The Three Dragon Kings of Douluo

Chapter 145 Liu Erlong: Much better spirits

Yu Tianming smiled slightly and said slowly: "This is called the Water World. You came here because I transferred you here."

Yu Tianming did not shy away from the existence of the Water World space, but he concealed the fact that this world was formed by his soul bone skills. He was destined to bring many people in and out of this world, but as long as the other party did not know his specific skills, it would be difficult to find a way to restrain himself. It was very important to conceal the information of key soul skills.

"I was attracted by Xiaogang's personality charm, not because of the martial soul fusion skill." Seeing that he was taken away from Shrek Academy, Liu Erlong struggled and shouted again.

Just like a drunk person never admits that he is drunk, and a mentally ill person never admits that he is mentally ill, Liu Erlong does not think that he likes Yu Xiaogang because of the martial soul fusion.

Yu Tianming ignored her roar, but looked at Yu Luomian and continued: "Second Grandpa, let me tell you how I eliminate the influence of the martial soul fusion skill."

Hearing the elimination of the influence of the martial soul fusion, Qian Renxue and Liu Erlong both pricked up their ears and listened carefully, and Yu Luomian also stretched out his hand, motioning Yu Tianming to continue.

Yu Tianming turned his back, looked at the blue sea in front of him, and said slowly, "That is to use the martial soul fusion technique with higher priority and greater spiritual impact to cover the martial soul fusion of their golden iron triangle."

"Tianming, what are you kidding?" Before Yu Luomian could speak, Liu Erlong laughed disdainfully, "The martial soul fusion technique of Xiaogang, Flanders and I is rare in a hundred years. It is difficult to find another three-person martial soul fusion in this world. Where else can I fuse my martial soul? And I don’t like Xiaogang because of martial soul fusion."

Yu Tianming smiled slightly, "Aunt Erlong, I can fuse martial souls with you. When the fusion is over, you will know whether you like Yu Xiaogang because of martial soul fusion."

As soon as the voice fell, Yu Tianming floated lightly in the air, above the sea, like a feather. Under his feet, six black, two red, and one gold nine soul rings slowly emerged and began to flash continuously.

This exaggerated soul ring configuration made the three people standing on the cliff silent and subconsciously held their breath.

"Seventh Soul Skill, Soul Body!"

Instantly, Yu Tianming turned into a golden dragon that was a hundred meters long. The image of his Soul Body was not much different from when he just awakened. It had four legs, three heads, and two tails, similar to the Western dragon King Ghidorah.

However, after experiencing the Yin-Yang Eyes of Ice and Fire and the infusion of the Dragon God's divine power, his body became more smooth, his scales had an extra layer of glaze, and his body was constantly emitting a soft light.

"How could there be such a huge Soul Body?" Qian Renxue swallowed slowly.

In Douluo Continent, the types of beast souls are different, and the size of the Soul Body is also different. For example, Dugu Bo's Green Scale Snake King, when he just entered the Title Douluo, his Soul Body was only a dozen feet long. If it were an angel clan, he would become a giant several meters tall when the Soul Body was activated.

But no matter how big the difference in the types of souls is, the Soul Body of each beast soul master is at most tens of meters in size, and there will never be a Soul Body like Yu Tianming that is hundreds of meters long.

Yu Luomian and Liu Erlong, two soul masters with dragon-type martial spirits, were even more shocked by the perfect shape of the giant dragon in the sky. They stood there in a daze, unable to recover for a long time.

Yu Tianming vibrated his huge wings slightly, and his body was propelled to fly quickly. His speed was extremely fast, but in a water world that was only a thousand miles away and controlled by himself, Yu Tianming's speed was a little faster again. He felt like he was Kunpeng and could travel to the North Sea and Mu Cangwu.

After soaring in the air for several times, he slowly hovered on the edge of the cliff where the four of them were, opened three huge dragon heads, and let out a deep roar.

To Qian Renxue's ears, this roar was very similar to that of an ordinary dragon spirit beast, and there was nothing mysterious about it.

But this ordinary roar sounded like an echo from eternity to Yu Luo Mian and Liu Erlong, triggering the memories left in their blood.

Yuluo Mian immediately transformed into a giant blue dragon with thick legs and small forearms, about twenty meters long from head to tail, and dots of blue electric light flashed around his body.

