The Three Dragon Kings of Douluo

Chapter 146 Duguyan: Let’s attack together

As Liu Erlong disappeared into the bushes of the Blue Lightning Forest, only Yu Luomian, Yu Xiaogang and Yu Tianming, the three generations of male descendants of the Blue Lightning Tyrant Clan, were left.

The martial spirit that Yu Xiaogang awakened was Luo Sanpao, who could only fart. The bonus to his body was almost zero, so the master's body was about the same as that of an ordinary person. Yu Tianming and Yu Luomian stood in front of the master, as tall as two door gods.

The master looked at the grandfather and grandson, and drops of cold sweat slowly soaked on his forehead: Liu Erlong, his biggest backer in the Blue Tyrant Academy, had left, and the remaining two were not very friendly to him. If he stayed, he would suffer.

"Second uncle, I'll go see what's going on with Erlong." Yu Xiaogang hesitated, barely squeezed out a sentence from his chest, and hurriedly pushed aside the bushes in front of him, wanting to leave the Blue Tyrant Forest as soon as possible.

"Don't leave yet, Second Uncle has something to tell you." Yu Luomian turned sideways, grabbed Yu Xiaogang's neck, threw him from behind to in front of him, and said casually: "Xiaogang, I heard that you are unwilling to be the cleaner of Lanba College? Are you not satisfied with the position I arranged for you, or are you dissatisfied with Second Uncle?"

Looking at Yu Luomian who was gradually showing a fierce look in front of him, the master's stiff face slowly squeezed out an ugly smile, "How could it be, hehe, if I had known that it was the position arranged by Second Uncle, I would definitely support it with both hands."

Pah——, without any warning, Yu Luomian slapped Yu Xiaogang in the face.

"Second Uncle, why are you hitting me?" The master covered his gradually swollen left face and said quite aggrievedly.

Yu Luomian looked at his palm, and then looked at the master's gradually swollen left face, his eyes full of satisfaction, as if he had been constipated for a week and finally pulled it out. With a long sigh of relief, Yu Luomian sneered and said, "Xiaogang, I think you just think that Second Uncle's arrangement is unreasonable and you deserve to be beaten."

Yu Xiaogang was stunned for a while, as if he had returned to thirty years ago. After he awakened Luo Sanpao, he spent a lot of resources of the sect but was still just a great soul master. Yu Luomian slapped him and roared with hatred, "You are a waste of resources."

Yu Xiaogang, who was in his forties, trembled as if he was electrocuted. He looked up suddenly, but only saw the afternoon sun in the Blue Tyrant Forest scattered all over the ground. Yu Luomian and Yu Tianming standing in front of him had malicious faces.

He hesitated for a long time, his face seemed to be crying and laughing. Finally, he squeezed out a flattering smile, "Second Uncle."

"Get out quickly, remember to work honestly, and don't provoke Erlong again." Yu Luomian waved his hand, and the master covered his face, stumbled and pushed aside the bushes of the Blue Tyrant Forest, and ran away.

Yu Luomian spat, turned around and said to Yu Tianming: "Yu Xiaogang is a piece of shit. He has no ability since he was a child, but he is very good at causing trouble. If I wasn't afraid that Erlong would go crazy and cause me embarrassment, I would have slapped this piece of shit in the face."

Yu Tianming's eyes moved slightly, and he said slowly, "He won't be upset if he treats the master like this?"

"Humph, Tianming, don't worry. I watched this guy grow up. He is a complete coward. I don't know how many slaps I have slapped him in the face over the years, but I haven't seen him get upset." Yu Luomian's face was full of disdain, and he turned around and left the Blue Tyrant Forest.


Tiandou City, located in the north of Douluo Continent, has distinct four seasons. It is late spring now, and the sun in the sky has become hot.

Under the bright sunshine, Yu Xiaogang, who had just finished cleaning the toilet, slowly walked towards the storage room with a bucket.

Although he is a level 29 great soul master, Luo Sanpao has given him almost no blessings, and his body is not considered strong even among ordinary people. It took him a whole morning to clean up Lanba Academy, but his head was also covered with big beads of sweat.

When he wiped the sweat off his head and looked up again, he found that Liu Erlong, whom he hadn't seen for a few days, was slowly walking out of the corner in the distance.

