The Three Dragon Kings of Douluo

Chapter 147 The King of Slaughter, Commanding the World Back to Origin

Amidst the blood splashing, a faint white light shield rose around Yu Tianming, isolating the red mist and the dirty blood of the fallen.

Grooves appeared on the ground of the auditorium at some point, and the blood left by the fallen soul master slowly flowed into them. It flowed into the center of the killing field along the stairs of the auditorium, and gathered into a groove on the ground at Dugu Yan's feet. Giant blood red bat pattern.

When all the blood gathered here, the blood-red bat pattern suddenly lit up, and then a red light pillar rose into the sky, covering Dugu Yan.

The scarlet blood light slowly dissipated, and Dugu Yan's figure also disappeared in the center of the hell killing field. Only the Slaughter King and Yu Tianming were left in the huge hell killing field, as well as the broken limbs and arms on the ground.

The King of Slaughter is wrapped in a huge scarlet cloak with a standing collar. His hair and eyes are blood red, and from a distance, they look like a blood shadow.

"The ninth God of Killing in the Killing City, the Immortal Demon Dragon, long time no see." The King of Killing looked up at Yu Tianming at the end of the auditorium. His deep and sharp voice sounded in the empty killing field of hell, "I heard that you were once in The Killing City is looking for me everywhere, what do you want? Or are you looking for death?"

The words of the King of Slaughter were still echoing in the empty hell killing field, but in the next moment, his blood-red figure had arrived in front of Yu Tianming, and his eyes glowed red under the bat mask, which was an undisguised murderous intention.

Looking at the strange and terrifying killing king like a vampire in front of him, Yu Tianming still leaned on the seat of the audience casually, and even couldn't help but chuckle.

The King of Slaughter slowly bent down, his zombie-like pale face slowly approaching, followed by a sweet smell.

Tang Chen looked at Yu Tianming who was careless and laughed ferociously, "Hehehehahaha, you don't seem to take the great king of killing seriously. Do you think you can defeat me?"

The stone chairs in the auditorium were connected to the Hell Killing Fields as a whole. As the King of Slaughter got closer and closer, the space for Yu Tianming sitting on the chair to move gradually decreased, and he could not use any force on the chair at all.

When his vision was gradually covered by blood-red robes, Yu Tianming chuckled and said slowly: "Tang Chen, no, nine-headed bat king, I really don't know where you get your confidence. To deal with you, I only use A soul skill, I hope you can make me feel happy next time.”

Yu Tianming's figure appeared behind the King of Slaughter. Before the King of Slaughter could react, he kicked out a whip with all his strength and embedded it in the side of the King of Slaughter.

The next moment, under Yu Tianming's full blow, the King of Slaughter, which folded into a V shape, flew out, bouncing around the auditorium several times like a cannonball, shattering countless stone chairs, and finally struck hard. It hit the edge of the killing field arena, stirring up a large amount of dust.

"Okay, good, you succeeded in angering the great King of Slaughter."

In the dust, the figure of the Slaughter King slowly walked out. The scarlet cloak and bat area on his body had disappeared, replaced by huge bat-like wings and a pale middle-aged face.

What is worth noting is that there is a scarlet, strange sword-shaped magic pattern hanging on his forehead.

At this time, it seems that due to the influence of the King of Slaughter, the severed limbs of countless fallen soul masters scattered on the ground in the hell killing field turned into a rich scarlet mist, which poured into the body of the King of Slaughter. .

Yu Tianming stood there with his hands crossed on his chest, quietly watching the killing king's aura continue to increase.

When all the scarlet mist transformed by the fallen soul master was absorbed into the body of the Slaughter King, the Slaughter King's aura finally reached its peak. The red light in his eyes slowly converged, and he grinned crazily. "Hahaha, Demon Dragon, you will eventually pay the price for your arrogance."

The next moment, the Slaughter King's wings fluttered, and his whole body turned into a stream of blood light and quickly came to Yu Tianming. The red light transformed from the killing field around him suddenly released, drowning Yu Tianming. At the same time, withered fingers with sharp nails like claws went straight into Yu Tianming's abdomen.

After a moment, the King of Slaughter suddenly retreated, his eyes full of horror, "You, what soul skills did you use? Why can't I attack you?"

Yu Tianming shook his head, with a playful smile on his face, "Haha, King of Slaughter, I said before that I will only use one soul skill to deal with you. The name of this soul skill is, Imperial Return to the Origin."

