The Three Dragon Kings of Douluo

Chapter 138 Titan: The old slave met the young master

Tang San uncontrollably stepped back a few steps at the same time, reaching the edge of the ring before standing still.

Like a stormy sea, as soon as the sturdy old man appeared in front of him, surging and violent pressure instantly filled every part of Tang San's body. He could even hear his own bones starting to make slight sounds under the pressure.

"You little beast! You can actually use such vicious methods in the ring to kill my grandson. If you dare to offend my Titan today, you must be tired of living."

Tai Tan looked at Tai Lung, who had no good flesh on his body, and was filled with fear and anger: If he had not come to visit his grandson today, and if he had been a moment late, Tai Lung would have been turned to pulp by the sharp spikes of the bluesilver grass.

"Senior, you misunderstood. Tailong and I were just sparring normally. He was able to break through my offensive just now, but I didn't expect that he would lose his combat capability in the blink of an eye. Fortunately, you stopped him in time, otherwise I would have made a big mistake. "Feeling the aura of Contra in front of him, Tang San's eyes flashed and he hurriedly explained.

People in Douluo Continent don't have very high IQs. There were no major flaws in Tang San's rhetoric, and his tone was very sincere. If he were a good man, he would probably be fooled.

But who are the Titans? Haotian Sect's number one Ma Zi behaves in the same domineering style as Haotian Sect, even if he is unreasonable, he will make trouble. Now that his grandson is seriously injured, how can Tai Tan spare him?

He sent the seriously injured Tai Long to the hands of the healer soul master Jiang Zhu in the audience, then looked at Tang San and said with a bad expression: "Sparring? Using such a killing move that can kill people can be considered sparring? I, right? Hercules Titan also wants to have a discussion with you."

Without waiting for Tang San to answer, Tai Tan blocked the entire arena with his momentum.

In the eyes of everyone in the audience, the air near the two people was constantly distorting. Every time the air was distorted, Tang San felt as if his body was about to be crushed by this huge pressure.

Soul masters have tendencies in their training, but no matter how they develop in one direction, it is difficult to achieve only one attribute attached to all soul rings.

Take Tang San as an example. Although the animal soul ring imposed by his martial spirit Blue Silver Grass is aimed at enhancing the toughness of Blue Silver Grass, it follows a control system. But in addition to toughness, Bluesilver Grass also has spikes, blood-sucking, toxins, cobwebs and other attributes surrounding toughness, which complement each other.

But Titans with pure strength attributes hunt the same kind of soul beast for every soul ring, and they have been practicing until they reach Contra. Although the difficulty of obtaining a soul ring has increased exponentially, it has also pushed the strength attribute to the extreme. The same type of momentum as Zhao Wuji made Tang San's every move difficult.

Tai Tan laughed ferociously, the wrinkles on his face overlapped, and said fiercely, "I won't bully the juniors. Give me a moment to burn incense. If you can survive under my hands, then I will spare your life. If If you can’t, then don’t blame me for being cruel.”

Tai Tan's words made Tang San feel like he was in an ice cellar.

Even an ordinary person can tell that Tai Tai has murderous intentions, let alone professional killer Tang San. Facing a Contra that is 50 levels higher than him, how can he survive the time of a stick of incense?

Tang San looked gloomy and thought to himself: It seems that he was too impulsive today. He could obviously be assassinated afterwards, but he lost his position just because of Tai Long's provocation. Why does he become so impulsive when things involve Xiao Wu? His usual calm demeanor was completely gone.

However, in the face of a life and death crisis, he had no regrets. As long as it was for Xiao Wu, everything was worth it. This miss was all down to bad luck and encountering the presence of Titan.

With the level 86 Contra standing in front of him, Tang San had no room to escape.

But being a human being in two lifetimes and experiencing many lives and deaths, he immediately thought of a way to escape from death: that is to continue to hold on, hold on for a stick of incense, as long as he persists long enough, and wait until the teachers from Shrek Academy come out to rescue him. , there is a chance of survival.

Tai Tan walked forward, getting closer and closer to Tang San, and the feeling of oppression on his body became even greater.

At this time, I can no longer hold back. Tang San's eyes narrowed, and the clothes behind him were torn apart, and eight dark black spider legs immediately stretched out, firmly rooted to the ground. He used the Eight Spider Spears with External Soul Bones for the first time in the ring, which actually helped him resist the pressure of Titan's soul power.

