The Three Dragon Kings of Douluo

Chapter 139 Xiao Wu, don’t you want to be exposed?

"Zhuqing, is the third brother injured? Let's go over there now."

Xiao Wu lifted up the quilt, jumped up from the bed, dressed in a hurry, and rushed out of the dormitory building with Zhu Zhuqing. She thought to herself: Could it be because of me that the third brother and Tai Long started fighting? Tailong's cultivation level is much higher than that of the third brother. What if something happens to the third brother during the battle?

The two of them had just rushed out of the dormitory when they were blocked by a figure as tall as a city wall.

"Xiao Wu, where are you going in a hurry? Come with me first." Yu Tianming looked down at the flustered Xiao Wu and said slowly.

Xiao Wu, as a soft-bodied charming rabbit, is extremely sensitive to strong humans. Yu Tianming's strength has always been difficult to figure out, and Xiao Wu is usually very wary of him and never takes the initiative to contact him.

But now it was about Tang San's safety, Xiao Wu couldn't care so much anymore, she said anxiously: "Brother Tianming, if you have anything to do, let's talk about it next time. Third brother and Tai Long are fighting. If you don't believe me, just ask Zhu Qing." ”

Zhu Zhuqing didn't answer Xiao Wu. She just looked forward steadily, wanting to consult Yu Tianming's opinion: The other party was her, the shelter of an exiled nobleman. Zhu Zhuqing's safety was completely in Yu Tianming's hands. She couldn't help Xiao Wu. Wu talked and offended the other party.

The corners of Yu Tianming's lips raised slightly, and he said slowly to Zhu Zhuqing: "Zhuqing, I want to have a few words with Xiao Wu alone. You don't need to worry so much, just leave."

Zhu Zhuqing took a deep look at Yu Tianming, nodded slightly, and then left quickly without looking back.

Xiao Wu watched her good sisters leave without mercy and quickly. She opened her mouth and hurriedly wanted to follow, but Yu Tianming grabbed her arm. He was dragged straight towards the Lanba Forest near the girls' dormitory.

Xiao Wu was worried about Tang San, but how could she care about Yu Tianming, a strong man with unknown strength. While using all her strength to break away from Yu Tianming's hand, she said: "Let go of me quickly, I have to go find the third brother."

Even if she has been practicing for 100,000 years, she is only a small soul master now. How much strength can she have?

Yu Tianming's template is the same as that of the Dragon God. On the one hand, he pursues the ultimate mastery of elements like the Silver Dragon King, and on the other hand, he pursues the most powerful body like the Golden Dragon King. Faced with Xiao Wu's pull, he seemed unaware and did not slow down at all. He walked towards Lan Ba ​​Forest as usual, staggering when Xiao Wu used all his strength to pull him.

The two of them walked away step by step, approaching the deep and dark Lanba Forest.

Xiao Wu pulled to no avail, so she jumped up anxiously, kicked her legs on Yu Tianming's body, straightened her body, and tried to use her whole body's strength to break free from Yu Tianming's hands.

But Yu Tianming still didn't care, carrying Xiao Wu like a pendant, stretching his arms and walking forward.

Seeing that her attacks had no effect, Xiao Wu's heart sank, and she used her signature skills, the jutsu technique and the eight-level throw. In conjunction with the first soul skill, waist bow, and slender legs, they clamped Yu Tianming's waist and tried with all their strength to knock him down.

The two of them have arrived at the edge of Lan Ba ​​Forest. On one side are the stone floor tiles of Lan Ba ​​Academy, and on the other side is the Lan Ba ​​Forest that exudes the earthy smell.

In the afternoon, an ancient tree tens of meters high cast a huge shadow, covering the two figures.

Yu Tianming lowered his head leisurely, looked at Xiao Wu dancing up and down on him, and said impatiently, "Little rabbit, if you don't want to die, just come with me honestly, otherwise there are so many people in Tiandou City. Titled Douluo, someone will always take your life."

Bunny? Titled Douluo?

When Xiao Wu heard these two words, her face changed greatly, "What do you mean? Why can't I understand? Let me go quickly, I still need to find the third brother."

Xiao Wuxin said: Yu Tianming clearly didn't feel the aura of the titled Douluo on his body, how could he know his identity? Is it a misunderstanding?