Ever since the Golden Triangle met, Liu Erlong and Flender have supported Yu Xiaogang without hesitation. Seeing his Erlongmei coming over, Yu Xiaogang's slightly bent waist immediately straightened up. He put down the mop and bucket in his hands and walked forward in three steps at a time. "Erlongmei, can you give me some help?" Second uncle, tell me"

Before he finished speaking, Liu Erlong showed a complicated look, which looked like sadness and pity, "Xiao Gang, don't look for me again in the future." After that, he quickened his pace and left in a hurry.

At this time, Flanders hurriedly walked out of the corner again. Seeing Yu Xiaogang who was a little lost, he quickly stepped forward and said, "Xiao Gang, don't mind. Erlong doesn't know what to do these days." She also ignored me."

"I wonder if he's getting older." As Liu Erlong's back gradually disappeared from sight, Flanders came back to his senses and hurriedly said again: "Xiao Gang, let's talk next time. I'll go check on Erlong." Will Long talk to me today?"

Yu Xiaogang stared blankly at the backs of his two friends leaving. Ever since he was slapped by Yu Luomian, he seemed to have been living in a dream for the past few days. Only now did he really wake up and murmured: "Flanders, Erlong has changed. She is no longer the Erlong girl we had before."

When he thought about being able to eat and drink freely in the junior soul master academy, and bossing around in Shrek Academy, but when he arrived at his own Lanba Academy, he had to be forced by his uncle to clean the toilet, the master's face fell, and he looked so gloomy that he could drip water. .

The master's position is the only way for the Blue Tyrant team to pass from the training ground to the cafeteria. Not long after Flanders left, Xiao Wu's figure appeared in Yu Xiaogang's sight again, followed closely behind her was Tang San who kept chattering.

"Xiao Wu, no matter what happens between you and Yu Tianming, I will always be behind you to protect you." Tang San didn't know why he forgot the scene of Xiao Wu kissing Yu Tianming, and the pain that once ached his heart. , turned into the licking dog Flender.

Seeing his godson, Yu Xiaogang's eyes lit up, and he quickly walked forward and took Tang San's shoulder, "Xiao San, let's leave here, let's go to Wuhun Palace, and I'll find you a stronger team again." "

Tang San looked at Xiao Wu who was gradually walking away from him, pushed Yu Xiaogang's arm away impatiently, and said with a forced smile: "Teacher, dad, there are only half a year left before the Soul Master Competition, before we rush to the new one The team doesn’t have time to adjust, so why don’t you just endure it at Lanba Academy and it will be over soon.”

Tang San suppressed his nausea and whispered to Yu Xiaogang, then he couldn't wait to catch up with Xiao Wu and continued chattering.


In the City of Slaughter, the blood moon hangs high in the sky. The moonlight evenly spreads over every piece of land in the City of Slaughter, staining every fallen soul master with scarlet moonlight.

Today is the day of Duguyan's 100th battle, and Yutian sat in the audience of the Hell Killing Fields early tomorrow morning. He was wearing the standard robe of the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect, which was out of place in the killing city where black and red were the main colors. Among the full hell killing fields, there were only two empty spaces around him.

However, no one would investigate his origins, and no one dared to cause trouble for him. All the fallen soul masters focused their attention on a beautiful figure in the killing field.

Duguyan tied a simple ponytail, dressed in black, and used the soul bone of the Blue Silver Emperor to float in the air. He first glanced at Yu Tianming, who was sitting at the back of the audience, and then looked down at the ten fallen soul masters around him, and said disdainfully, "Let's attack together, and let you die knowingly."

As soon as the voice fell, Duguyan disappeared from the spot and appeared behind the fallen soul master. The spikes from the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger behind him entered the body of this fallen soul master with a large amount of toxins.

When the tail thorn was pulled out, the muscles on the gray face of this fallen soul master had been completely corroded by the toxins. The face like a withered bone looked extremely scary. Like a zombie, he was driven by the tail thorn and fell to the ground. Obviously, he was dead.

Yu Tianming looked at Duguyan who used the space jump, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but curl up. He thought to himself: For ordinary soul masters, time and space soul skills are too difficult to solve. This soul bone skill alone is enough for Duguyan to roam the city of killing.