Seeing the eight spider legs behind Tang San, both the Titan and the audience showed horror in their eyes.

They didn't recognize the legendary external soul bone, but were shocked by Tang San's weird appearance: Blue Silver Grass absorbed many evil animal soul rings and turned into a black and red slender vine with a Countless tiny spikes squirmed like countless nematodes, weird and disgusting.

The Eight Spider Spears are dark black in color and are covered with tiny spikes. They match the shape of the Blue Silver Grass extremely well. When the two are combined together, the level of weirdness is far greater than before. Bibi Dong’s martial spirit does not look like it. He is evil.

"At first glance, he is not a good guy, and he dares to kill people in public. If we don't get rid of him today, he will definitely be a scourge to the soul master world in the future." After saying that, Tai Tan strode forward and came to Tang San, covered with blood all over his body. The strength surged, and the momentum strengthened a bit.

Tang San gasped for air without saying a word, and the gloomy aura in his eyes seemed to drip out of water. Putting him face to face with a Contra, even with the support of the Eight Spider Spears, Tang San couldn't hold on and almost fell to his knees.

At this distance, Tai Tan didn't even need to make a move, he could crush Tang San to death with just his aura.

But from Tai Tan's point of view, Tang San beat his grandson half to death. If he didn't take action, it wouldn't be enough to satisfy his hatred, so he would just slap him in the face. It seemed like an ordinary palm, but under the lock of the momentum, Tang San was absolutely unable to dodge.

There was a great terror between life and death. If he couldn't take this palm, Tang San would immediately die on the ring.

The resentment in Tang San's heart reached its peak. Why did a guy like Tai Tan have such a powerful background? Why is it that his father is an ordinary blacksmith with no power and can only rely on himself?

With a slight thought in his mind, a small hammer immediately appeared in Tang San's hand. The Clear Sky Hammer doesn't look big, but it weighs at least a hundred kilograms. Tang San had learned some cloak-blowing techniques, and was already very good at controlling the hammer. If it hit an ordinary spirit master, it would kill him immediately.

While the Eight Spider Spears exerted their strength, the feet that had practiced the Ghost Shadow Mi Trace Step also suddenly kicked out, rising from the ground. Tang San twisted his waist, gathered all his strength into the Clear Sky Hammer, and faced Titan's slap.

The hammer that Tang San swung with all his strength was handled like child's play in front of a level 89 powerful spirit master.

However, this was also within Tang San's expectation. Naturally, he would not expect the Clear Sky Hammer without a soul ring to cause damage to Titan. As long as the Clear Sky Hammer could stop Titan for a moment, Tang San's goal would have been achieved.

The real killing move was the Tang Sect's hidden weapon. At the same time as the Haotian Hammer was swung, his other hand had already touched the Twenty-Four Bridge Mingyue Ye on his waist, and a strange-shaped hidden weapon had appeared in his hand.

As long as he hits the Titan in front of him, he can cause quite a stir and attract the master and all the teachers from Shrek Academy. If he could still be blocked for a moment, Tang San would have a chance to escape in the chaos and find a glimmer of hope.

"The unknown plant martial spirit, and the Clear Sky Hammer. Little guy, who is your father?" What was unexpected was that the Titan did not continue to attack after connecting to the hammer, but asked Tang San with a kind face.

Contra's huge momentum dissipated, and the burden on Tang San suddenly weakened, as if he had returned to the human world from hell.

"Father?" Tang San quietly put the hidden weapon behind his back and said tentatively: "My father's name is Tang Hao. He is just an ordinary blacksmith in the village. I don't know where he has gone now. Senior, do you know him? "

As expected, Tai Tan let out a long sigh and looked at his seriously injured grandson.

At this time, Tai Tan's surface injuries had been completely healed, but Tang San had absorbed a lot of his life force, and his face was still pale. Although the toxin of the blue silver grass on his body was not fatal, it still made him extremely weak and he kept coughing up blood. Although he was temporarily out of danger, if he did not receive further treatment, he would probably become a useless person in the future.

What's more important is that the dragon's whisker needle stuck in the body has not been taken out yet, and the pain of the metal thread rolling in the muscles made Tai Lung cry uncontrollably in the audience. Even Fudo Mingou could not resist such a sinister hidden weapon. Tailong was only a small soul sect and had been stabbed with more than a dozen needles. How could he bear it?

