The Three Dragon Kings of Douluo

Chapter 144 Tang San: I want to provide for your retirement

A cool afternoon breeze blew by, causing the ancient branches of Lanba Forest to sway. As the leaves rustled, the bright sunlight filtered through the gaps between the leaves and shone on Tang San's face, bringing him back to his senses. .

Tang San closed his eyes, took a deep breath, put on a gentle smile, looked at the master who was a little lost after the position transfer failed, and said slowly: "Teacher, why are you here at this time?"

Remembering that he was assigned to clean the toilet, the proud Yu Xiaogang didn't know how to tell his apprentice.

His eyes were a little dodgeful. After a moment of silence, he remembered his intention and said softly, "I just heard your cry, Xiaosan, did something happen to you during your cultivation?"

When it came to cultivation, Tang San remembered his father's instructions, and the smile on his face slowly faded. He walked up to Yu Xiaogang, with a look of pain on his face again, and said softly: "Teacher, I I heard that there were many twin martial souls in history, but they all failed to cultivate successfully and died suddenly in the end, right?"

"Xiaosan, you just need to follow my guidance and practice Bluesilver Grass well. You don't need to think about it so much." Yu Xiaogang said seriously.

"But there are so many examples of twin martial souls who failed to practice. I feel like I have a lump in my throat every day, and I can't calm down to practice at all." Tang San sighed faintly, and he moved his gaze to Yu Xiaogang in front of him, his eyes revealing With a look of hope, "Teacher, your theory of martial arts is so powerful, there must be a way to solve the problem of training my twin martial souls."

Hearing this, Yu Xiaogang trembled, remembering the girl he met in the library of Wuhun Hall twenty years ago, and couldn't help showing a trace of hatred in his eyes.

With Bibi Dong's inspiration and help, Yu Xiaogang embarked on the path of studying martial arts theory. In addition, Bibi Dong also promised that after inheriting the throne of the Pope, she would use all the power of Wuhun Palace to find ways to improve his Wuhun.

But the good times did not last long, and the relationship between the two did not last long. Bibi Dong broke up and even got married to the previous Pope Qian Xunji.

When he thought of the powerful, gentle and considerate Bibi Dong being snatched away by Qian Xunji, the resentment in Yu Xiaogang's heart grew uncontrollably - is the talent of Wuhun so important? Why should you choose Qianxunji?

Yu Xiaogang's eyes gradually became colder, he glanced at Tang San, and said slowly: "Xiao San, the future is uncertain. If you keep indulging in the fear of the future, you will never be able to stand alone as a strong man. Sir, your task now is to practice well and don’t think about those messy things.”

Tang San had just suffered the blow of Xiao Wu's departure. He originally wanted to come up with a method to cultivate twin martial arts, but after hearing Yu Xiaogang's words, Tang San's heart suddenly became cold.

Based on his understanding of Yu Xiaogang, a useless person, I am afraid that Yu Xiaogang does not know the training method of twin martial arts at all. During the years of training from level 10 to level 36, Yu Xiaogang probably just let himself practice casually.

With Luo Sanpao's deeds against the Mandala Snake in front of him, would Yu Xiaogang help him find out the cultivation method of twin martial spirits from the Spirit Hall in the future? Tang San was not sure about this at all.

Facing the crisis of life and death, in a weather of over 20 degrees Celsius, huge beads of sweat actually appeared on Tang San's forehead.

Tang San was not a simple person in two lifetimes. The moment Yu Xiaogang finished speaking, he thought of a way to obtain the cultivation method of twin martial arts.

His face straightened, as if he were in the Junior Soul Master Academy, and he knelt down to Yu Xiaogang without hesitation, and said with a serious expression: "Teacher, I'm not worried about my own future mishaps, I'm worried about you."

"Oh? What are you worried about?" Yu Xiaogang looked at Tang San who knelt down to him suddenly, and asked with a puzzled face.

Tang San said worriedly, "Teacher, Yu Tianming is a guy who disobeys his elders. He has no respect for elders at all. He has never stopped slandering teachers in these days. And he is the next leader of the Blue Lightning Tyrant Sect. Now you have the support of the old leader of the Blue Lightning Tyrant Sect, so you are not afraid of him, but when he inherits the sect, he will definitely attack you."

What Yu Xiaogang didn't know was that Yu Tianming's strength had long broken through the boundaries of ordinary soul masters. Now he was just keeping Yu Xiaogang alive for fun, not for Yu Yuanzhen's face.