Thinking of the two soul skills he had obtained from the Deep Sea Demon Whale King, Yu Tianming was full of expectations and murmured, "I wonder how much strength Tang Chen still has. Can he let me have fun with the time and space soul skills?"

The first fallen soul master died instantly, and this horrifying scene caused the full audience to burst into cheers one after another, as if a unique performance had entered the main topic.

For other fallen soul masters, the cheers in the audience were like the ringing of the death bell, which made them subconsciously gather towards the center of the venue.

Having watched Dugu Yan's hundreds of battles, they knew the horror of Dugu Yan's space jump. Only by gathering together and everyone working together to guard against it could they slow down her speed of hunting lives as much as possible.

The corners of Dugu Yan's mouth curled up slightly. After experiencing countless fights, she could see at a glance what tricks these fallen soul masters would use, and how could they do what they wanted.

The next moment, she disappeared from the spot and reappeared in the center of the killing field. The poisonous sword rain like raindrops shot at many fallen soul masters. Although this poisonous sword rain was only a soul bone skill of 4,000 years, it contained many toxins of Dugu Yan's martial soul. Once it hurts someone, it will be either dead or disabled.

Facing Dugu Yan's signature attack, these fallen soul masters had already prepared a way to deal with it. They took out their prepared robes and blocked them in front of themselves. Under the encouragement of soul power, these ordinary cloths kept spinning like the hardest shields.

This was just a crude trick, and Dugu Yan had already achieved the cultivation of a soul emperor. Her soul bone skills were not something that anyone could stop.

When the dense poisonous arrow rain fell like raindrops, five relatively weak fallen soul masters fell to the ground instantly, and their bodies were corroded beyond human form. There were only two soul saints and two soul douluos left on the field, standing there with stern faces, but Dugu Yan's figure was nowhere to be seen.

The next moment, the tail thorn behind him slowly pulled out, and a soul saint fell to the ground helplessly.

Dugu Yan thought about leaving this place soon, and the smile on her face became more and more fanatical, and there seemed to be a red light flashing in her eyes, "There are only three left, you have to be careful."

After a few breaths, the dust settled.

Dugu Yan's feet left the ground and floated in the air, and the black ponytail behind her head moved without wind. Around her, there were only the remains of fallen soul masters, but under the corrosion of toxins, no relatively intact corpses could be seen.

The murderous aura that was almost tangible formed a huge vortex around Dugu Yan. The fallen soul masters watching the battle were originally unruly, but under the huge murderous aura released from her, the huge killing field was silent.

Only Yu Tianming's applause sounded in the back row of the spectator seats. In the huge killing field, this applause was barely perceptible, but it still caused Dugu Yan to smile and greet.

"Congratulations, you have become the new God of Killing." A low and sharp voice came from all directions, and the murderous aura released by Dugu Yan was instantly re-pressed into his body.

The tall and thin Tang Chen wore a bat mask, his eyes were bloodshot, and he was wrapped in a huge scarlet cloak. He floated down from the sky like a large bat, attracting waves of crazy cheers from the fallen soul masters in the hell killing field.

Tang Chen glanced at Yu Tianming sitting in the back of the audience, and then turned his eyes to Dugu Yan in the center of the killing field, "Do you choose to open the road to hell?"

Dugu Yan nodded confidently, showing a hint of impatient smile, and slowly said: "Respected King of Killing, please start as soon as possible."

Tang Chen sneered and nodded, and then a thick red mist suddenly released from his body.

This is not only the murderous aura of the Shura God, but also mixed with a lot of evil aura of the Rakshasa God. Almost in the blink of an eye, this red evil aura has spread to the whole venue.

It has been nearly ten years since Yu Tianming entered the Road to Hell. The newly fallen in the audience did not know that their lives had come to an end. Each one was surprisingly excited and eager to see the opening of the Road to Hell.

But with the arrival of the red mist, these crazy cheering fallen gradually became quiet. When the red flooded the entire killing field of Hell, painful screams began to sound from the mouths of the fallen.

Under the control of Tang Cheng, these fallen seemed to be crazy, desperately grabbing their faces and bodies... They used their strength completely on themselves, their skin rolled up, blood spurted, and even their internal organs were pulled out of their bodies. This hysterical madness will not stop until the end of life.

Yu Tianming's mouth corners slightly raised, his fingers kept moving the armrests of the seat, and he also showed an impatient expression.

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