Yu Tianming sneered, breaking Xiao Wu's fantasy, "Now that we have talked about it, you, a 100,000-year-old rabbit spirit, are still pretending to be stupid here. Xiao Wu, you don't want to expose your soul in Tiandou City." Beast identity."

Xiao Wu was completely sure that her identity as a soul beast had been exposed, but she still pretended to be calm and said harshly with trembling words: "What identity? I'm just a student of Shrek Academy. I don't understand what you are talking about at all. ?”

Yu Tianming pinched Xiao Wu's arm. He raised her in front of him and said, "You dare to act stupid here, a 100,000-year-old rabbit spirit. I have recognized your identity a long time ago. It's just that I didn't want to point it out directly before. Now I'm full of bans." Are you tired of living in Douluo’s Heaven Dou City?”

Seeing that Xiao Wu didn't say a word, Yu Tianming threw her into the forest. The huge impact made Xiao Wu roll several times, bending a large bush, and hit a big tree. Leaves fell all over the ground.

Xiao Wu groaned in pain, her eyes filled with tears.

She looked at the tall figure in front of her, and her body trembled uncontrollably. No one can resist the temptation of a hundred thousand year old soul bone. Once the soul beast is discovered, it will face endless pursuit.

The little dancer fell helplessly to the ground, a running light running through her mind: Mom, I'm sorry. I took it upon myself to take on human form and came to the human world. I wanted to avenge you, but before I could even see my enemy, my life was about to end. I'm sorry, Ming, for letting you die miserably because of me. Lao Qing fights in the forest, but I still don’t know who the enemy is.

And third brother, in the last moments, I lost my temper with you. I hope you will forget this unpleasant memory and only remember my cheerful and lively appearance.

Yu Tianming strode out from Lanba Academy into the forest. The lush trees obscured the tall figure.

Yu Tianming stood in front of Xiao Wu, looked at her sitting on the ground and waited for death, sneered disdainfully, squatted down, and stared directly into Xiao Wu's eyes. Yu Tianming lifted her chin and said jokingly: "I didn't say I wanted to kill you. Why does Xiao Wu look so hopeless?"

Xiao Wu shook his head hard, trying to break away from Yu Tianming's fingers, but his strength was obviously much weaker than Yu Tianming's, and he was completely unable to twist his face.

The soft-bone rabbit is on the diet of many carnivores in the Star Dou Forest. Xiao Wu knows that when the prey cannot escape, the hunter will play with the prey like a cat and mouse, and Yu Tianming did not let her go at all. thought.

Xiao Wu snorted coldly, "Where did all this nonsense come from? Kill or behead him, it's up to you."

Her eyes were full of determination and unyielding, as if to say, the soul beast will never be a slave, even if you kill me, I will never give in.

"Little Rabbit, you are quite strong. I hope you can keep it up in the future." Yu Tianming grabbed Xiao Wu's neck, lifted her up, leaned against the ancient tree behind her, and whispered in her ear: " I encountered a rare soul beast incarnation, guess what I will do with you?"

Feeling the hot breath in her ears, Xiao Wu shuddered and crossed her arms, her eyes full of fear, "What are you going to do to me? You are a human and I am a spirit beast. Don't be too perverted."

Xiao Wu was not a pure little white rabbit. She usually spoke dirty words. She squeezed into the same bed with Tang San as soon as she transformed. She didn't look like a girl from a good family at all. Only Tang San would think she was innocent. As soon as Yu Tianming approached, her mind shifted to Xia San Road.

Yu Tianming glanced at her disdainfully and said slowly: "Tang San is still under my nose. If you don't agree to my request, you will go to hell with Tang San."

"Ah, how could you do something to Third Brother?" She covered her chest pitifully and glanced at Yu Tianming in front of her. After a moment, Xiao Wu seemed to have made up some kind of determination and said generously, "I'm willing to do whatever you want me to do, as long as you let Third Brother go."

As the words fell, Xiao Wu pulled open her collar and looked to the side with despair, tears of reluctance overflowing from her eyes.

Yu Tianming's eyes flickered, and when he looked at Xiao Wu, his eyes were full of amusement. If Tang San saw her like this, would his head be about to explode?

However, he didn't make any extraordinary move towards Xiao Wu. He just released his grip on Xiao Wu's neck and let her slowly slide to the ground along the trunk of the tree. Sitting like a duck, he hurriedly wiped the tears from his eyes, put his hands on the ground, and kept coughing.

