The Three Dragon Kings of Douluo

Chapter 137 Tang San: There is a way to die

After standing downstairs in the dormitory for a long time, Tang San sighed quietly, turned around and left.

As the Tang Sect's genius killer, his knowledge of toxins was an era ahead of Douluo Continent, and even Poison Douluo Dugu Bo was resigned to his defeat. While eating, Tang San left a special poison in Tailong's body.

With the tip of his nose twitching, he walked along the path of toxins in the air and arrived in front of the arena of Lanba Academy.

It was already afternoon, and many students came here in unison and began to watch the competition between top students. Someone could even faintly hear chanting Tyrone's name outside the arena.

Tang San knew that he had found Tai Long's location. Thinking of Xiao Wu's unusual attitude, his face became more and more gloomy, and a layer of black energy seemed to appear all over his body.

When you walk into the arena of Lanba Academy, you can see Tai Lung at first sight. I saw him fighting against several people in the ring without falling behind. His martial spirit was that of a powerful gorilla, and he was thick-skinned and even had a slight advantage.

In Lanba Academy, the student with the highest soul power level was his soul sect, so he was naturally highly sought after by others, and the audience in the stands kept screaming and cheering.

Tai Lung also seemed to be quite enjoying the crowd's admiration, with an uninterrupted smile hanging on his lips, and his punches and kicks were hearty.

Seeing that his love rival was so proud of himself, Tang San strode to the bottom of the ring, suppressing the anger in his heart and shouted to Tailong, "Tailong, what's the point of fighting with these weaklings? Give me a fight and let me see what you're capable of." ”

Tai Long saw Tang San in the audience. Isn't this the so-called brother Xiao Wu and Lala were arguing about? He waved his hand, motioning for the others on the ring to step back, and chuckled, "That's good, right? Tang San, let me see what kind of strength you are? If your strength is not good, stay away from Xiao Wu, don't Licking your face and acting like a third party.”

Xiaowu and I have slept together for 6 years, and you have only met once. Who is the mistress?

Tai Long looked like he regarded Xiao Wu as his own, which made Tang San's veins jump: "Gorilla, I'll give you half an hour to rest, so that you can be convinced of your defeat."

"Just you? Just a soul master? I don't need to rest, just go on stage." In fact, the battle just now can only be said to be a warm-up. Tailong did not consume much state. He just used this to show his power.

"Okay, okay, then don't regret it." Tang San shouted angrily and jumped onto the ring.

He used the ghost shadow and trace steps in the secret art of Tang Sect. Like a ghost, his figure changed and suddenly appeared on the ring. His dazzling skills aroused cheers from the audience.

Tai Lung also put aside the contempt in his heart and cautiously set up a fighting posture.

After a moment of silence, the two of them released their martial spirits in unison.

The muscles on Tai Lung's body bulged, and thick chestnut hair grew all over his body. Orangutans and humans are both members of the primate family, and their body structures are very similar to humans. Tai Lung, who is possessed by the powerful gorilla, looks more like a gorilla than a human.

Tang San also released his martial spirit, mutated blue silver grass. Countless black and red tiny vines grew out from under his feet, twisting like nematodes and instantly covering the ground several feet in radius. They looked weird and powerful.

The moment the martial spirit was released, Tailong roared and flew towards Tang San.

As Tang San dodged and retreated, countless fine blue silver grasses wrapped around Tai Long's feet like black waves.

The first soul skill, Blue Silver Coil, although it is not as good as the amplification soul skill or the move soul skill, it is not without its merits: with the blessing of the soul skill, the binding effect of blue silver grass entanglement is much stronger. At least, one blade of grass can exert the effect of one and a half blades.

But facing Tai Long, a level 40 pure power soul master, Blue Silver Grass was still too fragile. With a little effort, he broke away from the countless weeds that completely covered his ankles. The spiky vines shattered one by one, leaving a trail of broken branches and leaves.

As for the rough-skinned Tailong, his skin was only scratched by the sharp thorns, which did not affect his speed at all. He only slowed down slightly and continued running towards Tang San.

As for the toxins attached to Bluesilver Grass? This is not as poisonous as the Eight Spider Spears, and the attack speed is quite slow. By the time the poison takes effect, the battle would have been over long ago.

The arena is not big, so the space for moving around is limited. But seeing Tai Long approaching more and more, Tang San was not only unhurried, but also showed a disdainful smile on his lips. When Tai Long finally got within ten feet of him, Tang San waved his hand, and a large net composed of blue silver grass instantly formed and fell directly on Tai Long's body.