However, Tang San's words reminded Yu Xiaogang, and his heart suddenly jumped: he was not so afraid of Yu Tianming now, but his father would get old one day. When that time came, he would be unhappy with him. How could he, a great soul master, survive in the soul master world?

Yu Xiaogang usually fools others, how could he let Tang San fool him all of a sudden? He quickly found the key to the problem, "Xiao San, you are right, but what does this have to do with your desire to find a way to cultivate twin martial spirits."

Acting is also a required course for killers. Before Yu Xiaogang finished speaking, tears naturally fell from Tang San's eyes. He sobbed and said:

"The tree wants to be quiet but the wind does not stop, the son wants to support his parents but his parents are not waiting. I am afraid that one day my cultivation will go wrong and my soul will return to the nine springs. My life alone is not worth anything, but I am afraid that many years later, I will not be able to take care of my teacher, and you will be bullied by Yu Tianming, a guy who has no respect for his elders!!"

The grief and indignation in his heart can be seen bursting out from Tang San's hoarse voice. Even Tang San himself has to praise himself as a filial son.

Looking at Tang San kneeling in front of him, Yu Xiaogang was also moved to tears.

Yu Xiaogang took a deep breath, slowly squatted down, hugged Tang San, stroked Tang San's back, and said with emotion: "Xiao San, I know you are a good boy who respects teachers and respects the way of life. It is my greatest luck to meet you as my disciple."

Tang San's eyes moved slightly. Yu Xiaogang, this waste, kept talking for a long time, why didn't he mention solving the problem of twin martial soul cultivation for himself?

Concerning his own life, Tang San took the initiative to speak again: "Teacher, I have twin martial souls. Now I practice Blue Silver Grass according to the practice method of ordinary spirit masters. Will there be any problems? After all, we don't know what taboos there are for twin martial souls."

Yu Xiaogang let go of Tang San, rubbed his beard, and his eyes were thoughtful: he only knew that Bibi Dong practiced the first martial soul first, and he really didn't know what the specific taboos were.

He said slowly: "Xiao San, it should be fine to practice one martial soul first. Remember not to add spirit rings to the Clear Sky Hammer first, then there will probably be no problem."

It should be? Probably? Tang San's eyebrows twitched repeatedly. He was worthy of being a master, but he was still as unreliable as ever.

Tang San thought to himself: I was almost killed by him when I hunted the Mandragora Snake last time. If it weren't for my good luck and my hidden weapons, I might not be able to save myself. Now Yu Xiaogang didn't know the details of practicing the twin martial spirits, but he has been guiding me for so many years. Fortunately, I was lucky and there were no problems in my practice for so many years, but in order to save my life, I had to get the secret of the twin martial spirits as soon as possible.

"Teacher, you should quickly check the relevant information and study it carefully. Don't let me violate the taboos of twin martial spirit practice."

"Xiao San, don't worry, I will check the details of the practice of the twin martial spirits myself, but the practice method is of great importance, and I have to think about this matter more."

Yu Xiaogang didn't dare to see Liu Erlong, so did he dare to see Bibi Dong? Thinking of Bibi Dong's appearance 20 years ago, Yu Xiaogang, who was cowardly by nature, could not help but have the thought of escaping. Tang San did not show his talent in the soul master competition, and the theory of martial arts was not proven. Yu Xiaogang He didn't have the courage to meet Bibi Dong either.

Yu Xiaogang thought to himself: Now that Xiao San is still in the early stages of cultivation, he has far from encountered the difficulty of twin martial souls, and his cultivation has been very smooth for so many years. Is it really necessary to meet Bibi Dong for this little detail?

Tang San understood the hesitation in the master's eyes, and with a strong heart, he hugged Yu Xiaogang's thigh, raised his head and stared at the master with stern eyes, and said: "Teacher, do you still remember the first time in the junior soul master academy?" What did I say when I met you? Once a teacher, always a father. I have already treated you as a father. Knowing that you are nearly fifty and have no heir, from now on I, the disciple, will be your son. , Even if Yu Tianming doesn’t deal with you in the future, I am still willing to support you in your old age.”

Yu Xiaogang has been looked down upon by the people around him since he awakened his martial spirit at the age of six. When he was in his twenties, his beloved Bibi Dong married someone else. When he was in his thirties, he discovered that the wife he was about to marry turned out to be his cousin. Sister, Yu Xiaogang is now over forty years old, but apart from the two old members of the Golden Iron Triangle, only Tang San is truly interested in him.