Liu Erlong turned into a red red dragon that was very similar to Yuluo Mian. The difference was that she was only more than ten meters long, with red fire flashing all over her body. A pair of small red wings grew out of her back, but she was not the same as Yuluo Mian. Compared to her size, these wings were clearly unable to enable her to fly in the sky.

The giant dragon transformed by the two people couldn't help but roar, as if it was replying to Yu Tianming's roar just now.

The true form of the martial spirit transformed by Yu Tianming stepped on the sea, and its three huge heads just reached the three people on the cliff. The martial souls transformed by Yu Luomian and Liu Erlong were as weak as a newborn baby in front of him.

Looking deeply at the two people who had transformed into dragons, Yu Tianming roared again. This time hearing his roar, Liu Erlong knelt down on the ground uncontrollably, and she transformed into the dragon body of Wuhun's true form. A thin red thread vaguely formed between her and Yu Tianming. Through this thin thread, her fire attribute soul power was linked to Yu Tianming's body.

Seeing that the experiment was successful, the corners of Yu Tianming's three heads raised at the same time.

Ever since he was baptized by the Dragon God, when he faced other dragons, he would have an inexplicable feeling in his heart, as if he had become their king and could command them anytime and anywhere. It's like, just like the Blue Silver Emperor is to the Blue Silver Grass.

It was precisely because of this that he vaguely realized that he seemed to be able to fuse martial souls with other dragon soul beasts or dragon soul masters.

However, he did not choose the two nobles around him for the experiment, nor did he randomly choose an innocent passerby with a dragon-like martial spirit to perform fusion skills. Instead, he chose Liu Erlong, who had a brain problem. After all, she would always stand by Yu Xiaogang. On the other side, Yu Tianming is destined to be unable to become allies with people like Tang San and Yu Xiaogang.

Yu Tianming did not continue to act, but transformed into a human form again and slowly floated to the cliff.

Yu Luo Mian also released his martial spirit avatar and looked at Yu Tianming with a confused expression, "It's incredible. The impact of this roar is so strong. I spontaneously followed you and roared loudly."

"Is this the martial soul fusion skill of you and Liu Erlong? Shouldn't the normal martial soul fusion skill be that the two souls merge into one and become a new martial soul? There is a problem between the two of you. A thin red thread is also a fusion of martial souls?" Qian Renxue, who is quite familiar with martial arts knowledge, asked doubtfully.

Yu Tianming didn't make a sound, but smiled slightly and looked at Liu Erlong who was collapsed on the ground.

Liu Erlong collapsed to the ground without any image, overwhelming a piece of blue silver grass. At this time, her green dress was soaked with sweat and covered with mud, and the hairband on her head was thrown away. , the black hair on his head was randomly scattered on the ground, his towering chest kept rising and falling, and he was breathing heavily.

Yu Tianming cleared his throat and said to everyone, "I can fuse with all dragon spirits, but the way of fusion is different from others. Others will fuse several spirits into one, and I will only absorb the physical strength, soul power and mental power of other dragon spirits."

Ordinary martial soul fusions are all about making up for each other's weaknesses. Like the Golden Holy Dragon and the Netherworld White Tiger, the characteristics and values ​​​​of several martial arts are integrated into one, and the status of the original martial spirit is promoted and turned into a brand new powerful martial spirit. People with better martial soul qualities will take control of the martial soul fusion.

But Yu Tianming is different. He is much stronger than all dragon-type martial spirits, and has authority close to that of a dragon god. All the dragon-type martial spirits in front of him are far inferior to him in quality, let alone the martial arts after fusion. The quality of the soul has been improved, so his martial soul fusion is equivalent to treating other soul masters as a large power bank, and he has absolute dominance.

After Liu Erlong's breathing subsided a little, Yu Luo Mian couldn't wait to squat down and asked with concern: "Erlong, how do you feel now after merging with Tianming Martial Spirit?"

Liu Erlong slowly sat up while holding his head, looked at everyone and said: "Feeling? I feel like my soul power has been absorbed. In addition, my mind seems to be clearer and my energy is much better." She seemed to be Thinking of something, he quickly added: "I said, I don't like Xiaogang because of the fusion of martial arts, and my liking for Xiaogang has not diminished now."

Yu Luomian turned to look at Yu Tianming, casting a doubtful look.