Spider Web Binding, this third soul skill comes from the Man-Faced Demon Spider's signature skill, and is quite powerful.

This move was not as fragile as Blue Silver Coil. Tailong used all his strength, and the tough spider web was only slightly damaged. Even because of the huge stickiness of the cobweb, it became tangled around Tai Lung. The more he struggled, the tighter the cobweb became.

"As a powerful soul master, you are naturally restrained by controlling soul masters." Looking at Tailong who was at a disadvantage, Tang San mocked disdainfully, "Is this the strength of the soul sect? Why can't you compare to me? A little soul master? If you don't have enough strength, just stay away from Xiao Wu and don't lick your face like a third party."

While he was talking, countless blue silver grasses were swarming towards Tai Lung like nematodes, wrapping him tightly into a black and red rice dumpling. While the blue silver grass was squirming, the tiny spikes on it were cutting into Tai Lung's body like a saw, slicing through his hair-covered skin and cutting into his thick muscles.

The neurotoxins attached to the spikes were slowly injected into Tai Lung's body along with the blood. Soon he would be paralyzed and unable to move. Even if he escaped, his defeat would be certain.

Feeling that Tailong's struggle in the bluesilver grass was getting smaller and smaller, Tang San's lips raised a winner's smile, he slowly walked to the side of the bluesilver grass ball, lightly kicked it twice, and said mockingly : "You only have the strength to provoke Xiao Wu? You only deserve to be stepped on by me."

In the blue silver grass, Tai Long did not make a sound.

Just when Tang San was imagining how Xiao Wu could find his way back and return to his embrace, something happened suddenly. The cage made of bluesilver grass exploded instantly, and a pair of blood-stained, mane-covered hands stretched out in front of Tang San.

Perhaps due to the influence of Yu Tianming and Tailong's extraordinary efforts in training, Taitan gave him a good soul bone early to make up for the shortcomings of the force clan's single method. It is precisely because of this that Tailong was able to ascend to the realm of Soul Sect and become the leading expert in Lanba Academy.

Tai Lung, who was experienced in fighting, knew that he had been poisoned, and Tang San still had superb movement skills. Therefore, after being restrained by the spider web, he did not directly use the soul bone skill to break free, but waited until Tang San relaxed his vigilance and suddenly attacked when he was close to him.

Tai Long used the power of the soul bone to blow up all the cobweb bindings around him and the countless blue silver grass, and grabbed Tang San's head with all his strength.

Indulging in the joy of defeating his love rival and the fantasy of returning to Xiao Wu's arms, Tang San lost his original vigilance and agility, allowing Tai Long to succeed in this sneak attack.

At the moment of pain, the sixth article of Xuantian Baolu's general outline appeared in his mind: Taishan collapsed in front but its color remained unchanged, and the Yellow River reached its top without being surprised. A true master of hidden weapons has a cool head at all times.

It was because he cared too much about Xiao Wu and was too obsessed with defeating Tai Long that he lost his calmness, approached Tai Long rashly, and was hit by his clumsy attack.

How powerful is the power of all the soul rings that are concentrated at one point. When Tailong pinched Tang San's head, the mage was caught by the warrior, and the battle situation began to fall completely - Tang San had no chance to break free.

Although Tai Lung looked bulky, his attack speed was not slow. He grabbed the head with one hand and punched out several times with the other hand in an instant. Tang San was like a torn sack in a violent storm, being beaten around. Go, blood even splattered on the audience near the front.

Tang San reacted very quickly. After he was controlled, he immediately touched the Twenty-Four Bridge Mingyue Ye on his waist, and several rays of golden light flew out and suddenly penetrated into Tai Long's body.

The Tang Sect's hidden weapon, the Dragon Beard Needle - specializes in breaking the inner family's gang energy, and needs to be made with the hair gold in the hair crystal. After hitting an enemy, the Dragon Beard Needle will curl up into a ball, causing secondary damage and making life worse than death.

Tang San once used this to severely injure the Soul Sage Zhao Wuji. Tailong was just a small Soul Sect, how could the Fudo Ming King be able to resist?

More than a dozen tiny metal threads penetrated Tailong's body. The dragon's whiskers curled up and squeezed Tailong's blood vessels and muscles. Powerful pain suddenly erupted, causing him to lose his ability to fight in an instant. He curled up on the ground and twitched continuously. .