Under Yu Tianming's feet, 6 black, 2 red and 1 gold, a total of nine soul rings slowly appeared in front of the King of Slaughter. The golden light emitted by the last soul ring looked extremely bright.

Although the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King forcibly reached the realm of God before his death, his soul ring only gave Yu Tianming two soul skills. Although there are two less than the four soul skills of Tianmeng Ice Silkworm, the attributes of Huo Yuhao's four spiritual soul skills are similar to those of Blue Silver Coil, and are far inferior to the two magical skills obtained by Yu Tianming.

Imperial Return to the Origin, this is one of the two million-year soul skills given to Yu Tianming by the Deep Sea Demon Whale King. Its effect is to control space. It is different from the space jump that Dugu Yan obtained from the 80,000-year-old White Ring Sea Serpent King soul bone. Dugu Yan cuts through space to travel, while Yu Tianming can knead the space at will like plasticine. Not only can he travel through space, It can also stretch and compress space, even create space barriers, and use space to cut enemies.

Just now, the King of Slaughter faced the infinitely extending space in front of Yu Tianming, and even with all his strength, he could not touch Yu Tianming at all. But when he quickly retreated, he realized that he had been right in front of Yu Tianming.

Seeing this scene, which was like a ghost hitting a wall, the Nine-Headed Bat King's simple mind was completely unable to understand, and a hint of retreat gradually emerged in his heart.

Yu Tianming looked down at the palm of his hand and murmured: "Is the weakness of this move the consumption of soul power? Or is it that I stretched the distance too much? The consumption of other soul skills combined is not even this. The cost is huge.”

When masters compete, the winner can be determined in an instant.

When the King of Slaughter saw that Yu Tianming was distracted in the battle, the red light in his eyes flashed slightly, and he shot out again. His fingertips inserted into Yu Tianming's abdomen again. This time, all the redness in his body seemed to be concentrated on his fingertips. , enough to see the danger hidden in this move.

"Is this the only extent?"

Yu Tianming sighed faintly, and with the activation of Chijie Guiyuan, he instantly moved to the back of the King of Slaughter. The divine power emitting gleaming white light was poured into the palm of his hand, and he gently patted the back of the King of Slaughter. .

After receiving this simple blow from Yu Tianming, the Slaughter King's horrified expression was fixed on his face.

He followed the inertia and sprinted forward for several meters, then knelt down on the steps of the Hell Killing Fields like a sculpture. The bat wings behind him turned into dust and shattered inch by inch. His pale face was gradually replaced by an unhealthy flush, and his red hair also disappeared. Turned into black.

At this time, the only part of the Slaughter King's body that remained red was the sword-shaped magic pattern on his forehead.

In Yu Tianming's eyes, what really changed about the King of Slaughter was his aura: the evil aura that was originally mixed in the murderous aura completely disappeared, and his strength also began to increase exponentially.

When the Slaughter King's aura was completely stable, he slowly stood up, turned around and looked down at Yu Tianming. Although his face still looks like that of a middle-aged man, it has become much more handsome, and all the evil in his body has been replaced by an arrogant and arrogant air. The black hair on the back of his head was windless. Standing there, he no longer had the frivolous attitude of the killing king, and was as calm as a mountain.

Has Tang Chen reawakened? The corners of Yu Tianming's mouth raised slightly, and with one swipe of his hand, a space sharp blade flew towards him.

Faced with this space attack, Tang Chen did not choose to dodge, and the momentum all over his body began to be released crazily. The red murderous aura like Yuan Ruyue condensed into a huge red hammer in his hand, shining with countless magnificent magic patterns. , and then in an instant, the red giant hammer transformed into a bloody giant sword with a length of more than two meters.

Tang Chen held the sword in both hands and advanced instead of retreating. His whole body was fused with red light, and the heavy sword struck the dark space blade from top to bottom with all his strength.

Buzz--, under the heavy sword's chop, the pitch-black space blade trembled violently, then suddenly shattered and merged into the surrounding time and space.

Seeing Tang Chen's response, Yu Tianming couldn't help but applaud, and praised Tang Chen: "Not bad, really good. Is this the true strength of the King of Slaughter?"