"Second Grandpa, don't worry, let's go find Yu Xiaogang and give it a try now and we'll find out." Yu Tianming looked at Liu Erlong and showed a meaningful smile.

Liu Erlong felt Yu Tianming's gaze and couldn't help but shuddered. He thought to himself: What's going on? I originally just thought this guy was talented and admired him. Why do I feel a sense of awe in my heart now?


On the edge of Lanba Academy, just as father and son Yu Xiaogang and Tang San were talking to each other, there was a burst of noisy footsteps behind them.

When Yu Xiaogang and Tang San turned around to look, Yu Tianming happened to push aside the bushes on the outskirts of Lan Ba ​​Forest, exposing their figures. At this time, there were still tears that had not dried up on their faces. Tang San knelt in front of Yu Xiaogang and hugged Yu Xiaogang's thigh.

"Xiao Gang, Xiao San, what are you two doing in Lanba Forest?" Liu Erlong asked with confusion as he looked at the two people in front of him who were behaving strangely.

Seeing that it was Liu Erlong who always supported him, Yu Xiaogang was not afraid of Yu Tianming who was walking with him. He casually wiped the tears on his face with his sleeves, smiled at Liu Erlong, and said happily: "Sister Erlong , we are almost fifty years old, my strength is low, you still look young and beautiful, but I am already very old. Thinking that I might be alone in the future, Xiaosan, a filial child, took the initiative to recognize me. I am my adoptive father, and he will be my son from now on.”

When Liu Erlong heard Yu Xiaogang's words, he originally wanted to say that with him here, how could he let him die alone?

But looking at the stubble on Yu Xiaogang's face and the look of a deer-headed mouse, he stopped abruptly and said with a hypocritical smile: "Xiao Gang, congratulations to you, our Golden Triangle is almost fifty. If you don’t have any descendants, you can be considered one step ahead of us if you have Xiaosan as your adopted son.”

Tang San, who was kneeling on the ground, felt everyone's eyes, especially Yu Tianming's condescending eyes, which seemed to say: "Xiao San, I haven't seen you for so long, why did you recognize another father?" He became the son of Yu Xiaogang, a good-for-nothing.

Thinking of Yu Tianming's look like this after Xiao Wu kissed him, Tang San couldn't help but clenched his fists and couldn't stop trembling.

Tang San glanced at everyone, stood up in a hurry, and said casually to the master: "Teacher, I'm going back to rest first." Then he hurriedly fled from here, as if there was any danger here.

The golden triangle used to have endless things to say to each other, but now Liu Erlong didn't know what to say when she saw Yu Xiaogang's wretched face, so she just said casually: "Xiaogang, didn't Xiao San recognize you as his godfather? Why does he still call you teacher?"

Yu Xiaogang walked forward, scratched his head, smiled and said: "Sister Erlong, Xiao San has called me teacher for 7 years. It's normal that he can't change his habit for a while. It will be better after a long time."

Yu Tianming looked at Tang San's fleeing back and showed a narrow smile: I'm afraid it's not that he's used to calling him teacher, but it's too embarrassing for Yu Xiaogang to call him dad.

As Yu Xiaogang got closer, Liu Erlong shrugged her nose, frowned, and asked in confusion: "What is this smell? Why is it so smelly?"

Yu Xiaogang pulled his shirt and sniffed it, then raised his head again and smiled at Liu Erlong: "Sister Erlong, your nose is really sharp. Didn't I go to clean the toilet today? It's normal to have some smell. Sister Erlong, see if there is a suitable position for me. Change it quickly. I have studied martial arts theory for so many years, and I can't spend time in the toilet."

Liu Erlong took a half step back, frowned, and fell silent. She thought to herself: I thought Xiaogang was handsome not long ago, why is he getting uglier now? I couldn't smell his smell just now, why can I smell it now? Is it because of the fusion of martial arts that I liked Xiaogang before?

She thought that before the fusion of martial arts between her and Yu Xiaogang, they obviously had no feelings for each other, so why did the feelings of the golden iron triangle deepen after the fusion of martial arts? She originally thought that it was a relationship cultivated during their experience together on the continent, but now it seems that it is really as Tianming said, that she was affected by the fusion of martial spirits.

Liu Erlong looked at Yu Xiaogang's still smiling face, under the shade of the Blue Tyrant Forest, flashing with spots of light, and the more she thought about it, the more scared she became. Just like Tang San just now, she left here in a panic.

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