In less than a breath, Tang San, who had been punched several times, stood up tremblingly on the side, sat on the ground and coughed up a few mouthfuls of blood. His nose was bruised and his face was swollen, his body was covered in blood, and there were several fingerprints of Tai Lung on his forehead. He looked so miserable.

After a few breaths, Tang San calmed down and looked at Tai Long curled up in front of him, his eyes flashing fiercely.

Countless blue silver grass spread out from under his feet, wrapping half of Tailong's body. The second soul skill, powerful absorption, was activated! ! ! The countless pure soul power in Tailong's body was absorbed by Tang San through the Blue Silver Grass, and a trace of vitality was also brought into Tang San's body along with a large amount of soul power.

With the replenishment of vitality, Tang San's complexion gradually turned rosy, he breathed a long sigh of relief and stood up directly.

Tai Long, who had his soul power absorbed, was pale and bloodless. He had lost so much vitality, which was enough to make him weak for several months, and he could no longer improve his soul power.

The students who filled the stands didn't know what was going on. When they saw that the battle between the two had an outcome, and the mighty Tailong was defeated unexpectedly, they all cheered and looked at Tang San with feverish eyes.

In public, Tang San looked at Tailong who was seriously injured, and thought to himself: Today is your fate, and one day when you get to the wilderness, I will take your life.

He slowly restrained his murderous intent, looked at Tai Lung who was unable to fight anymore, and said disdainfully: "Gorilla, you, the Soul Sect, have already lost. You have lost to me, the Soul Lord. You should practice your soul power in the future. , don’t always think about pestering Xiao Wu.”

Tai Long endured the pain in his body and shouted loudly: "You are a despicable and shameless villain who uses hidden weapons to hurt people when he is weak. Is this considered your victory? Just a rat in the gutter?"

Hearing Tang San use a hidden weapon, the eyes of the students in the audience became strange, and chatter gradually began to ring out.

"It's just a ring match, not a life-and-death fight. Why did he use a hidden weapon in the ring?"

"Have you never won? You will do whatever it takes to win."

"I asked how Senior Tai Long could lose to a Soul Lord. It turned out that he used a hidden weapon, a rat in the gutter."

Tang San seemed unaware of the comments around him, and said to Tai Long in his own mind: "Hidden weapons are also part of strength. It is an indisputable fact that you were defeated in my hands. I can only blame you for being too weak. , I won’t show mercy next time I pester Xiao Wu.”

The pain caused by the Dragon Beard Needle was slightly relieved. Tailong gasped and yelled, "You fart!! You are a cunning, cunning villain with bad character. Xiao Wu will not like you. Xiao Wu will eventually If you want me to give up on Xiao Wu, just give up."

Tang San's expression gradually turned gloomy, and a layer of black energy seemed to appear all over his body: If you dare to snatch my Xiao Wu, you already have a way to die! ! Xuantian Baolu General Outline, Article 3: Make sure your opponent is an enemy, and as long as he has a way to kill you, don't show mercy, otherwise it will only add trouble to yourself.

Tang San shouted: "Tailong, since you are unwilling to admit defeat, then you can take this trick from me again."

Without giving Tai Lung time to open his mouth, countless nematode-like bluesilver grass wrapped around his head, completely covering his entire body. These blue silver grasses are full of spikes and are constantly swimming like small snakes. Tai Lung, who had no power to resist, would be cut into strips of meat in a matter of seconds under the countless sharp thorns.

Just like when Lu Zhishen beat Zhen Guanxi to death, he yelled when he escaped: "You are cheating your death, Sajia and you will take your time to deal with it!" This way he used this method to deceive the audience and buy himself time to escape.

Tang San was so angry that he ignored the spectators around him and used his killing move. He just wanted to kill the guy who snatched Xiao Wu. And Tang San's shouting was just to create a scene where Tailong refused to admit defeat and Tang San accidentally killed him.

"Little beast, you are looking for death!!"

Just when Tai Long was dying, a tall old man suddenly jumped onto the stage, and his powerful momentum broke the black and red blue silver grass inch by inch, revealing Tai Long who didn't have any good flesh on his body.

This old man has gray beard and hair, and his short hair stands on top of his head like steel needles. The figure looks similar to Tai Lung, but his eyes are much deeper and less angry. Seeing Tai Lung's miserable condition, an unparalleled sense of power suddenly burst out from him, and the air became thicker in an instant.

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