Yu Tianming kicked Xiao Wu's body and said sternly, "Don't use your filthy and obscene thoughts to speculate on me. In the next two years, I can help you hide the soul beast's aura and save your life, but at a price That is, you must absolutely obey my request.”

Xiao Wu looked at the big feet in front of her and hurriedly pulled up her collar.

Wiping her face casually, she knew that her life was not in danger, so she breathed a long sigh of relief and said ruthlessly, "Anyway, I only have one life left and a 100,000-year-old soul bone. If you have any requests, just ask That’s it, whatever you want is up to you.”

This guy's rogue appearance is a perfect match for Shrek's ethos. Letting Xiao Wu enter Lanba Academy, which has a strict school ethos, is a injustice to her.

"In Tiandou City, there are many titled Douluo coming and going. With my help, your soul beast identity will not be exposed in front of them. During this period, you will stay at Lanba Academy and wait until you finish participating. I will let you pay for the Soul Master Competition," Yu Tianming said meaningfully.

"Ah? That's it? You can help me hide the identity of the soul beast and let me participate in the soul master competition. Then I can always stay with the third brother? Is there such a good thing?" Xiao Wu's face turned sad. Hi, he patted his butt and stood up, covering his chest with one hand, and said with a smile, "Then let's make a deal."

Yu Tianming pointed with his hand, and a white light with a little breath flew out from his fingertips and merged into Xiao Wu's body, "Don't be too happy. After the Soul Master Competition is over, I will ask you for the corresponding price." ”

"I know, I know." Xiao Wu patted her chest. She was originally a carefree person, but now she felt that the soul beast aura on her body had dissipated. She only focused on being happy and threw away all the 'price' mentioned by Yu Tianming. to the back of the head.

In the original work, when Xiao Wu met Dugu Bo at Tiandu Royal Academy, she had to use all her strength to contain the spirit beast aura. And just like holding your breath, if you can't release it at a certain point in time, you will be suffocated to death. But at this moment, integrated into Yu Tianming's white light, the soul beast aura she exuded all the time disappeared without a trace in an instant, as if she had turned into a real human being.

Seeing that the silly rabbit became quiet again, Yu Tianming pointed to the shoe prints on his clothes and said, "Xiao Wu, you kicked me several times just now. Now quickly wipe the dust off my clothes. Remember, you must be absolutely Obey my demands."

"I know, I'll help you clean it now." Xiao Wu squatted down next to him, picked up the cuff and wiped it carefully, but after lowering her head, she curled her lips in disdain.

Yu Tianming raised his eyebrows slightly: This bunny spirit's thinking is really out of the ordinary. He dared to show disdain for himself just after he escaped with his life. No wonder she would stir up trouble everywhere in the original work and ask Tang San to clean things up for her. But I'm not Tang San, and I won't tolerate your temper.

Yu Tianming raised his leg and kicked Xiao Wu, who was squatting at his feet, to the ground of Lan Ba ​​Forest. She rolled several times before she stabilized her figure.

Xiao Wu's eyes showed a hint of indifference, she raised her head and said angrily: "You"

Before she could continue, Yu Tianming moved his fingertips slightly, activating the trace of divine power remaining in Xiao Wu's body. As soon as Xiao Wu opened her mouth, a strange feeling came from her body. She quickly covered her stomach with sweat, and all the curse words she originally wanted to say were blocked in her mouth.

"Keeping you alive is my greatest gift. Don't be so shameless. Now I can control your every move. Don't let me reappear the embarrassed look you had just now in front of Tang San." Yu Tianming sternly said He scolded, "Let me advise you again, don't think about escaping, and don't try to sacrifice to Tang San. I have left a backup plan in your body, don't use your and Tang Sansan's lives as child's play."

After hearing this, Xiao Wu realized that she was completely unable to break away from Yu Tianming's control, and even the last resort, sacrifice, could not be used, and then she shed tears of regret.

Only then did her eyes become frightened again. She quickly straightened her body, squatted on the ground, carefully wiped the dust off Yu Tianming's clothes, and murmured, "Sir, I understand."

Yu Tianming didn't bother to talk nonsense to her anymore. He took off his coat and threw it into Xiao Wu's arms. "Wash my coat clean tonight and bring it to me tomorrow."

After that, he strode out of the dense forest.

Xiao Wu held the large robe in her arms and was stunned for a moment, then stood up in despair and walked towards the dormitory building.

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