Tang San gave his best performance, showing an exaggerated filial piety that surpassed 99% of father-son relationships, but it was also extremely natural. Yu Xiaogang, an old liar, was moved to tears, and he touched his head. Three, choked with sobs, said, "Good disciple, I will definitely train you well and make you the most powerful soul master."

"Dad!!" Tang San held back his nausea and continued to say excitedly: "I have long regarded you as my father. Although we are not related by blood, I have kept the friendship in my heart for so many years. From now on, you will be Xiaosan's." Godfather, I am your son."

Where has Yu Xiaogang seen such a formation? Tang San was immediately shocked and stunned, but after he reacted, the gentle look he originally looked at Tang San gradually reached the level of doting.

Observing words is also an essential skill for killers. Seeing Yu Xiaogang's eyes, Tang San breathed a sigh of relief and said in his heart: Gangzi, I've already called you daddy. For the safety of your son, you should always go to the Spirit Hall. Let’s trick the secret of the twin martial souls out.

But who would have expected that the master didn't mention the twin martial souls at all, and looked at Tang San with excitement, and responded excitedly: "Hey, good son. Xiao San, I will treat you like my own son from now on. of."


The words were divided into two parts. While Yu Xiaogang and Tang San were loving father and son, Yu Tianming had already led Qian Renxue to catch up with Yu Luomian and Liu Erlong.

"Let me go, what's wrong with me? I don't like Xiaogang because of the fusion of martial arts!!"

"Second Grandpa, don't leave yet. I have thought of a way to manage Aunt Erlong." Yu Tianming grabbed Yu Luomian's shoulders and said slowly while looking at Liu Erlong who was showing his teeth and claws.

Yu Luo Mian turned around, let go of her daughter who was struggling to see Yu Xiaogang in her arms, then stuffed her into her creaking nest, and said excitedly: "Oh? I knew you were going to do it tomorrow." "Pu, is there any way to cure the sequelae of martial soul fusion?"

Qian Renxue, who was beside Yu Tianming, looked at the rough behavior of Yu Luomian and his daughter, and thought to herself: The sequelae of the fusion of martial souls? Could it be the impact on emotions? But this kind of thing is not a big deal, right? Yu Luo Mian is so rough and doesn't look like someone who particularly loves his daughter? Why do you want to find a solution to the fusion of martial souls for Liu Erlong?

In fact, Qian Renxue's guess was good. Yu Luomian did like her daughter, but it was because of her excellent talent, and she loved her like cats and dogs.

As for why Yu Luomian put so much effort into preventing her from being with Yu Xiaogang? This is just like how Yu Luo Mian didn't let Liu Erlong recognize his ancestor and return to the clan at first because of the identity of Liu Erlong's mother. It was all for the sake of face. He even said that being with Yu Xiaogang, a disgrace in the soul master world, would be a hundred times more embarrassing than having a child with a prostitute.

Yu Tianming looked at the excited Yu Luo Mian and chuckled calmly: "Second Grandpa, don't worry. My method may not be that useful, but it should improve Aunt Erlong's condition."

As soon as he finished speaking, a bright white light flashed through, and Yu Tianming and others disappeared from Lanba Academy without a trace in an instant.

In the water world in Yu Tianming's body, everyone stood on a hundred-meter-high cliff, with the vast ocean in front of them. The sunlight created by the soul skill shines on the sea, sparkling like countless diamonds. The sea breeze blew against my face, bringing with it the smell of salty and wet sea water.

"Martial soul fusion is not only the fusion of soul power and martial soul, but also the contact and fusion of souls. Therefore, those who can use martial soul fusion not only need the matching of martial souls, but also need to have no spiritual rejection. In addition, the more times the martial souls are fused, the soul masters who participate in the martial soul fusion will have different feelings in their hearts." Yu Tianming looked at the three people in front of him and explained slowly.

Yu Luomian ignored the changes in the surrounding environment, but nodded seriously, "It is true, just like the White Tiger and the Civet Cat of the Star Luo Empire, the two families have always been married. After they use more martial soul fusion skills, they will definitely You will fall deeply in love with the other person and become your unwavering support.”

Qian Renxue asked with a puzzled look on her face: "Tianming, where is this place and how did we get here?"

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