqing can leave the Xingluo royal family depends on him, so he will naturally not miss every opportunity to build relationships.

Looking at the tall and plump girl next to him, Yu Tianming smiled slightly but didn't say much.

Different from Yu Tianming's indifference, Dai Mubai, the evil-eyed white tiger, looked at his fiancée and sat next to other men. His shy expression and flattering eyes made him feel a little angry.

At the same time, as a man, Dai Mubai knew that he was different from Zhu Zhuqing. Zhu Zhuqing relied on his youth, beauty and plump figure to sell his body to get the upper hand. And he was just a deposed prince, with no value that Yu Tianming valued, and he didn't believe that he could get help by begging for mercy, so he hoped to use the strong strength of the team to defeat Davis in the Soul Master Competition.

Without the thought of hugging Yu Tianming's thigh, Dai Mubai's possessive desire for Zhu Zhuqing also emerged, but he did not dare to act due to his strength.

While Dai Mubai looked at Zhu Zhuqing, Tailong also looked at Xiao Wu who was directly opposite the dining table.

Xiao Wu's race is the same as Blue Silver Grass - ordinary Blue Silver Grass, which is the bottom layer of soul beasts and the food of various herbivorous soul beasts. The Blue Silver Emperor, who has practiced for 100,000 years, has transcended the range of ordinary Blue Silver Grass. As the king of the race, she has brought the powerful vitality of Blue Silver Grass to its limit, and is no weaker than other soul beasts with powerful bloodlines.

The ordinary soft-bone rabbit only has the characteristics of beautiful fur and quick escape. Because of its strong reproductive ability, it has become the most common food for carnivorous soul masters. However, Xiao Wu, who practiced 100,000 years ago, is the king of soft-bone rabbits, the soft-bone charming rabbit. In addition to being more agile than ordinary soft-bone rabbits, it has also developed extremely powerful charm abilities.

As a 100,000-year-old rabbit spirit, Xiao Wu mainly relies on soft skills to attack, but her charm ability is not weaker than Hu Liena of Wuhun Palace.

Although she doesn't have Zhu Zhuqing's foul figure, she is like a dancer, with a straight and slender figure, and an indescribable sense of beauty in her movements. Her youthful vitality and innate soul power are not low, and she happens to be Tai Lung's favorite type.

As soon as he sat down, Tai Long stared directly at Xiao Wu and never left her for a moment. As for Tang San next to Xiao Wu? A mere Soul Lord has not yet been taken seriously by him.

Tang San felt Tai Long's naked gaze, and couldn't help but feel furious. But due to the occasion, Tang San did not use a hidden weapon, but instead looked at Tai Long with malicious eyes, also undisguised.

How could Xiao Wu, a 100,000-year-old rabbit spirit, not see the quarrel between their eyes?

However, Tang San was usually dull, and he really regarded Xiao Wu as his younger sister, without any mention of the relationship between men and women in his words. But now after Tai Long's interference, Tang San no longer concealed his feelings and took the initiative to confront Tai Long.

Tai Long's appearance gave Xiao Wu hope, the hope that Tang San would take the initiative to confess. So she didn't say anything to stop him, but enjoyed the feeling of others competing for her and being jealous.

Tang San and Tai Long glared at each other, but made no other move.

Xiao Wu thought to herself, it seems that Tai Long has not stimulated Third Brother enough, and needs to add more fuel to the fire. If Third Brother is not forced, he will always regard me as his sister.

Thinking of this, Xiao Wu's eyes towards Tai Long also slowly changed. She didn't do much, she just winked and smiled at Tai Long. Tai Lung showed a lustful expression, and at the same time a bright red nosebleed flowed out, and his body and mind were completely attracted to Xiao Wu.

Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun, as veterans of love, how could they not know what was going on? Dai Mubai instantly put Zhu Zhuqing's humiliation behind him and watched the fun happily, thinking to himself: If Xiao Wu is also pried away by the leader of Thunder Academy, I wonder what Xiao San's expression will be? I don’t know if Xiao San can beat this Soul Sect.