Tang Chen, who had just been parasitized by the Nine-Headed Bat King, only had a strength of level 95 or above, which meant that he could dominate by relying on the environment of the Killing City. Now without the parasitism of the Nine-Headed Bat King, Tang Chen, who passed the Shura God 8 test, has regained his demigod strength. Because of his extremely strong fighting skills, his strength is much higher than that of the Deep Sea Demon Whale King. If it weren't for Yu Tianming's existence, Tang Chen would definitely be the strongest man in Douluo Continent without any objection.

Ignoring Yu Tianming's speech, Tang Chen subconsciously swung his sword to block the space blade, and suddenly laughed like crazy, but in the midst of the laughter, his expression was extremely painful, and two lines of blood and tears flowed down his face. It flowed out from the corners of his eyes.

"Who am I? Who am I? Hahahahaha..."

"Did I win? Or lost? Everything has no meaning to me. Am I wrong? Am I right? It has been like a dream for decades, but I have committed such sins. Shura, what a Shura, I After all, I still failed to pass your test. This is not a matter of wrong or right, but maybe luck and luck."

The manic energy fluctuations made everything around him tremble, and the heavy sword in the hand of the King of Slaughter continued to spill out pieces of blood.

After a long time, the Slaughter King's emotions gradually calmed down, the blood and tears stopped flowing, and his eyes became condensed again.

He looked at Yu Tianming not far away, and a deep and deep voice slowly sounded, "Such pure divine power, but the cultivation level is only over ninety levels. Who are you? You are an unknown weak god, or a new one." God’s choice?”

Yu Tianming just stood there and looked at Tang Chen quietly without saying much. Only the aura on his body showed that he had not let down his guard.

"There are so many heroes in this world." After a moment of silence, Tang Chen raised his head and sighed, "What a ninety-year-old god. Hahaha. I didn't expect that what I have pursued my whole life would be easily achieved by a young man. The heroes of the world are like crossing the river." The crucian carp.”

Before he finished speaking, Tang Chen appeared in front of Yu Tianming, laughing wildly and slashing with his sword. All his breath was condensed in the Shura Divine Sword. A thick and generous voice rang in Yu Tianming's ears, "Hahahaha, just let me." Let me see the strength of this so-called god of yours.”

Yu Tianming also smiled slightly, and with a wave of his hand, countless chaotic spatial sharp blades flew out. However, he moved behind Tang Chen, and struck down from Tang Chen's head with a heavy leg from top to bottom like a heavy axe.

Faced with this attack, Tang Chen still did not dodge or evade. The aura around him surged again, and the Shura Sword in his hand suddenly grew two points larger, but his face was full of abnormal blush.

"Hahaha, look at this move of mine!!" The heavy hammer in Tang Chen's hand turned into a big sword and flew like a cloak. With strong inertia, like a whirlwind, it first forced back Yu Tianming's kick, and then turned around to split the messy space blades.

He did not stop turning, but drew a perfect curve with the red giant sword and chopped down at Yu Tianming who had already retreated.

"Return to the origin of the world."

Although Yu Tianming stood there without moving, in Tang Chen's perception, the two seemed to have opened up a distance, so that he could not hit each other no matter what. Tang Chen's face changed slightly, and he turned around again, and chopped down at Yu Tianming with a more powerful attack, but he still could not hit Yu Tianming.

"Space-type ability?" Although the attack failed, Tang Chen's mouth corners slightly raised, and all the aura around him was gathered on the giant sword, which continued to rotate and chop down.

In Yu Tianming's perception, the weight of the giant sword in Tang Chen's hand suddenly increased, and the power condensed with the rotation was also increasing, just like a nail stuck in the space that he stretched out, causing his soul power consumption to increase to an extremely terrifying level.

Yu Tianming couldn't help but think in his heart: Is this the real genius of Douluo Continent? Being able to create so many Haotian Sect unique skills by himself, he is really not a simple person. Not only is his talent and strength strong, but his fighting wisdom is also by no means comparable to people like Tang San.

Thinking of this, Yu Tianming immediately lifted the extension of space and instantly flashed to the other side of the Hell Killing Field.

"Boy, although you have good talent, you are still too young after all." Tang Chen's voice suddenly rang from Yu Tianming's ears. He actually crossed the entire Hell Killing Field in an instant, and swung the big sword straight down from Yu Tianming's head.

At this time, the scarlet sword had grown dozens of times larger and was falling from the sky like a mountain.

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