Between his grandson Tai Lung and his master, Tai Tan made a choice in an instant. With countless students watching, Tang San knelt down on one knee in front of him and bowed his head.

"Blacksmith. Has Master already fallen to this level?" Tears flowed from Old Tai Tan's eyes, and he knelt down in front of Tang San in sobs. "Old slave Tai Tan has seen the young master, but I don't know where Master is now?"

Tang Hao's decadent face flashed through Tang San's mind. He couldn't believe that his father was immersed in low-quality alcohol every day, and even had children several years old to take care of him when he was eating. Such a man would be taken care of by a man. A strong person at the Contra level is called a master.

Titan's behavior even caused many students of Lanba College to exclaim. Senior Tailong's grandfather wanted to kill him just now, why did he kneel down to him now?

The half-dead Tailong in the audience widened his eyes even more. Grandpa knelt down to Tang San in public. How could he have the dignity to live in the academy in the future? But Tai Lung could not stop the Titan, who had absolute say in the Power Clan, and could only lie on the ground and continue to pretend to be dead.

"My father is just an ordinary blacksmith. Do you know him?" Facing the powerful Titan in front of him. Tang San had long since lost the unruliness he had when he attacked Tai Long, and his expression became extremely respectful and pious, as if he was a well-behaved junior.

Tai Tan looked at the shocked people around him, and the excitement in his heart calmed down a little. After thinking for a moment, he took Tang San's hand holding the Clear Sky Hammer and said in a deep voice: "Young Master, let's find a quiet place first, and I will tell you slowly."

Let's face it, he ignored his seriously injured grandson Tailong and directly pulled Tang San out of the arena of Lanba Academy.

Lanba College is located in the Lanba Forest. The college is surrounded by ancient trees that are hundreds of years old. The dense greenery wraps up this small college. It is one of the few quiet places in Tiandou City.

The two of them didn't walk long before crossing the boundary of Lanba Academy and entering the lush Lanba forest. There are no traces of ordinary students here, and all that is heard is the buzzing of insects and the chirping of birds, making the Lanba Forest even more tranquil.

After walking into the deep forest, Tai Tan slowly opened his mouth and explained: "Young Master, you don't know something. The Haotian Hammer you used just now is the exclusive martial spirit of the Haotian Sect, the number one sect in the world. With this weapon Soul, it means that you must be of the Haotian Sect's bloodline, and the youngest titled Douluo of the previous generation of Haotian Twins is named Tang Hao, and he is your father."

Having said this, most of Tang San's doubts disappeared, and he was convinced that his sloppy father who had accomplished nothing and only knew how to drink was the legendary Haotian Douluo. He is no ordinary farm boy, but a descendant of the Haotian Sect, the number one sect in the world.

The corners of Tang San's mouth slowly raised, no wonder he had such a powerful talent, ordinary people didn't even have soul power, how could he be like them?

"Even if my father is Haotian Douluo, why do you call me Young Master, senior?" Tang San gradually calmed down and asked the strong old man in front of him the last doubt in his heart?

"I am the leader of the Force Clan. The Force Clan is originally a retainer of the Haotian Sect. Your father, Haotian Douluo, was the next sect leader of the Haotian Sect. So naturally I have to call you Young Master." He said respectfully to the young man in front of him.

Tang San, who was already overwhelmed by joy, let out a long sigh of relief. He now felt as if he heard that his father, who had a monthly salary of 3,000, was actually a billionaire who was hiding his identity. He was the only son of a billionaire. The group boss who was extremely arrogant in front of him turned out to be his father's younger brother, and he suddenly became respectful to him.

When the two fell into silence, a tall man in black robes slowly walked out of the forest and came to the two.



Tai Tan and Tang San exclaimed at the same time.

"Titan, long time no see. Let me tell my mistress personally about the next thing." The man in black also pulled off his hood, revealing a weathered face full of stubble. There was an undisguised look in his eyes as he looked at Taitan. The praise seems to be a compliment for his loyalty.

The words were divided into two parts, when Tang San and Tai Long were fighting.

Zhu Zhuqing ran back to the girls' dormitory and said quickly to Xiao Wu who was tossing and turning on the bed: "Xiao Wu, don't sleep. Tai Long and the third brother are fighting. Go and have a look."

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