While everyone was watching the fun, Tang San's expression gradually solidified. He looked at Xiao Wu beside him in disbelief: Why did Xiao Wu smile so much at Tai Long? Is this still the innocent girl he knew?

After a while, Tang San came back to his senses. Under the intense jealousy, he had lost his usual composure, and the purple light in his eyes gradually turned scarlet. While touching the crossbow arrow in his sleeve, he looked at Tai Long with an unkind expression. If the powerful Yu Tianming hadn't been present, he would have immediately pulled out a hidden weapon and ended Tailong's life in an instant.

Tailong, who had entered the charmed state, was suddenly awakened by Tang San's murderous intention. However, relying on his Soul Sect cultivation, he was not afraid of Tang San. He wiped the nosebleed from his face and said directly to Xiao Wu: "Sister, you are here." Okay, let me introduce you formally, my name is Tai Long, I am the current team leader of Lanba Academy, and I have already achieved Soul Sect cultivation."

Xiao Wu noticed Tang San's eyes full of murderous intent. In order to let him express his feelings as soon as possible, Xiao Wu didn't think it was a big deal, and the idea of ​​​​adding fuel to the fire suddenly arose in her heart.

Looking at the attentive Tai Long opposite, she said softly, "Senior, you are so amazing. You have already achieved the cultivation level of Soul Sect. My name is Xiao Wu. I want to teach you a lot about dancing in the future."

At this time, Xiao Wu's eyebrows were curved, and there seemed to be a glimmer of autumn water in her eyes, which kept teasing Tai Long's heartstrings.

At this moment, he had even thought about the name of their grandson. Tailong, who was so fascinated, said with a silly smile: "Xiao Wu, you can come to me for anything in the future."

Although Tang San was born in two lives and had a special profession as a killer in his previous life, he had never had any experience in love. How could his love skills and determination be compared to Xiao Wu, a hundred thousand year old rabbit? Xiao Wu raised the fire for a moment, and Tang San became chaotic.

He glanced at Yu Tianming, who had his eyes closed and was concentrating. He breathed a long sigh of relief and suppressed the anger in his heart. He took Xiao Wu's hand and said with a serious face: "Xiao Wu, what's wrong with you today? This guy Tai Long is an expert in love at first sight. Don't be deceived by him."

Before Xiao Wu could open her mouth, Tai Long crossed his arms and said jokingly, "Xiao Wu, Tang San is so rude and rude, and you are so cute, is he really your biological brother?"

Xiao Wu had always watched the excitement without taking it too seriously, but now that something happened to her, she didn't realize the seriousness of the problem. Instead, she became even more excited and continued to say in a tea-filled voice, "Senior Tailong, you Don’t get me wrong, third brother and I are really brother and sister.”

Tang San looked at Xiao Wu beside him, and then at Tai Long who had an arrogant expression, his face flushed as red as blood.

Like an honest person who was bullied, he sat there blankly, with disbelief on his face: Is Xiaowu still the innocent girl I know? After thinking about the relationship for so many years, is it possible that Tai Lung will take advantage of her?

The anger reached the extreme, but Tang San calmed down. He has been a man for two lifetimes, but emotionally he is still an out-and-out novice. But when it comes to killing and selling goods, few natives in Douluo Continent can compare with him, a killer.

Tang San calmly glanced at everyone present, then took Xiao Wu's hand and said gently, "Xiao Wu, let's talk about everything after dinner, okay?"

Thinking that he wanted to express her love, Xiao Wu nodded obediently and said no more, but she couldn't suppress the joy on her face.

As soon as the farce subsided, Yu Luo Mian took Liu Erlong into the box.

I don't know what happened between the two of them. Yu Luo Mian's face was red and she was beaming with joy. Liu Erlong on the side was expressionless, and his expression only fluctuated a little when he looked at Yu Xiaogang.

When the two of them sat down again, the food was served.

Yu Luo Mian, who was sitting in the main seat, glanced at everyone present and smiled gently, "I guess Tianming has arranged positions for you. Everyone has a good meal and drink today. The Soul Master Competition is coming soon. Teachers and students will start training tomorrow. I will prepare the necessary training resources, and I hope everyone will not slack off."

After saying this, Yu Luo Mian looked at Flanders and Yu Xiaogang again.

His expression was kind, not as vicious as when he ruined Yu Xiaogang's wedding, "Fran, and Xiaogang, speaking of which, we haven't seen each other for more than 10 years. Today, your golden triangle is reunited. Working at Lanba Academy. I value the friendship brought about by your martial arts fusion skills, and I hope you won’t let the friendship deteriorate again.”

Because Yu Yuanzhen was addicted to cultivation in his early years, Yu Xiaogang was disciplined by Yu Luo Mian most of the time. Luo Mian's years of urging his good-for-nothing nephew left an indelible mark on everyone's heart. So when he saw Yu Luo Mian, he was like a child who had made a mistake, lowering his head and keeping silent, and his original arrogant expression immediately disappeared without a trace.

Flanders didn't notice anything strange about his friend. Although he couldn't bring Yu Xiaogang and Liu Erlong together, for him, as long as the Golden Triangle got together again, it would really be like going back to 10 years ago.

Looking at this scene, Yu Tianming thought to himself: Yu Luomian was able to break up the bad relationship between the three of them back then, so he was quite capable. Now he is just sitting here, the golden iron triangle is like a mouse meeting a cat, and he is obedient without daring to say a word. Is this the deterrent force from the old father?

With Yu Luomian in charge, no one continued to act like a monster during this meal. After everyone had a peaceful meal, they all returned to their respective residences.

Only Tang San held Xiao Wu in the woods below the dormitory.

"Third brother, why did you ask me to stay?" Xiao Wu's face was filled with anticipation, and her heart was even more excited. She thought to herself: Did third brother feel threatened and now want to confess to me? Xiao Wu, Xiao Wu, you are really a genius. With a little trick, you got the third brother into your hands.

As a 100,000-year-old rabbit spirit, Xiao Wu may be far more mature than Tang San in terms of emotions, but she is far from truly understanding Tang San's psychology. Don’t you know how difficult it is to let him express the love in his heart? He didn't know that the more people came close to Xiao Wu, the more resistant he would be.

Looking at the budding Xiao Wu in front of him, Tang San felt even more uncomfortable. He grabbed her hand and said excitedly: "This Tai Long is not a good guy. You can tell from the look on his face that he has deceived many girls. . Xiaowu, don’t be deceived by him!”

Not hearing the answer she wanted, the smile on Xiao Wu's face gradually fell silent. She threw away Tang San's arm and said coldly, "Third brother, what is your relationship with me? Why should I say a word to others? I have to worry about whether Tai Lung is a good person or not, I don’t need you to make irresponsible remarks.”

Tang San stayed where he was, his eyes filled with disbelief. How could his sister Xiao Wu say such heartless words? Why did a relationship that lasted for six or seven years suddenly deteriorate?

After thinking to no avail, as a killer and a straight man for two lifetimes, Tang San finally chose the most familiar way to deal with this emotional crisis, "Xiao Wu, as your brother, I have an obligation to protect you from being deceived by bad people, at any cost." cost."

"Is it just brother?" Xiao Wu looked at Tang San, who was completely confused by the charm, and laughed angrily, "Since that's what you think, then there's no need for us to continue talking." After saying that, she didn't even look up. He walked back to the girls' dormitory.

Tang San looked at the retreating figure, and his heart suddenly became empty. He stood there for a long time and couldn't leave. He didn't understand why Xiao Wuwu changed so much when he came to Thunder Academy.

Xiao Wu, who returned to the dormitory to calm down, was tossing and turning. I thought to myself: Could what I just said be too serious, and would the third brother be sad? Why do you have to stimulate Tang San like a ghost today?

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